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A regular meeting of the Board. of Selectmen was held at the
Selectmen's Room, Town Office building. Viessrs. Burnham,
Custanre, Ballard and Chamberlain were present. The Supt. of
Public viorks and the Clerk pro -tem were also present.
The following licenses were granted.,
F. K. Johnson, 35 Bedford Street First Class Agent's License.
Thayer -Hudson Essex Co. 480 Vnss. Ave. " it if if
State Aid pay roll was signedin the amount of $32.00.
Sewer assessment abatement was granted to Harry 'V. Patterson
for •$14.16, error being made owing to the fact teat the plon did
not correspond. with E--. Patterson's deed.
Letter was received. from Mrs. Beatrice H. Lamont, President
of the Florence Crittenton Circle, in which she asked teat tre
charity rate be granted to tris associatin for the use of Cary
Memorial Fall on December S. 1928 for a cabaret dance.
After discussing the matter, it was decided to give the
Florence Cftttenton Circle the 201` rate on Dece•nbP_r 8, anl make the
usual charge of $10.00 for a previous r-hearsal.
In tris connection, it was voted th^t on and after this date,
permission be granted for the use of space only on written
application anal at the prices which have alr^ady been determined.
by the Selectmen, and th-t no variation be made from this rractice
extent in accordance with a formA.l vote of the Selectmen, and
that this be incorporated in the conditions for rent of the Cary
Memorial Building.
Letter from 'Elmer 4. Lord: & Co, regarding the expiration of
fir- insurance on January 149 1929 in the amount of J19,400 was
taken from the table and it was voted to renew tlli s insurance.
Letter was received. from the Totem Counsel, Sydney R. ",!rightington.
relative to the matter of granting a permit for the use of a
store room and garage by Ch! -les T1% Collins at 74 Forest Stre-t,
In which he stated tt,a,. a hermit can be granted. f -r the storage
of three cars, bti.t if 'Tr. Collins uses tie garage, at a future
date, to conduct his nlumbing business from the garage, it will
be annronrinte for the Board of Select, -en to noftify him that
such use is in violation of the Zoning Law.
' After discussing the matter, it was voted to req -est the
Building Inspector to ask lir. Collins to sign a new application
which will be substituted for tre one orevi-usly received by the
Board, andwhen this is done tre Board will tale the matter. ur.
Letter was received from Charles
IVI. Blake
in which he stated.
that the use of the Cary Memorial Hall
had been
obtained from the
Janitor from January 26 to February 2,
1929 for
the Fire Relief
As Mr. Blake did not state in }lis
letter what he wished to
use the hall for, it was decided to invite
to come before the
Board on Wednesday, December 26, 1928.
In tris connection, it was voted th^t on and after this date,
permission be granted for the use of space only on written
application anal at the prices which have alr^ady been determined.
by the Selectmen, and th-t no variation be made from this rractice
extent in accordance with a formA.l vote of the Selectmen, and
that this be incorporated in the conditions for rent of the Cary
Memorial Building.
Letter from 'Elmer 4. Lord: & Co, regarding the expiration of
fir- insurance on January 149 1929 in the amount of J19,400 was
taken from the table and it was voted to renew tlli s insurance.
Letter was received. from the Totem Counsel, Sydney R. ",!rightington.
relative to the matter of granting a permit for the use of a
store room and garage by Ch! -les T1% Collins at 74 Forest Stre-t,
In which he stated tt,a,. a hermit can be granted. f -r the storage
of three cars, bti.t if 'Tr. Collins uses tie garage, at a future
date, to conduct his nlumbing business from the garage, it will
be annronrinte for the Board of Select, -en to noftify him that
such use is in violation of the Zoning Law.
' After discussing the matter, it was voted to req -est the
Building Inspector to ask lir. Collins to sign a new application
which will be substituted for tre one orevi-usly received by the
Board, andwhen this is done tre Board will tale the matter. ur.
ielease having been received from. the Edward T. Harrington
Company duly exec!i.ted, bill was arrroved for X715.42 for the
Purchase of a 16" water main in York Street approximately 450,
in accordance with agreement dated ,August 5, 1914.
Letterwas received from Mr. Francis Chamberlain in which
he quoted. nricee from the New York 0"'ire of Coffin c� Burr on
cement lined, tar coated, water -Dire i, 12" lengths, class 150,
and total amount 11,000' at x1.35 per foot plus 17� for lining.
H e also stated that .he ha, telephoned t is information to
Mr. Scarman and. suggested obtaining Prices from the following
American Cast Iron Pine Co.
'J. 6. Cast Iron Pine Co.
H. D. 'Nood R, Co.
12e Sunt. of Public "'orks stated that lip had requested bids
from these companies but had not received them as yet.
The matter was therefore laid on the table.
Letter was received from the Boar' of Selectmen of Arlington
enclosing schedule of gas rates of the Arlington Gas Light Co.
Supt. of Public ���orirs was instructed to obtain gas rates from the e
Lexington Gas Co, for hexington so that the rates coild be compared..
Bill was approved for the Art -?fetal Construction Co, in the
amount of X369.00 for EnFineering tables.
The memorandum received from the Supt, of Public Works which.
-as laid on the table last week was discussed.
The Sunt. of Public Yorks presented tracing of block plan
of the Town of Lexington, a photostat copy and a magnigraph copy so
that the Board could determine what kind of a copy of the block plan
they desire to havelmade.
The Town E
ngineer was present, and he was i^structed to have
conies of the block Plan made on blue -print linen, as it will wear
longer than the ordirnry blue -print Parer.
?fir. Ballard stated tha..t he had received a bill from the
Sewer Department for betterment, and after he ha sent a check
for the first apportionment, it had been r^turned to him as he was
informed that the assessment could not be paid until it appeared
on the tag bill next October.
apnortienmentsonesviwam fir. "Taller F. Temple for the first
g y assessment and the Town Accountant
stated. that this check can not be accepted.
It was decided to leave these matters for Dr. Custance to discuss
with fair. Wardell or Air. Fenton at the State House.
The Supt. of Public Norks was instructed to p.a-t parallel parking
signs in front of the Dunt Building and from Clarke Street to "daltham
Street, and also to have the Police cooperate.
The Supt, of Public 7'orks was instructed to request the Gas Co.
to fill the gas trenches in Lexington Permanently as several have
settled and it leaves the street in a dangerous condition.
The Supt. of Public ',Yorks was instructed to blast off the
ton of the ledge on Hastiggs Road near Nr. Trask's property.
Aprlication Rs received. fro -n FTarry L. Coolidge
and T,etitia rfnor for permission to condi.Ict a. filling
s tat' on with two fi-e t' ou.sand gallon ensoline to �7-s
107 at
& •109 Nass. Ave.
4ie Clerir rro-tem wits ins ;ructeA to a've-^tise a hearing
on t! is application.
ThC weekly report of the Sunt, of Public Wor'rs is as follows:
For week enr'ir? December 15, 1928.
Highway Department.
Construction of Barer Avenue, Bennett Avenue and. Summit
Road was carried on during 1-1-e „?eek, andwill be in progress
next week.
Maintenance work was done it clearing gutters and.
emptying catch basins.
-Snow and ice remov-1 wort{ was as follows: Sidewalks
were cleared of snow and tre small tractor plow and the road
grader were used to scrare bac'r sno-,, ^fter it har' become
soft through the cent,�r and adjacent streets. We also sanded
at a gr:�at many corners and o a nu~nber of hills.
Bloth Depart-nent.
1pis department was engaged in the work of. climbing
trees and treating z g�rps5T
,, moth nests on Adams Street' and North
Street, and removed. one tree on Lowell Street which blocked
the entrance to Bartlett Avenue. Permission rad been obtained
to remove this tree from the State Department of Public Works.
Park Department.
RAgul^r maintenance worir carried on.
Sewer Construction.
Approximately 85 feet of 8" sewer ripe has been laid
in Hastings Road. The ledge encountered on this job has
retarded the progress. AnT)roxiYnately 751 of 8" pipe has.
been laid in hdgewood Ro^ One manhole has been constructed.
Ledge has also been encountered on this rjob, and has held up
the Tworlr to some extent.
Sewer Maintenance.
One sewer connection ras been installed. for, °"I. H. Ballard
on Faastings Road. ^Iork Nas started on Friday on the sewer service
for 1°ir. Amara on Yass. Avenue.
'Vater "aintenance.-N
' z water service has been installed for Booker on York
Street. 10 date, Ir1e hive lo-- ere-_ 220, of 6" pipe in Baker
Avenue; and t} -ere r-mairs 360 1 to be lowered.
T ;e rror' co3nte elated for toe .rieel- ends -r- December 29 is
as follows:
continuation of t,,(. hastin s Road and Ed. ewood
Roo_ seuaers; lol7ering of Ba'rer Avenue tooter main; water and
se,,raer services, etc.
Engineering Department.
Lines and P'Tades for constriction pt ?Tasti.rgs Roar.
Lines and grades for construction a+ Edgewood rZon,=.
and grades for house connection on-11ass. Avenue.
Street line at Summit Ro^d,
Worl< on hill Stre't survey.
Work on Marrett Garden 'opo plan.
` 1'lleasurements for Bedford Street Business district.
Wor1r on pro^osed, amendments to Zoning Law.
Very truly yours,
'7illiam S. Scamman
Supt. of Public 'works.
At 10 o'clock Yr. Richard E. 'N'iellen Came before the Board
to explain what the Boy Scouts intend to do on Februar,r 8 and 9,
1929 in the Cary rlemoria.l Building. He stated that t't-,e Boy
Scouts are going' -to conduct an exhibit of merit badges, and
they desire to erect boots -s which will not touch the wall or
mark the floor.
Mr. IIellen did not believe that t1e Hall would be damaged
by this exhibit, but he stated that he world gig=e the Board'
more definite information on what the different troops are going
to do for exri.bition work in the booths.
Notice was received from Edits Nolirse Rogers stating that
she would be glad to arrange wits the Ho,.i.se Committee on Ways &
Meanso,if any -of her constituents has information whicr he desires
to present to the Committee on 'a particular chase of the Tariff
Law and a scY)ediile of d.atss of Tariff hear; cgs was enclosed.
No action was ta'-en upon the matter.
It was called to the Board's attention thn.t part of the
'halcony in the Car; idemorial Hall has not been set apart f ofl non
voters, and the Supt, of public '°•forks was asked to designate part
of the balcony to be set aside for this purpose.
The meeting adjourned. at 11 P.M. '
A true record, Attest'
Clerk, p -tem.