HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-03-1270 REGULAR SELECTMENIS RECORDS 3� March 12, 1929.- A 929, A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held March 12, 1929 at 8 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Chamberlain, Blake, Shannon and Custance were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. The meeting organized with Mr. Albert H. Burnham as Chairman. Discussion arose as to the proper wayto organize the vote, that is, whether or not the different members would be designated certain depart- ments to supervise over, or whether the Board would vote to invest direct authority in the Supt. of Public Works and have Mm responsible for the different departments. After this discussion, it was "VOTED: That on and after March 12, 1929, the Selectmen will discontinue their former practice of assigning to individual members definite res- ponsibility for the work of the various depart- ments. That hereafter the Supt. of Public "Torks will, subject to the direction of the Selectmen undertake full responsibility for the following ' departments: Street - Sewer - Water. Engineering, Parka. Public Buildings Organization. Inspectors - Building - Plumbing - Wiring. That he will, as sgon as possible, present in person to the Selectmen, at their meetings on Tuesday nights, a brief written report of the ptogress of his work during the last calendar week, and his plans and recommendation for work to be commended in the succedding calendar weeks, together with such other matters as he feels may require the approval �f the Selectmen or may be essential in determining a definitepolicy for the conduct of the department.rr " At 8 P.M. hearing was declared open upon the application of Mr. Ashley W. Partridge for per- mission to.ereet a.gasoline filling station at the unction of Waltham Street and Marrett Road. r. Partridge appeared and presented. a plan showing the proposed location of the filling station and. pumps. He stated that the present building would be entirely removed from the lot and there would be nothing on the lot but the filling station.. Mr. Edward F. Rogers of Grapevine Avenue appeared and stated th^t he was in favor of the application. Mr. Gordon W. Bourque of Waltham Street also appeared and stated that he was in favor of the application. Mr. Robert Gossi of 4 Farmcrest Avenue appeared and stated that he did not know whether he was in favor or against the petition inasmuch as he did not know the exact location of the tanks in relation to his property. He stated that he owned two houses and of course did not want to have them depreciate in value, and yet he wanted to be fair to Mr. Partridge if the location of the filling station did not bother him. Plan of location was presented to Mr. Gossi and he stated that he would take the matter up with his attorney. Mr. Tracy of the Standard Oil Company and Mr. Ragene Partridge also appeared in the interest of the petition. The Board, after viewing the plan, felt that it would be better for them.to view the premises together with Mr. Paetridge and Mr. Gossi to enable them to determine if the location of the gasoline tanks should be granted. It was therefore decided to meet at four o'clock on Saturday, March 16, 1929 and to notify the parties interested to be present at the proposed location. Mr. Ashley W. Partridge called attention to the fact that the trees in the island in front of the Jenney Manufacturing Company had grown so high that they were interfering with the view of drivers, and he felt that they should he advised to reduce the height of the trees. The Board stated that they would view them when they were in the vicinity. 0 Partridgets Filling Station. Trees, Jenny Mfg. Co. It was voted to appoint Mr. James H. Russell April 19th a member of the April 19th Committee to take the ftraittmeat. place of Mr. Converse Hill, resigned. The following appointments were made by the Board: Assistant Assessor- Frederick J.Spencer Clerk, Selectmen Helen C. Whittemore Building Inspector' Jahn F. Tibbetts Burial Agent Arthur A. Marshall Ban ta1 Clinic Committee Mrs. Hugh D. McLellan Mrs. Robert H. Holt Mr. Thomas S Grindle 72 Appointed Officers. Fence Viewers Forest Warden & Tree Warden Health Officer Health Inspector Lockup Keepers Measurer of Grain Measurer of Wood, Barb & Manure Milk Inspector Odorless Cart, Charge of Police Officers Park Superintendent Plumbing Inspector ftblic Works, Supt. Z�6alzr of Weights & Measures Stone Building,Janitor John T. Cosgrove Frederick X. Spencer Osborne J. Gorman Dr. William L. Barnes Russell I. Prentiss John C. Russell James J. Sullivan Moses F. Wilbur John E. Kelley Harold I.Wellington David McGibbon Russell I. Prentiss Peter Caneasa James J. Sullivan (Chief) Patrick J. 'Maguire John C. Russell Edward C. Maguire William C. O'Leary Thomas C. Buckley Henry Harvey James Lima Forrest Knapp Edgard J. Lennon John W. Rycroft John M. Barry George E. Smith John J. Garrity Andrew T. Bain William S. Scamman Charles E. Hadley John E. Garmon Supt. of Streets Robert H. White Sunt. of Water & Sewer Depts. Albert A. Ross Town Counsel Sydney R.Wrightington Town Engineer John T. Cosgrove Town Hall Janitor Village Hall Janitor Charles E. Moloy Stephen E. Broughall 1 1 Weighbrs, Public William E. Mulliken John E. A. Mulliken Jacob Bierenbroodspot ' Harold I. 'wellington William Bierenbroodspot • Albert Bierenbroodspot Peter Stevens Rupert H. Stevens Miss Lillian McClure Moses F. Wilbur David MaDibbon John E. Kelley Wire Inspector Louis W. Bills Mr. Theodore A. Custance brought up the fact that he felt that the Board should be securing a yougg man to work into the position of Supt. of Streets, inasmuch as M-. White is getting old, Assistant and it would be a very valuable thing to break in Supt, of a young man under Mr. Whites direction. Streets. It w4.s decided to refer the matter to the Supt, of Public Works so that he might consider some man for the position, and have a talk with Mr. White to see if he has any suggestions about this matter. ' The applications for the bonds of Town Officers were received for the Tax Collector, Plumbing Inspector, and Treasurer. Mr. Hallie C. Blake suggested that it Blanket may be possible to obtain a blanket form similar Bonds. to that which the bank carries, to cover all the Town Officers. It was left with the Supt. of Public Works to look into this matter. In regard to the Tercentenary Committee of the celebration for 1929, it was decided that a Committee of five would be a proper amount, and that Mr. Robert H. Holt be named as a member -of Tercentenary. the Committee. It was also decided to have him give the names of four other members that he desires to have serve with him on this Committee. In regard to the application for the use of tre Hall on April 19th by the Lexington Town Committee, it was decided that inasmuch as the - Town voted to give to the Legion the use of the old Town Hall, and an article is now in the Warrant for action to allow them the use of the new Memorial Building on Aptil 19th, it was voted ' to grant the use of the Hall to the American Legion rather than to the Lexington Town Committee. April 19th. Lily Pyr. Hallie C. Blake reported that he met Mr. George E. Briggs and Mr. Briggs Metropolitan informed him that the Bill placing Lex - Park District ington in the Metropolitan Park District was Bill. killed in the Legislature. Notice of a hearing at the Hotel Statler Electrification upon the electrification of railroads was of the R. R. received, and Mr. Chamberlain agreed to attend the hearing. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he adivsed that an old deed from the Town of Arlington to the 'Down of Lexington agreed that no betterments be assessed for layout of Cliffe Avenue, and therefore the Betterment Assessment of $126.24 should be abated by the Board. He stated that the only cost necessary to settle the case would be the entry fee of $3.00 which he would add to 'his expenses as Town Counsel The Board therefore passed the following order; "WHEREAS the Board of Selectmen on or about May 12, 1926 adopted an order for the taking of Deed from land. for the layout of Cliffe Av-nue in the said Town of Arl. Lexington and recited that the said public ington to improvement was made under the Betterment Act, Town of Lex- and thereafter and pursuant thereto assessed ington. a betterment upon the Town of Arlington in the sum of $126,24 ani? on September 21, 1926 committed the same to the Collector of Taxes for collection; and Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works in which he stated that he in- vestigated the matter of assessment upon Property of Mrs. Ellen DeGrinney, and he stated that he did not believe tris would effect the case against the Torun of Mr. Damages of Healey whose property adjoins Mrs.. DeGrinney's DeGrinney & inasmuch as an assessment made by the Board of Healey. Assessors, upon Mrs. DeGrinneyfs property, exceeded the amount of the valuation figured by the County Commissioners in the amount of $15.00 for 190 square feet of land. The assessed value amounts to $22.80. In the case of the Healey property, the amount taken was 3880 sq. ft., the damage awarded was $582.00 or 15� per foot and the assessed valuation averages 05� per square foot or $194.00. The Supt.recommended that Mrs. DeGrinney be granted the $23.00. It was decided to notify Mrs. DeGrinney that the amount of $23.00 would be paid to her when the appropriation is made at the June town meeting. Letter was received from the Town Counsel in which he adivsed that an old deed from the Town of Arlington to the 'Down of Lexington agreed that no betterments be assessed for layout of Cliffe Avenue, and therefore the Betterment Assessment of $126.24 should be abated by the Board. He stated that the only cost necessary to settle the case would be the entry fee of $3.00 which he would add to 'his expenses as Town Counsel The Board therefore passed the following order; "WHEREAS the Board of Selectmen on or about May 12, 1926 adopted an order for the taking of Deed from land. for the layout of Cliffe Av-nue in the said Town of Arl. Lexington and recited that the said public ington to improvement was made under the Betterment Act, Town of Lex- and thereafter and pursuant thereto assessed ington. a betterment upon the Town of Arlington in the sum of $126,24 ani? on September 21, 1926 committed the same to the Collector of Taxes for collection; and "'9NEREAS the Board has ascertained that by virtue of a deed from the Town of Arlington I to the Town of Lexington dated dune 21, 1915 and recorded in Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds, Book 3979, Page 256, ' the Town of Lexington has ggreed not to assess a betterment on the .Town of Arlington by reason of the layout of a road at approximately the location of Cliffe Avenue: "VOTED: That the Board hereby abates the said betterment assessment and that the Clerk of the Board notify the Collector of Taxes of the said. abatement,(" Statement was received from the Town Accountant reminding the Board that Revenue Loan of $150,600 Revenue should be now made. De Board voted to approve the Loan amount and authorized the bids to be requested. Memorandum was requested from the Supt. of Public Works stating that the net cost to the Town for the new Ford car for the Enginv eying Department wo�UO be $597.00, and the net cost of the Police Departmentts car would be $500.00.. New Ford Discussion arose as to whether the Ford Cars. was the best car to purchase, and it was finally decided that the Supt. should proceed to purchase the two cars recommended. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works in which he advised the Board that Robert Watt had been taken to Court by the Plumbing. Inspector owing to violation of the Plumbing Laws and Mr. Watt pleaded guilty to the charges and was fined $50.00 with a suspended sentence Robert Watt. until September 10, 1929. This report of the Supt. automatically did away with having to take any action in regard to the letter written by the Plumbing Inspector. In regard to the ofder to connect with the sewer which was suggested by the Board at their previous meeting be sent out to all the parties -who were not connected with the sewer, the Board Sewer decided that the Supt, of Public Works should Connectionsr request the Supt, of the Sewer Department to visit these persons personally and obtain reasons why they should not enter the sewer rather .than send them a notice demanding that they be connected. Application was received. from Mr. Ernest MacPhee for aprroval of Vaille Avenue and Kimball Vaille Ave, Road off Reed Street. & Kimball Letter was received from the Planning Board in Rd. layout; regard to the plan of V,ille Avenue and Kimball Road. Inasmuch as there is sone question as to 0 Z whether the Planning Board approved the plans as presented, it was decided to refer the matter to them to advise the Board when they would be ready to approve the plans so that hearing could be advertised upon the application. It was decided to renew with George H. Insurance. Gibson, the insurance of $2700 on the Shelales House. Complaints in regard to the Ryder piggery were received from Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Whitmore and Caroline T. Reed, both of Wachusett Ryder Drive. Piggery. Copy of Complaints were forwarded to Mr. Wrightington requesting him to.adlibee the Board as to what action should be ta'den. Letter.was received from the Supt. of Public Works in which he stated that Mr. C. F. Mills of Concord Avenue desires to use the upper part of his two story garage for a work Mr. Mill's shop in which he repairs desks from the Application. Somerville schools. The Board did not believe that they desire to entertain Mr. Mill's application and so advised the Supt. The Supt. of Public Works made a report relatige to removing the trees in front of Mr. Viano's garage on Mass. Avenue. He Trees, Viano stated that there was a protest from a number Garage. of women in regard to moving these trees especially of the removal of the white maple. Mr. Viano stated that he would not insist that this tree be removed if the pole near it could be moved so that persons backing out of the garage would not strike it. The Elm tree showed abuse where it hale been struck by automobiles. The Board felt that this tree should be removed. The Board decided to notify Mr. Vianriwthat when the wires were placed underground on the Avenue, the pole would then be removed. Discussion arose as to who was to pair for the removal of the trees. No decision was arrived at, and it was voted to lay the matter over for one week. The Supt. of Public Works's report is as follows: For week ending March 9, 1929, Highway Department. The department w9s occupied with the following work: cutting brush on Waltham Street and Concord Avenue; removing large stones and widening the ' f'oadway in 'aeston Street; filling holes in road- way in sewer trench and repairing and filling sidewalks in Woburn Street; patching street surfaces in a number of stredts. Next week will be taken uj with the work of regular maintenance and repairs. Moth Department. Gypsy moth nests were treated on Massachusetts Avenue.d Park Department. Regular maintenance work Occupied the time of the Department. Water Maintenance. Water service installed on Shade Street; painting hydrants; repaired leak on Manley Court. Report of Water Construction Supt. of Completed the extension of ' about seventy feet Public Works. of six inch water pipe on Grant Street for A. Randall. Regular routine work is planned for the week ending March twenty-third. Engineering Department. Sewer. Started work on information to be submitted to Metcalf & Eddy for Complete study of Lexington Sewer Systems. Preliminary work for 1929 Sewer program. Miscellaneous. Completed plan of playground showing elevations near Lincoln Street. Completed plan showing proposed layout at Marshall -Library properties. Remarks. The information to be submitted to Metcalf & Eddy will require a lArge amount of field work In addition to the same am-unt o' office work. ' I believe it will take from 3 to 4 weeks for the entire department to finish this work. The 1929 Highway and Sewer programs will require some attention before April so th9t we shat 1 not be able to complete the sewer study information much in advance of May lst. Yours very truly, GfF William S. Scamman Supt. of Public Works._--_�-__