HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-12-17n 1 1 SELECTMEN'S MEETING Dec. 17, 1929. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room, Town office Building, at 7;30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance, `'hamberlain Blake and Shannon were present. The sup`. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. Sewer Assessment for charges on Locust Ave. amounting to $841.42 was signed by the Board. Notice was received from the Town Accountant and the Supt, of Public 'Works that it was necessary to transfer from the Sewer Asesssment Fund to Sewer Construction Account. It was voted to transfer the sum of $1500 from the Sewer Assessment Fund to the Sewpr ConstructionAect. Sewer Assessment. Letter was reneived f^om the Supt. of Public Works in which he explained that the work of installing the water main from Mass. Avenue has been -complet6d as far as Lake Street, and he suggested instead of continuing in Mass. Ave. to Cerlar St., that a 12" main be laid in Lake Street and Columbus Street connecting with the 8" main in Cedar Steet. He felt that the diggingwould be better and the cost would be less; this would furnish the water to territory which_at the present time has nothing but an old 4" water main. The Board accepted the recommendation of the Supt. of Public 'Yorks to install the water main in Lake Street and Columbus Street, bat decided not to do any .further work on the job at the present time. It was therefor not necessary to issue a note fcrr the full amount of the recommendation of the Supt, of Public Works, namely $5000., but it was voted to issue a note for $2500. It was decided to advertise a Boatd of Survey hearing on the application of J. T. Hinchey for approval of plans of Hinebey Road. Letter was received from the Planning; Board in which they stated that they approved this layout. Letter was received from the Planning Board in which they enclosed copy of letter from fir. Harriman. Mr. Harriman's letter stated that the bill providing for a cut-off to the East of the Town of Lexington as finally filed, provides for a State highway and. will start at a point on Bedford Street not far from the Lexington Town line, cutting across country to Lowell Street and thence using Lowell and Summer St. through Lexington and Arlington to the Mystic Valley Parkway which terminates at the junction of Mystic and Summer Streets. It was also proposed th^.t the entire stretch be a Water Main, Mass. Ave. Hinchey Road layout. Direction of State highway. 446 Five Forks. Ccmtnsan< Victuallers License to •Liggetts. State highway and the only cost to the Town of Lexington will be for the necessary land takings. There is also a proviso that Lexington shall at some future date to be deterrined by the Dept: of Public Works, construct a cut-off from Summer Street to Maple Street.' He stated that he had hopes that the amended form of the bill would have -the support of the public authorities and the people of Lexington. J- The Board considered this proposition and agreed that it was a better proposition than the one originally presented, and voted to advise qtr. Harriman that the Board is heartily in sympathy with the project. Letter was received from the Planning Board inform- ing the Selectmen that the Town Engineer would present a plan showing the layout of what the Planning Board 'had in mind in connection with Five Forks, and recom- mending to the Board that the'triangular piece of land at the junction be retained and not thrown into the highway, and that the Town negotiate with the owners for the rurchase of the triangular plot. The Board, after viewing the plan, did not feel that the letter presented by the Planning Board, had sufficient -information, and decided. to request the Planning Board to come before them at their next meeting, Dee. 23, 1929 to discuss the matter, at 8:30 P.M. Application for a Common Victuallers license was received from the Liggetts Drug Store Inc. It was ' decided to grant the license, it being a common occurrence now that the'Liggetts Drug Stores serve lunches in most of the Towns. Letter was received from Mr. Neil McIntosh in reply to the Board's letter relative to the condition of Waltham Street caused by relocation of the street, and in which he stated that he has been appointed Agent by Annie Lampron of Cambridge, who is the present owner of Neil McIntoshland and to state that if the Town would dump a reasonable re Waltham amount of fill in the lot to a point beyond the actual Street. taking and place stakes at the street corners of the lot, the matter of damages would be waived and a release given for the taking. The Supt, of Public Works agreed to out filling in tris location as soon as he could arrange to do so. The Board had before them the assessment on property of C. 7. Ryder And it appeared that the piggery is Assessment, assessed for $3QOO, Ryder The Board considered the Ryder piggery case and a' Piggery. letter of the Town Counsel regarding the same and finally decided that inasmuch as Mr. Ryder has other places where he can move his pigs to, that the better thing to do would be to a6vise him that he could keep his pigs until June 1, 1930. This decision of the Board was to be set forth to the Town Counsel 1 . 1 i 1 It was decided to proceed to hold. another hearing Cerussi Road. on the 80t layout of the street along the Vino property from Mass. Avem?e to Vine Brook Road. It was decided to ask the opinion of the'Town Opinion of Counsel about makinr an appointment of the Director Town Counsel. of Home Economics inasmuch as this office is elective. Mr. Jay 0. Richards came before the Board and made an offer of 67500 for the strip of land which Mr. Anderson desires to purchase. The Board decided to go into session to discuss the amount of money` which they would accept for this proposition and to dismiss Mr. Richards until they made their decision. The Board decided to reouest the sum of $9000 net for this strip of land and agreed to allow negotiations to be made by the M.&.B. St.Ry. Co. simultaneously with the negotiations to be made by the Town for the property.. Mr. 'Cu.stance communicated with Mr. Hanson, President of the M. & B.St.Ry. Co. ani? he agreed that the power station was to be entirely included within the property on 'which the town holds an ootion. It was also decided to discuss with the M.&.B.St.Ry. Co. while malting negotiations as to whether or not the water pump rights are included in the proposition. M.&.B.St.Ry. Co. property. The Board. signed a petition to the Legislature to Tenement authorize the Town to revoke its acceptance of certain provisions of law applicable to tenement houses in house act. ' Towns. The Board. approved the precinct divisions and. Precinct d®scriptions of the same as made by the Town Engineer, Division and agreed to have the voting lists printed giving the approved. names of persons included. Letter was received from R. I. Prentiss in which Inspection he informed the Board that he had made inspections 8f of stores. all the places in the Town where food is serbed and all of the stores and found various violations of the food laws. The following bids were received on the $1001,000 Revenue loan dated December 18, 1929 and payable at the . Atla.ntle National Bank of Boston June 5, 1930. Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. 4.5 Bids, Revenue Faxon Gade 3.98 Loan. Solomon Bros. & Hutzler 3.94 discount First National Bank 3.91 discount Lexington Trust Co. 3,96 Atlantic Nat. Bank of Boston 3.75 1 It was voted to award the bid to the Atlantic • National Bank- of Boston at t heir bid of 3.75: 1 It was decided to proceed to hold. another hearing Cerussi Road. on the 80t layout of the street along the Vino property from Mass. Avem?e to Vine Brook Road. It was decided to ask the opinion of the'Town Opinion of Counsel about makinr an appointment of the Director Town Counsel. of Home Economics inasmuch as this office is elective. Mr. Jay 0. Richards came before the Board and made an offer of 67500 for the strip of land which Mr. Anderson desires to purchase. The Board decided to go into session to discuss the amount of money` which they would accept for this proposition and to dismiss Mr. Richards until they made their decision. The Board decided to reouest the sum of $9000 net for this strip of land and agreed to allow negotiations to be made by the M.&.B. St.Ry. Co. simultaneously with the negotiations to be made by the Town for the property.. Mr. 'Cu.stance communicated with Mr. Hanson, President of the M. & B.St.Ry. Co. ani? he agreed that the power station was to be entirely included within the property on 'which the town holds an ootion. It was also decided to discuss with the M.&.B.St.Ry. Co. while malting negotiations as to whether or not the water pump rights are included in the proposition. M.&.B.St.Ry. Co. property. 448 Bill for Letter was received from the Supt. of Public 'Works fire in which he attached the bill for the American'LaFrance pumper. Pumper whicr has been received by the Town.' The Board approved the bill of $12,500. The Board discussed the taking of land for highway / purposed in front of the Stuart -Marshall property as authorized by the Town, and, discussed whether they would take a 25v strip or a 151 strip. They also discussed whether or not they would layout Taking of a new line for relocation of Wass. Avenue as far as land front of Grant Street. Stuart- The Town Engineer was requested to get information Marshall for the Board on this layout, giving the various widths property. to be taken for that distance. It was voted to lay this matter on the table for one week. The'Board discussed the request of Mr. G. Nary to. Oak St. stop the parking on both sides of Oak St. at its parking entrance, and decided to have "no parking" signs condition. placed on one side of the street. The Board also requested that a study of thee• layout of Oak St. to a 40' width from Mass. Ave. to Ellis St be Trade. The, Board. discussed the establishment of a new seal for the Town of Lexington, believEng that the - Town Seal. present segl'is the Concord Minute -Man rather than the Lexington Minute -Man. The Clerk was instructed to secure some in- formation about tb- origination of the r resent Town Seal and what to do to change the present one if the Board so desires. The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Torks is as follows: For the week ending December 14, 1929. Highway Department. A drain to carry the surface water from the back of Granny Hill across Grant Street into Vine Brook has been completed and the. extension of a surface water drain has been started in "lard Street. It has been necessary to place sand on sidewalks and on portions of the street surfaces five days during the past week. Next week the department.will be occuried tith the regular work of maintenance. Moth Department. Gypsy moth nests were treated with creosote in Bloomfield Street, Highland Avenue, Percy Road, Pelham Road, Berninaton Road, Washington Street, and Woblarn St. za J 1 iL u 1 1 This work will be continued next week. Park Denartment. Regular maintenance work was attended_ to during the past wee' and will oceury the department next week. 'Nater Maintenance. Services have been installed as follows: Grosby, Gary Avenue; Furtado. Avon Street; A 14" cement lined service has been installed for the new bank build.iN . On Wednesday, December 11th, one section of 12 pipe in Bedford Street between Elm Avenue and Mass. Ave. was replaced. A report of this break has already been made tb you. Water Construction. We are tieing in a gap of approximately 80' In Grape Vine Avenue in order to complete,a circuit. Sewer Maintenande. Te are still .vorlring on the sewer service at the new bank building. Sewer Construction The Mass. Ave. sewer from Audubon Road to the Valliere property has been completed and apnroximately 1200' of 8" sewer pipe has been laid and. five manholes have been constructed.. Due to the ledge encountered Rnd the frost in the grow. -d, the cost will be considerable more. The bank building has been connected with a surface water drain in Mass. Ave. , The force of the department has been reduced and we plan to lay off more men this week unless more work is available. Engineering Department. Sewers. Lines and grades for construction at Mass. Ave. Figured sewer assessment bills for Locust Avenue. Highways. Survey of Cedar Street. Miscellaneous. Completed additional study plans at "Five Forks." Wrote descriptions of parcels in Middlesex endBoston property. 450 BIock plan tracings. Lincoln Street top© survey. Yours very truly, ' William S. Scamman Sunt. of Public '"corks. 'The meeting adjourned at 11:08 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. efl 1 1