HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-05-14SELECTMENIS MEETING - May 14, 1929, A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the, Selectmenls Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Chamberlain, Shannon and Blake were present. The Supt. -of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. Mr. Burnham reported that Mr, Worthen called his attention to the fact that the guides licensed by the Selectmen to guide parties to historical spots were charging the parties desirldg this service a fee which was not reasonable, and he asked that a provision be incorporated in the license requiring the maximum charge for each party guided to be 5011.. The Board therefore decided that inasmuch as complaint had been received of these ections, that it would be a good thing to incorporate this in the license of the guides and it was so voted. The application of William A. Granfield for a gasoline filling stationg was discussed, It was decided that inasmuch as Mr. Granfield definitely violated the provisions of the permit which was granted to him formerly the Bdard did not feel that he showed good faith, and therefore voted not to grant him a permit for two tanks of 1000 gallons each, In this connection also it was decided to notify Mr. Granfield to remove his tanks that were placed in violation of the first permit granted him. It was also voted to notify the Standard oil Company to remove these tanks, In regard to Mr. Granfieldls application for a Common Victualler's license, it was decided to lay this license upon the table until such time as he places himself in good faith with the Board. It was also voted to request the Building Inspector to enforce the Building haws and have Mr. Granfield remove the fruit stand which he has located within 201 of the highway which is not in accordance with the Zoning Laws. Letter was received from Frerleriek J. Spencer asking f'or`e $400 for use' of his. car. Mr. Spencer stated that the Town Accountant would not approve the bill until the Selectmen had given him notifi- cation as to the amount allowed for the use of his car. Mr. Spencer explained that last year he checked up all of•the land and buildings in the Town and this was the reason why he was asking for the $200 additional. Question arose as to whether this amount would be asked for each year after, inasmuch as it was not. understood whether it would or would not be asked for Maximum charge of guides. Granfieldts application. Granfieldts fruit stand. $400 for Assessor's car' 184 Barnes application, garage. Tillson house. Cerussi Road. VianoIs j Loan. each year, it was decided to lay the matter on the table until further information could be obtained, At 8 P.M, hearing was declared open on the application of James H. Barnes, 100 Oak Street, for permission to erect a private garage. Mr. Barnes was present as rocas also the Building Inspector. The Building inspector stated that the requirements were lived up to and satisfactory to him. He would view the,plan presented. It was voted to grant the permit, no objection having been received. Mr. Eugene G. Kraetzer came before the Board to find out what use could be made of the Tillson house at the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Plainfield Street under the Zoning and. Building Laws. He stated that the party desiring to purchase'the premises wished to acconmodate tourists, and he wished to find out if it could be sold for this purpose. Mr. Kraetzer was requested to put his questions in writing to the Board and they would look into the matter. Mr. Blake reported in regard to his investigation of the Cerussi Road layout that he got in com- munication with Mr. Wrightington and was informed by him that there was a sewer easement in this proposed street, and there is also an undischarged mortgage from Mrs. Scott on the land purchased by Mr. Ryder and this will have to be secured before the title to the property can be straightened out. Mrs. Scott is somewhere in Europe. The plan of the layout has been filed in the Land Court. Mr. Blake stated also that Eugene J. Viano and Fred Viano -applied for a loan to the Trust Company and the Trust Company made them a proposition of a loan of $8000. The question has now been raised as to whether they have established a valuation for the land for the Vianos whereas the Town''.has been assessing this property for $500. Mr. Blake stated that the matter will probably be penning for some time before It is straightened out. Letter was received from Mr. Wrightington in . Cottage which he stated that he made appearance for the Town `arm against the Cottage Farm Bridge assessment at the Bridge. 'hearings which have been held this week before a special commission for that purpose. Letter rocas also received. From the Town Counsel in which he stated that Attorney OtConnor for the Lawrence Ella Louise Lawrence Estate has named a price of f Estate $00 for which he will settle the damages on the land taken on Waltham Street. Decree was made July 13; 1926 and the County Commissioners awarded him $70, for 14,800 square feet of land. "x7 1 After discussing the matter, the Board decided to authorize the Town Counsel to settle for an ' amount not exceeding $100. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in Bean case. which he enclosed copy of the decision of Judge Hammond in the case of Lexington versus Bean at al. The Board discussed the matter and decided to instruct the Town Counsel to enter an appeal from the decision of Judge Hammond. After reading an opinion of the Town Counsel in r6a rd -'to the application of Mrs, Mary A. Rowland to obtain a permit for a gasoline station in addition to Gasoline her store on her premises at Lowell Street, and application, letter of the Planning Board in regard to same, the M..A. Rowland. Selectmen decided to inform Mrs. Rowland, that after taking the matter up with these parties, they decided that it would•not be wise to grant a permit for.the gasoline station. The Supt. of Public `forks was authorized to move the flood light which lights the statue of Capt. Parker at Hayes Fountain,across the street on an Flood light, iron pole now in possession of the Town. This becomes necessary in connection with the widening of Massachusetts Avenue at the Buckman Tavern property. I ' In'aecordance with the recommendations of the Committee on review of the present Zoning Laws, a Board of Board of Appeals of the following members was ap. Appeals. pointed by the Selectmen. Theodore A. Custance., member of the Board of, Selectmen, G. E. Glynn, member of the Planning Board, Roland W, Baldrey, Curlys L. Slocum and Arthurr N. Maddison. The application of Rubin & Seligman for per. Rubin & mission to erect a concrete and brick service Seligman station with a 1000 gallon underground tank for service gasoline at the roar of 1709-1713 Massachusetts station. Avenue in accordance with plan on file at the Selectmen's Office, April 17, 1929 was considered again: The Board finally voted to grant a permit to Rubin & Seligman. The following licenses were signed: Hairdressing license. Hazel Brown 1711 bass. Avenue Alcohol License. Licenses ' Dominick F. Ross 3 Depot Square 1 iRevenue Loan Member chosen to serve on Comm. Fire Dept. site. Letter was received from the Town Accountant in which he advised the Board that it was necessary to secure a Revenue Loan of $175,000 to be dated May 24, 1929 and. _payable December 31,, 1929 at the Atlsntie National Bank of Boston. The Board voted to authorize the Treasurer to borrow this amount of money in accordance with the terms set forth by the Accountant In accordance with vote of the Town, the following member of the Appropriation Committee was appointed to serve upon the Committee to choose a site for Fire Department Headquarters, Mr. John H. Devine. Gammell In accordance with the terms of the Gammell .Legacy Fund. Legacy, the following were appointed to serve with the Department of Public Welfare as Trustees of the Gammell Legacy Fund: Mrs. Henry C. Davis, and Mrs. Helen C. Whittemore, Framing Rep. -Letter was received from Representative George Town Gov. Act.E. Briggs stating that he desired to pay for the framing Df a copy of the Act establishing Representative Form of Town Government. Dearing's In connection the the hearing recently held suggestions on the layout of streets from Lowell Street to on layout of Bedford Street, letter was received from Basil R. streets. Deering in which he set forth some suggestions for the layout of streets. The suggestions were handed over to the Town Engineer. Rubin & Seligman deed land to Town, Mr. Blake reported a conference with Rubin & Seligman on the•9th day of May, and he stated that they finally agreed to deed to the Town a strip of land at the froitt of their property for the sum of +1000 so that the Town could set back the curbing and repair the sidewalk to have the curbing set back to the new line of the street. Report was received from the Health Inspector,'' Russell I. Prentiss, in regard to keeping of pigs • - a.s follows: May 14, 1929. I beg to submit the following report: Ryders Stock'Farm Inc., Maple Street The violations at the Maple Street piggery have not been corrected so far, although Mr. Ryder said that they would fix up things immediately. The permit should still be withheld. Inspection made May 15, 1929* 1 1 1 Swenson Brothers, Allen Street. This piggery is in good condition. The pigs ' are all kept Iii the old barn on Allen Street. The building has been whitewashed and practically no garbage is fed the pigs, The feed consists of waste flour, bread and skimmed milk.- There is no compost heap on the premises. I recommend that permit be granted to Swenson Brothers. Inspection made'May 13, 1929. C. A. Fogg, Woburn Street. Mr. Fogg has been operating a year without a permit. There are several conditions that I have called his attention to -and he has made no changes, The garbage isin an open iron box but .stored is not covered. There are two compost heaps on the _ place which are not covered, one of them at the rear of one of the buildings is very objectionable. The platform •and the yard is dirty.and the land around it is covered with refuse, waste and muck. This piggery is within sight of the main highway. I recommend that a hearing be given to Mr. Fogg to show cause why an :order of prohibition should not be issued. Inspection made May,.1929. ' Frank Canisius, Ward Street. Mr. Canisius has been operating his piggery without a permit for over a year. The premises are very ditty and there is a pile of garbage in the yard which the hens, dogs and ducks are feeding on. Two small piles of waste material from the pig house which was partially covered but not satisfactory exists. The inside of the building is dirty and has never been whitewashed and he has At the present time about.25 pigs. I recommend that Mr. Canisius be given a hearing to show cause why an order of prohibition should not be issued. Inspection made May 14, 1929, Russell I. Prentiss Health Inspector. It was voted to withhold the application of Ryders Stock Farm Inc. to keep pigs on Maple Street. Ryders Stock It was voted to grant Swenson Brothers on Allen Farm Inc. Street a permit to keep pigs. It was voted that Chester A. Fogg and Frank Canisius be given a hearing on Tuesday evening. Chester Fogg & next to show reasons why they should not comply with the regulations of the Board of Health in Frank Canisius, regard to keeping pigs. The Supt. of Public Works agreed to have frontage estimates of the cost of construction 11M Estimates of streets made on various streets for which Construction application has been made, ready for the Board of streets. so that, a hearing may be held on these streets in approximately two weeks; The tentative date of the hearing was set as of May 29, 1929; Invitation was received from Rear Admiral Old Ironsides Philip Andrews, Chairman of the National "Save Old ceremony. Ironsides" Committee inviting the Chairman to attend the ceremonies of the arrival of the Masts and Spars of the U. S. Frigate Constitution, and it was referred.to the Chairman to reply to this invitation. Inasmuch as no additional proposals have -been. Proposals for received outside of the proposals of the Seagrave` pumper. Company and the American LaFrance Company for a dumper, the Board took no action on the matter. Transfer for It was voted to transfer from the Sewer $20,000. Assessment Account to Sewer Construction Account the sum of $100000. Mr. Custance read a letter from the Planning Board in regard to the swimming pool. Mr. Emery stated that he desired to obtain the cooperation and advice of Mr. Shurtleff before proceeding on the construction of the swimming pool and Mr. Swimming Pool Custance wanted to get the point of view of the Board in regard to Mr. Srurtleff inasmuch as Mr. Shurtleff had never been employed by the Town. He had, however, secured money from the Field & Garden Club for his advice theke being various matters which did not seem to be clear in the minds of the Planning Board, it, was decided, therefore, to have a meeting with the Planning Board to go over these matters, and if Pyr. Emery desired to secure information - iom Mr. Shurtleff, the Board felt that he did so on h -Is own initiative. It was voted to appoint Henry Raymond as Special Police.Special Police of the Town, inasmuch as he has an opportunity to see that the school boys do not destroy Town property on Belfry Hill. Mr. Blake reported the placing of rocks on Belfry Hill and the planting of barberry on the line Barberry, of the Town property near Miss Harrington's property Belfry Hill. so that the children could not climb upon the racks and destroy property, Mr. Custance brought up the matter of automatic traffic signals and presented plan of layout of lights on the corner of Waltham Street, Elm Avenue, and Clarke Street on Massachusetts Avenue. He felt that perhaps an appropriation might Nj C� be obtained at the Town Meeting to install some automatic traffic lights so that they might be installed before Massachusetts Avenue is constructed. The Supt. of Public Works was instructed to get further information in regard to the contraction, maintenance and cost of traffic signals. Mr. Blake reported having received letter from Mr. Spencer of the firm of Johnson, Clapp, Ives & Kinght, in connection with the deal of the Town with A. A. Marshall. Mr. Blake informed the Board that Mr. Marshall informed both he and Mr. Brown that he had a release of rights over the land of Mr. Denham. Now Mr. Denham states that the release that he receiveO was obtained falsely and he also states that Mr. Marshall did not take his deposition of his signature, and he denies that he releases his rights. Mr. Denham now asks $1000 for his release of rights and wants a right of way out to Muzzey Street from h.ts A. A. Marshall own land or he will release all rights and sell his property for $6000 so that this will tie the matter up to some extent, and it may be possible that no action can be entered into by the Town for some time. It appears, however, that the vote of the Town passed did not call for only a, specific amount of land and the plan made by the Town Engineer does ' not agree with the description passed under vote of the Town, therefore this matter will have to againibe, placed before the Town at the Town meeting. The clerk was requested to bring before the Board on Tuesday evening next, plan of.proposed Plan, Vine Brook road from Vine Brook Road. on Waltham Street to Road.. Muzzey Street. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to have a layout of a water main on Massachusetts Avenue from its present end to Wood Street and estimate of the cost of laying the main. He was also requested to study the proposition of connecting this main up with the stand pipe and go into the proposition of negotiating with Mapy J. & Helen A. McCaffrey. It was voted to place curbing along the.Library property on Clarke Street. The weekly report of the Supt: of Public Works: is as follows: For week ending May 11, 1929 Highways, Surface patches were made on Wood Street, Audubon Road, Lincoln Street, Adams Street, Concord -Avenue and Massachusetts Avenue. Water Mains. Curbing along Library, 190 q Gravel was spread and leveled. Asphaltic oil applied and surface rolled on Cedar Street. Tar applications made on the surfaces of the follovring streets: Somerset Road, Franklin Road, ' Edgewood Road, and Chandler Street. Moth and Shade Tree Department. Department was occupied with the removal of trees, clearing out underbrush and cleaning the grounds, of Belfry Hill. Next week the department will prepare the equip= ment for.the work of spraying the public trees with arsenic of lead. Park Department. Regular maintenance work carried on and will occupy the dept. next week. Water Maintenance. Laid 201 of pipe across Massachusetts Avenue to connect the 8" main with the 12" main. Installed water service for Remick on Spring Street; and renewal for Glass on Parker Street. Two men were tkeing in shut. offs. Laid 501 of 10" pipe for drain on Massachusetts Avenue near Converse Hillis house. , Sewer Maintenance. Five men have been flushing sewers. Installed sewer service for Crone on Lincoln Street; installed service for Lyons on Massachusetts Avenue. Sewer Construction. Carload of 8" pipe received and -uploaded. We have been working on Waltham Street laying pipe under the culvert. Regular routine work is planned for the week ending May 25, 1929. Engineering Department, Highways. Grades for curb on Massachusetts Avenue between Wallis Place and Waltham Street. Line and grade for Buckman Tavern curb. Sewer. Grades for Wsltlaam Street sewer crossing Vine Brook. Miscellaneous. ' '.Togo of reservoir property for School Committee. i Study of Granfield Plan at corner of Spring Street,and Marrett Road. Attended Planning Board meeting May 10th. Very truly -yours., William S. Scamynan Supt. of Public Works, The meeting adjourned at 11:50 F.M. A true record, Attest. - Clerk. 11 CSI