HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-03-1978 SELECTMENtS MEETING March 19, 1929. , The meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Sel"ectments Room, Town Office Building, Burch 19, 1929 at 8 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Chamberlain,arA Shannon and Blake were present. The Sunt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. Mr. Francis Chamberlain reported that he attended the meeting at the Hotel Statler on electrification of Railroads, Meeting at and there seemed to be some misunderstanding Hotel Statler relative to where the hearing was to be held. For toot reason a great deal of time was wasted. Finally he located a man who informed him that a man named Kelley was interested in consolidating the south and north Stations; it appeared to be a pet scheme of this man. He therefore felt that this meeting was nothing that the Board would be interested in. Mr. Russell I. Prentiss, Health Inspector, came before the Board relative to ' the complaint of B. W. Melanson of Mellex Road. against Mr. Callahan. Mr. Callahan, Mr. Prentiss reported,was the owner of eight pigs and inasmuch as he Callahan's was so far out from the center of the Town, piggery. he did not realize that he would have to secure a permit to keep pigs. He explained to Mr. Prentiss that he was the father of thirteen children, and was planning to move into Burlington in about one month, as he was negotiating to secure a place there. He therefore asked that he be given one month to move his *'jigs into Burlington. The Board voted th^t Mr. Callahan`s request be granted. In regard to the Ryder piggery, Mr. Prentiss stated that 'he obtained information from one of Mr. Ryder►s men which lead him to believe that they were getting ready to Ryder dispose of the pigs on Waltham Street. Piggery The Board requested Mr. Prentiss to get in touch with the Town Counsel and talk matters over with him in regard to the Ryder , piggery. The Board also voted to request Mr. Wrightington to enter into negotiations with Mr. Ryder in regard to the removal of his pigs, Bonds for the Torn Treasurer and. Tax Collector in the amount of $45,000 each were approved by the ' Board. Applications for bonds of the Supt. of Public Works -in the amount of $1000 and the Building Inspector in the amoutit of $500. were examined. Mr. Albert H. Burnham explained that he took the matter up with Yr. Fenton of furnishing a blanket form for all Town Officers, and Mr. Fenton informed him th9t this could not be done in connection with Town Officers; thst the individual bonds had to be approved by the office of the Director of Accounts, and the blanket form would not be approved by him. The matter of taking down the trees in front of .the Vieno property on Massachusetts Avenue was discussed. The Clerk reported that the Town Counsel advised that inasmuch as the Town carried Liability Insurance for Tree Warden Department, that the better way to handle the matter, would be to have the Town do the work and charge the cost of same to Mr. Viano if it was their intention to charge him for tre work. In this connection, it was decided to request the Supt. of Public Works to request that Mr. Viano put in a granolithic sidewalk along the premises, then the entrances to the garage could be more definitely defined by placing a curbing. Letter was received from Mr. Frank R. Shepard in which he stated that he banged up the mud guard of his car trying to back out of the Wilson garage on Massachusetts Avenue, and he felt th?t the condition of the trees and poles there should be called to the attention of the Board. The annlication of Mr. W. R. Rice, 306 Huron Avenue, Cambridge, for the layout of a dead end street over the Bauer Estate on Massachusetts Avenue, nearly opposite the Munroe School was discussed by the Board. It was decided to refer the plan to the Planning Board and to notify Mr. W. R. Rice that the plan had been referred to the Planning Board, but th9t the Board of Selectmen were not in sympathy with the layout of this street and property. The Town Treasurer received the following bids on the $150,000 Revenue loan, Town of Lexington: Bank of Commerce & Trust Co. First National Bank of Boston Faxon, Gade & Co., Inc. Old Colony Corporation Lexington Trust Co. Atlantic -Merrill Oldham Corp. M, Bonds. Trees, Viano Is Garage. Layout of Baker Estate. 5.325% 5.24 discount 5.15' Revenue Loan 5.34 5.28 discount 5.32% discount The bid was awarded.to Faxon, Gade, & Co., Inc, Request was received from the Cemetery Engineering Commissioners for Engineering work on the World Westview Westview Cemetery. The request was referred Cemetery. to the Town Engineer to make arrangements with the Cemetery Department in regardto doinig the work, and the Commissioners were so advised.. Mr. John J. Garrity, Supt. of Park Department, came before the Board and dis- cussed the plan of Mr. Kellaway presented to the Board, after making; a study of the Hayes Fountain and grounds adjacent. Hayes Mr. Garrity explained that the same Fountain. condition existed there every year and some- thing should be done to change over the fountain so that the children would not be able to climb upon the fountain and throve things around. It was suggested that some thorny bush be planted on either side of the walk to the tablet in back of the statue so that persons could not get in there and crawl upon the statue, but rarties interested Vould walk ur to the tablet. It was also suggested that the bubble fountain be moved to the Massa- chusetts Avenue side of the Common near the Soldinr}s monument, if it was necessary to have the bubble fountain. 'It was suggested that at first it might be well to try out .the situation without having any fountain. Mr. Blake was requested to look into the matter and to take up any matterss relative to the changes suggested with 91r. Kellaway, Architect and present the matter to the Board of an early date. Letters were received from the Supt. of, Public works in regard to the complaints of Buckley & Buckley & McCormack relative to the visblation McCormack of the Plumbing Regulations. A copy of the letter from Mr. Norwood, whom Buckley & McCormack clailred was violating the State Regulations by loaning ris license, was read to the Board. Mr. Norwood denied any violation of the laws, stating that his books were open for inspection at any time. It having been found th t Buc'rley & McCof'mack were requested to nut their complaints in writing to the Board, and they not having done so, only in a verbal manner to Mr. Scamman, it wns decided to place the correspondence on file. • Town Counselfs Opinion, L.K,. Dunham ' Letter was received from the Town Counsel in ' which he summed up the information relative to the case of Leonard K. Dunham who was supposed to at the charity have resigned to the Board of Selectmen over the telephone in 1924. The accounts of his Request was resignation was sent to him. It appeared that the Telephone the appropriation made by the Town at the Town Company girls Meeting was $600, instead of $1200. and this allowed for the employment of only one inspector. The Board Mr. Warner was retained. of rates upon About this time, Mr. August young adopted the building, the Federal Inspection, and the services of one the charity men was then sufficient for the Town. Mr, Wrightington, after summing up thein - formation, felt th^t inasmuch as Mr. Dunham had been appointed for one year th9t he was entitled to his compensation. The Board however, were not entirely in accord with this decision, inasmuch as they stated thQt they had a right to dispense with the services of any employee which they had appointed inasmuch as no appropriation had been made to cover his salary. It was therefore voted to lay the matter on the table. • Town Counselfs Opinion, L.K,. Dunham ' Request was received from the Mens Club for use of Memorial Hall Hancock Church for a banquet s at the charity rates. Request was also received from the Telephone Company girls for charity rates. The Board discussed the matter of rates upon the building, and it was felt that the charity rates that existed were not large enough to cover Requests for the expenses of the Hall. Inasmuch as the Memorial Hall. application of the Hancock Church Men's Club and 71 the Telephone girls were now on hand, it was voted to grant them the use of the Hall for $10. each evening, but in the future, they would be advised y that the rates would be increased. Mr. Blake suggested that the charity rate be made 50% of the schedule established, but in no way to affect the use of the motion picture machine, and in no way to affect the rate after twelve o'clock. It was voted to adopt this schedule. The vote of the Town to install sewers in various streets was Dl.aced before the Board. Sewer Mr. Custance offered to look into the mAtter and Const ruction, advise the Board what wort/ should be done in con- vection with sewer constructionl The following increases in salary were,granted: Mrs. H. C. Whittemore $35.00 $37.00 Miss Alice Ferguson 20,.00 22.00 Miss Evelyn Small 14.00 16.00 M u Miss Ina Lyford $14.00 $16.00 Mr. Charles F. Pierce 2700.00 2800.00 Mr. Albert A. Ross 2800.00 3000.00 Mr. John T. Cosgrove 55.00 58.00 Mr. John J. Garrity 1400.00 1500.00 Salary Mr. Stanley, -Higgins 39.00 42.00 Increases Mr. Bruce Lewis 32,00 33.50 Mr. George Harrington 24,00 26.00 Mr. Arthur Colvin` 22.00 25.00 Mr. William Paxton 17.00 19.00 Miss Eleanor Lowe 20.00 22.00 The above to begin April 1, 1929 except in the case 'of the mown Accountant, which is retroactive to January 1, 1929. Mr. Daniel J. O'Connell requested that a permit granted in November, 1926 for a filling station on Woburn Street near the Railroad crossing be continued, Otconnell The Board decidedtorefer the matter to the Filling Supt. of Public Works to look into, to get the . Station facts of the intended layout of the street which would be adjacent to this property, and bring them before the Board at their next meeting. Swimming Letter was received from the State Department Pool water of Health in regard to the test of.the water for the swimming pool in the playground. Letter was received from the Gamewell Company in which they requested an opportunity to furnish bids to the Town for Fire Alarm System. Fire Alarm Mr.'Custance offered to 'take this matter System. up with the Gamewell Company and arrange an interview with the Supt. of Public Works to get their idea9 regarding a definite plan for fire alarm work to be done in the Town at regular intervals. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he gave his opinion as to what should be done relative to the Gammell Legacy. Gammell He advised..that it might be possible that Legacy. the Court would allow the use of the funds to be paid. for similar puaposes for which the fund was 'left. Mt. Chamberlain suggested that it might be nossible that arrangements could be made to have this fund transferred for similar purposes until such time as an Almshouse is maintained by the Town again, if it is ever done. It was voted to appoint Charles E. Moloy and Charles E. Wheeler as Constables of the Constables Town of Lexington, for the year ending March 31, 1930. It 'was voted to appoint Philip Leaf as Assistant Assistant Janitor of the Town Office Building Janitor u M For week ending March 16, 1929. Highway Department. The department wpa occupied with patching street surfaces, cleaning gutters, tate` basins, and streets Supt• of and cutting brush on Concord Avenue. Public Works Report Next wee?= will be occupied with the regular maintenance work. As soon as the weather permits, it is intended to start the work of repairing street surfaces that have broken up on account of the continual freezing and thawing'.. A number of the and Cary memorial Building. ' It was voted to appoint Leon H. Truesdell as Registrar Registrar of Voters for the term of .three years of Voters. ending March 31, 1932. Bill in the amount of $106.50 was received from the Hadley Press for printing of the Zoning pamphlets for the Committee on the Review of the Zoning Laws, The Hoard voted to approve this bill and charge same to Unclassified Account, inasmuch as Bill for no appropriation had been made at the meeting to Zoning Pamphlet take care of the matter. Bids were received from the following companies for awnings: Henry A. Wheeler Co. Ten (10) Awnings, of material as per samples enclosed wits galvanized. frames, $92.50 net. Andrew Dutton Company Ten (10) Awnings, Aelivered and. installed. $87.00 Awnings. McLellan Awning & Shade Co. Ten (10) Awnings, green and. white, $83.00 green and khaki, 87.50 It was voted to accept the bid of the Andrew Dutton Co. for $87.80 less 5% for order placed before Burch 20, subject to the approval of the Architect for the pattern to be used for the awnings. Abatement in the amount of $30.00 was signed Simonds for Mrs. Alice Simonds, Lincoln Street, in connection sewer with the sewer placed by her property. abatement. This matter has previously been under dis- cussion by the Board. The Sunt. of Public Work's report is as follows: For week ending March 16, 1929. Highway Department. The department wpa occupied with patching street surfaces, cleaning gutters, tate` basins, and streets Supt• of and cutting brush on Concord Avenue. Public Works Report Next wee?= will be occupied with the regular maintenance work. As soon as the weather permits, it is intended to start the work of repairing street surfaces that have broken up on account of the continual freezing and thawing'.. A number of the 84 street surfaces will need to be scarified and rolled before having surfacing material applied. Moth Department. , Gypsy moth nests were treated with creosote on Meriam Street, Oakland Street and Stetson Street, Glen Ron,', Berwick Ro-d, Somerset Roa,', Franklin Road and Haves Avenue. Park Department. Regular maintenance work carried on. Water Maintenance. The work opposite the high school on Massachusetts Avenue has been completed. The twelve -inch gate has been inserted and the twelve -inch main has been tied in with the eight inch main. I am planning to continue the extension of the twelve -inch main beginning at the high school and extend it in a northerly direction. Two men are out painting and stenciling hydrants. , On Friday and Saturday we had a carpenter working in Mara's barn making bids for the storage of stock. A water and sewer service is being installed for O'Connor & Quinn at the corner of Bloomfield Street and Highland Avenue. Randall's service on Grant Street has been completed. Work contemplated for,week ending March 30th: Routine work, water and sewer services, Contin- uation of twelve -inch extension in Massachusetts Avenue. Engineering Department Sewer. Work on 1929 construction program. Continued work on information for sewer study by Metcalf & Eddy. Levels for drainage in Massachusetts Avenue at Forest Street. Miscellaneous, Street line layout at A. W. Partridge's ' property corner of Marrett Road and Waltham Street. Very truly yours, William S. Scamman Supt. of Public Works.