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January 16, 1931 Leetia;Le of Ccpital i:xpenuitures Committee with Ajprppriatien Committee kresents -C.E.0 all members. Appropriations Committee - Blaisdell, Palmer, Nonanemakea , Christensen, Approp. Comm. reported teat the Assessors estimate that Assessed Valuation of town has increased by S million dollars. A.s..e; dere requests were discussed. :.eiectaen are thinning of a machine room which would Serve all departments rather taan buyin._ a lre:;so. naph anl, other equipment requested to serve assessor : Ac to =teva l -ti `; "O,0ift was req. :seed. This estimate was based on three e- ,i,_e4 ree:; v`:, -- e .o cors for maps ($25,000 - X35,000) and vu.l;a,±tior '4o Q' ( ,900 - yau090+;O). A 1n `oa. Coml. .ee feeds that they would ,ec.ee e:..0 jai. :iaci „yea:, exr 'v:it.:re until the a sos .ors planning .ioae' + _;1i i< . i.a +� ',c- sone ,e==' at sea cooperate about the moips. tunic "forks CepieLi 'v^+aue t. %ere reported to Ajproi by C.L.C. ..UI r,.,e. �.tt1...i" '1 2e,l ieste. at eutienatea' cost en 0330,0_i. Blaisdell Z:le?nt i.)Yie i. th-t ?or-!e -ii Itu could ce delayed or could be constructed in '}art _els -ea. , pare Etter _f school a,o,ulati_!n wa rants Lrath% until 1985 for secon.1: els nd audition, 'JJortheea i.e. might be none in 1904. uivil -D-e-f-�-e-�n�s;�e - .. d _cm ;stern proposed for 1961 at estinated cost of *4,000( :il:C 3°e3Jn't1 is now ,aaie eo cost u30,00O - letter from C.D. to B. Noyes. ne half woule be rei i:aa 'sou n,y Fed. :.ievt. ni.eetin; of C.E.C. :nit., Selectmen 8n30 p.m. Jnvn, 16, 1001 tsseeeors requests - .lelectweu confine that they would like to have machines in machine room ;chic i weal° serve all septs, a, town. There is aireaa :w a graphotype and an old a..ddres:;ograph in the water dept. Graphotype does not need to be purchases. Assessors billing woulu be faster with machines. However this iters can be rcesoved z'om Assessors budget. Some machine will probably be in warn ant is Selectmen's budget. .eiecdreu have not discussed the request for revaluetien;"nnot altogether euthusiastic". Richards "Is now the time and would Town sonefit from having such a rev`,1 -ation? Lust consider fairness to individual., old houses, business y- ,roperties, new iaeustries. a)1d houses are revalued on sale but not up to 50%. Duran Selectmen have a item for ce.t'e of dump this year. Sone item as usual with a little n;'ol'e 'noney. We o revision in this warrant for new- land or incin. School Site - wii i not come in on this wan' alt. net until foliowin6 March. 3ehoel land - School .ept. has an item on this item for purchase of property hebide Munroe Soho, 1 which would practically douale that site. The 2fason-ita;rward house on 11 acre land at about y15,0i;0-030000 Munroe Ate is 1 1/3 acres. .itreets - Chapter 90 - 1959 appropriation has not ween spent. 8- lectahen will use it eo cone-,ruct Waki;gnm portion of Concoru Avenue, from lath= St. n N 4. 50:) ft. toward Benjamin Road. 1901 Chapter 90 money will be used to continue this portion. :street eccentances - Sel ctn:enn include in warrant sLec;ts where over 80% of aoueter request acceptance. 141,0; 0 t.a. 'd so far Town gets back only emout 30jn „f (Jose; idee.11.1 town zheulu ,get 50%. butshort streets and many corners reduce actual 'e'turn to 307a. Sewer laterals - eve'- 'A0. ,O :0 worth of laic eels Ah '.v been seC1uestee. If the policy f ap_;roving laterals where 30% of ser tern have req,leseeti it were January 16, 1961 C L.C. neetin;; with Jelectaien (cont. ) followed, 4040,0€10 would be coque ted, There will be 4350,000 at least. dater Mains, Sundry — Request will be for 10,600 :jos vue. iaa — . c so comsitted z.a pay lar i1a:_gertj property which was taken. `herefore there will probably be two articles, one co pay for anis .lis cele ,© CV;wur1ct road, Whet,.eq ;ortaed ,.0 1s hailt has no:.hing to do with closing Park L ive or ,lit. ,ie :i",:f -sen of Ail, 1s tiusve a There 1s a reference in the Scott will to a road. Xa :ha,. to KeepLiu4 it open, but the_'° is no recorded plan. .ichooj Co'm n aelecu en {'eel t_ .bt, if F'w k Drive is closed, it would .te via, uln Tan, wi -e to be zo. ;>o,titen ;-,IA They think t at access to the rich,=o1 fan 'o: :a.eaz pt;u. i. a a;1e uec..ase of large number of faculty and student Cass. Fe gere_aes a. wer — no stadent ca:s. OLers fe'.i that en u nl iaei viii iai fl yen co'3l;z qmt °ecce aiiits property as it wi.'hes to do unless 01'tiieu Eoa,ed fr,e‘l COiistr .ewe .c Its fence wo".lc Cote across some part of ark i)ri -e. then ltd. is a Ci1tJOr of center ci town. $330,000 is a aLIAAuct cost figure. chool De ai•t,vesit — Toe= e will be a reierenduci ou ballot in March for single sal ,ry. This is waudatory. 9.4.C. meeting wit. School Committee 1000 p.m. Jan. 16, 1961 They intend to request money for planning of secondary school $130,600, anc 2or prelimminary plans or eiementanyy school, 4li,000. 'Jt song raperty — an article retiruesting this will be put in warrant, in case School Crimmittee it deciues it wants to buy this. darraant i, closing. They have no decision about this yet. The raropert,' has been appraised for 420,500 (other a&oraisatts up to y35,0t'0) they consider buying i fo; land alone, but tans is a high price for land. Then there would ue the cost of uemolishing building, plus additional expense to made land suit.u.ble for play area They also consider buyin;, it foe facilities which the school does not nave, e.g. library, l .guae rooms. Je.ore decidi...a about tat, they want some idea of cost of remodeling. There would be high maintenance costs. Probably onlj first floor could be us-id, even with remodeling. LAd Property is not bit; enou;;n, even when aac,ed to oriGinal site, to allow ans to construct a new building on it. State demands a minimum plot size of five acres plus 1 acre per 100 pupils (200 pupils in Munroe). Secoiacaay dchool 'Tuning — second phase of intermediate school is planned to open in the full of 1966. This will mean fewer students in High School Ale_ will ,ive o)portuaity to make noces.ary chau, es in tae U.S. Such c -anges could not. be mace if the school were 3' .11.