HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-12-19-CEC-min.pdf MEETING OF THE CAPITAL EXPENDITURES COMMITTEE WITH SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS December 19, 1956 Present for the Capital Expenditures Committee Mr Sanborn Brown, Chairman; Mr. D. Sargent Goddard; Mrs. Arthur (Rosemary) Fitzgerald; Mrs, James (Jean) Wanless, Jr., Secretary Absent. Messrs John A. Carrier and Norman Royle. The Committee met with Mr. Richard Gayer, Superintendent of the Lexington Department of Public Works and Town Engineer at the Town Office Building on Dec. 19. Mr. Gayer presented the fallowing list of estimated capital expenditures 1957 5 year total Water Mains and Laterals $125,000 $ 700,000 Sewer Mains and Laterals 410,000 2,000,000 Drainage 55,000 300,000 Streets (general) 175,000 600,000 Sidewalks and curbs 55,000 200,000 Equipment 35,000 150,000 $8550000 $3,950,000 Projects which may require additional funds at an indefinite date are listed below. Worthen Road Extension $ 750,000 Additions to water systems based on Whitman & Howard recommendations 1,000,000 Incinerator .250,000 Trunk Sewers and laterals 2,000,000 $4,000,000 In discussing water mains and laterals, Mr. Gayer said the following projects were approved and money appropriated at the last special Town Meeting: Pelham Road, section on Depot Square, section on Winter Street, Adams Street He estimates (see list above) an average of $140,000 for a five-year period. The water study by Whitman & Howard now being made and to be ready about February or March will help make these predictions more accurate. Sewer development around Route 2 has been held up because of the uncertainty of change there. He pointed out that drainage is expensive but badly needed and should be done in several areas in Lexington. The street from Eldred Street to Grove Street could cost from $50,000 to $75,000. This is to connect the Sunnyfield area to the new school site near Robinson Road area. There have not been many petitions for acceptance of streets this year. Mr. Brown asked Mr.. Gayer about the article on Allen Street in the warrant at the last Town Meeting. Mr. Gayer said the Planning Board and Selectmen felt new developments will go in Allen Street and so wanted the street laid out and built first. It is already an accepted street SUPERINTF ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, Dec. 19 (cent) page 2 In 1958 it is expected that the federal government (Air Corps) will build a by-pass or access road from Wood Street to Bedford Street. Moon Hill Road residents have petitioned to have that made an accepted street. Some complication because Moreland Avenue is not an accepted street (no petition in yet on Moreland) and Moon Hill goes off of Moreland. To be an accepted street, the street must be connected to a street already accepted. Moon Hill Road was originally built according to town specifications, so there should be but little expense in making it an accepted street -- maybe some drainage (Have checked since. To bring Moon Mill Road to Town Specifications would require 1 course of bituminous asphalt.) The new school sites were discussed in relation to water and sewers. The new junior high school sites (Coolidge Ave., Hancock St., Adams St. area) have a sewer now on Coolidge In 1957 the water main down Revere Street, Hancock, Grove and under Route 128 is to be increased from 6 to 12 inches. The new elementary school site near the Robinson Road area will have sewer and water when these are put in along with the new road from Eldred Street to Grove Street. It was noted that expenses for water and sewers for these new school sites will not be as great as anticipated by the Capital Expenditures Committee. This year money was spent on the following roads Blake Road area and Worthen Road. The new road in the Sunnyfield area has been held up by required drains that are going in now. Mr Brown asked if it is true that the Public Works Department always spends tens of thousands of dollars less than estimated. Mr. Gayer replied that he didn't feel this was always the case but that it is better to over-estimate than under- estimate; The difference goes to E & D (Excess and Deficiency Fund) Sidewalks and Curbs were discussed. In the past (two years ago and more) the town used to estimate $8,000 on these and then always underspent by $1000 or $1500. Last yearts estimate went up to $37,000 -- but this is still not enough to suit the School Committee (because of having to bus pupils when no sidewalk on dangerous roads). Plowing sidewalks was discussed. Mr. Gayer did not think this too expensive or impossible, The town has three sidewalk plows now -- two are new -- and the Ferguson tractor could be used. The exact cost of plowing sidewalks was not given, but he pointed out it is not prohibitive, Mr Gayer said he calls for snow plowing when the snowfall reaches approximately three inches, Sanding is done in slippery weather and of course sand must be swept up later. A separate radio for the Fire Department was discussed. Mr. Gayer said the Public Works Department is careful not to interfere when the Fire and / or Police Departments need town radio for emergencies, He pointed out that it is convenient for the Police, Fire and Public Works to have contact during emergencies (Hurricanes, etc.). The Capital Expenditures Committee is to ask the Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board about the continuation of Worthen Road. SUPhBINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, Dec. 19 (cont.) page 3 The Whitman & Howard recommendations on the Lexington water system will be ready this spring and should help in next year's predictions of costs. This report will form a basis for future planning. This report will help decide about water on Route 128. Mr Gayer guessed that the recommendations in this report might cost one million or more. Lexington may need more than one standpipe. Discussion on the town dump and an incinerator in the future. Mr. Gayer guessed the present dump will last five years or less. There is a brook in behind, but it could be covered or re-channelled. However, Mr. Gayer guessed the town will be looking for another dump site within five years. Trash collection would be expensive, about 3 or 4 trucks (at $15 to $20,000 each) would be needed; so close to $100,000 capital expense plus operating expense of three men on each. Town Meeting probably not ready to pass this now. Dump is "Lexington Town Forest." It could be a recreation park eventually and connect to the Hayden Recreation Centre. Tax Rate. Current expenses of $52,600 raise the tax rate $1. And $800,000 bonded over 20 years raises the tax rate $1 per year. The state regulates the Town's bonded debt but this excludes school building (which must be passed by Town Meeting) The School Committee is in complete control of school operating expenses. Mr Gayer discussed equipment he would like for the town: (this list revised in Bulldozer for the dump $18,445 January by Mr Gayer) 2 dump trucks at $4,000 each 8,000 2 pick up trucks 3,150 1 passenger car 1,750 sweeper 12,000 scavenger 10,000 two-way radio 525. 1 hone 1,000 (I£ new car every year -- an operating expense; if less often then a capital expense ) Scavenger is a vacuum cleaner for street, catch basins, etc., on truck or trailer. It would cost $10,000 and last five to seven years. We now pay for hiring of someone to clean catch basins -- so this expense would be saved. Town has a street sweeper It wan noted that the above list totalled over $35,000 -- the estimate for new equip- ment. Mr Gayer pointed out that the town needs some good new equipment to replace old. The present town barn is large enough but needs new heating equipment to cost an estimated. $7,000. This would change to oil from hand-fired coal Some of the installa- tion can be done by public works employees. It was decided to meet again with Mr. Gayer after his requests are studied by the Selectmen and Appropriation Committee (if it is not too late).