HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-08-27342? SELECTMENtS MEETING - AUGUST 27, 1929. ' The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Office, Town Office Building on August 27, 1929 at 7:30 P.M. Messrs, Burnham, Custance, Blake and Shannon were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk pro -tem were " also present. In regard to the increase from $20 to 30 Mr. Ross' car. for the use of Mr. Ross' car which was granted last week, it was voted that this increase should date from May 1, 1929. Hairdressing A hairdressing license was granted to Florence license. B. Westover of 3 Waltham Street, Lexington to do business at 1711 Massachusetts Avenue. Commitment for Smith Avenue & Tower Street sewer Commitment assessment in the amount of $1504.79 was gigned by the Board. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he enclosed a draft of vote for Vacciltation amendment to By-laws for anti -rabies vaccination of dogs. of dogs. It was decided to insert an article in the Warrant for a Town Meeting at some future date. O'Connor & Quinn . At 8 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the garage. application of O'Connor & Quinn, 1374 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, for permission to erect a two car garage on their premises at Slocum Road. A representative for O'Connor & Quinn was present and no objections having been made, it was voted to grant permission. Transfer to' Letter was received from Robert P. Trask, Treasurer's Clerk of the Appropriation Committee, in which Account, $300. he stated that his Committee had voted to authorize a transfer of 300. from the Reserve Fund to the Treasurer's Account for clerical services. Public Weigher. Edward F. Smith of the Lexington Sand & Gravel Company was appointed as a Public Weigher, his term to expire March 31, 1930. After discussing the matter of requiring an Water Mains easement and deed from abuttors when the Town in Private desires to lay water mains in private ways, it Ways. was voted that this matter be indefinitely postponed. It was suggested, however, that these forms might be used in special cases where no Board of Survey street has been laid out, but it was felt that in every case these forms would not be necessary - 1 1 1 1 1 The plans of Starrett Gardens owned by Hobert L Innis & Dougal McLennan were approved and signed by the Board of Survey. At 8:30 o'clock hearing was declared open on the matter of laying out a part of Fottler Avenue. Upon advice of the Town Counsel the hearing was adjourned until Sept. 10, 1929 at 8:30 P*M., notice having been inserted in the local paper in regard to the hearing. 343 Marrett Gardens. Fottler Avenue. Swimming Pool Dr. Clarence Shannon, Chairman of the Dedication Swimming Pool Committee, stated that the swimming pool is about completed and he felt that dedica.on exercises should be held. It was decided that Sept. 7, 1929 at 2:30 P.M. be set as the date for the dedication and it was voted that the following Committee be appointed to have charge of the exercises: Willies E. Mulliken, Clarence Shannon, Edward H. Mara, John J. Garrity and Eugene J. Viano. Mr. T. A. Custance reported that a bid of $110. had been received from Mr. Jesse Curra to move stone and banking in order to level off the ground in the vicinity of the swimming pool. It was voted that the Supt, of Public Works be instructed to accept the bid so that the work may be completed in the near future. Mr. Custance reported that a private citizen desired to donate $25.00 for prizes when the Swimming Pool is dedicated.. -but it was thought that as no competitive exercises are to be held at that time the money might be used for a flag and flag pole on the building. It was reported that the Board of Trade desire to make repairs to the base ball diamond on the Parker Field and it was voted that the Board of Trade be given permission to do this work under the direction of the Board of Selectmen and that the bill will be paid by the Board of Trade. Mr. Hallie C. Blake inquired what had been done in regard to the drainage of the Captain Parker watering trough and he was informed by the Supt. of Public Works that the work would be completed this week. The weekly report of the Supt] of Public Works is as follows: Bid for Jesse Curra to move banking. 25.?0 for prizes on ed. Bas e ball Diamond. Watering Trough. 344 For the week ending August 24, 1929. Highway Department ' The following work has been accomplished during the past week: At the East corner of Follen Road and . Massachusetts Avenue about 1001 of curbing has been set, a gravel sidewalk has been laid, the back of the sidewalk has been graded and banked to meet the property line and the street between the traveled way and sidewalk has been excavated, filled with a base course of gravel properky graded and constructed with penetrated Macadam. The location of two catch basins in front of Munroe School have been changed. Two catch basins are being constructed in - Plainfield Street, to be connected with the Massachusetts Avenue drain. . Sidewalk in front of stores at the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Curve Street have been dressed and covered with a mixed tar top. A portion of sidewalk in Curve Street also received the same treatment. Surface patches were made in Bedford Street,; Woburn Street, Mass. Avenue and Lowell Street. Next week the.Department will continue on the regular maintenance work. The following streets will be given attention; Locust Avenue, ' Curve Street, Bow and Lowell Streets. Moth and Shade Tree Department. One dead tree in Grove Street was removed. Brush was cut out at the corner of Lowell and East Streets, at -Mass. Avenue and School Street and At Bowman Park. Next week the Department will be occupied with the regular maintenance work. Park Department. The regular maintenance work has been curried on, as well as the work of grading at the p laygroand and around the swimming pool. The regular maintenance work will be carried on next week. Water Maintenance. A water service has been installed to the curb for Cunningham on Cedar Street; water service has been installed for Brigham on Hillside ' Terrace. A hydrant on Waltham Street has been raised to the proper grade given by the engineer on the Waltham Street job. Swimming Pool Five men have been working at the swimming pool. Sewer Construction. Computed and marked grade stakes for Follen Rd. curbing. Miscellaneous. Gave locations for traffic signal lights at junction of Waltham Street and Marrett Road. Made study in viclAity of Valley Road and Bedford Street for Planning Board. Lines and grades &lon.g Slocum Road and Highland Avenue for three property owners. Assistant Higgins completed seventh geek in charge of construction of swimming pool. Yours very truly, William S. Scamman Supt. of Public Works. The meeting adjourned at 9 P.M. A true record, Attest: pp ��Cle ko-tem . C The Charles Street, Taft Avenue, and Chase Avenue sewersjobs have been completed. Work was started today on the extension of approximately 600' of 8" water pipe in Vaille Avenue from Reed Street. The excavating on this job is being done by A. Ross & Son, with the ditching machine. The work contemplated for the week ending September 7th is as follows: Continuation of the Baker Avenue and Oak Street sewer work; water and sewer services, etc. Engineering Department. Sewers Lines and grades for construction at Chase Avenue. Lines and grades for construction at Taft Avenue. Continued.work on Lexington Sewer Study by taking elevation at 1001 intervals along 8 miles of streets. Made record plan of Chase Avenue sewer and filed it at the Registry, August 22nd. ' Highways. Computed and marked grade stakes for Follen Rd. curbing. Miscellaneous. Gave locations for traffic signal lights at junction of Waltham Street and Marrett Road. Made study in viclAity of Valley Road and Bedford Street for Planning Board. Lines and grades &lon.g Slocum Road and Highland Avenue for three property owners. Assistant Higgins completed seventh geek in charge of construction of swimming pool. Yours very truly, William S. Scamman Supt. of Public Works. The meeting adjourned at 9 P.M. A true record, Attest: pp ��Cle ko-tem . C