Present: Florence Baturin; Ralph Clifford, Chair; Kathryn Davis; Beverly
Goodridge Keng Hsu, visitor; Tom Montanari; Steve Baran, staff and
Absent: Cathy Abbott; Margaret Cole; Michelle Ekanem; Mary Haskell
The Minutes of 4/28/99 were approved with the exception that Mary Haskell should
have been listed as an absent committee member; Bensen Chiou has resigned and
should not have been listed.
Orientation of Keng Hsu
Keng Hsu who was interested in joining the committee was welcomed and given an
orientation. Issues the committee was facing included— housing affordability (e.g.,
"mansionization") and creating a welcoming atmosphere in town (largely white in
composition). The lack of growth of the Black and Hispanic populations was contrasted
with the growth of Asian-Americans. Ken agreed that it takes courage to advocate for
diversity while Beverly talked of the tired feeling that comes from teaching white people
how to deal with black people
Ken said he was born in Taiwan, but his parents are from the mainland. He is a
software engineer and consultant, and Vice President of the Chinese American
Association of Lexington. He is also Vice President of the Chinese Language School at
Clarke. As a minority he was aware that not many minorities worked for the Town, and
not many were at a significant level of influence. His association has sought to
persuade minorities to enter into politics and become active in town committees and as
town meeting members.
Issues in Recruitment of New Members/Attendance
Mary and Ralph are up for re-election.
Mondays are better for Beverly and Katherine
Should the meeting begin at 8 instead of 7 45?
\, Florence Baturin has been trying to get telephone number for Kamela Raj.
( It was tentatively decided to begin meeting on the fourth Monday of each month
beginning in July
Ralph Clifford still plans to: (a) approach Dan Fenn about becoming an Associate
Member. (b) call members who have been frequently absent; and (c) consult with Norm
Cohen, Town Attorney re use of proxies.
Affirmative Action Working Group
Tom Montanari, representing the Fair Housing and Human Relations Committee as
their representative on the Affirmative Action Working Group, commented about the
most recent committee meeting as follows:
1 Hiring diagrams were distributed on the day of the meeting; sequencing of hiring
steps was discussed.
2. There was a difference of opinion in the group on the importance of the regular
presence of the Town Manager in Working Group meetings as a way of
expressing commitment.
3. There is no line item in the town budget for affirmative recruiting.
4. There is no collaboration with the school department.
5. A sense of fiefdom is sensed.
6. There is no real emotional drive
7 The Town is frustrated by the degree of turnover
8. There needs to be a definition of issues and a problem-solving mechanism.
9. An organizational diagnosis and internal audit are needed.
Next Meeting
The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday June 23 at 7 45 p.m.