HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-05-07168 SELECTMEN'S MEETING - MAY 7, 1929. A re lar meeting of the Board of Selectmen , was held at the Selectmen's Rood., Town Office Building on May 7, 1929 at 7:30 P.M. Messrs, Burnham, Custanee, Blaked Shannon were present* The Supt. of. Public Worka and the Clerk were also present. Trees, Buckman Request was received from Mr. Edwina B. Worthen Tavern for the Lexington: Historical Society for the use of the wood from the trees cut down on the Buckman Tavern property so that they might use the wood in the Buckman Tavern. In regard to the assessment of the Couuhty for the building of the Cottage Farm Bridge, the Board, upon adviceof the Town Counsel, signed a letter directed to Lowell A. Mayberry, Attorney Cottage Farm for the County Commissioners, in regard to the Bridge. Cottage Farm Bridge assessment, and objecting to the assessment being made upon the Town of Lexington. It is understood from the County Commissioners' or the Count Off ice that -the Atto sae f y will opP os e this assessment fob the �various towns in the County. The Town Counsel called the attention of the ' Board to the fact that Wright & Potter were now printing forms of the Act of Representative Form Printing Act of Town Government and inasmuch as at a later of Rep. Town Town Meeting when this is to be acted upon, the Government. Town will need copies to be circulated emongst the voters, it was decided to accept the bid obtained from Senator Joseph R. Cotton for 55. for 5000 copies of this Act. Letter was received from the Town Counsel li in which he inquired if the Board desired him to enforce the building law in connection -with the House on house on Outlook Drive, originally erected by Outlook Drive Walter Bernard, now owned by the Medford Cooperative re Building Law Bank by a foreclosure, the matter had been called to his attention that the building had not been moved to conform with 'the building law and the Inspector requested him to enforce the building law. The Board stated that the Attorney for Mr. Bernard cane before the Board, and the Board agreed to notify him as to the proper -step to take next, and inasmuch as this was done, they did not feel that action should be brought without notifying the parties that they should move the house so that it would be located on the lo: at least 7J1 from the , adjoining kine. Board of Survey Letter was received from the Town Counsel Layout., street in which he gave his decision regarding the Board of from Mass. Ave. Survey layout of street over the property adjoining To Vine Brook Rd.the Colonial Garage. 169 Letter was also received from the Planning Board stating that they approved thelayout of the 1001 street from Massachusetts Avenue to Vine Brook Road along the Viano garage, in accordance with ' the layout made some years ago. The Planning Board also informed the Board that Mr. Viano purchased the property and they felt that action should be taken, if it was to be taken, to layout the street. It was left with Mr. Blake to communicate with Mr. Viano.in regard to making negotiations. The Clerk reported that.the new Zoning Law would be effective May 102, 1929.and the Board ahold _Appointment have in mind the appointment of the. Board of _Appeals of Board of of_five _members,, one to be a member of the Board of Appeals. Selectmen, one from the Planning Board and three cit i tens. The sewer and _water commitments were. signed as follows: Water commitment__ $1417.88 Sewer Commitment 255.64 Commitments. Sewer Abatements 1029.28 The following licenses were granted: ' Alcohol License Frank Mara 844 Mass. Avenue Hairdressing License. Elite Beauty Shop ; 174'7 'Bass. Avenue Innholder's License. ,Warren E. Pius s ell 2:505 Mass. Avenue Mrs. Harriet Allen 1833 Mass. Avenue. Public Carriage Lic.ens e . • Hans Sorenson Woburn Street Arthur A. Marshall & Son 1844 Mass. Avenue • John W. Leary . .23 Waltham Street. Slaughter House License, Amos Holman. Hill Avenue Licenses. -Gustave Bunzel East Street Sunday Sales License. Hugh McIntosh 442 Marrett Road -Frank Mara 844 Mass. Avenue 170 Letter was received from the Town Counsel LawY,enco vs. in which he advised that William TN. Reed would. Town of Lexing- not serve to give expert testimony in the case ton. of Lawrence vs. Town of Lexington. The name ' of Charles H. Schofield was to be suggested to Mr. Wrightington, to request him to give this testimony. Invitation was received from the Commander Inviationof the American Legion to;attend a meeting at fromAmericanMasonic Hall, May 28, 1929 at 8 P.M. at which time Legion. Robert T. Bushnell is to speak. The Board had to decline the invitation owing to the fact that it came on the evening of the regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen. Report of action on the Jonas Gammell Legacy Fund was received from the Town Counsel, a copy of which is as follows: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Probate Court Middlesex, as, In Equity,'April 23 A.D. 1929. On the petition in equity of the Town of Lexington in said County of Middlesex, petitioner, ' against,Joseph E. darner, Attorney -General for the Commonwealth of Massschusetts, respondent representing that.Jonas Gaumell, late of said Lexington deceased, by his will bequeathed the sum of $500.00 to said petitioner to pay the income therefrom for the purchase of such luxuries or delicacies for the inmates of the towns t almshouse as are not usually furnished to them; that said sum was paid to the petitioner and the income .therefrom used for the purpose directed by said bequest, until the year 1925, when the mainteance. of an almshouse or similar institution was discontinued; and praying that the Court will decree that the income from said fund be expended by Pres in such Gammell Legacy manner as it may determine;, and for such. Pther and further relief as the nature of the case may require. It appearing that expenditure .of _ the income therefrom in literal accordance_ with the t exams of said will has become impossible; and it further appearing that said respondent has answered; After hearing and consideration, the Court doth order and decree that the income from the ' said bequest, including any income now accrued and unexpended, be expended .by the said Town in purchasing such luxuries or delicacies for: the town poor, wherever located, as are not usually furnished them, and as shall tend_ to promote their 1 1 1 Old Colony Corporation 100.61 Water Note Bids Estabrook and Company 100.58 Atlantic Corporation 100.72 Lexington Trust Company 101.76 The bid was awarded to the Lexington Trust Company. The Board discussed the matter of form of Guaranty Bonds and decided that the form presented Guaranty would mean too much litigation and envolve too Bands. many tangles in property to use, in connection with the construction of water mains. Letter was received from the April_ 19th Committee in which they requested that they be April 19th discharged. It was decided to request them to Committee, file a report of their financial doings. before being discharged. Letter prepared by the Town Counsel was signed by the Board to be sent to Daniel J6.. O'Connell .in connection with the settlement with his client_, Dennis J. Healey in the amount _ of $800,, the Town to fix up the sidewalk_ in accordance with agreement made at a previous meeting of the Board of Selectmen, Letter to be sent to D.J.OlConnell 171 health and comfort, but otherwise in the manner provided in the said bequest, and that the expenses of this proceeding be paid out of the said income* John C. Liggett Judge of Probate Court. A true copy, Attest: Loring P. Jordan, Register. Mr.Wri htington rendered a bill for his services o f 50. 9n this case and the expense Bill for was to be charged to the Gammell Legacy Fund. services. The Supt, of .Public Works reported on the condition of the sidewalk where Vine Brook passes under Vine Brook Road, and found that the side- walk had been washed away at that _point. He recommended that it be repaired and also that a guard rail be erected along side Sidewalk, of the walk so that persons could -n.ot. walk. off Vine' Brook Rd, into the brook. He stated that the price of fixing the same would not exceed $25. The Board authorized the Supt. to carry out this recommendation. The following.bids were received on the Water Note; Old Colony Corporation 100.61 Water Note Bids Estabrook and Company 100.58 Atlantic Corporation 100.72 Lexington Trust Company 101.76 The bid was awarded to the Lexington Trust Company. The Board discussed the matter of form of Guaranty Bonds and decided that the form presented Guaranty would mean too much litigation and envolve too Bands. many tangles in property to use, in connection with the construction of water mains. Letter was received from the April_ 19th Committee in which they requested that they be April 19th discharged. It was decided to request them to Committee, file a report of their financial doings. before being discharged. Letter prepared by the Town Counsel was signed by the Board to be sent to Daniel J6.. O'Connell .in connection with the settlement with his client_, Dennis J. Healey in the amount _ of $800,, the Town to fix up the sidewalk_ in accordance with agreement made at a previous meeting of the Board of Selectmen, Letter to be sent to D.J.OlConnell . 772 Fire Alarm equipment bids. Bids on proposals for furnishing, de- liveri ' and installing of improvements to the Fir Alarm Systeffi of Lexington, Mass. were receive as follows: Prices submitted for 1000 feet of 1.1" Single Jacket Cotton Rubber Lined Hose Coupled per foot. American Fire Equip. Co. $401.80 Special offer 28� 41 � per foot. Irregular Less 2% lengths $280. Barnes, Henry K. Co. Deluge Conqueror Red King Rival 49X 42V 31 x 21X $490. $420. $315. $210. Blanchard, Arthur H.Co. Special #364 Northern Fire Dept. 40JX 28¢ 49JX $396.90 $274.40 X485.10 2% cash 2% cash. Less 2% cash Eureka Fire Hose Mfg.Co. 42� $411.60 Lees 2% cash Globe Rubber Co. Inc. 41� 38g $410.00 #380,00 X70 Hewitt Gutta Percha 47JX 41 Rubber Company $465.50 $401.80 Less 2% Less 2% cash. cash U. 5,. Rubber Company 35� 20V $550.00 $200,00 The following prices have been submitted for two 35 x 5 tires for Forest PIM, Truck F. K. Johnson Firestone Heavy tut Tires and Tubes 465.46 Lexington Tire Seryl,". U. S. Royal Heavy Service Truck Tires 62.p5 Tubes 5.50 67,55 Lees 2% 1.35 66.20 U. S. Royal. Cord 45.40 Tubes 5.50 SUM Less 2 % 1.02 1 Ross Tire & Battery Co. Goodrich Silvertown ' 8 ply heavy duty with tubes. $72.00 Bids for Forest Fire TRgon Equipment, American Fire Equipment Company, $320.30 329.30 American LaFrance Company 334.00 Barnes, H. K.'Company 249.35 303.15 Boston Fire Appliance Co. 281.50 334.00 Arthur H. Blanchard Co. ` 314.50 320.50 3.71.30 Globe Rubber Company 297.70 315.70 The Following bids we're received on "furnishing,0. Idlivering, and installing of improvements to the Fire Alarm System in the Town of Lexington: The Gamewelf Company $9711 R. W. BeBaron Inc. 7400 Louis W. Bills 7300 _ It was decided that the bid of Ross Tire &'Battery Company for the 8'p1y hea dut be accepted and it was 'left with the Chef o the Fire Dept. and Supt. of Public Torks to decide whether or not they would install a new line of tubes at a cost of $17.50 which has been recommended, and if they so desire, to try the new tube, to reduce this -id for the amount of the two tubes. It was voted that the bid of H. K. Barnes Company of $303.15 for Forest Fire equipment be accepted. It was also dee'ic9;ed to award the bid for the placement of 20 new fire alarm boxes to Louis W. Bills at the bid of $7300. The other items the Board left with the Chief of the Fire Department and the Supt. of Public Works to work out to the best advantage to the Town. Mr, William R. Ballard came before the Board and present a plan showing the location of 13 acres of the Town's property located on the State Road adjoining the Lexington Bids Awarded. School House ___J 174 Reservoir. He had plotted upon the plan the proposed location for a school house, and asked for Engineering services for the Committee to choose a site for the school house. The Board was in sympathy with the idea of utilizing the Town propertyy ani instructed Nr. Ballard. to comnunieate with the Engineer. Proposals were received from the American LaFrance and. the Seagrave Corporation or furnishi:gg Proposals fire pratper for the Town. Fire Pumper. No action was taken inasmuch as proposals have not been received from the other two Companies requested to present same. Rubin & Seligman came before the Board to talk over the matter of giving e part of their land adjoining the Colonial Building to the Town for street widening. They were questioned as .to ` what they felt would be a fair offer for the strip of land approximately 15! wide with an area of, about 2200 or 2300 feet, if the Town put in the sidewalk and curbing. They stated that $6000 for Rubin & the land would be a fair request to make of the Seligman. Town. After some argument Mr. Seligman agreed to'redude the figure to J4500 but when. Mr. Bustanee ressed the matterhe reduced the figure to i 2000 and then to 5� per foot on the land taken. He stated that that'was the last figure that,he would set for the land. Protest was'reeeived from Everett S. Emery Protest in regard to removing trees and the widening E. S. Emery of Massachusetts Avenue in front of the Buckman Tavern. Lengthy letter was received from the Town Gasoline per- Counsel in regard to the application of Mrs. Mary mit, Mrs. M. Rowland of Lowell Street for gasoline permit, in Rowland. connection with her shore. It was agreed to send a copy of this opinion to all the members of the Board that they might have the opportunity to read it and decide at a later -date as to what action should be taken. ";Letter was received from the Town Counsel regarding the request of Daniel J. O'Connell Letter of for a letter written by Percy Grassby to'the P. Grassby. Board and presented at the hearing on Mr. Mills' application for variation of the Zoning Laws. The Board approved having the Counsel send a copy of the letter read at the meeting. 1 1 LI Application was deceived from William A. Granfield for a gasoline filling station at the corner of Spring Street and Narrett Road. Mr. Granfield had previously been granted a permit for location of tanks on his premises, and he violated the conditions of the permit by locat- ing the tanks in a different location than was permitted him. -The former permit was 'revoked. He now makes application for a new location of tanks. In this connection a plan made by the Standard. Oil Company was presented to the Board with a sketch made thereon with a parcel of land ,which Mr. Granfield might give to the Town, if consideration was given to his application. Nr. Granfield agreed to -deed this parcel of land to the Town. Request was received from the Near East Relief to have an opportunity to collect clothes for the Near East sufferers. The Board signed the request that they be given permission to make these collec- tions. Report was received from the Supt. of Public Works relative to petition of the Waltham Street abuttors of park land in regard to the high water backing up -on the land. The Supt. reported that a larger culvert would drain the land better when the water in the brook is low, but when there is high water, it would back up on to the land as It does now. To deepen the brook at this point would not improve matters because it would simply lower the bottom and make the water deeper at that point and the flow would be the same level. He recommended that a larger culvert or an additional culvert be put in so that when the water does recede, it can flow from the adjacent land as fast as the water in the brook lowers. The Board discussed with Nr. Rubin & Nr. Seligman the advisability of .placing the service station they applied for further back on the lot., They stated that the station would not be of any value if it were placed too far back from the view of the public, and furthermore they desired to hold the rest of the land until such time as they were able to build a theatre. They stated that a theatre of the seating' capacity of 1500 could not be supported at this time by the Town but iii a few years to come, it would be a paying proposition. At the present time they requested that the Board secure for them a reduction of the assessment of the property in the rear, inasmuch as they could not obtain any revenue from the same... Granfield gasoline application. Near Fast Relief, Culvert, Vine Brook. Rubin & Seligman re Theatre. 176 Swimming Pool. Dr. Clarence Shannon presented a plan prepared by Mr. Greeley showing the location of swimming pool on the Parker Field. The plan made by Air. Shui.rtleff, Landscape Architect of this territory laying out.streets was also presented. This plan had been prepared for the Planning Board. The location of the swimming pool did not in any way interfere with the plan of Mr. Shurtleff. It was voted that the Supt. of Public Works be authorized to go ahead with the building of the swimming pool and a drain of 7501 in this connection be constructed and it was voted that the Supt. of Public Works be instructed to work out this proposition of installing the drain with Dr. Shannon and the plans of the swimming pool as far as construction was concerned be turned over to Mr. Custance, he being the man familiar with construction work. The Town Engineer informed the Board that there were so many requests for engineering work •Additional lip, that they had to have additional help. He stated Engineering Dept.that he could place upon the payroll one additional man for a few months, and suggested that the Sewer Department pap for the services of another man. This arrangement was reported as entirely sat- isfactory to the Supt. of the Sewer Department. The Board approved of the action, and authorized the employment of two men. The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works is as follows: For week ending May 4, 1929. Highway Dept. Surfaces were patched on Somerset Road, Lincoln.Street, Reed Street, Revere Street, Franklin Road, East Street, Lowell Street, Hill Street and Report of Supt. Massachusetts Avenue. of Public Worksl Gravel applied and leveled on Hill Street and Larchmont Lane. The following streets have been dressed and rolled and resurfacing material applied; Grove, Oakland, Burlington, Reed and Hill Streets and Hayes Ave., and North Hancock Street. Next week the department will be occupied with the regular maintenance work.. Moth Department. The department was occupied with the work of cleaning up underbrush and the removal of trees on Belfry Hill and will continue on this work until It is completed. r 1 1 N Park Department. The department was occupied with the regular ' maintenance work and will be so occupied next week. Water Construction, Approximately 1501 of 1j" pipe was extended on Wachusett Drive to supply water to Mrs. C. Harold. Completed the extension of approXimately 751 of 6" pipe in Oakland Avenue. Tied in the 8" main in Massachusetts AvenVe with .the•12" main at Clarke Street. Laid approximately 200t of 6" pipe in Kendall Road to tie in Kendall Road with Marrett Road main. Laid 24t of 8" main with the 12" main at Waltham Street. Set hydrant at Depot Square, and one in Massachusetts Avenue at the Green Stores. Replaced hydrant on Warren Street which was hit by an -automobile. Sewer Construction. - Laid 251 of 8" sewer pipe in Mass. Avenue to connect Hunt Street with the Mass. Ave. sewer. Unloaded carload of 8" pipe. Work was started on Monday, May 6, 1929, on the Waltham Street sewer. ' Water Maintenance. The following services have been installed: Harold, outlook Drive; Hatfield, Kendall Road; Endres, Oakland Avenue. A manhole was built around the 6" meter at Westminister Avenue. Sewer Maintenance. Installed a sewer service for Fox on Bloomfield St. Regular routine work is planned for the week ending May 18, 1929, Engineering Dept,. Highways. Grade stakes for Buckman Tavern curb. Finished plan and description of taking for A. W. Partridge at corner of Marrett Rd. & Waltham Street. Miscellaneous. Line for ebuttor Marrett Road. Line and grade abuttor Berwick Road. e Levels for proposed swimming pool. Work on thru road plans from Bedford Street to Lowell Street$ and along Lowell Street to Maple Street. Attended planning board meeting April 29. Attexlded thru road hearing May 2. In Remarks. Have had no time to complete location of numerous wAter sheds for Metcalf & Eddy sewer study. Yours very truly, William.S. Seamman Supt. of Public Works. The meeting adjourned at 19:15 A.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk.