HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-06-04216 Street Lay Outs. Bertwell Rd, Harding Rd. SELECTMEN'S MEETING - JUNE 4, 1929. The regular meeting of the Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, June 4, 1928, at 7:30 P.M.I Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Blake, Shannon, and Chamberlain were present. The Supt, of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. Notice having beep served by the Constable, Patrick J. Maguire, on the Owners of lands abutting on Bertwell Rd., Harding Road, Hill Top Avenue,'„ Coolidge Avenue, Hillside Terrace, Kendall Road, Farmerest Avenue and P'ottler Avenue; Mr. Custahe called a hearing on the notice of intention to lay' out Bertwell Road at 7:30 P.M. The estimate of the cost of construction 62 this street had previously been circulated among the property owners. - Mr. Norman C. Hooper stated. that he felt that the estimate of the cost of construction of Bertweil Rola''. was excessive as compared with streets constructed. in other Towns which he was familiar with. The Supt. of Public Works was called upon to, explain the details of the figures of cost of build.. Ing the street. Mr. Elton B. McCausland called attention to the dead end water main which should-roptl ` taken care of if the street is to be constructed.,, Inasmuch 3s there seemed to be considerable', discussion as to whether the owners would be ready to sign the petition for the amounts set against their respective names of the estimate of the`dds t of construction of the street, Mr. Custance asr*& as -& t141 -,.- owners to adjourn and talk the matter over, and he would re --call the hearing at a later date to set if anything more definite could be arrived at. G, r, 9, l Hearing was declared open upon the Intention -to lay out Harding Road at 7:45 P.M. Mr. James Little -of the Lexington Building Trust, was present and stated that he had a petition signed by several of the residents of Harding,Road, and he wished to keep the petition a few days longer as he felt he could secure signatures of 75% of the proper- ty owners on that street. Mr. J. N. Morse inquired when the work on the street could be started, and he was informed that; if the Town accepts the street that it would be started this fall. The residents on this street seemed to be; in favor of the acceptance of Harding Road, Hill Top Ave. Hearing was declared open upon the intention to lay out Hill Top Avenue at 8 P.M. Mrs. Andrews of Hill Top Avenue and Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Cowdrey of Allen Street were present. Mrs. Cowdrey stated that sre understood that the residents 1 of Hill Top Avenue were in favor of the petition but Inasmuch as they were most all present at an activity ' in their vicinity, they could -not be at the hearing. Mr'. Clyde Steeves and Mr. E. J. )Remick appeared at a later date and stated that they hoped to get the signatures of the residents of Hill Top Avenue so that the Street could be accepted. Hearing was deelared'open upon the intention to lay out Coolidge Avenue at 8:10 P.M. Several of the residents were present. Mr. Custance explained at each of the hearings that the estimate of the cost of donstructing these streets had to be made sufficiently high to cover any emergencies that might arise and also to cover the requirements of the law that assessments be made high enough, inasmuch as the Town would have to stand the expense if the cost of the street were more t1lan the estimate. He explained also in each case that the estimate of the cost of Simonds Road exeeeded.the actual cost by $1500 and in each of the instances where the streets are to be constructed, whatever saving is made Will, of course, be to the advantage of the abutting owners. All of the residents on Coolidge Avenue signed the petition for the acceptance of the street under the Betterment Act. ' Hearing was declared open upon the intention to lay out•Hillside Terrace at 8:20 P.M. Mr. Russell i, Prentiss and Mr. Joseph A. Parks and Mr. Pfierre ?:A.. Northrup were present at the hearing. Mr. Prentiss presented the petition signed by all of the residents except the Dix Lumber Company and one other. He stated that the Dix Lumber Company were willing to sign, and as soon as their representative returned from a trip, he would come in and sign the petition. Hearing was declared open `upon the intention to lay out Kendall Road at 8:30 P.M. Mr. A. Wesley Riley and Mr. Lawrence Husted Were present'at this hearing. Mr. Edward J. Remick stated that the figures on Kendall Road and Farmcrest Avenue seemed to be so high tba.t'the residents were not in favor of signing the petition for acceptance of same. Hearing was declared open upon the intention to lay out Fgrmcrest Avenue at 8:45 P.M. Mrs. Mary E. Lowe, Mr. Arthur E. Locke, Thomas Doherty, Mr. Randall Richards, Mrs. Delia V. Cassidy, Or. Robert Gozzi and various other owners were present at this hearing. Ther seemed to feel that the estimate for the acceptance of the street was too high. There seemed to be a general feeling that they did not wish to .sign up for so much expense. Mr. Remick stated that in Medford they were build- ing roads with the cinder base; while he did not have 217 Coolidge Ave. Hillside Terrace. Kendall Rd. ftrmcrent Avenue. 218 the figures of the cost, he felt that they would be ass much more reasonable. Mr. Custance informed him that he did not be- ' lieve a cinder base would be a good base to build a .road in the position of Farmerest Avenue; there seemed .to be considerable excavation owing to the fact that the present roadway was not the proper substance to build upon. Fottler Ave. Hearing was declared open upon the intent ton to lay out Fottler Avenue at 9 P.M. Mesas Bela S. Balogh, E. B. Hogan, E. Rosendorn, E. M. Campbell, J. Ruocco, A Nelson, M. Blass, Alexander Brassas.2- Thaddeus Vallis, & Eugene Rosendorn, were bresent and signed the petition. Mr. Balogh, however, called attention to the fact that there are two layoutseof Fottler Avenue, one a layout of 401 and the other end a layout of 501,,, He stated for the residents on the street that they did not believe it necessary to make the street any more than a 401 layout, and hoped that the Board would only make the layout to that width. Bertwell Rd. The hearing on Bertwell Road was re -called to see whether or not the residents had arrived at anything definite. They still felt that the figures were too high, and they made the suggestion that they be allowed tQ secure figures from the contractors before ' the work Was done on the street provided they weve given the specifications by the Town. The Board informed them that there was no -reason why this could not be done provided they sign up'for the acceptance of the street. After hearing the various parties on the layout of the street in their vicinity, the Board decided to make the following layouts of streets; COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, as. Lexington, Mass. June4, 1929. Town of Lexington, Selectments Room. At a meeting of the $oard of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given due written notice of the intention of asi8 Board, as reouired by law, to lay out as a town way the way known as Harding Road from Bedford Street to Williams Road, all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held this day, and no ob. jections having been made; Now, upon consideration of the matter, it ' ORDERED: that this Board of Selectmen is of tha , opinifnrthht public necessity and convenience requir"o 2191) that said Harding Road be laid out and -established as a public town way, and that the same hereby is laid ' out and established as a public town way respectively, as follows:. The ollows:- The westerly line of Harding Road starts at a point in the most easterly line of Bedford Street, said point being about 76 feet southerly of the and of a curve of 1190.00 feet radius, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 21.36 feet radius distant at?out 26 feet to a point of tangency, thence north 540 351 east distant 27.01 feet to a point of turvatuye, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 270.88 feet radius distant 361.71 feet to a point of compound curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 1500.00 feet radius distant 180.00 feet to a point of tangency, thence north 280 48' west distant 480.98 feet to an angle point, thence north 220 23+ 10" west distant 702.72 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 20,00 feet radius distant 31.40 feet to a point in the southerly line of Williams Road. --_j Said westerly line of Harding Road joins the southerly line of Simonds Road with a curve of 21.33 feet radius and the northerly line of Simonds 'The Road with a curve of 20.97 feet radius. easterly line of Harding Road starts at a point in the most easterly line of Bedfotd Street,$. thence bearing to the right with a curve of.100.00 feet radius distant about 93 feet to a point of reverse curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 320.88 feet radius distant 42SAifeet to a point of compound curvature., thence bearing to the left witha curve of 1550.00 feet radius distant 186.00 feet to a point of tangency, thence north 280 481 west distant 477.76 feet to an angle point, thence north 220 231 10" west distant 700.30 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 16.19 feet radius distant 28.82 to a point in the southerl7711,n.e of Williams Road. Said easterly line of Harding Road joins the southerly line of Simonds Road with a curve of 18.75 feet radius and the northerly line of Simonds Road with a curve of 19.07 feet radius. The above described lines are parallel with and distant 50.00 feet from each other with'the exception of the curved intersections at Bedford Street, Simonds Road and Williams Road. Said Harding Road is hereby ' laid out and established as s> -own on a plan entitled, "Plan of Harding Road, Lexington, Mass., May 22, 1929, Scale l inch -'40 feet, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," which plan is on file in the Town Clerks office in said Lexington and a copy of which w1lU-be recorded with --_j X20. Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy, of this order. And said Board having considered the question of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through wrich sAid ways have been laid out and established as aforesaid, Vereby determines that no, damages are sustained and no damages are awarded, and said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions of law authorizing the assessment of betterments. Albert H. Burnham Clarence Shannon Board, Francis Chamberlain of Hallie C. Blake Selectmen. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Lexington, Mass. June 4, 1929 Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Rooth. At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given.due written notice of the intention of said Board, as required by law, to lay out as a town way the way known as Hill Top Avenue running from Kendall Road for a distance f approximately 710 feet, all as hereinafter more ;ally appears, and after public hearing thereon held this day, and no objections having been made; Now upon consideration of the matter, it is ORDERED: that this Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience. require that said Hill Top Avenue be laid out and established as a public town way, and that the same hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respectively, as follows: - The southerly line of Hill Top Avenue begins at a point in the easterly line of Kendall Road, said point being 93.24 feet northerly of the point of tangency of a curve in the said easterly line of Kendall Road of 264.95 feet radius, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 30.00 feet radius distant 39.46 feet to a point of tangency, thence south_.480 26' east distant 622.40 .Peet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 37.50 feet radius distant 21196 feet to a point ofreverse 1 1 1 N, curvature. The northerly line of Hill Top Avenue begins at a point in the eaaterly line of Kendall Road, thence ' bearing to the left with a curve of 25.00 feet radius distant 45.65 feet to a point of tangency, thence south 480 261 east distant 600.22 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 37.50 feet radius distant 21.96 feet to a point of Hill Top Ave. reverse curvature. The said points of reverse'" curvature in the- south-erly and northerly lines of Hill Top Avenue are connected by a curve of 37.50 feet radius and 160.35 feet in length. u 1 The above described southerly and northerly lines are parallel with and distant 50.00 feet from each other with the exception of the curved intersections at Kendall Road and the curved easterly terminus of said Hill Top Avenue. Said Hill Top Avenue is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Hill Top Avenue, Lexington, Mass., May 22, 1929, Scale 1 inch - 40 feet, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer", which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's Office in said Lexington and a copy of which will be recorded with the Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order. And said. Board having considered the question of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through which said ways have been laid out and established as aforesaid, her -by determines that no damages are sustained and no damages are awarded, and sa:2d Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions oflaw authorizing the assessment of betterments. Theodore A. Custance Francis Chamberlain Hallie C. Blake Clai4mne Shannon COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Selectmen, Middlesex, ss. Lexington, Mass., June 4, 1929 Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room. At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given due written notice of the intention of said Board, as required by law, to lay out as a town way the way Imown as Hillside Terrace from North Hancock Street approximately 294 feet, all as hereinafter iffore fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held this dayi. and no objections having been made; 222 Now, upon consideration of the matter it is, ORDERED: That this Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public neeessity and convenience require that said Hillside Terrace be laid out and established as a public town way,, and that the same hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respectively, as follows: The easterly line of Hillside Terrace begins at a point in the southerly line of Horth Hancock Street on a curve of 317.34 feet radius distant 61.90 feet easterly from the wwsterly terminus of said curve„ thence bearing to the left on a curve of 68.03 feet radius distant 117.55 feet to a point of tangency, thence S. 820 041 30" E. distant 207.95 feet to a point of tangency. The westerly line of Hillside Terrace begins at a point in the southerly line of North Hancock Street, said point being N. 790 211 10" W. distant about 69 feet from the westerly terminus of_a curve of radius 317.34 feet, thence bearing to the right on a curve of 25.06 feet radius distant 45.87 feet to a point of reverse curvature, thence bearing to the left on a curve of 118.03 feet radius distant 60.67 feet to a point of tangency, said point of tangency being opposite the southerly terminus of a curve of 68.03 feet radius in the above described easterly line, thence.S. 020 041 3011_ E. distant 359;25 feet to a point of curvature, said point being N. 480 011 17" W. distant 55.66 feet from the terminus of the above described easterly line. The above descrived lines are parallel with and distant 40.00 feet from each other with the exception of the curved intersections at North Hancock Street. Said Hillside Terrace is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Hillside Terrace, Lexington, Mass., May 22, 1929, Scale 1 inch - 40 feet, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer". which plan is on file in the 'down. Clerk's Office in said Lexington and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order. And said Board having considered.the question of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through which said ways have been laid out and established as aforesaid, hereby determines that no damages are sustained and no damages are awagded, and said Board hereby, declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions of law authorizing the assessment of betterments. Theodore A. Custanee Board Francis Chamberlain of Hallie C. Blake Selectmen, Clarence Shannon 1 3 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex,.ss. Lexington, Mass., June 4, 1929. Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room. At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given due written notice of the intention of said Board, as required by law, to lay out as•a town way the way known as Coolidge Avenue from Adams Street approximately 545 feet, all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held this day, and no objections having been made; Now, upon consideration of the matter, it is ORDERED: that this Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience require that said Coolidge Avenue be laid out and established as a public town way, and that the same hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respectively, as follows: The westerly line of Coolidge Avenue begins at a point in the northerly side of Adams Street, said point ' being distant about 100 feet easterly from the division line between lands of Ruth M. Rowse and Moses F. & Helen W. Carr, thence N, 430 181 20" W. distant 200.00 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left on a curve of 497.92 feet radius distant 105.30 feet to a point -of tangency, thence N. 550 251 20" W. distant 239.00 feet to a point said point being approximately at the division line between lot 4 and lot 6 as shown on plan. The easterly line of Coolidge Avenue begins at a point in the northerly line of Adams Street, thence bearing to the right on a curve of 25.00 feet radius distant 38.72 feet to a point of tangency, thence N. 430 181 20" W. distant 175:00 feet to a point of curvature thence bearing to the left with a curve of- 547.9,22feet radius dish tt 115.87 feet to a point of' 1'rom� heW�t&"Pff o�h"e %leev escr`itt Wt Aa 'rZg linbeing It. 340. The above described lines are parallel with and distant: 50.00_ feet from each other with the exception of the curved intersectionsat Adams Street. Said Coolidge Avenue is herebp laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled, 'Plan of Coolidge ,Avenue, Lexington, Mass., May 22, 1929, Scale 1 inch - 40 feet, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's Office in said Lexington and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order. And -said Board having considered the question of 224 damages sustained by the owners of lands across and throughwhich said ways have.been laid out and established as aforesaid, hem by determines that no damages are sustained and no damages are awarded, , and said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions of _law authorizing the assessment of betterments. Theodore A. Custanc e Francis Chamberlain Board Pial l ie C. Blake of Clarence Shannon Selectmen. If the abuttors did not comply with the require- mentsfor the acceptance of streets, however.. by presenting petition having 75% of the properties signed on each street, the Board would not present the acceptance of their street to the Town. The following report was received from Russell I. Prentiss on health inspection matters: Ryders Stock Farm, Inc., Maple Street. I have inspected the premises of Ryders Stock Farm and find that the violations still exist. I therefore cannot recommend a permit to be granted at this time. Village Hall,, East Lexington ' Health Insp. I gent to call your attention to the condition Report. existing at the Village Hall in East Lexington. The wash stand located in the rear of the building which issued by the firemen is not connected with the sewer. The waste from this sink is simply piped outsid.etthe building and the waste runs on the ground. This condition should not exist as it is Town property, I think that this should be taken care of. Canfield Hatchery, Cor. Marrett Rd. & Waltham St. I recently received a complaint from Mr. Crouch from Grape Vine corner about the odor and flies coming from the hatchery. '' I investigatdd this Condition and find that the garage at the rear of the hatchery is being used as a storage house for chickens. There was approximately 10,000 chicks in the garage on May 31st. Two-thirds of the garage is outside the business district. Except for one pen that was dirWi. the sanitary conditions were very good and they were being taken care of by the proprietor in good shape. From the information. I obtained about the garage, I think there is nothing that can be done about It. , William J. Leary, Vine street. In reply to your letter stating that Mr. Leary was keeping pigs without a permit, I find that he is C 1 1 keeping 10 small pigs. Some time ago he applied verbally for a permit and he has never followed it up. I think that he will apply within a few days and action may be taken on tHs permit. Respectfully submitted, Russell I.' Prentiss Health Inspector. Petition was received from various residents of East Lexington against the removal of a tree in.front of the Pollen Church. Mr. Burnham stated that various residents were at the tree at the time 6f the hearing and protested against the -removal of the treeole felt that the Board should compromise and remove same. The Supt. of Public Works was instructed to cement the base of the tree and place a curbing around the outer edge so that the tree would be safe for pedestrians. Tree in front of Pollen Church. Letter was received from Mrs. Wm. A. Granfield Granfield's asking that a Common 'victuallers► license be application.. granted to Mr. Cranfield. The Board took up the matter of the application and voted to grant them a Common Victuallers' License, to do tusiness at the corner of Spring Street and Marrett Road. Letter was received from the Lexington Council, Kbights of.Columbus asking that they be granted _ the charity rate on the rental of the hall which they rented under date of April 24, 1929, The regular rate of $70. having been paid for the hall, the application having been made out as for Letter from "financial" purposes, and the money having been K. of C. turned into the Town Treasury, the Board did not charity Rates. see how they could act upon their request in view of the circumstances, and so informed the Knights of Columbus of Lexington. Letter was received from Capt. Ezra F. Breed, of the Minute Men, informing the Board that the Minute Man Minute -Men had made other plans relative to Memorial locating the Minute -Men Memorial on Hastings Park, The Board signed Warrant for the Town Meeting' Warrant be held June 18, 1929. At 8 P.M. hearing.was declared open upon the application of F. K. Johnson for permission to install additional gasoline tanks at 34 Bedford Street. Mr. Johnson arnpeared in favor of the petition. Mr. Carl F. Stuc're also appeared as an interested party to see what changes were to be made. Mr. Stucke, however, had no objections, ,Johnsonggasoline app l is at ian 226 Complaint to Burgess plant. Regulations for rental of Cary Hall, 'Water Main, 'Summit Ave. and it was voted to grant permission to Mr. F. K. Johnson to install two 1000 gallon gasoline tanks in addition to the tanks now already upon the premises. Mr. Dominic Modoono, Jr. and his father of 134 Wbburn Street, came before the Board to make a complaint in regard to the business operated by Mr. Arley A; Burgess. They stated that the shaft had been built about a ?rear ago and was very noisy. The Board informed them that the matter had been -taken up previously and it was ruled that this was not an addition to his business; it was simply _another way of handling an antiquated Idea which was- used before in operating the, crusher. They also informed Mr. Modoono that the business had been established previous to the Zoning Law, and that it could not be prohibited. The Board adtised them, however, that they would take the matter under advisement to see if anything could be done. The Clerk was requested to bring in some regulations for the rental of,.the Cary Memorial Hall for the approval of the Board. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works advising that a larger water main be installed in Summit Avenue rather than layiflg a 6" main as authorized by the Board last fall; that the Department be authorized to install 500' of 12" main and 3001 of 8" main in Summit Avenue. .71 The report; of Metcalf & Eddy advised that a 12" main be laid somewhere in this territory`.'". The Board, however, felt that the -Planning Board'"' should give some study to the layout of the street across the McCaffrey property and that the water stain laid could be placed in the location proposed for Q street by the Planning Board, and decided to ask the Planning Board 'to give some study to this matter before tAking`Any action on laying the main in Summlit Avenue. The report of an accident of car owned by Hicks car Mr. Horace Hicks was received by the Board. -The dmma�e. Supt. of Public Works.stated that the accident to the car wras.eaused by.a man -hole cover lifting and damaging the car. He stated that he had made an offer of $125. for repairs to the Auburn car. The repairs were made at the garage of *ftbur Field. The Board authorized Mr. Scamman to settle for $125. when the release for the damages was signed. The _Board approved the location of gasoline D 1 tanks in connection with, -'tha permit granted to Rubin & Seligman'for a service station at.'the rear of their lot at 1709-1713 Mass. Avenue. Letter was received from the Town of Winchester in regard to rates of.the Edison Company. This letter was laid. on the table. Letter was received from the .Town Counsel .in regard to surface drainage on Hancock Street: Mrs. C. Edward Glynn reported that the coins owned by Mr. J. J. Fitzgerald. at 66 Hancock Street, waded into the brook at the rear of her premises and blocked the brook up so that the water backed up onto her garden. She appeared for assistance inasmuch as she.felt that this was an open brook into which -drainage from the highway runs, and felt that something should be done to clean the same out and to keep Mr. Fitzgerald►s cows from stopping it up. -The S,i_pt, of Public works wos requested to obtain inform^tion in regard to this brook so that the Town Counsel might give information as to what can be done about the brook. Approval of gasoline tanks Rubin & Seligman E.E.I.Co. rates, Complaint of Mrs. Glynn re. cows in brook:. Letter was received from the Building Inspector in which he stated that he had re- ceived a request from Mr, Rockwell C. Tenney ' asking that he ,be allowed to shingle his house at 1906 Mass. Avenue with wooden dhingles. This appeal was made to the Board of Selectmen, Mr. Tenney►s inasmuch as the Building Law stated that all requeAt to houses shingledl'in-the Town must be of fire shingle,his proof bubstance. As all of the people around the house. Common�'have signed a 99 year agreement to keep the premises in a condition suitable to proper surroundings for the Battle Green, the Board felt that they were entirely within their jurisdiction to grant permission to lir. Tenney to shingle his house with wooden shingles. Mr. Blake reported that he had received a 60 day option on the Simonds property for a figure of $75, per acre or $7506 for the entire, 100 acre tract, to be used for a Town Forest Park. The Hoard felt that the matter shoul(I be Simonds property, given a.little more study and the Board should have an opportunity to.go over the tract of land before sn article is inserted in the Warrant to ask the Town to purchase the land, .They felt that in the fall this matter could be taken up at a Town Meeting'. ' It was reported that Mr. Wm, R. Greeley comnlained about the curbing placed in front of Curbing, the Hastings Park and asked that the curbing Hastings Park. be removed and the stones that were originally there be replaced. � 228 T It was voted to lay the matter on the table for one week. Sewer Commitment in the amount of $348.04 was the ' Sewer & signed by the Board, also garbage commitment in amount garbaa of $124.'78 was gigned. commitment. The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works is as follows: Ford 2 the week ending June 1, 19 Q. Highway Department. An application of tar and pea stone has been made on Middle Street and on Lincoln Street from the Lincoln line. Surface patches have been made on Concord Avenue, Spring Street, Lincoln Street, Shade Street, Adams Street, Hancock Street and Oakland Supt. of Street. Public Works Other maintenance work carried on. Sidewalks Report, that had previously been covered with gravel were dressed with stone dust. Next week the department will continue the work of dressing and sealing streets and other maintenance. 7 11 Moth and Shade Tree Department. ' The department has started the work of�" spraying the public trees with arsenic of lead to destroy the 97Psy moths and other pests rend',.. will continue this work until it is completed. Park Department. Regular maintenance work has been carried on and will occupy the department next week. A drainage system to carry the water from that part of the center playground near Lincoln Street to Vine Brook was commenced and will be comrleted during the Tre,sent week. Water Maintanance. Water services have been installed for the following persons: Partridge, Marrett Road; Ferguson, Highland Ave.; two services for Kelly Merrett Road; started ser#ice for Robbins & Smiih, Smith Avenue-, started service for O'Connor & Highland Avd.; started serYlee for Morgan, Hancock St. Repaired leak in service at Hadleyls ' on Mass. Avenue. This work was done on Sunday, . May 267 1929. Two nen were tieing in shut-offs- all hut-offs.all week. mater Construction. Tapped the 8" main at. Waltham Street* to tie in the 12" main in Mass. Ave. Crossed Marrett Rd. to tie in the main in Kendall Road with the Marrett Rd. main.. Three carloads of 8" water pipe were received June 1, 1929 and we are unloading these 229 Sewer Maintenance, Sewer services have been installed for the following persons: Robbins & Smith, Smith Ave.; Ferpxson; Highland'Ave.; completed service for McNsmara, Curve St.; started sewer service for dtConnor & Quinn, Highland Avenue. Sewer Construction. Started Waltham St. sewer June 3, 1929. The excavation is being done by A. Ross & Son. Regular routine work'is planned for the week ending June 15, 1929. Engineering Department. Highways. Curb lines and grades on Ma's$. Av. between Munroe School and High School. Run out Mass. Highway line at Parker School prelim, to curb. grades. Work on S streets for acceptance. Miscellaneous. Playground drain grades. Remarks. Street acceptance work reouires more time than we have. This makes it necessary for us to drop the field checking involved and take for granted that our Board of Survey plans are mathemRtically correct. Very truly yours, William S. Scamman. Supt, of Public Works. The meeting adjourned at 12:10 A.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk.