HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-12-30SELECTMEN'S MEETING
December 30, 1929.
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was
held at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building,
at 8 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Blake, Shannon
and Chamberlain were present. The Clerk and the Supt.
of Public Works were also present.
H earing; was declared open upon the application
of Bertha V. Pichette and Maurice P. :Ahern -v 48 Broadway,
Arlington, for permission to use a two car garage on
their premises at 851 Mass. Avenue, Lexington.
Mr. Joseph R. Cotton acted as attorney for Mr.
Pichette and stated. that when Mr. Field inquired to
secure information about obtaining a•permit, both at
the Town Office Building and the State House, he did
not find that any permit was required.. Fe felt that
in reading the regulations that there was some question
of law and '-e discussed the matter with the Town Counsel
and this' bearing was held. He stated that 'he used the
garage for repair work, with the exception of Calvin
Childs' garage there le'not another repair shop
in the esst-village, and he felt that it was of
consir'ernble convenience to have this repair shop
located where it is. He also felt th^t it was
' entirely within the juris,'iction of the Board to
?rant a permit to maintain this garage.
Mr. Pichette presented a plan of the location of
the building on the lot together with the location of
the house in front of it andthe adjoining garage.
He stated that the building was moved back by him to
accommodate a person who desired to have it for a
storehouse, and a permit was obtainerl so that it
could be used for such at that time. The building
has a 4" cement floor and is fireproof by the use of
wire laths and plaster, and it is almost a necessity
to have a two car garage. There has been nothing in
the way of a complaint from the people who live in
the house and who have been there'for five years, and
he believedthat being in a business district he'had
a right to operate the garage.
Mr. Arthur B. Field stated that he had been there
since last March, and only lately there has been a
question raised about the place. Mr. Field stated
that he was doing general repairing in the two ca:r
garage. There is a house in front of the.garag;e and
Mr. Pero's house is to the left and Mr. C^own's is to
the right on another ,street. The building was used
as a battery service station some time ag;o, and there
were two other men who had used it for a repair shop.
' He stated that he felt that the notice of the hearing
as issued was an illegal notice, inasmuch as the notice
called for the use of this building as a two car garage,
and he did- not feet that the notide complied with the
Pichette &
Ahern garage
statutes, and that a business is corteinnlated in
this building. He felt that it was the desire of the
applicant to use this building for a purpose whidh
was not stated on the aprlication or in the notice.-
andthis notice was intended to have the abuttors
believe that it was to be used like any other
garage in the vicinity for the storage of private
cars, He understood that within a short distance
from the tanks there is a heating plant. and that
this was dangerous. He Ficknowledged that the
property was in the business zone but that the
building was not used like any other large garage.
He felt that the fact that the building had been
used for a year for this purpose did not give it any
standing to continue to be used as such if At was
illegal in the first place. He felt that if the
building is to be operated as a garage business that
the building should_ be removed and a.building erected
according to the rules governing fire hazards. He
stst*d that he understood also that they were selling
gasoline there, and it was dangerous where buildings
were so close. He felt that it was fiot-well:-to'wait
_ until something happened in the vicinity, but to
have the danger removed now. He also felt that other
people are paying taxes and they have one or two car
garages of their own, and that they are entitled to
that with the premises. He felt that other people in
the vicinity would have come to the hearing if.the
notice had been given as to what the garage was to
be used for.
The Board dismissed the persons at the heering
to discuss ,whether or not the notice given was legal,
an,? it was finally decided that it was up to the
Town Counsel to determine whether the notice was
legal or not, inasmuch as the notice was in accordance
with the applie-tion.
The hearing was again resumed and Mr. Pichette
stated that the application as made for a two car gar-
age was entirely in accordance with what they desire
to have the building used for. He.felt that if Mr.
Field did. not want to rent the building for the purpose
for which he uses it for, tat he would be, entitled
to have a two car garage license so that the building
may be used for the storage of two cars, and that if
the per -it is granted now .for that purpose, it will
save the time of the Board in having another hearing
or another application. As far as the gasoline is
concerneda permit was receive! from the Chief of the
Fire Dept., and it was within his juriddiction to grant
this permit for which he inspected the location when
he granted the permit.
Mr. Crown stated that he communicated with State
Fire Marshall. ^Teal, of the State Fire Prevention
Commission, when Mr. Field applied for the permit
and he was informed by him that the Chief of the Fire
Dept, did not have the authority to grant a permit for
a gasoline .tank without a hearing before the Board
of Selectmen, and he was to send notice to the Town
to that effect. What his objection to now was the
gasoline tank and the unreasonable t=ours up to 10 or
11 o4clock at night and on. Sundays that the repair
work was going on at the garage. He stated that Mr.
Field. told him that he would run the garage at
reasonable hours, but of course he could do as he
desired as far as his hours were concerned.
Mr. O'Connell felt that even thou-gla Mr. Pichette
stated that he wanted a two car garage, he felt that
the Board knew for -K�.at rurrose the garage was to b^-
MIPS. Fjlgnnie P. Crown stated that she objected
to the fire menace, and that she ur,'Prstood. that t?-is
place was used as a sales station, a garage, a repair
shop, ani? a filling station.
Mr. Cotton informed- the meeting that the permit
issued by the Chief of the Fire Dept, for 120 gallons
of-gasoline to be used on the premises, and that he
did not have any right to sell it andneither did he
know that Mr. Field was selling gasoline.
Mr. George A. Parks stated that he did not have
anything to -particular to say,
The hearing was closed at 8:40 P.M. and the 3oard
decided to refer the matter to the Town Counsel.
'Letter was received from Dr. Fred S. Piper in which
he stated that he could not serve on the Tercentenary
F. S. Piper
It was decided to inform Mr. Harold B. Lamont
from Tera
and ask him to suggest a name to take the place of Dr.
Mr. Custance reported conference with Rubin &
Seligman at the Town Office Building and in which Mr,
Rubin Sel-
Seligman stated that he desired to keep a strip of land
approximately three feet wide in front of his building
so that he could control the overhanging signs.
Mr, Custance asked each of the aoard individally
what their recollection was about the conference held
with Rubin & Seligman and about taking that strip of
land for the sum of $1,000.
It was the opinion of each of the members of the
Board that all of the land up to the building was to
be tak8n inasmuch as xubin & '''eligmar_ stated that they
wanted to get rid of the property- rather than pay taxes
upon it. The records of the conference stated that there
eras to be approximately a fifteen foot strip of land taken.
The matter was left with Mr. Oustance and Mr. Blake
to take up with Rubin & Seligman to straighten out.
were also to discuss the matter of assessment upon
the property for the future widening in front of the
Hunt and O'Connell blocks.
Opinion was received from the Town Counsel th t he
did not believe that the Selectmen could bind the
future Board from assessing oetterments on this property
when the widening is made in front of the Hunt and --
O'Connell.blocks, and Mr. Custance and Mr. Blake were
requested to see if anything could be worked out
that would be satisfactory to all parties. concerned.
Re trees Letter was received from Frederick L.- Emery,
on Depot Chairman of the planning Board, in which he stated that
Square. he had. a letter from Mr. Chapman of the Boston & Maine
R. R. in which he stated that the;. have instructed
their engineers not to permit the trees to be removed on
the propert7 near the Central Block,without taking
the matter up with the Board of Selectmen for their
Proposed It was decided to reouest the Town Engineer to
St. from bring before the Board the studies made by him of the
Hancock St. street from Hancock Street to Grant Street and also to
study the situation connecting this street, be re-
locating Sherman Street, to Fletcher Avenue then to
Hayes Lane and to `roburn Street.
Marshall The Board signed the deed deeding to Lillian G.
deed signed. P Lois M. Marshall a strip of land three feet wide
adjoining their present property at 1844 Mass. Avenue,R.
This is deeded to them so that the..., may straighten
out their lot which adjoins the Town property,_and the
ultimate result will be that the Town property and
their property will be improved by the transaction.
The consideration is $300.00.
Scarlet fever The Board discussed the matter of sending contagious
cases, disease cases to the hospital, and in the case of Mrs.
Emma Hadley, 7 Vern Street, there being four children
at the hospital drith scarlet fever, it was de6ldeci
to leave the last one at home with Mrs. Hadley to care
In the case of Gerald Jones, 21 Pleasant Street,
who also has scarlet fever, it was decided to send
this child to the hospital, inasmuch as there are four
children in the family and only two sleeping rooms are
in the house.
The weekly report of the Supt. of Pulal ie -Works is
as follows:
For the week ending December 28, 1929.
Highway Dept.
The drain in Ward Street has been completed,
The work of excavating with a steam shovel at the
corner of Woburn Street an Lowell Street and on the
north side of Vloburn Street between Lowell Street and
Utica Street is progressing and a rough gravel side.
walk being laid at the same time.
This work will tend to relieve the dangers now
experienced by pedestrians along this street.
Snow was cleaned from the sidewalks and on. the main-,
streets the tractor graders were used to push the snow
' back. It was removed and carted away f'ron the business
It was also necessary to use sand on the sidewalks
and on the hills and at a number of intersections.
Next week the regular maintenance work will be taken
care of and if conditions are favorable, work will be
started on Hill Street to excavate and prepare for
Moth and Shade Tree Dept,
Gypsy moth nests were treated with creosote on
Adams Street, North Street and Dowell Street and this
work will occupy the department next week.
Park Department.
Regular maintenance work was attended to.
A quantity of blue gravel for the reed tennis court
was received.
Next week the department will attend to regular
Water iVIaintenance,
Work was started on a service for Furtado, Avon
A leak_ in the tapping sleeve made several years ggo,
in fact the first job that was done with our valve-outting-
in machine, has been found in Mass. Ave,, opposite
Charles Street. This sleeve was poured with lead and'
we find it impossible to stop the lead with lead wool,
I am asking tlr. Northrup of the A, P. Smith Mfg, Co,
to advise us what to do in this case.
Water Construction
The work in Mass. Avenue.is practically complete
and I will give you a full report of this at a later date.
The work contemplated for the week ending January
11th is as follows: regular maintenance work.
Engineering Department.
Staked. out Hill Street lines,
Nork on Plans for office record,
Part survey of Stone property adjacent to Adams
Work on plans of Ryder development.
Made three xketches of Stone property.'
Completed plan of lower car barn at B. & M.
Continued Lincoln Street Topo.
Yours very truly,
William S. Scarman
Supt. of Public Works
The meeting adjourned at 10 P.M.
A true record., Attest: