HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-09-24SELECTMENfS MEETING - SEPT. 24, 1929. The regular meetingof the Board of ' Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Chamberlain, Custance, Blake and Shannon were present. Mr. Cus tante was appointed temporary Chairman serving in the absence of Mr. Burnham who was ill. The Supt. of Public Works wad on his vacation. The Clerk was also present. Letter was received from the Apex Exterminator Exterminating Products Company stating that they will service rats in Town the three Town dumps namely, corner of Woburn Dumps. Street and Fletcher Avenue,_ Lincoln Street and Bedford_ Street; also the Almshouse property for the sum of $150. The Board felt that this should be done owing to the conditions and voted to authorize the payment of this amount from the Board of Health Account. Letter was received from the Plan ping Boal in Centre Engine which they advised that their decision for re - House.. commendation of a Centre Engine House was the lot owned by Mr. Harry Aldrich, the same being the ' triangular lot at the junction of Woburn Street and Fletcher Avenue. They stated that this triangle could be planned similar to the engine house in the Torn of Arlington at the junction of Massachusetts Avenue and Broadway and there would be ample space for this. same kind of develop- menta. It was decided to let this letter lay over until the next meeting of this Committee. Regulations re It was.voted to adopt the following regulations traffic controls in regard to traffic light controls, as sent to ' the Board by the State Dept. of Public Works: Section 1. Me!aAing of Colors. Colors in traffic control signals shalY have the commands ascribed to them in this section, and no other meanings, and no driver of a vehicle shall fail to comply.;- with said commands. (1) RED:' While the red dens is illuminated no driver of a vehicle facing the signal shall enter the intersection: (Provided, however, that if a right or left green arrow lens is illuminated at the same time, a driver may enter the intersection to make ' the turn permitted by the arrow). (2) CHANGE: While the yellow lens is illuminated any waiting driver of a vehicle shall remain standing uintil the green lens is illuminated, and. any driver of a Vehicle approaching the intersection who can dtop said vehicle with safety before reaching the Intersection, or a marked stop line, shall stop at such point. (3) GREENS While the green lens is illuminated any driver of a vehicle facing the signal shall proceed, subject to the safety of those who may have been in the intersection at the time the lens was illuminated (and subject to the special turning restrictions contgired in naragraph (5) of this section). (4) REn .AND YELLOW: While the red and yellow lenses are illuminated together no driver of q vehicle shall enter the intersection and during such time the intersection is reserved for the exclusive use of pedestrians. (5) GREEN ARROW LENS: When a'special right or left turn green arrow lens is incorporated in a signal, drivers facing said signal may make a turn in the direction of such arrow,. only when such lens is illuminated. ' (6) FLASHING RED The red lens when illuoinated with rapid intermittent flashes shall require drivers to come to a complete stop before entering the inter- section.. -:Such flashing red shall be used only in beacons and in traffic signals, when not operating as stop and" go devices, to indicate the full stop required before entering a through way. (7) FLASHING YELLOW: The yellow lens when illuminated with rapid intermittent flashes shall indicate the presence of danger end shall permit drivers to proceed only with caution. Theodore A. Custance Francis Chamberlain Board Hallie C. Blake of Sent. 24, 1929. Clarence Shannon Selectmen. Request was receiver from Neil McIntosh for a street light in Bernard Street, Sunnyfield Development. The Board decided to insert an article in the Warrant asking for street light in this street. The following commitments were signed: ' Sewer Charges $784.09 Sewer Assessments, Baker Avenue Oak Street Charles Street Taft Avenue 367 Street light Sunnyfield Development, Commitments. 368 Chase Avenue Water Charges Estimated cost of laying th Fottler Ave. Avenue from Cliffe Avenue to near .,Sewer. distance of 131000' in the amour received from the Supt. of ''Tater It was decided. to take this Meeting. $4719.01 1640.40 e sewer in Fottler the trunk line a t of $7000. was and Sewer Dept. matter up at Town Robbins & Mr. Chamberlain reported. that he was still in Smith. correspondence with Robbins & Smith regarding the land taken for street purposes in their development. Pool Room Pool Room license was granted to Frank H. Cotton License, F; H. 1764 Mass. Avenue' he having; presented three letters Cotton. of recommendation. 1 Proposed Road, It was decided to set aside an evening to consider Vine Brook, the orders of damages to be paid to the abettors along to present the proposed road along Vine Brook. Town Engineer It was decided to request the Town Engineer to to attend attend the conference of the Federation of Planning Planning Bd, Boards at Fitchburg on Monday, Sept. 30, 1929. iMeeting. is cleaned and the frame from Lex. Copy of letter written to the Planning Board to be ' by the Town Counsel giving his opinion on the drainage Vine Brook project considered in the Vine Brook area was Drainage. presented to the Board and was to be copied for 'Society circulation so that the members of the Board might appointed read it for their information. Letter was received from Daniel J. O'Connell to accept asking the status of the scop operated by Arthur Status of Field in the rear of the property of Norman J. Pero A. Field's at __B4;9 gauss. Avenue. repair shop. The Board replied that the scop was not use' s a garage but as a repair shop and was within the bus- iness district under the Zoning Law, and that the \/ gasoline tank stored there was covered by a permit from the Chief of the Fire Department and was for the use of the repair shop and not for sale purposes. It was reported that the Lexington Historical Society desired to present to the Town an'oil'painting which is at the present time at the Lexington Savings 011 Painting Bank, when the painting is cleaned and the frame from Lex. repaired, the same to be hung in the Cary Memorial 'Historical Building. 'Society The Board appointed Mr. Hallie C. Blake as their representative to accept of; reject the picture as he saw fit. 1 'The following is the weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works. For the week ending. -Sept. 21, 1929. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Streets and catch bosins in all Barts of the town were cleaned. Surface patches were made in Concord Ave., ':Hood St., Cedar St., C1arleSt., Muzzey St., Audubon Rd.., and Lincoln St. Lincoln St., Baker Ave., Chase Ave., and 0ak St. were leveled and graded. Cross walks in Mass. Ave. through the center were marked with traffic paint. Construction work in Coolidge Ave. was.started during the past week. _Next week the department will be occupied with the regular maintenance and the construction of Coolidge Ave. MOTH r.EPART1ENT. The work of cleaning up and trimming trees and brush on Belfry Hill has been finished. One tree removed and others trimmed in Oak Street. One tree in Depot Square was trimmed. Next week the department will be occupied with the wot'k of painting and destroying gypsy moth nests. PARK DEPARTMENT. Regular maintenance work was attended to during the"past week and will occupy the department next week. WATER MAINTENANCE. Services have been installed as follows: McIntosh, Spring Street; Dillon, Fair Oaks Drive; renewals for Balmer, Sheridan Street; Carrigan, Mass. Ave.; Norris, 3 Bedford Street. WATER CONSTRUCTION. We have laid approximately 1251 of 6" water pipe in Shade Street, and approximately 2001 of 6" water pipe in Tower Street to tie in with the Independence Avenue main. We have installed a hydrant on Farmcrest Avenue. SEWER CONSTRUCTION. We have installed a service for Carrigan, Mass. Ave. Five men have been flushing sewers. The work contemplated for the week ending October 5th is as follows: water and sewer services, etc. 370 c� ENGINEERING D7PARTMENT. SEVVERS ' Continued work on Town Study by making profiles of streets totalling 29,600 feet. Inspection of Main Sewer Outlet with J. Ab Raymond from Hayes Lane to Arlington line. HIGHWAYS Set and marked grade stakes for construction of Coolidge Avenue. Set line and grade stakes for construction of Hillside Terrace. Started survey of Harding Road. MISCELLANEOUS Located business sign at Aldrich Block by running Mass. Ave. line near Waltham Street. Made layout of Sarano and Custer properties to tie with development of "Golden Guernsey Farm.° Made copy of plan showing proposed building lines on Muzzey Street for Lexington Trust,Company. Lines and grades for property on Woodland -Road. Staked out location for skating rink at playground. REMARKS '. Inspection of Main Sewer Outlet (Sept. 17th) showed that it was in excellentcondition from the Nursery at Munroe Station to the Arlington line. From Munroe Station to Hayes Lane the line was in general very dirty with the manhole first southerly of Woburn Street in need of repairs to stop grouh.d water leakage. Cleaning process should extend along the main•11ne beyond. Hayes Lane at least to and including both Waltham Street branches. Flow measurements near Arlington showed that th6 outlet was running at one third capacity. These . measurements were taken at a -very dry season and will be repeatel when the gound is well saturated. Yours very truly, Supt, of Public 'Forks The meeting adjourned. at 8:16 P.M. A true record, Attest - Clerk.