HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-08-08324 Highway, Mass. Ave. to Vine Brook Road, SPECIAL SELECTMEN'S MEETING AUGUST S. 1929. Meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Office, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance, BlAkb and Shannon were present. The Town Engineer., Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. At 7:30 P.M. Bearing was declared open on the notice of the Board of Selectmen to lay out a street from Massachusetts Avenue along Vine Brook to Vine Brook Road. Mr. T. A. Custance conducted the hearing and read the notice of the intention of the Board to lay out this highway 1001 in width. Mr. Custance read a letter from Mr. Robert L. Ryder in which he stated that he was in favor of the proposition of laying out the street. Mr. F. L. Emery, Chairman of the Planning Board, stated that the study in the two plans as presented constituted a part of the Planning Board study of the entire area in this section, and that the Planning Board were - in favor of this layout - He stated that the Town Engineer carried his work out further than this layout and carried the street out to its meeting place with the junction of Waltham Street and to a point almost opposite the road which runs northwesterly towards Vine Brook and the Playground. He stated that it was proposed to change the entrance of the drive so as to meet the extension of what is proposed to lay out this evening; that this is part of the general scheme of roadways, and the Planning Board hoped that the Town will build in connection with the scheme of drainage which has been worked out by Metcalf & Eddy for the last year or to, plans of which are filed in the Town Offices, Mr. H. J. Trevor Prig, 20 Vine Brook Road stated that the people present at the meeting were all interested in having the street extended across Vine Brook Road to meet with Waltham Street, and that they felt that the construction of this street should not be done unless the entire project was carried out. They felt that the drainage should be all constructed and the streets laid down by the Planning Board previous to any layout 1 1 L -25 being made; that the residences Would not be improved if a street were put there Without having ' it constructed through to Waltham Street and it would depreciate their property. Mr. Pring Was informed by Mr. Custance that this was a part of the intended layout, but that the Board felt that at this time they should secure this property on this end of the layout so that no farther building could be done upon the same and make the project more expensive to the Town. Mr. Emery again explained that the street Would be a double barrel highway with a provision for traffic going each Way with either an open brook in between or a closed culvert with a grass plot in between the two highways. This street will continue along in the general direction toward the State road to near Grapevine Corner and thence down to Belmont to the Metropolitan Park District and there Will follow the parkway; the otherwill go through the park up over Robinsons Hill and from thereto Bedford Street, thereby diverting traffic. He stated that owing to the lack of Engineering services, the Planning Board did not have any definite plan of this layout, but this is the general layout proposed. ' He stated that Mr. Ryder had been urging that streets be laid out on his property for some time, but that the streets had not been laid out owing.to lack of Engineering services. He felt that this probable layout should be made by the Town now, inasmuch as the development belonging to Mr. C. W. Ryder is coming along fast as his Engineers are now making studies of the layout of streets. Mr. Pring stated that he understood that Mr. Ryder had given an option to Mr. Viano for one year to purchase the property along side of the garage, and he wanted to know what affect this layout Would have on this project. Mr. Bring was informed that the Town was not aware that an option was given upon this property, however, adjustments would have to be made with the owners* Mr. Custance informed Mr., Pring that there may be damages as well as betterments in this taking, Mr. Pring stated that that was the way the residents looked at the proposition* Mr. William Crawford, 5 Wall is Court, stated that the taking would take all of his back yard and it would damage him considerably as he would not have room for a garage. 326 Mr. Eugene J. Viano stated that he was in favor of the taking but there were certain phases that would interfere with his business, and he would like to get some idea -,as to how long they would have to wait before the construction of the street was started, and if the Town should take the property and hold it without putting In a highway if it would interfere with his business, and if .the Town should make the taking and not do any construction work there for a couple of years it would be an interference* Mr. Custance informed him that the construction of the drainage would have to be done previous to the construction of the street, but he Could not inform him just when this would be done. Celia Tracy, 3 Wallis Court stated that she would not have room for a garage. She would not object to the taking if arrangements could be made so that she could have a garage. Mrs. Bertha M. Baker, 1656 Massachusetts Avenue, asked how long it would be before she would have to give up her property. She was having a tenant move into the house the first of September, so that she desired to have this information. Mr. Custance informed her that the Board would endeavor to treat her fairly on the matter. The Board discussed the matters presented to them at the hearing and voted to pass the following order of the layout of this proposed highway from Massachusetts Avenue to Vine Brook Road. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss Lexington, Mass., Aug. 8, 1929. Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room. At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given written notice of the intention of said _Board, as required by law, to lay out as a town way Proposed Street Running from Massachusetts Avenue along Vine Brook to Vine Brook Road, all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held on the 8th day of August, 1929 and no objections having been made; Now upon consideration of the matter, it is ORDERED: that the Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience require that said Proposed Street Running from Massachusetts Avenue along Vine Brook to.Vine Brook Road be laid out axed established as a public town. way, 7 32 7 The above description is intended to conform to the plan of said street entitled, "Plan of Proposed Street, Lexington, How. Scale 1 inch 40 feet, Vert. Scale 1 inch - 6 feet, July 23, 1929, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's Office in said Lexington and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order. And said Board having considered the question of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through which said ways have been laid out and and the same hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respectively as follows: ' The northerly line of Proposed Street Running from Massachusetts Avenue along Vine. Brook to Vine Brook Road begins at a point in the westerly line of Massachusetts Avenue, said point being southerly of a stone bound marking the northerly terminus of a curve of 1008.11 feet radius in said westerly line of Massachusetts Avenue and distant 52.02 feet from said stone bound, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 32.97 feet radius distant 48.68 feet to a point of tangency thence southwesterly distant 297.08 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 27.08 feet radius distant 45.30 feet to a point in the easterly line of Vine Brook Road, said point being northerly and distant '43.35 feet from a stone bound marking the northerly terminus of a curve of 479,70 feet radius in said easterly line of Vine Brook Road. The southerly line of Proposed Street Running from Massachusetts Avenue along Vine Brook to Vine Brook Road begins at a point in the westerly line of Massachusetts Avenue, said point being northerly of a stone bound marking the southerly terminus of a curve of 1008.11 feet radius in said westerly line of Massachusetts Avenue and distant 8.00 feet from ' said stone bound, thence bearing to the left with a curve' of 33.25 feet radius distant 50.06 feet to a point of tangency thence southwesterly distant 312,27 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 37.99 feet radius distant 50.78' feet to a point in the easterly line of Vine Brook Road, said point being southerly and distant 55.56 feet from the southerly terminus of a curve of 479.70 feet radius in said easterly line of Vine Brook Road. The above described lines are parallel with and distant 100.00 feet from each other with the exception of the curved intersections at Massachusetts'Avenue and Vine Brook Road. The above description is intended to conform to the plan of said street entitled, "Plan of Proposed Street, Lexington, How. Scale 1 inch 40 feet, Vert. Scale 1 inch - 6 feet, July 23, 1929, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's Office in said Lexington and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order. And said Board having considered the question of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through which said ways have been laid out and e)20 established as aforesaid, hereby determines that no damages are sustained and no damages are awarded, and said Board hereby declares that all acts done herein are done under the provisions of law authorizing the assessment of betterments. Albert H. Burnham Board Clarence Shannon of Theodore A. Custan ce Selectmen, Hallie C. Blake Hearing was declared open upon the notice Proposed High- of the Board to have a second informal hearing on way from Lowell the location of a street running from Lowell Street to Bed- Street, widening and relocating East Street to ford Street. near the junction of Adams Street and East Street, then across private lands to North Hancock Street and across private lands to Bedford Street, joining Bedford Street above the' Railroad crossing. Mrs. Robert Brown of 92 Hancock Street, stated that she opposed the location of the street cutting across as this was proposed, especially as it was not very far from being parallel for some distance with Massachusetts Avenue and that it came out onto a very busy highway, namely Bedford Street and also that it Would increase the traffic onto Bedford Street. As there was a school house within one quarter of a mile from the Railroad crossing, she did not believe that it was the right thing to do•, especially when the school house was a primary school. She felt that the road should be taken north of the Burlington Road then cut across property farther up and that this property was, not nearly as valuable as the property where it is now proposed to locate the street. In this war the traffic would be taken away from the residential district. Mr. Edward A, Robbins, 90 Hancock'- Street, read a message in which he opposed the location and felt that a highway should be brought across property in a more northerly direction. He felt that a proposed layout in a northerly direction would not cost nearly as much as this location. The Town Engineer showed the plan of this highway which differed somewhat from the.original inasmuch as the layout of the road did not cut off Mr. Charles Jon est property at 87 Hancock Street. Mr. John H. Milliken, Burlington Street, stated that he was interested in developing his land and that he would be glad to have this road run back of his property. He would be ineerested to see the road run up across Simonds Road .and out by the Smith Bell Farm; thew, it would avoid an r 1 1 1 entrance to Bedford Street near the Parker School. Mrs. Charles Jones, 87 Hancock Street, asked why the Board wanted to take this private property when there was so much undeveloped farm land available. Mr. Charles Jones asked why the Board was so. keen about laying a street across the Dix property, inasmuch as he thought this was assisting a develoen•t . He was informed that the Board found that it would be better to go through this land than to go through North Hancock Street. Mr. William E. Doran stated that he did not see why the street was not continued as a continuation of Lowell Street to take traffic away from Lexington Centre, into Burlington and Billerica. Mr. Norman Hooper, 37 Bertwell Road, stated that he felt it would be better to get the State and County interested in continuing. Lowell. Street 'through to Burlington and Billerica_ and the traffic would;be brought out at Loomis' corner. It seemed * him: that this would be a. more direct route. He ' felt that Bedford Street was the most thidZy travelled street in the Town and that running a road as planned, would only add to the traffic and that sending the traffic off through Lowell" Street would accomplish what,the State Department have as their objective. He did not believe the Town of Lexington would derive any benefit from this route planned inasmuch as it would be necessary again, in the future, to divert the traffic off through Lowell Street. Mr. Charles Ryan, stated that he owned a piece of land at the corner of Grant and East Streets. He felt that Mr. -Hooper had the right idea in stating that the traffic should be taken off through Lowell Street, inasmuch as he felt that it was a more direct route, and that it was better to develop the Lowell turnpike through to Billerica. He stated that he came to the country to have a quiet.place to live in, and if he was going to have additional automobile traffic, he did not want to own the land. Mr. William Fiske, East Street, _agreed with Mr. Zooper and Mr. Ryan in regard to diverting traffic onto the Lowell turnpike. ' Questions were asked by Mr. Doran and Mr. Hooper in pegard to the cost of building this highway. It was brought out that the cost of laying out Lowell Street to a width of 60f would probably cost about one-half that of laying out this highway proposed. 330 Mr. Frederick L. Emery made statements in favor of tp;e project of laying out this highway inasmuch as he felt that a'great deal of study had been given to it and although in the Mture it will be necessary to use Lowell Street to divert traffic, the Planning Board still believes that a street of this kind should be built to relieve the traffic in the Center of the Town. He was interested in the suggestion made that the Street might go over Burlington Street and Grove Street coming out on Bedford Street somewhere near Summer Street. He felt that the meeting did not progress very far however, since the last meeting. He felt that additional engineering services should be had so that the project could be more completely shown by the plans. He stated that he agreed with Mr. Hooper -in regard to his suggestion about diverting traffic over Lowell Street, but he thought that this plan was more in the future; that the immediate necessity was to provide a plane for the traffic to be diverted from the Center of the Town. Mr. Charles Nichols, 94 Hancock Street, suggested that inasmuch as it appeared to be. indefinite -about whether or not Lowell Street was to be constructed through to Billerica:,,' `X that it would be well to make an investigation' to find out definitely what could be done. Mr. Hooper asked what the duty of the Planning ,Board was in regard to the laying out of developments. This was in connection with the development mentioned by Mr. Milliken. He was informed by Mr. Emery that the Planning Board simply laid out the main highways and tbq developer was then requested to build the development to that layout. The hearing closed at 9:30 P.M. After the hearing Mr. Emery desired to hav6'4L talk with the Board in regard to additional `' Engineering services. After considerable discussion as to the services of the Department, Mr. Blake suggested that an article be inserted in the Tarrant asking for additional appropriation covering the cost of engineering services. The suggestion was made that a man who had about 15, years experience in engineering could be hired and any of the problems to be studied could be referred to him and that additional services be acquired' so that two crews could be working at all times to get the information for the topographical plan, The Engineer was requested to get figures as to what was being paid now for services in his"'-- Department is "`-Department and what Mould be necessary for an-'articlek> in the Tarrant to pay for services of men of this type. A true record Attest: C1az°k�. 1 1