HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-02-05The following members of the Committee on Representative Form of Town Government apreared before the Boar?, namely, Senator Joseph R. Cotton, Representative Georgie E. Briggs, George E. -mith, and Robert L. Ryder. Mr. Briggs read the Act and discussed the sections Rep. separately. The Bill is substantially in accordance Town with the Town of Winchester Act. Meetings. The question arose as to whether or not the fixed sum of 204 Toen Meeting members would be the proper amount, but Senator Cottin suggested that this was a i number that was easily divisible, and it was a good number f6r a legislative body. Discussion was also had in regard to line 16 of Section 8 relative to referendum. Mr Briggs stated that be talked with Mr. ?r'addell, director of Accounts, and he was in favor of blocking any referendum. The meeting, however, felt that there would be rare occasi-n when a referendum would be requested. It was decided to add to Section 13 in place of the word. "thereafter"."from passage of this Act." REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 5, 1929. A regular meeting of the Board. of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Office at 7:30 P;M. Messrs Burnham, Ballard, Custance, Chamberlain and Robert- son were present. The Supt. of Public Corks and the Clerk were also present. Mr. Edward Wood and Mr. George H. Gibson, Cemetery Commissioners, and �Ir. Arthur A. Marshall, Sunt, of Cemeteries, came before the Board a-tthe Estimate Boardts request to discuss the cemetery appropriation. Mr. Wood gave the history of the beginning of Westview Cemetery, outlining the work that they have done in the Cemetery since that time, and presented a statement of the number of lots sold and receipts since 1920. The Selectmen informed the Commissioners that when the Cemetery was first purchased the Town was informed in a Town Meeting that the Department would be -self-supporting within a few years, but each year an increased arnropriation has been asked for, and. they suggested that a drive be made to sell the lots so that there would be sufficient income from the sale of the lots.to operate the cemetery without additional appropriation. The Board laid upon the table the aopropriation of the Cemetery Department. ' Mr. Ballard suggested that the Cemetery Depart- ment get out some dans that might be -circulated among the townspeople to endeavor to sell the lots. The Commissioners stated, however, that they do not usually sell the lots from the plan, that the parties desire to view the lot on the ground., but they would secure some plans and see if further sales could be made. The following members of the Committee on Representative Form of Town Government apreared before the Boar?, namely, Senator Joseph R. Cotton, Representative Georgie E. Briggs, George E. -mith, and Robert L. Ryder. Mr. Briggs read the Act and discussed the sections Rep. separately. The Bill is substantially in accordance Town with the Town of Winchester Act. Meetings. The question arose as to whether or not the fixed sum of 204 Toen Meeting members would be the proper amount, but Senator Cottin suggested that this was a i number that was easily divisible, and it was a good number f6r a legislative body. Discussion was also had in regard to line 16 of Section 8 relative to referendum. Mr Briggs stated that be talked with Mr. ?r'addell, director of Accounts, and he was in favor of blocking any referendum. The meeting, however, felt that there would be rare occasi-n when a referendum would be requested. It was decided to add to Section 13 in place of the word. "thereafter"."from passage of this Act." 30 Discussion arose as to whether they should include in Section 3 the Chairman of the Cemetery Commissioners. It was finally decided that this officer would be included in the Act. An opportunity will be given for dis- cussion of this Act in the Legiilature at later date. Mr. Robert L. Ryder requested that the Board do something in regard to the layout of a street from Mass. Avenue to Vine Brook Road Two proposed along the brook near the Colonial Garage, 400 streets. Massachusetts Avenue, and also about the layout ofthe'boulevard from Vine Brook Road to Waltham Street, inasmuch as the Town holds the right to lay out highways at this place and he pays taxes upn the land without any right to use it. It was decided to request the Supt, of Public 'Norks to obtain the plans and data in regard to the Board of Survey layout on these two streets so'th-.t the Board_ may discuss the matter. At the request'of the Board the Board. of Assessors, Walter G. Black,-Chairman, Mr. Eugene G. Kraetaer, and Mr. Charles E. Ferguson, came before the Board in retard to the estimate for 1929 of the Assessorst epartment. They stated that the only increases requested were increase in pay of the present clerk and additional amount for another clerk for a part of the year owing to ' the new law on the assessment of automobiles. Assessors' jhey felt that they needed extra assistance. Estimate They also request additional amount of money for the use of the Assistant Assessor's automobile inasmuch as the amount paid him last year was not sufficient. The Board discussed the amounts requested, and inasmuch as the Assessors recommended an increase in pay of Miss Ready to $1300. per year, it'was finally voted to grant her this increase. The Board therefore voted to approve the request of the Board of Assessors, name1736625. Mr. Theodore A. Custance repor*ed that.he had interviewed "Mr. Charles H. Miller and Mr, George W. Sarano in regar-I to giving 7 foot strip of land to widen Lincoln Street at its intersection with Lincoln St. Mar,rett Road, and. both parties were agreeable to widening. giving the 7 foot strip of land provided it did not take too many of the valuable trees in the layout. Mr. Custance stated that he advised them that the Engineer would go upon the gr&=d and give them the lines where the widening would come, in'an endeavor to save all the trees possible. ' The following pole locations were granted: Blossom Street from a point approximately 4061 31 Pole locations. west of Allen Street and running southwesterly - twee poles. The following commitments were signed: Commitments 'Tater 599.27 Sewer 317.51 Sewer Assessments on Hastings and Edgewood Roads 11944.38 J.) Insurance The Board voted to renew with Mr, Edwin B. Worthen insurance policy in the amount of $190666 expiring January 13, 1929. The Board adjourned to the Office of the Town Engineer to view tre plan of East Street upon which he made some slight changes. Some time ago a hearing was held in connection with the proposedlayout of a street from Adams Street to North Hancock Street through land of several owners. At that time the owners of East Street were also notified inasmuch as a layout was intended to widen East Street so that a thoroughfare may had from Lowell Street including East Street across private lands to its junction with North Hancock Street, and East Street through North Hancock Street to the State Highway, Bedford.Street. At that hearing the owners of land abutting on East Street were promised a ' blue print showing the lines of the intended widening so that they,might know where their property stood in relation to the new lines of lbhe highway. It may be possible that the State will come in on the layout of this highway across undeveloped property from East Street to North Hancock Street. The Board viewed the plan and decided to refer the matter to the Chairman. Plan showing layout of School Street with School St. the line sowing the proposed taking of a 7 foot strip of land 1 V91ewed by the Board The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works is as follows: For the week endi-g February 20 1929. Highways. Tre Department was engaged with regular maintenance work, cutting back, widening and grading with gravel in Grove Street. Clearing snow from sidewalks and streets and sanding sidewalk''s,and streets and sanding sidewalks, bad grades, and corners. 22 Moth Department. {� Treating gypsy moth nests with creosote in the Town woods and on North Street. Park Department. Regular maintenance work carried on. Supt. of Water Department. Public Yorks Report. Three carloads of 12" water pipe were received and unloaded. A sewer service was started for Randall on Grant Street but was not continued on account of frost. Regular'routine work is planned Por the week ending February 16. Engineering Department Sewer Dept. Made out final bills for sewer assessments at H -stings and Edgewood Roads. Miscellaneous. Work on Town Map to plot same up to date. Completed plan of Hill Street Survey. Compiled plan of Lincoln Street from Marrett Road to Middle Street, showing suggested widening ' lines. Yours very truly, William S. Scamman Supt. of Public Works. The meeting adjourned at 12:30 A.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk.