HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-12-114Y6•3 REGULAR MEETI7G, DECEMBER 11, 1928. A regular meeting of the Boar? of Selectmen was held at ' the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Chamberlain, and Robertson were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk pro -tem were also present. License was signed for the Lexington Order of the Sons of Italy to hold an entertainment on Sunday, December 16, 1928, at the Lexington Theatre. 1st. Class Agent's License was gtgned for Calvin W. Childs, 99 Mass. Avenue. 1 1 Letter was received from Manfred L. Warren, Principal of the Lexington High School, in which he requested that the Cary Memorial Hall be reserved for February 16, 1929 for the High School Athletic Association at a special rate. After discussing the matter, it was decided to reserve the hall for above date, anr9 make a charge of 20% for the use of same. At 8 o'clock POM. hearing was declared open upon the ap- plication of the N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. for nermission to build a conduit on hacock Street. Mr, and r>,. Robert S. Sturtevant, Miss Mary E. Hinchey and r!r. Michael Hinchey apreared to inquire if this application was to affect their service to the house, an,, they were informed that it was just to put the wires of the N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co, under ground from Bedford St. ane' Elm Avenue to Hancock Street, and on Hancock Street about 280 feet. After the hearing w^s declared closed, it was voted to grant the permit. At 8:15 P.M. bids were opened from the following on the !foam of Lexington loan of 4100,000. Atlantie�National Bank 4.36% Solomon Bros. & H tiler 4.48% Bank of Commerce Frust Co. 4.68 Lexington Trust Co. 4.35 The bid was awarded to the Lexington Trust Co. The following names were drawn to serve as jurors. Norman I. Adams, Criminal Session Ernest 0. Nichols, Civil Session. Mr. John F. Tibbetts, Building Inspector, came before the Board to inform them that Mr. Charles M. Collins, 74 Forest Street, desires to withdraw his application to erect a garage and storeroom on his premises. The weekly report of the Sunt. of Public worirs is as follows: _64 For week ending December 8, 1928. Highway Maintenance. The loose stone on the sides of Massachusetts Avenue between Oak Street and Marrett Road has been cleaned. up and placed on the east side of Mass. Avenue between Marrett Road. and. Munroe Station. Surface patches were made on Bow St., Lincoln Street, and Mass. Avenue. Catch basins were cleaned.. Sewer trenches in 7oburn Streit dnd Eliot Road scraped and leveled. On account of slippery conditions caused by the light rain and snow Saturday, sand was arr.li.ed at many of the street corners on the sidewalks, Highway Construction. Construction work on streets recently accepted has been continued during the past week. Crushed gravel has been arrlied. to Summit Road and graded. A steam shovel has been emr.loyed in the worir in Baker Avenue cutting down the grade on the hill and using the earth excavated on the low ports of the road where considerable filling has been needed. The wore, on these new streets will be continued until the top course of gravel has been annlied. Moth Department. The Department men have been climbing trees and treating gypsy moth nests with creosote on Grove Strut and Concord Avenue. Brush was burned on Dedar Street. Park Department. Regular maintenance work carried on in tris Dppartment. Sewer Construction. Approximgtely 240, of 8" pipe has been laid in Hastings Road and. one manhole has been constructed. Approximately 2750 of 8" pipe has been laid. in Edgewood load from Hancock street to Blare Avenue. The excavation on this tob his been done with Ross's "Bearcat" ditching mac'-ine, and the backfilling has been done with the "Ford.son:" baekfiller. Sewer Maintenance. Three men have been flushing sewers. ;'later maintenance. Two men have been at work in East Lexington where the Righw^y Dept, is �rorking. adjusting gates and. sery&ce boxes to the pruner grades. No service work has been done tris week, due to the fact that t'e Edgewood. and Hastings Road sewers are being pushed. as fast as possible., Two carloads of 12" pipe was received and unloaded and the labor has been c? urged to :dater Maintenance in t1•is case. 1 1 Six Corey hydrants were received d,�.rl.ng the week. The work contemplated for the week endint December 22 is ' as follows: continuation of the r`astings an,' Edgewood AoRd sewers; water and sewer services; low -ring of the 6" water main in Baker Avenue. engineering Department. Sewers. Lines and grades at Hastings Road. Lines and grades at Edgewor)d Road. Miscellaneous. Startedsurvey of Hill Street. Werk on 80 scale plan of lan,' bounded by Marrett Road, Massachusetts avenue, and School Street. Work on 40 scale topographical plan of Reservoir lot. Work on directory of streets to bring them correct to January, 1929. Reducing new development nlans to 400 scale size for map changes. Very truly yours, T,"Iilliam S. Scamman Supt. of Public Works. At 8:30 P.M., Mr. Marshall, of the Stuart -Marshall Realty Co., and "r. 114lite. Architect, came before the Boa 'd to discuss their proposition with regard to the moving of the so-called Boutelle lock at the corner of �`eriam Street and Mass. Avenue. Mr. White stated that the estimate for rebuilding foundation of the building would be $3,900. if moved back ten (10) feet, and that it would. cost $3,000. to move the building, with an additional $1,000. for probable repairs. He also stated. that if the building was *roved back twenty (20) feet that it would cost about $900. more for moving the building. Mr. Marshall stated that the lot was 140 feet front on Mass. Avenue, and a fair value per .foot is 15.00. Mr. =Marshall also stated that the co^r..any intended to spend about �V40,000 to fix the building up and that it would be a very un -to -date structure. He asked that the Board give the matter their consideration. In regard to the request of Sydney R. ',+rightington, Esq. for tl'• a use of the Cary ivlemorial Hall, Feb. 7, 8. and. 9. 1929 for the Boy Scouts, it was decided to request him to come before the Board at their next meeting on Dec. 18, 1928 -to discuss the matter. It was decided to hold the meeting of the Board on Dec. 26 1928 ' and Jan. 2, 1929 as the usual meetings of the Board fa11 on Chr, a_n.ri ldew rears. istman In't},is connection it was decided to hold the hearing of "11r. Louis 'r^. Bulls on Jan�iary 2, 1928 at 8 P."j. 4 P,' Application was received. from Forrest E. "Ling for per- mission to erect an overhanging sidewalk sign at his store 1745 mass. Avenue. Agreement was also received signed by 9r. King wherein_ it is stated trnt he will remove his sign whenever -the Board deems it necessary that all signs of this nature be removed in the Town. It was voted to grant Mr. Virg a permit after a bond in the amount of $1,000 is filed at the office of the Selectmen. Application was received from Frank E. Ready for per- mission to erect an overhanging sidewalk sign at 430 Mass. Averue, dimensions to be 6 ft. long and 3 feet wide. It was voted_ to grant Mr. Ready a permit to hang• a sign after he had complied with the regulation of filing a bondd of n1,000 and also after he has signed. the usual agreement. In this con-eetion it was decided to ask a com7ittee from the Boars of Trade to confer with the Boar' of Selectmen on Tuesday evening, January 8, 1926 at 8:30 P.M. relative to addpting a reg7o.lation that will define the maximum size of overhanging signs overhanging the sidewalk. Letter was received from Elmer A. Lord & Co. informing the Boar? that fire insurance in the amount of $19,400 under schedule form expires on January 14, 1929. It was decided to lay the matter on the table for one week. Specification --and. proposal for making block plans for the Town of Lexington was signed by the Boar?. This contract stated the area that Mr. Everett l�. Montague intends to block out for the sum of $1500. The Board signed the following abatements: J. Alexander T,rlilson, Sewer Assessment w200.82 Ashburn C. Kilgour 11 °1 200.70 In response to the request of the Board to have a written report from the Supt. of Streets telling why he did some work on Summit Road before the Town Meeting, on Nov. 26, 1928, at Which time it was voted to accept the street, renort was pres- ented. The report is Rs foll&ws: December 6, 1928. Dear Mr. Scarmman: I have been instructed to report in regard to work done on Summit Road., Monday, November 26th, previous to its acceptance by th e Toern . I was directed by you to put some of the men at work clearing the corner Of Follen Rond1l and Summit Rond to prepare for installation of catch. basins, and to round the corner in an- ticipation of the acceptance of the street at the Town meeting to be held that night. For equipment I bpO one truck, one Fordson road grader and the steam roller. t"did not intend,to use the steam roller that day, but there was 3„e wor`r needed on the engine and boiler, and 1 1 as I should use it the next day if the Tol,,in Meeting voted to accent t',e street, it seemed just as well to h,ve the roller at th^t place and have the men malre the necessary repairs there. While the men were taking off the limbs from the trees, ' there was nothing for the operator of the grader to d.o, so rather than have him stand idle, I set him t®:: work cutting back and widening out the roadway, taking advantage of the ground being soft and making it much easier to do at that time, than it would be after ti -r- top had frozen. This was the only work that was done on Summit Ro^d, other than thgt at the corner and was done at a cost for labor of not over $5.50. There was no.intention of exceeding authority, but it seemed better to have the men working rather than to allow anyone to stand idle. Very truly yours, Robert IT. White. Supt. of Streets. It was decided to ask for bids for from the following concerns and to have Selectmen's Offi,-e on Dec. 26, 1928. printing Town Reports their bids at the Wright & Potter Printing Co., 23 Derne St., Boston Newburyport Herald Press Newburynort, Mass. Yerab Press 27 Beach St., Boston ' Medford Mercury Ir'ledford, Mass. Somerville Press Davis Sq., Somerville H-dley Press, 2 Oalr St., Lexington. Melrose Free Press, Inc. Melrose, 'Mass. Mr. Theodore A. Custance presented a sketch showing a proposed sewer in the sidewall, on Nass. Avenue from Hastings Rood to Audubon Road, this is to tale care of Mr. Traska sewer on Hastings Road and Wir. Rirley's sewer on Audubon Road. bir. Custance stated that Mr. Trask is willing to pay for the sewer being installed around the corner of his house, but Nr. Ripley was out of town and the proposition has not as yet beenpresented. to him. t ,.:.Tas suggested that the Supt. of Public Works request the Town Counsel to draw up an agreement for i�lr. Trask and Mr. Ripley to sign whereby they agree to pay for the sewer in the sidewalk and giving the To%,m the right to repair the sewer pipe whenever it may be necessary, and it was decided to have the Supt. of P-lblic Works do this. Report was received from the Surt. of Public Works in regard to equipment available for handling snow for the winter of 1928 and 1929, which i'+r. Ballard requested. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works wherein ' lie was of the opinion that it Is good judgment to order the 12" Pipe fror, the U. S. Cast iron Pipe and Foundry Company gat this time to carry out the suggestions of Metcalf & Eddy. The price for approximately 10,009 feet, 12" d.eLavau.d centrifugally cast coated water pipe in 121 lengths, Class 150, is $1.35, with 17e ft. extra if the pine is cement lined.. 43� It was d.eciddd to have '�'r. Scamman and "'r. Chamberlain � investigate the matter .Bart} er. Application was received from the Layafette Club for the use of the Cary 14emorial Hall on January 4, 1929 for a dance, and on February 6, 1929 for a play on the charity basis. It was decided to inform tre Club that the hall would be reserved for that Sate, and tbat the ebarge would be $8.00 for a dance and 010.00 for a play. 'Memorandum was received fro-- the Supt, of Public Works ex- plaining just how sewer assessments are fixed on propertyl This matter was laid on the table for one week, as 1r. Ballard was not present. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 F.iti. A true recor,�, Attest: Clerk, pem. 1