JULY 14, 1998
Present: Ralph Clifford, Chair; Florence Baturin and Tom Montanari, committee
members; Bensen Chiou, Marina Smith, Peg Cole, visitors; Steve Baran, Fair Housing
Absent: Sue Cusack, Michelle Ekanem, Beverly Goodridge, Mary Haskell, Marion
Kilson, Stella Liu, Kathryn Davis; Dan Fenn
Minutes of 5/26/98 and 6/23/98
Lacking a quorum, a decision on the minutes of 5/26 and 6/23, which were reviewed
with no corrections, was postponed until a future meeting when there would be a
Recruitment of new members
Ralph Clifford announced that letters would go out to brokers inviting them to
participate on the committee. It was noted that a notice put in the Minuteman had
attracted potential members. It was agreed to review applicants at the first meeting in
September (see list of members for potential members).
American Association of University Women —Affirmative Action
Florence Baturin announced that the American Association of University Women was
continuing to pursue its goal of increasing diversity in local towns through affirmative
action. This was taking place in Lexington, Bedford and Concord. In each town, among
the questions being posed were: Is there an affirmative action plan? Has the affirmative
action plan been reviewed? Copies of reports to the Equal Employment Opportunity
Council were being requested.
Affirmative Action Review
Ralph Clifford stated that the Town Manager had delegated to Linda Vine, Assistant
Town Manager, the responsibility for responding to questions about affirmative action
raised by the Fair Housing and Human Relations Committee. A meeting of the
committee with Linda Vine had been arranged for the week of August 17 Ralph further
commented that he intended to invite Michelle Ekanem and Mary Haskell, members of
the Fair Housing and Human Relations Committee, to this meeting since they had
already had a meeting with David Wilson of the School Department to discuss similar
questions. The meeting would cover such issues as outreach advertising and
applications for employment.
It was understood that the Town had destroyed a number of past copies of reports to
the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Steve Baran said that he would
contact the Mass. Commission against Discrimination to see if they retained copies of
reports at the state level. Ralph Clifford said that if this attempt was unavailing, he
would go directly to the EEOC at the federal level, but this would entail certain costs.
Ralph Clifford stated that he did not expect a report to the Selectmen from the
committee would be ready in early fall as had been expected. Steve Baran suggested
that a preliminary report might be useful, and there was some discussion of how a
report that would compare Lexington affirmative action with Arlington might be useful
for descriptive purposes.
Steve Baran reported that Dan Fenn was interested in obtaining names of people of
color whom he could approach as he became aware of openings on town committees.
Steve relayed Dan Fenn's suggestion of encouraging committee members to consider
names of interested persons. He said he would seek names with the help of Peg Cole
of LexiFest! and Mary Haskell of the Coalition for Racial Equality A committee to
recruit volunteers was suggested, also that a list of committees together with committee
goals might be sent to organized groups of citizens such as the League of Women
Voters by way of soliciting minority candidates. It was recalled that the League did
sponsor a seminar on how to run for Town Meeting, but it was held the night before
signatures were due.
Ralph Clifford reported that he was still trying to reach Marshall Derby, LexHab chair
Committee budget
Steve Baran reported that there might be funds available to cover certain committee
expenses and that committees were being encouraged to submit budgets. Florence
Baturin recalled that the Town had previously paid $1,000 for training. It was suggested
that the Town might pay for an event, travelling expenses and the like. Tom Montanari
agreed to meet with Steve Baran to discuss a budget.