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CAPITAL EAPINDI'T'Uko S COMdITTEE :eeting with Planning Board, January 13, 1960 Present Planning Board — Mr Aboott, Chairman, luessrs. Burnell, Maoee and Snow Appropriation Commit-we — Mr Blai,sdeli, Chairman, and Mr. Palmer C E.0 — Mr Palmer, Chairman pro tem, Ken Warden, Icon Voodberry, ant' tut3 Souza. 'lorthen Road is already laid out. Construction could possialy be cone in steps. 1 agreement witn Hayden 2. appropriate money to tear down houses and take care of moving othe house Town owns one (fo:mex Hayden house) , can buy the second for mount , 20,000 — 30,000 For aoout 35000 we could build a new foundation ,nd move one house. Then sell this for knout $30,00 3. Construction Planning aoara cannot get •ielp to lay out playing fields until summer Therefore selectmen may ask for money for Worthen :Load in fall rather than spriu;, T.M. Buying the liag_ erty house may come up in spring for about ;>35,000 Mr Aboott felt that it was not so uikgently needed that construction of Worthen Rd. could not wait until 196;; if C.E.C. felt that to be a better year for it. Mr. Snow mentionea another possibility. If neces.,ary the road could be laid out and built to a point where i ,, connects with hnyden property (at Park Dr ). Neither felt un,at Iia-y den trustees were putting pressure on for immediate settlement or construction 01 road. Estimate of • 330,000 was considered much too high by both Snow an. Aubott. In audition tx.e description of plans ;•iven to Approp. committee contained sever°d things which are not to be done unow will try to talk to Carroll about this and ;;et a more reasonable esti.la�e based on actual plans 'orthen on. Emerson Roads — future plans gill there be any laige oxpendiuures such as this ; 360,000 again or will they all be built by developers? 'nierson .d. — 'te 2 to ;,_ass Ave. — will replace Pleasant tit. (rate 4 & 125) The -efore this can be done under Chapter JO and town pays 1/3. 4atectown to Mass. Ave. section. By this town meeting © we will have pro.zerty on this side of Mass ave. ; town alrea:y has property on other side Town will build section of 3,000 feet Planning Board estimates .30 per loot or 00,000 total cost. ;,naott sLggests getting figures from Carroll One section is already built by aevelopers. The rest should be built by developers. If state builds interchange at 'te 2 we assume state will connect Emerson A . to intercnan,;e (iaLerto:rn ,3t. will be cut off from 2) Planninc, ooard has acclui 'ed one small section for road crossing.; anotne' 1a to come uy at this town meetirlL . Section aro Fina Great feadew will have to be built oy town. The time for building ismersou toed was thought to rye longer than five years, depending on price of 1 wd ana speed of developments. Jorthen Loa — :altham SI. westward — to ue built by Vinebrook ,keLlt;, Trust. Welt section — being built under done now (she .ld be acce_oteu Be b way ) �. Town would then have to construct si7..l1 piece. lan'ningBoa.a has Iuide; o' :ti ,n -Lae heti end o Fol en hill estates The town owns part o_ lorelanu live. wick is iaoei street and cannot be coust.udted gee .us e f grade. Toni would nave to Ouald that piece PrW1811 s would build ono .he.; Piece. This brings us to the nervi e Turin 2 It is hope, t at the stave nil connect from ;,here Meeting with k lann3_.g Board Jan. 13, T960 2 Cost of :aorthen and Emerson goads which the town would bear Ab�bottestimates that the ton's cost for Worthen :toad after the Park Drive portion is built should be about 430,000 plus anothe $110,000 for crossings. They think 100,0 :0 per year would be too muco to allow for both these intra-tow. highways. Abaott thinks 450,000 would be enough. Options coming in this year for these two streets total 413,500 (Buying this property will mean the town is no longer liaa;le for sewer damages whic_a it would otheiwise have has to pay t._e to owner ) Sewer Trunks and Laterals - The Board of Health and the Selectmen have been wanting to put in sewers faster to an toe town c .n afford. Planning Board does nothing about recowmending these and will not until the time comes teat we can consider future planning rather than eaaergreney installations. Since 1955 there has been no need for sewers in new subdivisions because of tighter restrictions on subdividers We are still catching up with last errors Recreation Land 1 46 acres of land back of Follen Hill is uns.er option for 515,000 (5300 has already been paid) 2. Option to buy read of Wilkins lana, 14.7 acres at 37,000 3. Adjoinigg piece of land under option, approximately 19 acres for 420,000 This is owned by $eynet (?) Realty Trust dna contains one house lot which is planned to oe sold for 45500 4. Top of Sun Valley, Whipple Hill - Planning board wants to take by eminent domain thfs yerr host of area was obtained from Be Vries, all except the top of the hill, :which is very desiraJle for panoramic view aLd for Skiing. Be Vries agreed to give this to the town too, but instead sold it to several people for a few hundred dolla.s. These owners won't sell Planning Board does Rot wane to take any of then house lots, just this extra piece which they oought. Appraiser says 4500 to each party is fair Planning Board allows 62500 to cove: court costs etc. 5. Small lot, steep - maximum cess 4100 wanted for skating area in Patriot's forest to connect with easement from Boston Edison. Total Cost. 413,500 Emerson Itoad option 14,700 Follen Bill 27,000 27 acres, dilmins and ideynet 1,560 tod of hill (other «1070 in legal exp. ) 200 I16,1gotbn iioad $56,900 Future plans one piece at estimated cost of 410,000 wanted. No option on this yet. Town should budget for develoapaent iaisteaa of acquisition; present wording is "for ac4 .±lotion and development", this is still a good way to word it .nu would include all their plafis 620,000 per yea_ a good figure We have 410,006 now for development of daskia Park but sate is going to take 50 ft. for 128. ffhen they wake the v ,king, pla_ni. sward will ask damages and possioly t-y to use it slsewhere since Baskin Pa-it will be too swell Tax. titles are now Clea ed through Smu Jnow Le gets lair a p r .isal maiae In the past Feat the tow_ has Sold about ;v4--0,00© worth for house lots. T1,ieg*'are working on ked0herville. C E.C. Meeting with Planning Board 3. J:a. 13, 1960 Dnrcp 1953 Committee stuuied incinerator problem and found no need for incinerator. They -found plenty os room for dumps. Therefore there is seen to be no need within the next five years for incinerator Unless an owner Wants to have lana filled for future development, there will be cost of land for dump to consider soon. Get cost froth Selectmen. Battle 'toad National Pakk wil_ add to town' s income through tourism. 24 cars ,ger day on annual basis amount to 3100,000 annual payroll Town already has more ce 's per day ta,c.n this but all income is slipping through our fiugers because t. ere is no incentive to stay more than a few minutes. The amount of taxable land to be taken is very swell. Ait Force ?hitnan and Rowan. are studying aecesseS to base. There will be no access across park to base ,.F feels present access is a mistake; it divides the base recreation from its housing. They are thinkiva of an access out West Lincoln way and anot..e direct to 198. lite 24 intersection would be located 2u0 ft southerly to get oat of way of past and .ate 24 would be reloc ,ted to go arounu park. No coat to town. Rezoning plans. Garden apartments are both going ahead this spring. About 200 apartments in these two. Ultimately the town should need about 400 arartaents. Rezoning will be recommended only when a good pl i is submitted. Industrial at_ Research areas. Other side of 126 could Pe rezoned for -fill or C3 use The Pea a has ina.icuted that proposals would be considered favorauly. Off—street parkin6 — None ,Manned at this tile, but there is some idea of changing some business zoning nd when this is done it might include some par :iug areas