HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-14-COA-min_r ijexin Council on- Ap,,inp,,- Meetin Se 14 1 977 V16sito--L-S Cent E_�P' _r , Second-fc'loor Meetin Room MINUTES *Present* Coll: S. Clark, F.Cooper S,Goodwiln., A.tTaclkso--ri A. Paran J.3tun-upp, W.Sen, D,T",Ti11i.,aTan_s, TN R I' t: S'aff# 0 Mel herp S. Merf4cild Observer J. Sew L/ p - 1. r,'he meet ionz was callec to order a �D fo r t1l� e A 1 a cr u ze; t 24 n e,'e't 1' n p-,, i,,T, e r e, a p pc r o -k7 e d as d- t'A r b ut e d 9 9 2. Tr4.:EtasurE-a-r's P.enort: Mrs. Ritter not-e__n.,c1._ our curr'er -- '7 6 in budP__-e"U account; f;2 Special G 0 f I I Account; "500f_ X rcx Pund Bills outstanding, Joan M(n_!lcher: Tips +or bus drivers ';10 00 Posta due 3harg-rels 5L ' 3,50 P1 o-;je rs f o _r_ W a 1:-. h e n s 10#00 otal P.O. Box. rental It -vTa s moved, and vot�d 61.1'at bills be paid- It was mov,(_�.,d and vot.--_=!d that a final bill o-f 8 0 2 due to C&W t -'l Fun po-t-ta mm tion for suer M e. ini-bus servic be paid lf'romt lulh ,; 500 _ e '- . % X, rox d A_* 3# Crif_-!ntation: A briEn.'L historical bac1c o' -`h4!:: OoA was c read b Ann Paran a, with additions and co roc ions b Frat, la Ooo-p�r -i j ane r e he� nd Sh'rie C o odw i -t Stti.Tn.p-D and Joan ported on t -mma Cou..ncil -ol-rojects and a C-3 h nts to date, It was re --,ld that the bac around mateIr--ial bg1=3 editr1-.)0,d, t-Tr P,_.-nd distribut�d to all Co,f� -P_Tiembe D o _r ot h y �4.111iarzrqs d 1 0- h 1 S i n t a i o n with 4. Jef Shaw of the Tmm Man- a tc��, completd '1.$ he o.;- N� k.J1 -%edures dealt w i I h q u -e s t i s r a e, d. a brief discussion of T own P r o C.. %_D k J_ U 'imin space meals - S hirin P r o d u r le s re Bud J­ -ra ns p o rt a I o-,i Dr obl e m-s W population trends, t, 5. Co-ordinaluor's Re '00_rto' T as -Lexin CoA has _rL_ec;1_=.0ved cal-t-Is fro the AOA Wash'_,..n,,7ton about -�r-cu �r L f s h av-jl_ n_ tl-%le -findin housin Po_-[_,'w a Lexington resident who re-locat_*Ln here'. bD A lett;�r has been r e i v e, d 1 rom the SeI� ctmen, a 171 ow I n 7 I'a', h e C 0z'%, to solicit g gifts. Hm7ever, th� Selectmen and the rDoi,,Tn Ylana -iiiust be kept in-for-mg-3d about sual.n.. act-lions, c. An 4--zxc-ellent ETA was inte_rMr".'_en_.,wed as a staffe-r -_F'or thg'_:�,, - i H. 0- -D t a i 'o o-,k nerer.hter New--on home. Th. h -,�, s,"A, a r c Center, but sh.�_ ec ded w a ' c� ont i nue s cours a e in Your d. M Va'11,.Fl is. S�Oonso'_�L-%.i*n)z 4 week t. A Re1a1C..iv,.=_1!" luc. be g iven a+5. Chuirch of Oul- Relldee?rrnle�r in' I,; o b e� r 9 o -n e o P 1 have s) i jz d u p 'I o -1, t h Q u i' r, Ma rk -=, t r I -o =x can s e n21- t o f A nota"_.ce about d -isco n tirl-I.-i"tat-ion of thcE',1. M1*n1-buS-_' ha s b %e 4I'H serv*ce_..s ava"'rablilEn'. 'Lo the Minute-Man. h e e 1,� 5- --r I y w r e 1 s, t e d in the no� ice b 4t h h 2 0 -c, - P ID bwim-mir- -ormrr,_qm. r e- - o D n d St=_ DI; _ O T J 1 4 n JZ D ro w --h iessons drew h, A new b V 60 a S"- onda y At Mrs. Mel cher's re it was moved and voted tax at stn be aulth 0 .zed to h-ire a third bus for the IlDrip to � ���� 9� �� ���� ��� ��' F is needed, 7* M r s zee c he_-r issued- a plea Lo CoA membe--f-s to j`_1 to 0 n d t h f 18 1 e o f c u ma t ee r i al s c olrre s D o,, -e-:M c e e t sh e _a -S 0 F 'Dapers shou'd be in!"Gialed after be in� a d 8* Henorts a Friendl Visitors have oo-ntinu;E.%d to f in of i n durin the sUMITME.3-1r, Active visitors r-lan-, ber 16 and the visit 18 d ]1 fllc_% e rent t �7 o in ,,, b. The Pla Reading Group resummed activitles on Se t te p t 11 ade9 new members, The g roup now totals 12 and adds one: or two w pe..rsozis at each meetin co peal s- on- Wheels durin Au .el ivi red 395 meals to 25 clients , With 32 volunteers g ivin g 173 hours, It was moved and voted that- an Advi1sor Conmmi`lttee to th 1"'! Nee a S - on - heels Co-ordina-'Uo.-Lr be appointed, E�r It was rnovf.-. and voted that X i�.10 be approp']LIftiat-ed- to' C Ov e, r 1 ­4 - a Mer- '�7,a i: on a �-en- 4th National Col ferena-E., o- the -14 il-IF feld's e_xcpenses at th ,-'10 more to cover the ( Association of Meal Pro and me in the or izati0i'l -t#hlch will B erri 1t us to U e -%r e its pubs 1lcations, "he d,o Doro-h Wi'llia and Jov Sen r_epo_-L-rte1,dT on � cop maol nze%. Jo Y feels teat the machinle-:11 is eas to uZ and Droduces du-.rab!_.g_--,. o -D . %Cost -to the Coll would be f og - y , -pe -:^ co v r on- It was riovE1Ld and voted that the cop vin be acce-pte.d fo U11al, contin on the Co-ordinator's keeping a car.----,'u1 -re �orb. of u S E.-1. a . nd cost the o up, c I' I t v qt r a t a e -r 1 4 , -w s ajqt a J_ e od- of use, me _L A_� -�,ct -reDorted that e, Agr4rg e F 3r a Y d a coo a member of thl�_A 17� 0 the Co"rLmittee 'is -procedin on thte. as;stnja-pt-Jon t` a natit,7,,ns-0 �7ra-e will be_- f orthc om, inp # and i s -olann _Lnz, a se-r-1 es o-l"' r, i en, IF.,, In ,s 4 - there w 1 b a n information meet1 o n (31 o t o brc �1 r P-11 U J_ 0 0 in _J_ t 1 7 3 () 'D Room G-`5 of the 'o!�Tn Office�s, Doroth WLIliam.-as a 7 r e 1F,,, rll 1r e - se t thcE.% Cori. 9. A discussion on Co . I _11.% _�I offl3ersl" duties centered around the g uidelines In the State,.* Manual JIL"o--tr CoAfs,, It was moved and voted that T �mx�n j, I g ton CoA add the o_fL"-_L` fee . of Vice C ha JL rma n Tvi i h d a f 41 n i trzs, .00� %�, , S-Pecili duty s ass i t o the o Bill Sen su that drawin up some si-in-ollej B ml* F ht � e� n t1he coun-O-JI-1 to function more ef-JIL"'13ientl I`U 'rnras a that al w be prepared to su B provisions at +ne nge art - she Secr,-,_ was as1?_ed 4-o distribul;n OODO�s of t o Co�orc_,Hr.,a-15or 'c b. d&E.s-C-1.riptiorl W'-I*th t1q_le nd,_nu--Ues.' 10. A for the 28th meetin Recrular -,r.,eports 1 7 7 r11_1A L; 14eet-irn with Hoirne::, Care Cor-r.orat on Nut r! t i on 2# 3* Dlwscus 1'lon.o Du"U'lens of 1'1_-.oA o""f"'Icers any C-1 o un a *11 T � en b e 2t �- -. s 4 'nectla.n o-r o-r-P' 1C or '-phe meeuing esid at 10*05 "D s u b -zrn -IL t t d _4": $ r Ann G 1Pa r - anya r%-111 c re-1 `C; a 4 Y -r T L_EIXIN4GTCN COUN(�-1.LIJ ON A C T _IT C r C o -`1RTPT_I'ON IR- T , DS _,,ATCt"." D UT i I-E" Carr out policies and oversee Dro�zrannas sponsored .b the CoA, 2. Take responsibilit fo " of`L'ice o_r_�aniozation 3. Train and. suDervise offic-ea volunteers a.-rid ass'st On - the recruil- ment of volunteers Su-o;:-,rv4 se Inf ormat' d, R Ion an erral Sj.�_.Nrvices' SUPe-_rwv*,r:-3,e the Council t,,ewsletter Promote public re-latioars b a. BRI-Ocomming Familiar with and a-L-tendin meet I-IngS OT lo F rou n s T vT h o a r o^ mizht be , co '*",h a �z i � 1 -7, f TAj I L, b. r_-Palkin to g roins involved with local P � f f pa i rs and_ or cona,._=_.,rns of snior citizens Os SuP publ'c"- I IQY r;z:11nases 7. At--'L-,.end Coo- meetin and tra!�e rep_ re-3 to the Coun c. 11' 8. KeeD in touch w-ith new and legislation thr, Ili e'. d -L. 14-1 of agrin attend significant mueetin and/olo work_sz .op s - . PERSONAL A Ly to esJUlablish rapport 7,,Ti th esne(N a! ol 24, _Abilit to s t ipula t e and - help P eople o -4L" d. i f f ,q cr b e I et" R s a nd. b e:i c k F rounds to part i(_N1.1pat-e J_n prop_­r_a--Jis 30 Abilit to assess unmet_. needs and repor1- 'hem. to 4v Ab*li 1 Ity to initia",_-,e and to imply' me'rit programs Must have -adrr.in-i'strat" O-r k-I f or o-[ eX_,Ioer" i- ve an d I I in publi-c14- �_:).nd- -�iTr_11,-jl- rr LIP