HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-02-0733 SPECIAL MEETING, FEBRUARY 7. 1929. a special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in Estabrook Hall at 5:00 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Ballard,'Custance, Chamberlain, and Robertsowere present. The Sunt. of Public Works and the rk were also present. Town Counsel, Sydney R. Wrightington, conducting the hearing on behalf of the Board of Selectmen. Hearing was declared oven upon the application of the County Commissioners of Middlesex County Tuberculosis for permission to locate a tuberculosis hospital within hospital. the limtts of the Town of Lexington, in the area westerly of Walnut Street, northerly of Trapelo Road, Waltham, and southerly of Concord Avenue, Lexington. Mr. Lowell A. Mayberry, attorney for.County Commissioners, made a:statement to the meeting on behalf of the County Commissioners outlining the facts that occurred in bringing about the establish- ment of the proposition by the proposition by the Legislature, and stating that the Commissioners viewed different locations and finally came to the decision that the location in Waltham and Lexington would be very centrally located, high elevation, near adequate supply of water and entrance to sewer. He also ' stated- that inasmuch as the location is in the one - family district, in accordance with the Zoning law of the Town the commissioners'did not desire to ta'{e the land and expend any money before they appeal to the Selectmen, and it is for this reason that the hearing was held under the Zoning Laws of the Town of Lexington, and under authority of Chapter 123 of the Acts of 1924. Mr. Walter C. Wardvdl of the County Commissioners, made some statements informing the meeting that the Board of Health of the State desired that the County of Middlesex should erect a tuberculosis hospital for the care of tuberculosis patients, and inasmuch as the site seemed suitable after visiting a great many places, they desired to locate upon this plot of land. Mr. Wardwell gave other detailed testimony as to the necessity of selecting this site, Mr. Custance of the Board of Selectmen asked Mr. Wardwell where they expected to get their water from, and they stated that they expected to get it from the City of 'Waltham. Dr. Remick of tle State Dept. of'Health stated that he had investigatedthe locatidn of the proposed hospital and while it had not been officially be - f -ore him, he felt that the location would be approved by the State Dept. of Healtr, inasmuch as it had all the facilities necessary for a tubercu- losis hospital. Dr. Remick also stated t1 -at there 34 was no danger from a tuberculosis hospital being located in the district, inasmuch as t'e hospital is up-to-date in every way. Mr. Francis Chamberlain asked if the patients would be permitted to mingle with the people of the Town and if there would be any danger of the disease spread.ing, and Dr. Remick explained that there would be no danger ns it was found that.nearly 95% of the people travel by automobile today rather than by public conveyance. He stated that he did not know just how the hospital would be conducted in Middlesex County, but he did know that it would be donducted In ` h(§ -best rp6saib�7e Way to d.lim'lnate':.an.y d.an:ger7of`-eommurUcating the disease. He stated that many of the people traveling today are tubercular although people traveling with them are not aware of the fact. Mr. Nathaniel I. Bowditch of the County Commissioners, spoke of the extreme expense in connection with the building of Vne Beterans' Hospital in Bedford, and stated that the County dial not want to have expenses of this kind for a drainage system, and they felt that in this locati^n they would have adequate drainage in addition to the water supply and sewer. Mr. Ritchie, Architect, showed pictures of buildings similar to those which are to be erected, also a panoramic view giving the proposed location of the group of buildings on the promises, and the outline of the terri- tory to be taken, consisting of approximately 200 acres, one-half of which is in Lexington, and. one�&-half in Waltham, ' the frontage to be on Trapelo Road, Waltham. The pictures showed the administratin building, and two small buildings, nurses' home, and help quarters. The house on Trapelo Road is to be the - Superintendent's home, and the farm buildings which are now located there are to be used. The present owners of the property to be ta!ren for the location are Shea Brothers, and the Runkle property. In response to Mr. Ballard's request to show the d.iliding line of the Town of Lexington and City o`' ""al them in connection with the prvpPrfya x�ln was presented showing where the line is located. Although about thirty persons were present at the hearing, no persons appeared to object to the petition of the County Commissioners, and no one asked any further questions of the meeting, it was therefore 1 3 declared adjourned at 8:30 P.M. The meeting adjourned'to the Selectmen's ' Room, `'own Office Building, Sydney R. Wrightington, Town Counsel meeting with the Board. The Board. decided to lay the matter of the 'hearing on the tuberculosis hospital on the table for one week before making a decision and requested. the Town Counsel to prepare the necessary vote for them in connection with the matter. Letter was received. from the Town Accountant Town giving the accounts which were credited to General Accountant's Revenue and Surplus Account and those which were letter. held in separate accounts. Pasteurization of Milk License was granted.' Linense. to F. I?. Robinson & Son, 80 Hancock Street. The Board decided to lav upon the table the Building inspector's renort on the garage of Pasquale Moretti, 80 Bow Street. P. Moretti. The Board decided to inform the Building Inspector that hereafter he must give .no verbal permits for moving or erecting buildings, he must rave all permits in -writing. It was also decided to lay upon the table Rates, Cary the question of rates for the lemorial`Hall. Memorial Bldg.it was decided that the Pine Room, however, was not to be rented. The following amounts were approved for 1929 expenditures 4z counts . Selectmen' $6125.00 Summit 'Rd. 1910:00 Baker Ave. 800.15 Bennett Ave. 230,00 Memorial Day 250:00 Insurance 8500:00 Town Report'' 850.00 Middlesex Co. Extension Ser. $300.00 Unclassified 300.00 Reserve Fund 2500.00 Applications were received for sewer in Chase Avenue, Tarbell Avenue, Oak Street, Charles Street, Sewer ap and Baker Avenue. plications. It'was decided to insert an article in the warrant, requesting authority to install sewers in these streets. The Supt, of Public Works presented the Board with an estimate of $3,0001 for w1den1rig. Sehool Street tc a width of 4.0 feet tak ng in the additional 7 36 feet which Mr. Innis is desirous of deeding to the Town. The Board decided to inform"lir. Innis that they would welcome the proposition of acceptance School St, of a 7 foot strip of land and request that he ' have his engineer get in touch with the Town Engineer so that the lines may be established for the width of 40 feet. Letter was received ,from Mr, Felix V'iano owner of the Colonial Garage, 400 Mass. Avenue, in which he requested that two of the three trees that are in front of the garage be 'taken Viano-trees, down, inasmuch as they interfere with the entrance to the garage. After'disgcutsi:ng'the matter, it was left with Mr. Custance to act upon. Schedule of the exhibits of the Boy Scouts Bog Scouts was received from Mr. Richard A. Mellen, Scout Executive, Inasmtich-as Leonard Dellis, Ward Street, has Again called-the attention of the`Board to the drainage situation on Ward Street, the Board. Ward.Street decided"-to request the Supt. of-Public Works to drainage. endeavot'to complete the drainage on ward Street this next year. Letter was received from the Town Counsel ' informing the Board that Mr, Robert S. Sturtevant was endeavoring to secure group life insurance for the members of the Firemen's Relief Association, and in order to do so the employer must sign the application for the life insurance. Group life -Mr:-Wrightington advised the Board that in insurance. his'opini,�n-the Selectmen, as officials, had no right to sign -any -Application whereby the Town might tie '-called upon to pay the premium for life insurance , ---Mr. Wrightington called attention to the fact that the Supt, of-Public Works had-signed the appli66tion: and that he did not-believe that' the Town should become a party to any such application. Mr. James G Robertson brought up the fact that the widow_ of Elinus Hadley of Fern Street was having a hard- tune to- get along without funds for her family and wod,dered if a special';aet of Elinus. the Legislature could be made to help her pay Hadleyrs her bills, inasmuch as her husband was a call widow. fireman and was on duty when the accident occurred. The T©wri Counsel'wa.s-requested to-look into the matter, and advise the 'Board in regard to ' an article in the warrant relating to this matter. It was decided to request the Town Accountant to make a statement giving the financial status ot-Westview Cemetery set up in such a manner so that the Board may be able to Westview ascertain what the income has been from ' Cemetery. the cemetery each year'that-the Board may ascertain, if possible; when the cemetery may be self-supporting. Circular relati%e to books on design of sewers was presented by Mr. Ballard, and it Design of was decided that 'the. Supt. of public Works sewers should order some of the books to add to ' the information for his department. Schedule of insurance granted to the Insurance different brokers was presented to the Board. schedule In regard to the report of Metcalf & Eddy, it was decided that the report should be printed in the Town Report, and request was Metcalf -&'Eddy made that the Medford'Mereury get in touch report. with Metcalf _& Lddy to find out just what thb-y'would advise in regard to reducing the maps. The meeting adjourned at 11;40 P.M.' A true record, Attest: 1