HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-06-25262 v REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 259 1929. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the'Selectmen+s Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Blake, Custance, And Shannon,were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. Complaint Mr. Leonard Jellis of Ward Street came before the of Qanisius Board to complain of the Canisius piggery. He stated piggery, that he had sent in a written complaint two years ago signed by various parties in the neighborhood and that he was promised that something would be done about the piggery. He stated that the odor was so nauseating that this noontime he could not eat his dinner on arriving home after passing the Canisius piggery:He stated that the condition was terrible, that Mr. Canisius slept in the barn, and he fed swill to him horse. He collects garbage in town and sells it to other parties. then asked who Mr. Canisius sells the garbage to, he stated that if it was necessary later on to inform the Board, he would Bive the name of the party.- He stated that there are about thirty-five children in the vicinity and he felt that the health of these children should be considgmred. He was AA fed whether or not the Flemings keep pigs, and he stated that he did not know. He stated that they might have one or two pigs. He stated that there was considerable ' odor from the Canisius premises tonight When he came by. Mr. Prentiss stated that he was in that vicinity this.evening when he was looking for Mr. Jellisf house and when he went by the Canisius property there Was considerable odor there. He had not, however, mddean official visit there this evening, but he was requested to do so by the Board in response to this complaint. Mr. Jellis felt that Mr. Canisius should be stopped from collecting swill in the town, inasmuch as the tax payers are now paying for the collection of garbage. Mr. Jellis stated that he lives about 1,000 feet from the Canisius premises. The Board promised Mr. Jellis that they would investigate the conditions. Garbage Mr. Prentiss called the Board's attention to the,,, permits. provisions of Chapter 358 of the Acts of 1921 requiriirig persons to obtain a permit to transport garbage, offal or other offensive matter through the town. Mr. Prentiss recommended that the various collectors of swill be ordered to discontinue their practice inasmuch as none of them have complied with the regulations of the Board in securing a permit, and furthermore, they vaintain a nuisance in the town. It was found that William J. Leary, Frank Canisius, Amos Dalrymple, and Frank Johnson are collecting garbage ' In the town without any permit. It was therefor decided to give an order of prohibition to the four parties as follows: June 26, 1929. Mr. W1111am J. Leary, 116 Vine Street, Lexington, M ss. Dear Sir:. At the meeting of the Board of Selectmen held last evening, the Board voted to issue an order in accordance with Chapter 111 of the General Laws as amended by Chapter 358 of the Acts_ of 1921 and any other aardndments thereto, and the Board of Health Regulations of the Town of Lexington prohibiting you from collecting or transporting garbage offal or other offensive substances through the streets. By order of the Selectmen acting as a Board of Health. Helen C. Whittemore, Clerk, June 26, 1929. Mr. Frank'Canisius, Ward Street,,_ ' Lexington, Mass. Dear Sir: - At the meeting of the Board of Selectmen held last evening, the Board voted to issue an order in accordance with Chapter 111 of the General Laws as amended by Chapter 358 of the Acts of 1921 and any other amendments thereto, and the Board of Health Regulations of the Town of Lexington, prohibiting you from collecting or transporting garbage, offal or other offensive substances through the streets. By order of the Selectmen acting as a Board of Health. Helen C. Whittemore. Clerk. Mr. Amos Dalrymple, 148,Hill Street, Lexington, Mass. DR At At the meeting of the Board evening, the Board votes to issue June 26, 1929. Garbs e prohibit ion orders. Wm. J. Leary Frank Canisius of Selectmen held last an order in.accordance 264 with Chapter 111 of the General Laws as amended by Chapter 358 of the Acts of 1921 and any other amendments Na thereto, and the Board of Health Regulations of the Amos Town of Lexington prohibiting you from collecting or ' Dalrymple transporting garbage, offal or other offensive substances through the streets. By order of the Selectmen acting as a Board of Health. Helen C. Whittemore. Clerk. June 26, 1929. Mr. Frank Johnson, 218 Bedford Street, Lexington, Mass. Dear Sir: - At the meeting of the Board of Selectmen held last evening, the Board voted to issue an order in accordance with Chapter 111 of the General Laws as amended by Ch�pter 358 of the Acts of 1921 and any other amendments Frank thereto, and the Board'of Health Regulations of the T wn Johnson of Lexington, prohibiting you from collecting or tran80 porting garbage, offal or other offensive substances through the streets. ' By order of the Selectmen acting as a Board. of Health. Helen C. Whittemore. Clerk. Granfield At 8:00 P.M. hearing was declared open on the hearing. application of William A. Granfield for permission to install two gasoline tanks in the capacity of 2,0-00 gallons on his premises at the corner of Marrett Road and Spring Street. Mr. Mulhall, attorney, came to represent Mr. McLaughlin who had previously appeared at a meeting directing questions about the Granfield hearing. Mr. Mulhall stated the facts of the case and apologized for Mr. GranfieldIs not complying with the former permit granted to him by the Board, but felt that this was due to an expression of opinion from the Standard Oil Co.. of N.Y. representative. He presented the three plans showing three locations, any one.'9 which Mr. Granfield would like to be granted a permit under for the location of the tanks. He stated.that the tanks that were placed there previously still i"d in the ground, but that the pmuper had been remo . 'd*'kion. ' He stated that ht Mt Mr. Granfield'needed -the,, of a gasoline filling station to his business which is open all the year round. He stated that at the ' present time there are, two signs on the premises of Mr. Granfield whidh are within sight of the highway, and it'was the intention of Mr. Granfield to remove these signs if he was granted a permit to keep 4nd sell gasoline. Mr. Granfield was also willing to give.the land at the corner as staked out by the Board, and this would give a wider corner and make it less dangerous to the public. Mr. Blake akked whether or not there would be any taking of gasoline from the road, and he was infnrmed that there would not be any. Mr. Granfield appeared, but no persons appeared in objection to the permit.; The Board took the matter under advisement, and decided to wait for a full meeting of the Board. Hearing was declared open at 8.20 P.M. upon the Pole application of the N. E. Tel. & Tel�oa.nd the Edison locations. Electirc Ill. Co. for a pole location of 9 poles on Carville Avenue from Oak Street to Butler Avenue. N6 persons appeared to object, and it was voted to grant the permit. Hearing was declared open at 8:25 P.M. on the application of the Edison Electric Ill. Co, and the ' N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. for joint location of l pole on Burlington Street approximately 70 feet east of North Hancock Street. Mr. George A. Warner of Burlington Street appeared and after viewing the plan stated that he had no objection. The Board therefor voted to grant the permit. At 8:30 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the application of the Edison Electric Ill. Co. and the N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. for joint location of pole on Middle'Street approximately 660 feet west of Marrett get d for th removal of 1 pole on Middle St. N�oefi regard to this petition, and after viewing the plan decided that he did not have any objection.. It was therefor voted to grant the permit. Petition for joint location of 29 poles of the . E. Tel. & Tel. Co. and the Edison Electric Ill. Co. on Westview Street from Bedford Street to the Lexington= Bedford line.was received. It was voted to grant same. ' Petition of the Edison Electric Ill. Co. and the N. E. Tel.& Tel. Co. for alteration of 7 poles on York Street, easterly from Meriam Street was granted. The petition for joint location of poles by the Edison Electric Ill. Co. and the N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. 266 ND on Spring Street for 32 poles southeasterly from Oak Marrett Road was granted. State Aid The State Aid Payroll in the amount of $26.00 ' payroll. was signed. Health Mr. Russell I, Prentiss came before the Board and Reg. presented the Board of Health Regulations which be again revised with the assistance of the State Dept, of Public Health. He went over various items showing inhere changes were made in the previous copy. The Board decided to request the Town Counsel, Dr. Barnes, and Dr. Shannon to look over the regulations and make any changes that they felt should be made. One change that was called to the attention tf the Health Inspector was that the dimensions of a cesspool was specifically made in the construction of same. This, they felt, would not be consistent, inasmuch as in some instances it would be':impossible to construct a cesspool to a certain depth. ;Potter pig In regard to the keeping of pigs, Mr. Prentiss permit. recommended that a permit be granted to Mr. William G. Potter of Walnut Street, inasmuch as he has made the various corrections in his premises that was requested of him, and also inasmuch as nothing definite has been given out by the State as to when they will take the , Potter property. He stated that the State intends to take the -property, but it probably will not be done for a year or more, and as this is a temporary proposition, he felt it should be granted to Mr. Potter. '.Callahan The Board asked Mr. Prentiss whether or not he had ggery. visited the Callahan premises on Wtn.ter Street previously to find out whether or not they were still keeping pigs, and he stated that he had not, but he stated that he would make a visit apd make a report to the Board in regard to the condition of the premises. Fogg In regard to the application of Mr. Chester Fogg, the piggery. Board informed Mr. Prentiss that Mr..Fogg had denied hisreport on the condition of his premises, and they informed him that they felt that more frequent visits should be made to determine the condition of his premises. In regard to the Fogg piggery, Mr. Prentiss was requested to make another inspection there and hand a report to the Board. Fire Letter was received from.the Supt. of Public Works apparatus. in regard to fire apparatus of the Seagrave, American LaFrance,Csnd Ahrens -Fox Companies. . , He reported that he and Mr. Taylor had visited several towns and found that some are in favor of one type and some in favor of another. Theproposals:,from all the companies were for the same amount. He stated, however, thgt the American-LaFrance Co. is grilling to inelud.e $1,000. worth of equimpent without additional charge. He stated that he had seen the demonstration of the Foamite extinguisher and it appeared to be a fine thing for the Town to have. The Board requested Mr. Scamman to see that they have a list of equipment and prices and also a copy of the contract of the American -La France Co. at the meeting next Tuesday evening. InvitAtion was received by the Board to visit Camp Devens during the training period from July 6 to July 20, 1929. . It was decided to acknowledge receipt of the invitation with thanks. Mr. Custance reported that the tree that was allowed to remain in front of the Follen Church, East Lexington, after the hearing, has been a much discussed subject in the east village and since the other trees have been removed the various persons in the vicinity have felt that this tree should also be removed, inasmuch as it is unsafe.- Another nsafe:Another hearing was therefor scheduled at the tree on Saturday. June 29, 1929 at 11:00 R. M. Mr. Custance stated that Mr. Spaulding, Postmaster,' was very anxious that something be done in regard to ' this treet The Supt. of Public 'Forks reported that he would have the bids in on the swimming pool on next Tuesday evening. He stated that the specifications could not be drawn up inasmuch as Mr. Ellis of J. R. Worcester Company had not been able to cheek the specifications. Mr. Custance called attention to the drain on Reed Street. He stated that he felt something should be done to give permanent relief to the condition on the street. He stated that various promises have been made to have some work done but that nothing definite has been done. He requested that the Supt, of Public Works bring in a study of what can to done to relieve the situation, at the next meeting, Tuesday evening. Camp Devens. Tree, Fol len Church. Swimming Pool. Reed St. drain. Common Victuallers License 'was granted to Bessie Common A. Johhston of Winchester to do business at 1556 Mass. Viet. Lie. Avenue, Mr. Herbert Dalrymple, 9 Sheridan Street, was granted'Dalrymple a Pasteurization of Milk License. Pas. Milk dcense. It was voted to renew the following insurance on the Town of Lexington blanket form: Insurance. Expires George IT. Taylor .& Son $35,000. July 9, 1929. Arthur A. Marshall 15,000. July 10, 1929 Edwin B. Worthen 15,000. July 9, 1929 268 Z 1 Expires. Robert S. Sturtevant 51000. July 10.. 1929 Jag 0, Richards 111,000. July 110 1929 ,Bills. The Supt. of Public `?forks was requested to see that the bills on the Waltham Street sewer were sent out imrrediatelg, also that the bills for the 'highway work on the various streets in,East Lexington be sent out as soon as possible. Commitments Commitment in the amount of $782.71 for the sewer department was signed by the Board. Commitment in the amount of $1878.73 for the water department was signed by the Board. Abatements The following abatements were also signed by the Board: State Aid., Charles E. Wheeler, Cash aid for month of May $6.00 lelklth Dept., Mar. 30, 192T,, Albert E. Emery on account f of care of Hazel Emeray at Homoeopathie Hospital. $87.00 Simonds In regard to the option Mr. Blake has rgeo Option. upon the Simonds property the Board wished to express to Mr. Blake their appreciation in making negotiations to hold this property until the town has an opportunity to act upon the acceptance of the option. Mr. Blake stated that he was arrainging with Mr. Worthen to make an extension of the option. The Board felt that this question could not come II� up in Town Meeting this Fall, as they thought previously, but would have to go over.until the annual meeting next year. Mr. Blh.ke-was requested to see whether or not he could make arrangements to extend the option until the annual March meeting. Water main, Mr. Custance reported that he had-met'with the 'U. S. Veterans Selectmen of the Town of Bedford in regard to laying Hospital the water main in the Town of Bedford from the Lexington, Bedford line to the land of the U. S. Veterans Hospital. He stated that the Selectmen of Bedford were in accord with the laying of this main, and Mr. Wrightington prepared a letter to be sent to the Town of Bedford enclosing a copy of vote for them to Adopt whereby they grant their approval of the Selectmen of Lexington laying a main in the Town of Bedford, in accordance with Chapter 323 of the Acts of 1927. Mr. Wri htin ton also prepared a letter to be sent to g g p P the U. S. Veterans Bureau at Washington, D. C., which letter is as follows: Z 1 269 June , 1929. United States Veterans' Bureau Washington, D. C. Gentlemen; As requested by you the Board of Seleeften` of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, make here- with the following proposal for supplying water to the United States Veterans' Bureau Hospital in Bedford-, Massachusetts. This proposal is conditioned upon approval of the same by a vote of the Town of Lexington.in town meeting. It is proposed that the Town of Lexington enter into a contract in writing with the United States Veterans' Bureau for a period of one year, renewable annually or for such longer period not exceeding twenty-five years as the saaiidd Veteranst Bureau may t�o�s iylr gooa,i ?n�gkk Ao''p 1t� oto au Massachusetts, at a price not to exceed twenty- four.eents per one hundred cubic feet, plus an additional charge per one hundred cubic feet equal to any Increase in future years in the ratio between the amount apportioned on and charged to the said Town of Lexington by the Metropolitan District Commission of Massachusetts, under Massachusetts Ceneral Laws, Chapter 92, section 26, and acts in amendment thereof, and in addition thereto, and the total number of cubic feet of water delivered by the said Cormission to the .zAJ,lTown in any year over the ratio between the same items: as they existed for the year 1928, and also plus any additional amount that may be apnortioned.on or charged to the said Town of Lexington in any year under section 3 of Chapter 323 of the Acts & Resolves of Massachusetts of 1927. The said contract shall also provide that the said United States Veterans' Bureau shall guarantee to the said Town of Lexington consumption of at least eighteen thousand cubic feet per day during the life of the said contract, and any extension or renewal thereof, and that in case the said Veteranst Bureau shall at any time within twenty-five years of the date of the said contract fail to renww the said contract in any year, it will pay to the Town`of Lexington an amount equal to the entire cost of installing the water main from the Arlington line to the Bedford line I by the Town of Lexington for the purpose of performing the proposed contract, such payment to be`apportioned over a period of twenty years. The said contract shall also provide that the said Veteranst Bureau shall pay the cost of installing 270 at the Lexington -Bedford line a meter and register by- pass and necessary valves to the =tpproval of the said Metropolitan District Commission, and that the consump- tion of water by the said Veterans' Bureau shall be subject to the reasonable regulations as to waste and consumption by users now or hereafter made by the sAid Metropolitan District Commission. If the said Veteranst Bureau shall request the said Town of Lexington to lay and maintain water.. .pipe in the Town of Bedford as provided in said Chapter 323 of the Acts of 1927, the said Veterans' Bureau will pay to the Town of Lexington the entire cost of the construction and installation of the said water main in the said Town of Bedford and will make payments therefor at the tires and in the amounts that the Town of Lexington shall be bound to pay therefor under any contract which shall be made by the said Town of Lexington for such construction in the Town of Bedford.,rAny contract for such construction in the Town of Bedford made by the Town of Lexington hereunder shall be sep-rate from its contract for construction in the Town of Lexington. If the said Veteranst Bureau shall not request the said Town of Lexington to lay and maintain water pipe in the Town of Bedford, it shall otherwise provide the necessary pipe connections between the Lexington Bedford line. and the said Hospital by the time the construction ln`the Town of Lexington is completed. The said contract shall provide that it shall not take effect until it is approved by the Metropolitan District Commission of. Massachusetts, as required by said Chapter 323 of the Acts of 1927 of Massachusetts. This proposal is made upon the further con- dition that before the execution of the contract rs- ferred to therein the VeteranstBureau shall furzisl`' to the said Town of Lexington an opinion of the Ett6rde#*Qenerk1tofnth.c United.States that the said Veterants Bureau has authority under the laws of the United States to bind the United States of America by entering into such contract. BOARD OF SELECTMEN OF LEXINGTON, MASS. No information has yet been heard from Washington. Clarke Mr. Custance reported that Mr. Richards is still St. Ext. negotiating in regard to the Glass property on Parker Street and in talking the matter over, he thought it was time for the Board to take some action in laying out this entrance as an extension of Clarke Street and then at the Town Meeting to make an appropriation to purchase an 1 1 amount of land from the property owners so that a definite entrance could be established to the Playground, ' Letter was presented written by Mr. Wrightington under date of March 23, 1925 in which he stated that he had looked up the right of the town in this passage- way and in which he advised the Town make a taking and establish a highway. It was therefor decided to request the Engineer to get the data together so that a taking could be made of'this entrance as an extension of Clarke Street in accordance with the sketch plan presented. by Mr. Custance. The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works is as follows: For week ending.June 22, 1929.. Highways. Those parts of the surfaces next to the curb of Mn'sa. Avenue and Elm Avenue abutting the Lexington. Green, were filled and. leveled, gravel and surfacing material applied, and the surface volled., Surface patches made on Adams and Lowell Streets. Catch basins in a number of streets were cleaned. Construction of Bedford Street, Hancock Street, and Mass. Ivenue between Elm Avenue and Waltham Street ' has been started. The construction of granolitric sidewalks is progressing shtisfactorily. Next week }he department will be occupied with the construction of Bedford Street and Mass. Avenue, and with the regular maintenance work. Moth and Shade Tree Department. -The spraying equipment has been cleaned and stored. The department cut down the -tops of two large trees areparatory to their removal. Meat week the department will be occupied with the trimming of trees and removal of brush from road sides. Park Department. Excavation has been made for the proposed swimming po-ol, at the Center Playground.. Regular maintenance work has been carried on during the pq.st week and will occupy the department next week. Water Maintenance ' Water, services have been installed for the following persons: Judkins, Grassland Street; Irwin, Chase Ave.; renewal for Whipple, Chase Ave.; completed .service for Douglass, rear Colonial Block. 272 Water Construction. One carload of 12tt pipe has been unloaded; one carload of pipe aild fittings was unloaded; started extension of 35t of 6" pipe in Cliffe -- Ave; men were laying 12" pipe for swimming pool. Sewer Maintenance Installed sewer service to curb for Whipple on Chase Ave; completed sewer service for Douglass,;. rear of Colonial Block; have been making connections, to curb on Waltham Street. The work contemplated for the week ending�,�•. June 29 is as follows: Oak Street sewer; water and sewer services, etc. Engineering Department Supt. of Highways Public Works Report. Grade stakes set along Buckman Tavern Property for construction of new road. Calculations and descriptions of Cbblidge ;. Avenue, Harding Road, Hillside Terrace, and Hill Top Avenue Preliminary study for curb at Percy Road aria Tavern Lane. Sewers ReeorAed plans of Charles and Oak Streets axed. Taft to Sakbr Avenues. Sidewalks. Study at Percy Road and Warren Street for granolithic. Grades for granolithic on Mass. Avenue between„ Curve Street and Pleasant Street. Swimming Pool Check levels. Additional data to Mr. Ellis for specifications. Miscellaneous Stake out Mass. Ave. fronting Healy propertypf9r..,r curbing. Study of Curve Street southerly entrance for,ou€ ring. Very truly yourT . William S. SQ Supt. of Publio',XArkso The meeting adjourned at 30:30 P.M. A true record, Attest: Mwk 1 1