HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-01-2922 REGULAR ME'?TING, JANUARY 29, 1929 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. -Burnham, Ballard, Custance, Chamberlain and Robertson were present. The Clerk and. the Supt, of Public Works were also present. Hearing was declared open upon the apnli- cation of Cecily and Robert B. Lutes, 271 Marrett Road, for permission to keep their premises open to the public and sell gifts and. antiques. Mr. and Mrs. LdBs appeared before the Board, and no persons appeared to object. A letter was read which was received from Mr. Neil McIntosh in which he stated that he had no Lutes objection to the use of the premises for the pur- Hearing. pose which the applicant desired. The only suggestion he had was that they keep the drive open so that the public could drive in off the h ighvray. Inasmuch as no objections were received, the Board voted to grant permission to Mr. and Mrs. Lutes to operate a business at 271 Marrett Road under the authority of Sec. 15 and 16 of the Zoning By-Laws. ' The Town Engineer presented a sketch plan showing a tentative layout of the Marrett Gardens., formerly the property of Frank P. Reynolds on School Street. Marrett The Engineer stated that Mr. Innis, owner of Gardens the property, was willing to deed to the Town a seven (7) foot strip of land the entire length of School Street, provided the Board w-s willing to surface that stria of land. Before making any definite proposition on the matter, the Board decided to request the Supt, of Public 71orks to furnish them with figures on surfacing the highway. Mr. Theodore A. Custance reported th9t Mr. Miller informed h ir, he was willing to deed to the Town, free Lincoln of charge, seven (7) feet of land for the widening Street ofi Lincoln Street, and suggested that the Sarano side of Lincoln Street be also widened, and therefore make the street less dangerous. It w9s left with Mr. Custance to talk with 'r. Sarano as soon as he can obtain a layout of Lincoln St. from the Town Engineer, to see if Mr. Sarano would also be willing to give some of his land to widen Lincoln Street. ' In regard to the School House Lot on which the Warren School formerly was located, the Board decided to notify the Town Counsel that they desire to have him inform the owners of adjoining property M that the Town believes that they own this lot. The Board. discussed the matter of sewer assessment to Mrs. Alice Simonds and the Chairman informed the Board that the Engineer had figured out that although Mrs. Simonds would have a longer dis- Simonds tance to construct her sewer connectidntto enter sewer the sewer constructed by the Town, it would be less Abatement cost to her than if the Town had extended the sewer so that it would be directly in front of her house, inasmuch as the excavation directly in front of her house is most all- ledge. The Engineer believed that Mrs. Simonds received the full benefit of the sewer, and for this reason he assessed her t7,e full amount of frontage of her lot. Before definitely deciding the m^-tter, it was referred to the Chairman. The Town Engineer presented plans showing the layout of Massachusetts Avenue .from Noburn Street to Stuart- Hancock Street showing the building line, curbing, Varshall and. sidewa '.�:s. He also presented plot plan showing the area of the Boutelle Block, and Engine House lot. The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works is as follows: For 'Meek Ending January 26, 1929. 1 Highway Department Department occupied with work on Grove Street cutting back and leveling where the street is very narrow.and dangerous. Surface patches made on various streets. Snow cleared from streets and sidewalks. Side- walks, many street corners and bad grades were sanded. Report of Moth Department. Supt. of Public Works The department treated gypsy moth nests with creosote on the trees in Tower Park and the grounds around the reservoir. Park Department. Regular maintenance work carried on. :Nater and Sewer Department. One sewer service has been installed for F. M. Daniels at 195 Massachusetts Avenue. ' Regular routine work of the water department has been carried on. Most of the men are out on vacation at this time. 24 Engineering Department. Sewers. Final locations in Hastings, Edgewood, Up- land. and Glen Roads. Work on final plans of 1928 construction Highways. Completed several plans of Massachusetts Averue from Grant Street to Bedford Street, showing pror,osed widening and building lines. !vIiscellaneous . Made plan of Town Government diagram. Individual visits to Messrs Innis, Bashian, Martin, Sarano, and Wellington in regard to better development.of the property formerly owned by Mr. Reynolds. Each has agreed to certain concessions and seems well satisfied with our layout. Yours very truly, William S. Scamman. Supt. of Public Works. Mr. William M. Aquaro came before the Board and made complaint that Pasquale Moretti was building a three car garage at his house on Albermarle Avenue. he stated that he cannot see any permit on the premises, but upon investigation at the Building Insrector's Office, it was revealed that a -permit for a one car garage had been granted to him. Moretti Mr. Aquaro felt that this should be looked into, Garage. inasmuch as he felt Pasquale Moretti was not endeavoring to comply with the law. The Board informed him that they would take tre matter up with the Building Inspector and '-ave him investigate the conditions. In regard to the acceptance of Bertwell Road, it was decided to notify the abuttors that they did not Bertwell 'cage 75% of the owners of property on the petition Road. for the acceptance of the street, and. to ask them to furnish the necessary signatures and also the Board of Survey plan. Satisfactory bond having been filed by Louis Hershman, hershman 485 Massachusetts Avenue, the Board voted to grant sign bond him a permit for an overhanging sign at that address. In regard to the regulations for overhanging signs which were mailed to the members of the Board., tt was suggested that these regulations be presented 1 M ''ign Regulations. to the Boar- of Trade so that they might view them and comment upon them. Resignation was received from Mrs. Dorothy H. Chamberlain Resignation I from the Dental Clinic Committee. Mrs. Cham- berlain. No action was taken on this resignation, inas- much as it was understood thrt Mrs. Chamberlain would be willing to serve until the end of her term, March 313 1929. income of The members of the Board .took the data on the income received from the Cary '�lemorial Hall Cary Bldg, and. Estabrook Hall to view before the next meeting. It was voted to abate t^e following tax on Prospect hill Road. Abatements Neil McIntosh Lot no. 11 0171.56 rr rr n re 12 41.17 „:r n 2 of 68 200.51 Westerly half of land bordered on one side by 'Nachusett Drive and on the other by Prospect Ti11 Road. hazel M. Barry Lot Naz of 68 200.54 'N. A. Webster Lumber Co. Assessed for lots 22-41 Does not own Lot 41 70.58 ' It appears that the original assessmenton this lot was assessed to the wrong owner, and a new commitment was made for a similar, amount to the correct owner, Fran'rlin P. Simonde. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Wortrs in which he recommended that the Board approve the payment of $75.00 for Elmer A. Chadwick, $75.00 Blasting for Hubert C. Grieves, and $116.86 for Turnar C. Awards Kelly, to cover damages for repairs to their houses caused by blasting during the construction of the sewer in 'Lincoln Street and Audubon Road. The Board accepted the recommendation of the Supt. of Public Works and voted to approve the payment of these bills. Mr. James G. Robertson suggested that in the future whenever any blasting is to be done by any of theTown Departments, that the Engineering Department be requested to view all the houses in the vicinity and to make notes of the conditions of the ceilings and walls of the houses. narking The following parking regulations were pre - Regulations sented by the Supt, of Public Works. In that part of Massachusetts Avenue between Grant Street and Meriam Street, no vehicle shall - be allowed to park except as follows: 26 I'lest Sides; �= Vehicles shall. park parallel to the curb. The right hand side of the vehicle shall be next to the curb. East Side. Vehicles shall park at an angle of 450 to the curb. the right hand side forward wheel to be against the curb. Except to avoid an accident, vehicles shall not stop in such a way as to prevent other vehicles from backing away from the curb. No double parking permitted. Before adopting these regulations, it w^s suggested that t'le regulations be sent to the Board of Trade so that they might view them and advise t' -.e Boars? of their opinion before taking any action. In regard to the application of Pasquale Moretti for permission to use his single house as a two family house at Melrose Avenue, upon Moretti which a hearing was held on Tuesday, Tan. 22, P.M., 1929 at 8 the Board voted to refuse & e house. permit to Mr. Moretti to use his house as a two family house. In this connection it was decided to send to the Planning Board the petition showing the names of parties who signed it requesting the erection of two family houses in this section, so that they mtgbt take action on the request for a change in the Zoning law. Selectmen's Members of the Board took a draft of the Report Selectmen's report to view and report at the next meeting. A report of the Fire Engineers which was requested b17 the $pard in relation to Fire the bill of $2500 paid to the Amevican LaFrance Fire Engine Co. for repairs to the Engineers American LaFrance k'ire Engine Co., wns read report. to the Borrd. Inasmuch as.a vote of the Town refers the entire question of the Fire Department investigation report to the,Appropriation Committee, the Board felt that they could take this matter up with the Appropriation Committee,when they meet with them to dis- cuss appropriations for the Fire Department, r Applicati-n was received from Charles A. Request Peavy, 114 Massachusetts Avenue, requesting fofl some of the Town's Insurance business. His Insurance application was placed on file to be taken up at a later date when insurance is to be placed. Discussion arose as to whether or not the Board should print a lint of the insurance brokers in the local newspaper, inasmuch as the state- ment was printed in the newspaper calling for a list. Request was made that the Supt. of Public Works prepare a form of order that the Board may take action on all un -severed houses to make Sewer con- connection with the sewer within the next two nections. years. Mr. Scarnman reported that there were 162 sewer connections that have not been made. Inasmuch as John Canessa has made application for a Junk Collectorts License it was decided to Canessa request the Chief of Police for information in Juno appli- regard to the character of the applicant. cation. The Board discussed some of the estimate sheets and approved tre following amounts; Dental Clinic $1700.00 Highway Con. (Summit Rd.) 1910.00 including the balance of $472.59 which was left in this account. In this connection it was decided to increase th e salary of the Town Accountant $100.00 and approved Estimate the appropriati,)n of $3000.00 for this account. sheets. It was decided to refer sheets 51, 52, and 53 to the Supt. of Public Works for information. It was voted to request the Town Accountant to furnish the Board with a list of accounts which he transferred the balance of to General Revenue & Surplus Account and also a list of accounts which he is carrying the balance of on individual accounts. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to get detail information in regard to the appropriation for maintenance of Tower Park. It was'deeided that no apnrorriation be made for Simonds Road and York Street. Suggestion was mane that the Town arrange to appropriate money for, permanent sidewalks in front of the school houses in East Lexington, also in front of Emerson Hall. The Board aprroved. the appropriation of $4,000. for sidewalks; $6600 for Snow Removal; $625. for Veteran's Pensions; 01875 for Police Pensions; for Fire Pensions. $1225. for Town Treasurer; 40,000 for Interest; X99,472.80 for Ma.turin# Debt; '111110 500. for Planning Board; and $11,865. for Libraries. In regard. to the aprropriatiop for the Assessors Dept., it was decided to request the Chairman to come before the Board to explain the request for appropriation of that department. In regard to the Cemetery appropriation, it was decided to request the Cemetery Commissioners to inform the Board in regard to the capital investment and sales of land made each year since the property was purchased. 28 The following commitments were signed by the Board. Water rates $3,056.40 Sewer rentals 204.65 Commitments. The meeting adjourned at I2;15 A.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. 1