HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-09-14-CEC-min.pdf Meeti% of Capital Dxpeansitores Committee with Appropriation Committee, followed by joint meeting of C. B. ant Appropriation Committees with Selectmen September 14, 1960 Present: C. E. CO m B. Noyes, Chairman, R. Longley, R. Woodberry, K. Warden, and R. donna, sooty. Appropriations Committee — 3oba Blaisdell, Chairman?, members, and E. Palmer, Towr Accountant. Selectnsea — kl. .iorey, Chairman, A. Adams, G. Ferguson, L. Cole9 a d W. Richards. John Blaisdell summarised the Articles for the Town Meeting of Sept. 26 mud disc -oodd hose w,_4,c.. wo JL include appropriations. Art. E. Additional folds askes, s'or the parking lot in the center of town for which ; 26,040 was appropriated in the spring of 1660. Cataldo has had some changes made in the deed, rights of way, railroad riding requirements etc. , with the result thda'b the selectmen feel that the land is worth more now than they originally re-nested.. They ask $37,700 additional to be used es follows: $40,050 total price to be paid to Cataldo 25 000 voted in 144arcn (voted for lead and improvements) ?15,0 0 aduitional CS4,000 to l ilrond for strip of land and other rights, etc. 15,000 for site icprovenenu, Phase 1 (tat half), black. topping 3,000 engineering and appraisal fees, etc. 700 ufnexpla*ned 607,700 Au._ed to 425,900 already voted, tnim makes the total priceeof the land and the improvement of one half of it $02000 for parking for 150 cars. There is 05200 1. Parking Meter hand. Art. 3. Land = Hathaway Road. The planning board has been given subdivision plans vtich are legal; they are procrmstinating pending town mooting. If town meeting does mot pass this article, the planniab board will have to pass en these plans. Emerson Road has been planned to proceed from Child's gas station around town to 'Wards Woods. It is at °iklards Woods that the developer would like to subdivide according to glens which do not include Emerson Road. Therefore *taste if the .owo noes not acquire this land the developer will move in and Emerson road will be ate ,}fed thea, Price 012,000 + 10% for engineering fees, One mi.e of rotsi would include 1 ad to be added to Willard Woods. The other side might ,oe divined and sold for house lots, Art. 4. 8 acres situated back of ano aoutting Barrington $chool.Owaed ny Paul McCormack who has se's a price of 040,000. Planning Board had it appraised S b 012,000, is asking for appropriation of 613,200. It would be eminent domain prd,ceeclint, feu would most likely go to land court. Pla nanin„ Board hopes to a-a`gtxire tis for recreation ease. Art. 5. Land on 1:1,'Cleby sou__. No one knew that the town midi not alaeE.d'ay own this land until owner of :.ex's :areal wanted to divine it and nell as house lot. The plaimznL board proposes to pay $3000 fel t .180 Articles 0 = 22 Street accepteneee — no money iuvoly U. Art. 23 ftnersonn Road S ©aa fast at. 240 foot. 00000 asked (,v3000 for water, pt3000 road) Art. Ei Di..na Lane frac Hill step 350 foot. 06,000 asked. Art ES €teslaeot ;4000 for study of die' osd.2 problem and town dump. CLC. saeetin; Septa 14e 1960 itilaiscieiip i' & 3 hoe r1aawe nor ek' 3d,13�� reraaested as b`'iAYa xacmant 3O OOQ aaal,saoe t ctebea "•:,r1. sem. he vsiwd for bd,GoO seeded £©r , ohoob las by Sotwoi O© aitboe 2o, 00 rJai aos 9oa'Th;t; ueecdec £aa° dortheaa hid (anofiag =wouraeete4 ubacL we poetponed fon ia&; spri t iia onset° to Give an Stet ti,ae to dovelo? ley- out nor echoolB eeatral 2itay;nnamd em '4Ycort ou Ad, ezli toathe r. Bierdell doer, aaet tUaaL it aoUd he aaeceeew 'y t© gi iato debt when sumo of he eba�w:i.t*tures on this ,,•fent could euwe been -+len o pa Jehoo1 oz ndtnwe wss lWraue4. The ids a to ease $1Gg3OO in Jnne oa tdhenetor teguete3 (>s ' aow be tins) fur pniiv i.a ay planes, then spend ao'thiaap u=ntil 1961 the 10OO00 will bo tic=.¢ek iu atthilttfi© td fromOro6e St. taiaoui. The AFP=Weng. oc ait•tee wo later old that 800,000 wotUd ae needed. Now )Jon Creak Fn ve tcs,t to =tQe3 £.onaittee io hia,dcLiof iO,pvo, =reed that Ap ;n ,viwt°ioaa axae. C.'LCa would toy to schedule jjaaat reeting 'pith the '>bhooi Coidtt©e dESld ,'t Zdth the Z3eueGr7orey to hike phace some tine cater to fell town Mooting. L ojoot'ea ,areeeated detUls of their 'great articlew, Mtt° fe 9ri g leisdeij a�+ :eco mt of U they azteeed thr4t to e3;eauiture of !,io�dC ff©r s- dale» 33 read 24 might ue p:,stporamd mttil aprinF;. Jotta F`•cta so9 ra louenadoca thiee eayit haat time weed be $mc;aiaecp to de the eujteeraas sor t_aeae a°alM+e 4ad the wowb itce2£ could h�rc?gy be sterteat bufere spfl a anyh©wo Ne1eotaoa will t sk f O I, 3.ob for a ch article £®r i.c=.as seed moats, Cersp11 tbLdaS t:a .t U' the csgwisitaoM of eCcmaackae iuvad (fist. 4) were da1s�y eU.n not aaocuulu he cone by McVofl3 tc; lu he ®ems of buildiag uatii :test @,Serohs Seieeba £Suaaiy agrued to de1€ay pcwlaag the poetising lot (Art. ) tbw'eby deoreasun, he a'etpueeted &taps for that sticlGt iron !! v7yo^al0 to The tali wacu mequ.ai4ed in this t.t�n uieeting caa(;pat be i33�476 — nasinii . ,SaBa3fl eieotcieal°e uigia3al rreo eSt taonn 438000 Aacartiaap; get, J i% to be tacopp:OL (art l'.) —14g90C uta. 93 au &4 to be east from f39@I:4? to toter lU©a 559975 Thal as da:sisn*i Finure be©aetse Se1rctwaen ore tiii Oct agreed aaoa tbeelves how much t.,ey will c�k cs' its Art. L to paws Catlde. The antiur lot hat beenprcieed at two un.i osr.,t 11g'ureuy by he hsfM t*otbod it is ep.pwdged &+ ¶ O, )O0 ray t 'very tSntiuL^l motCsP " ( er u ©:$eo wor';s) it ie a nailed „o r; 3T95fWe a ex i soa tt;tad rtoosibip 0 ,sea°s 'eel tct they should cot recoeaenci 3 y;n; he $or ,aFwtufl. WI ¢'3kl („ja4s`".8.. 1 Y =.E? O( ?.J @a¢ao.Qus,1 bans. b?©etiu, of £.ij,.C. y >o:,teiibeq 19Q 190U ® t}oyer, ri1euley, ';oodburr`�"® �)l?Gr`uELa i ecided not to pro len& L ro ort at this town ie taut; eai.3ae vu6' ni©as ere in res'? oEwbio R with Ap?reic tionYi o©r'.k1i vtee, , ar�.`6D€� 1i a? T`)OSC i%s3y' ev��ri3@utLi 2. G-$G@CiG OS ' tata�y e3 Y: ��+p&3",3 t© �y :`ielS?�Ir"'srP.t On Y. ©a' 6p G3$',pemdLtare�G$"©tiYn3 &1L'P,-y.'9x3a e3C3'i�3k:t:3.t:SS'@ �1"S ti.,� s�tJ�7-S Oil' PCLSi Sal, pa'rkzig aC1, l;i�a9L"r,C. :�'as•