HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-09-10OF SELECTDJEN'S MEETING — SEPT. 10, 1929. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Chamberlain, Shannon and Blake were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the -Clerk were also present. D Board The Board approved application of Mrs. Infants. Lillian Sefton to board two infants at her home on Fairview Avenue. It was voted to grant permission to the E,E.I.Co. Poles. and the Bew England Tel. & Tel. Co. to set and remove one pole at the corner of Marrett Road and Spring Street. Trangfer of It was voted to grant permission to the Poles. New England Tel. & Tel, Co. to transfer own ..' �P' of five poles on Grove Street to the E.E.I.Co. Letter was received from Mrs. E. M. Parking in Robinson, 9 Waltham Street complaining of her loss front of of business during the reconstruction of Waltham Minute Shoppe Street, and asking in this connection when the reconstruction of Waltham Street is completed, if she might have unlimited parking in front of the Minute Shoppe. It was decided to inform Mrs. Robinson that as soon as the street is ccmpleted, the Beard will take up the matter of parkipg. Invitation was received from the Town of Bedford to attend the 200th anniversary of the 200th incorporation of the Town on September 23rd. Anniversary The Board acknowledged receipt of the of Bedford. invitation. Letter was also receivedfromthe Town of Bedford stating that circuaLttances have arisent, so that they will not need to borrow the grands ��pd: belonging to this Town for their celebration. >' Meeting at Notice was received of a meeting at the County Com. County Commissioner's Office on Sept. 14, 1929 at 10 A.M. at which time highway matters will be discussed. Mr. Custance agreed to attend this meeting. The Chairman suggested that now that we have Street a Very fine wide highway through the center of the painted for Town, we should have crossing marks for pedestrians. crossings. It was agreed that the street should be painted and the Supt. of Public Works was therefore instructed to see that the street be painted at the various main crossings. u f] The Chairman informed the Board that the organ- DeMolay, ' ization of the DeMolay desired to have the Cary Mem- Cary Mem. orial Hall on Sept. 20 fcr an exhibition. Hall. It was decided to grant them the reduction rate of $25. The following list was submitted by the Supt. Highway of Public Works as suggestions for names to act Safety on the Committee on street and highway safety in Committee. conjunction with the Governor's Committee: Member Board of Selectmen 1.7illiam E.Mulliken Chief of Police Howard E. Custance Chief of Fire Dept, Calvin !7. Childs Town Engineer Frank R. Shephard Supt. of Public Works James H. Lewis Edward P. Merriam Albert B. Tenney Edwin B. Worthen Lawrence G. Mitchell William R. Greeley J. Lawrence.Miles. The Board voted to appoint the following C 1 Committee from this list: James J. Sullivan, Chief of Police; EPTilliam S. Scamman, Supt, of Public Works; Edward GN. Taylor, Chief of Fire Dept.; Calvin W. Childs and Frank R. Shephard. At 8 P.M. hearing was declared open on the Borrd!s notice of intention to lay out the extension of Clarke Street, Parker Street, a distance of 2401. Mr. Edward Wood appeared and offered his objection to the layout being made inasmuch as he felt that it did not benefit anyone. No other persons appeared for or against the petition. Three other persons were present at the hearing. The Board therefore decided to adopt an ofid.er laying out the extension of Clarke Street. COMMONIVEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Clarke Street hearing. Middlesex, ss. Lex4ngton, Mass., Sept. 100 1929 Town of Lexington, selectmen's Room. At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given due written notice of the intention of said Board, as required by law, to lay out as a town way the xray known as Clarke Street Extension all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held this day, and no objections having been made; Now, upon consideration of the matter, it is ..ORDERED: That this Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public•necessity and convenience require that said Clarke Street Extension be laid out and established as a p1mblic town way, and that 352= the same hereby is laid out and established as ' a public town way,respectively; as follows: PARCEL "A" Beginning at a stone bound in the southerly line of Parker Street, thence south 570 19' west distant 245.9 feet to the center line of -Vine Brook, thence southeasterly along the center line ofoVine Brook distant about 42 feet, thence north 57 19' east distant about 19 feet to a stone bound, thence continuing along the same line north 570 19' east distant 196.88 feet to a -stone bound., thence north 320 041 42" west distant 28.41 feet to the point of beginning, containing 6032 square feet. PARCEL "B" Beginning at _a point in the southerly line of Parker Street, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 20.00 feet radius distant 31.42 feet to a point of tangency, thence sol.th_ 570 19' west distant 256.3 feet to the center line of Vine Brook, thence southeasterly along the center line of Vine Brook distant 37.3 feet, thence north 570 19' east distant 245.9 feet to a stone bound in.the southerly line of , Parker Street, thence north 320 41' 10" west, along said southerly line of Parker Street, distant 41.59 feet to*the point of beginning, containing 5723 square feet. The above describedlines are parallel with and distant 40.00 feet from each other. Said Clarke Street Extension is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Clarke Street (Extension of) Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 inch - 20 feet, August 27, 1929, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer,'rnwhich plan is on file in the Town Clerk's Office in said Lexington and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order. And saidBo.ard having considered the question of damages sustained by .the owners of._lands across and through which said ways_ have been laid outandestablished as aforesaid, hereby determines.that no damages are sustained and no damages are awarded, and said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions of, law authorizing the assessment of better- ments. Albert H. Burnham Theodore A. Custance Board ' Clarence Shannon of Hallie C. Blake Selectmen. Francis Chamberlain. At 8:15 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the Cookfs ' application of Leonard R. Cook for permission to erect garage a private garage at the rear of his premises at 96 Forest application. Street. Mgr. & Mrs. Irving B. Pierce appeared to find out what kind of material the garage was to be built of. The where �.formedd that the applicatio was maddte for a is eth vl a gYioped ie�rgarage°m gt�i�c�eo to id cexc?Ric line with their own. - They were informed that they could take this matteP up with the property owner as the Board would have no jurisdiction over the location.on the property as long as it was placed 72r from the boundary line as required by law. At 8:20 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the application of Ralph A. Lane for permission tp erect a one car garage at 1998 Mass. Avenue. Mr. Lane Application personally appeared before the meeting.. There were Lane garage. no objections to the permit being granted, and the Board therefore voted to grant the same. At 8:30 P.M. hearing was declared open by the Fottler Board of Survey in accordance with advertised notice Avenue. in the Times -Minute Man to lay out Fottler Avenue from Cliffe: Avenue, a distance of approximately 610' westerly toward Mass. Avenue to the brook, ' There appeared to be no objection to the Board of Survey layout of this highway as a`40' street and the Baird therefore signed the plan of the layout of Fottler Avenue, a distance of 6101 westerly from Cliffe Avenie toward Mass. Ave. Followin the Board of Survey hearing, the Board declared hear ng open upon their intention to lay out Fottler Avenue as a Town way into a 40' layout adopted under the Board ct Survey plan. Various of the residents including Mr.,Bela Balogh, Sam Lippe, Joseph Ruocco and Eugene Rcs endorn were present and were All in favor of the propostion of the layout and agreed to sign a paper guarantying that they would pay betterment assessments for the construction of the highway, The Board therefore adopted the following order for the layout of this highway. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, as. Lexington, Mass.,,Sept,l®, 1929, Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room. ' At a meetingof the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, afer having given.due written notice of the Intention of said Board, as required by law, to lay out as a 354 town way the way known as Fottler Avenue from Cliffe Avenue westerly about 605 feet all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held this day, and no objections having been made; Now, upon consideration of the matter, it is ORDERED: That this Board'of Selectmen is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience require that said Fottler Avenue be laid out and established as a,public town way and that the same hereby is laid out and es- tablished as a public town way respectively, as follows: The northerly line of Fottler Avenue begins at a` point in the westerly line of Cliffe Avenue, thence north 690 181 58tt west distant about 133 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 235.76 feet radius distant 04,64 feet to a point of tangency, thence south 870 421 02ts west distant 239,05 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 237.94 feet racius distant 93.64 feet to a point of tangency, thence south 660 541 02" west distant 60.00 feet. The southerly line of Fottler Avenue begins at a point in the westerly line of Cliffe Avenue, thence north 69 17t 58" w8st distant about 133 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 195.76 feet radius distant 78.58 feet to a point of tangency, thence south 870 42t 02" west distant 239.05 feet to a'poirt 'of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a.curve of 217.94 feet radius distant 79.12 feet to a point of tangency, thence south 660 54t 02" west distuit 60.00 feet to a point, said point being sothtrh,230 W 58" Last distant 40.00 feet from the terminus of. the above described northerly line. The above described lines.are_parellel with and distant 40.00 feet from each other. Said Fottler Avenue is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Fottler Avenue Lex- ington, Mass.,_-5cale 1 inch - 40 feet, -august 22 19 9, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," which plan is on file fn the Town Clerk's Office in said Lexington and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this boder. And said Board having considered the question of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through,which said ways have been laid out and established as aforesaid, hereby determines that no damages arch sustain daardd no damages are awarded, and said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions of law authorizing the assessment of betterments. Theodore A. Custance Clarence Shannon Board Hallie C..Blake of Francis Chamberlain Selectmen ze 1 1 List of accidents occurring in the Water Dept. Compensation was presented by the Supt. of Public Works. - CarlIon Ins. on copy of the letter written by the Employer's Liability Water Dept Assurance Corp. on August 2,,1929 to the Uhairman of the Board relative to the compensation insurance on the Water department was presented to the Board. The original of this letter apparently had never reached the Selectmen's office. The letter stated that for every dollar taken in on the compensation policy for the Water Dept. $1.75 has been put out over a period of 20 years, and the Company felt that precautions should be taken to employ help that were able to carry on the work desig- nated inasmuch as the older men when injured are usually laid up for a longer time, and also that cooperation be had in reporting accidents as soon as possible and that the doctor's bills are especially large in these cases. It.was decided to notify the Insurance Company that the Board would be very glad to cooperate as much as possible and would request the Supt. of the Water Dppt. to notify all employees to report immediately any accidents they might receive and also request the Supt, to give considerable attention to the designation of lines of work to employees more fitted for the work and that the Water Dept, will give their approval on all doctor's bills received, requesting that they be not paid until they are ' checked by the Water Department. Letter was received from Frederick L. Emery asking Additional when the Planning Board would be able to receive addi- Engi'eering tional Engineering services. The Torun Engineer came ServXces, before the Board and discussed the matter of additional Engineering services, setting forth the idea that he would rather add on two adlMtional college students so that he might have two complete working crews at all times during the balance of the ,year rather than em- ploying a high priced man art thi's time. He felt that if a high priced man were employed, he would not be able to give the studies necessary inasmuch as the topographi- cal plan of the Town, which is necessary for all the studies of the -Planning Board, would not be made. He estimated that it would take from 18 months to two years to complete the topographical plan of the Town if he had two crews working continuously, and until that is done he saw no benefit to the Town in employing anyone to make any studies. He alsclyished to keep within his appropriation and if he were allowed to carry out his suggestion, he felt that he could keep within the appropriation for the ,year, The Board approved the suggestion made by the Town Engineer, but also informed him that is he could secure any ideas from Mr. Duffy, member. of the Planning Board whois an experienced Engineer that might be helpful to him, they would be gl d to Piave him do so. 35`6 Letter Letter was received from George '.Harrington, 121 from G.F. Fo13en Road, in which he returned the bill of $149.35 for Harrington sewer assessment on Smith Avenue stating that he felt that the Bca rd, when he to re, sewer agreed give 1590 square feet cf his land for Smith Avenue construction, would not assessment. assess him for any betterments for highway, sidewalk or sewer and he also did not believe that this sewer was of any benefit to him and that he should not be billed. Mr. Chamberlain stated that his recollection of the matter was that at the time the Board of Survey layout was made, negotiations were mdde with Mr. Harrington to sell his land to Smith and Robbins; no mention was New rega- lia for made of any sewer betterment and at that time it was not traffic thought of any sewer construction in the highway. He officers. therefore felt that Mr. Harrington was not entitled to abatement on the sewer assessment, and the Board so decided tdnotify Mr. Harrington, and send him a copy of the record of the meeting at which this matter was discussed. Center It was decided to notify the Committee authorized Engine by the Town to consider a site or sites for a Center House Engine House, that a meeting would be held on Tuesday evening next at 8:30 P.M. to consider the matter as authorized by vote of the Town April 15. Fire Ins. It was called to the Board's attention that no on 'Town fire insurance was carried on the Police car that was cars, damaged by fire to the extent of approximately $200. It was decided to,request _the Supt, of Public Works to get a list of all automobiles owned by the T ovn and find out the price of insuring all of these cars for fire insurance. J.R.Webster The Board signed the application of John Rowe peddle pop- Webster, 13 Somerset Rd., for permission to peddle corn, etc. peanuts and popcorn on the streets of Lexington. The Board, however, wished .t "dvise Mr. Webster that then would not allow him to peddle on the parks or,property owned by the Town. Demolition "tin Mr. John i''. Tibbetts came before the Board m lative of �� building. to the removal of the old tin building near the East Lexington R. R. station. He presented letters received by him from the Town Counsel and the report of the Committee that he employed to investigate the safety of the building. The Town Counsel informed him that he could remove the building if the committee reported that it was ;a menace to the public. In regard to the cost of tearing down the building, the Board requested,the Building Inspector to report to them in writin:. is recommendation as to the ways C, and means of disposing of the building. New rega- lia for It was decided to reques�the Supt.,.of Public Works traffic to see that the Chief of Police provide the proper regalia of wti.ite belts and for the officers. gloves traffic officers of the ToN n so that their lives would not be in danger while they were directing traffic. 1 n 1 )57 Mr. Francis W. Small who recently purchased a lot Constr. of land on CooliAge Avenue just beyond the place where 0061idlge ' the Town voted to accept the highway, came before the Board Ave., in an endeavor to secure the construction of the 11Qlanee bilance of the highway by his property. He was in- of. formed that he should see the other sab[ttor owning the land across the street and if he could secure his per- mission to pay for the cost of the construction of the highwaq, the Board would make arrangements with a private contractor and have the work.done at the same time as the Town does its work. The Board discussed the timimg of traffic for the Timing new automatic traffic signals and the Supt. of Public Traffic Works was requested to get the time for the State Signals. Dept. on traffic control. The Town Engineer reported receiving a letter from Metcalf & Eddy asking him if it was decided when they would have the sewer survey complete. &Edd Metcalf &Eddy ' The Engineer stated that he did not believe that this was so urgent that it could not be sewer completed the first of next year. -de also stated that it would take at least two months to provide 14etcalf & Eddy with the information which they would find necessary to complete their work. It wa.7 therefore decided that the Town Engineer ' inform them when this work is to be completed. Mr. Custance reported that the State Dept. of 1#orks refused to" give any assistance to the Town Bermudez to put Bermudex aspalt on TA�altham Street at Asphalt, a cost of approximately $5000 more than the present "faltham St. contract. He suggested that the Towyn therefore miht possibly balance the expense of putting the Bermulez asphalt on inasmuch as the Sontractor, John A. Gaffey, will grant a 5 year guarantee of the highway if he puts on the asphalt. Mr. Custance stated that he would endeavor to get the County to cooperate in this expenditure, but he was not certain of any assistance from then. The Board decided that this was good business Inasmuch as highways in the Town where Befmudez asphalt has been used have proven to be worth additional expenditure of money, and it was therefore voted to instruct the Contractor to use Bermudez asphalt and the Board would secure the money for this additional expense at a later Town Meeting. The weekly report of the Supt, of Public Works is as follows: Supt. of ' For the week ending Sept. 7, lg2g Highway Department. Report.`°rksr, p The regrading and asphaltic treatment on Locust Avenue between Tower Street and the upper end of the street has been completed. For the 358 UZI reason that this part of the street is steep, � a base of crushed stone was laid under the coating of crushed. ,ravel. Tris was wet and rolled and a coat'of light oil applied and then a coat of heavy oil and pea stone applied and again rolled at two of the intersecting , streets. Curbings of pa vir:g stones were constructed to prevent the water running over the sidewalks and washing out the gravel. At the intersection of Bow Street and Cliffe Avenue and in Bow Street between the Railroad crossing and Cliffs Avenue the street has been graded and built out to the full width and during the present week, a seal coat of asphaltic oil will be applied. Curve Street has been treated with a seal coat of heavy oil and pea stone. Catch basins in various streets were cleaned and space patches made in Concord Avenue and Bow St. iuext week the Department will be occupied with the construction of Coolidge Ave. and with maintenance work. Moth and Shade Tree Dept. This Department has been cutting out underbrush and cleaning Belfry Hill. Next week it will continue the regular maintenance work. Park Department. ' The department has been occupied with the regular maintenance work and also with the work of grading around the swimming pool and in the space between the swimming pool and the Park Drive. The pools were filled with water Thursday night from the Town water system as we were unable to have the new pump in condition to operate. The dedication of the pool took pace on Saturday afternoon, September 7th. It %vas successfully carried out and enjoyed by a large number of persons. Next week the department will attend to the regular maintenance work. !dater Maintenance. We have been changing the services on Vaille Ave. from the 2" to the new 8" main. We have Installed a renewal for Love on Mass. Avenue and a new service for LaPorte on Shade Street. Nater Construction. We have completed the Vaille Avenue main ?�, ' having laid a total of 6841 of 8" water pipe, and having set two hydrants. An 8 " connection has been made from the main in Waltham Street to the proposed street on the Ryder property. sewer Maintenance. The following connections to the new ' sewers in East Lexington have been made; Whipple, Chase Avenue, Ross, Oak Street, McPhee, Oak Street, Weyand, Oak Street, Carlson, Baker Avenue, Simonds, Baker Ave., Gleason, Baker Ave., Hudson, Baker Ave and Keary, Oak Street. Sewer Construction An 8" connection has been made from the main in,llaltham Street to the proposed street in the Hyder property. We have completed laying approximately 777 feet of Newer pipe in Charles Street., 400 feet in Chase Avenue, 450 feet in Baker Avenue and 225 feet in Oak Street. We have unloaded two carloads of sewer pipe. *e have laid approximately 300, of 2" pipe at the swimming pool. Regular routine work is planned for next week. Engineering Department Sew -rs . VIIContinued work on Town Study by making ' profiles of streets totalling 30,000 feet. Twelve miles of elevations were computed'and added to out 400 Scale map. Highways. Survev and levels for construction of C6olide Avenue. Miscellaneous. Existing bounds on Coolidge Avenue are not properly located. We plan to make a complete survey from Adams Street to Hancock Street in order to reset bounds. Yours very truly, William S. Scarrian Supt. of Public Works The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. A true record, Attest: , Clerk.