HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-12-04453 REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 4, 1928. .v A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Office at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Ballard ' Chamberlain and Custance were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Cl.erk pro -tem were also present. Report was received from the Supt. of i'ubli c Works in re- gard to the construction of a sewer in Hastings Road and the extension of the same sewer in Massachusetts Avenue between Hastings Road and Audubon Road. It was voted to approve this report. The Supt. of Public Works stated that it would cost $1700 for a depth of 6 feet to install the sewer from the end of the sewer in Hastings Road to a point opposite the center of Audubon Road, a distance of 335 feet. He also stated that while it may cost Mr. Ripley and Mr. Trask more to change the plumbing and to dig the longer trenches, the Town has provided sewers and that the Board is justified in requiring Mr. Ripley to use the sewer in Audubon Road and Mr. Trask zkhe one in. Hastings Road. If a sewer was constructed for this distance, no betterments could be assessed as both Mr. Ripley and Mr. Trask have been assessed on Audubon Road and Hastings Road respectively. Letter was received from Mr. Trask asking that the Board give further consideration to installing a sewer in Mass. Avenue, as his house sets on a ledge and the only way he could connect with the sewer in Hastings Road would be to dig a trench eight feet from the sidewalk on Massachusetts Avenue and carry the sewer pipe along parallel to the sidewalk under his ' lawn to Hastings Road. Suggestion was made that the Supt. of Public Works present a plan to Mr. Trask showing to just what point the sewer is to be installed in Hastings Road. It was decided to send a letter to both Mr. Trask and Mr. Ripley informing them that the Boar-? does not think that it is for the best interests of the Town to install a sewer in Massa chusetts Avenue from Hastings Road to Audubon Road.. Mr. and Mrs. Furtardo, 38 Theresa Avenue, cape before the Board relative to application for permission to erect a one.car garage on their premises. Mrs. Furtardo stated that she wouldbe willing to set the garage 72 feet from her line but that she did not want to set the building back any farther as it would spoil her garden. Diagram of the lot and building thereon was presented by the Building Inspector and also by the builder. After discussing the matter, it was decided to grant a permit to build a one car garage to Eva Furtardo on condition that it is located 7j feet from the property line in accordance with the Building Laws of the Town of Lexington. Mr. Louis W. Bills appeared before the Board upon their request for his presence in regard to his application to build a three car garage on his premises at 73 Hancock Street. ' He desires a garage and workshop which will face on Coolidge Avenue. The cars will be on the first floor and the shoe above the cars. It was decided to advertise a hearing upon his application. The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works is as follows: 1 1 For we Pk ending* December k 0 1928. Highway Maintenance. Surface patching was done on Massachusetts Allenue and on Lowell Street, and gutters cleaned on several streets. Highway Construction. Work on Summit Rond preparing for construction was started. Trees and brush were removed and gravel filling put in. Work of constructing Baker Avenue hqs been commended with a steam shovel at worn excavating high places, and.'leveling and filling low spots. Snow Removal, Snow plows taken down,; repairs made preparing for winter work. Next week it is intended to continue the construction work on Baker Avenue, Bennett Avenue, Summit Road and Pinewood Street and all necessary maintenance. Moth Department. Climbing trees and treating gypsy moth nests with creosote on Weston Streit and Shade Street. Brush burned on Hill Street. Park Department. Regular maintenance work carried on by this Department. Water Maintenance. 4 99 Services have been installed as follows: Bertwell, Crescent Hill Avenue; Sanders, Kendall Ro9d; renewals installed for: Corcoran, Piedmont Street; Harrington, Winthrop Rona; Burrill, Bedford Street. Nater Construction. Approximately one hundred andten feet (1101) of 6" water pipe has been extended in Crescent Hill Avenue from dead end to the Arl- ington line. One hydrant has been installed. Sewer Construction. `Mork was started -on Friday, November 30, on the extension of the sewer in Hastings Road. The work contemplated for the week ending December 15 is as follows: continuation of the Hastings Road sewer and the Edgewood Road sewer; water and sewer services, etc. Engineering Department. Highways. Lines at Summit Road. _ Lines and grades A_t Baker Avenue, and also at Bennett Avenue. Filed. Baker Avenue, Bennett Avenue, and Summit Roar., and Pinewood Street Highway plans �t Registry of Deeds November 30, 1928. Sewers. Completed plan of Edgewood Ro^ and recorded same at Registry of Deeds November 30, 1928. Staked out Hastings Road for construction. Miscellaneous. Wrote descriptions it junction of Percy Road. with Massa. chusetts Avenue and Tavern Lane. Delivered same to Town Counsel. Ver,7 truly yours, William S. Scamman Supt, of Public Works. Hearing w?s declared open at 8;30 P.M. upon the application of Charles M. Collins, 74 Forest Street, for permission to erect a store room and garage 20 x 301 x 15�. Mr. Collins and the Building Inspector, John F. Tibbetts appeared. , Mr. Collins stated that he wished a two car garage with a room to store his pipe fittings which he uses in his business. Mr. Collins's property is in a residential district and question arose as to whether the Board could. grant a permit for a store room anr3 garage. After some discussion upon the matter, it was voted to lay the ap-plication over until next webk at which time it is hoped that the whole Bomrd will be present to discuss the matter. The following licenses were granted.: A*selm C. Mullen, 53 Mass. Ave. Alcohol License. Eugene J. Viano, 74 Bedford St. Firs# class Agent's License. John C. Phelps, 33 Bedford St., First ClAss Agent's License. Commitment was signed for water rates in the amount of $2889.83. Letter was received from the Town Accountant suggesting that the Town borrow money in the amount of $1005000. revenue loan in anticipation of revenue, notes to be dated December 13, 1928 and poyable June 6, 1929. It was voted to authorise a loan for th4s amount. Letter was received in regard to housing and town planning which was referred to the Planning Board. Letter was received from Byron C. Earle -in which he reported his progress in collecting delinquent water rates. The attention of the Board was called to the fact that F. E. King; Jeweler, has erected on over hanging sidewalk sign at 1745 Mass. Avenue opposite Waltham Street for which no license has been granted. It was decided to inform Mr. King that before signs of this kind are erected an application must be made to the Board of u 1 1 6 Selectmen, an agreement signed by the applicant, and a bond of $1000. filed. The Supt. of Public Works brought top the matter of a contract ' with Mr. Everett Montague for block plans in the Town. It was decided to request the Supt. of Public Works to d-aw up contract similar to the one used last year stating just what part of the Town will be blocked out this year. Letter w^s received from the Stuart -Marshall Realty Co., in wrich they asked to meet the Board on December 11, 1928 to discuss the matter of remodelling the so-called Boutelle block at the corner of laeriam Street and. Massachusetts Avenue. % The Board voted. to inform the Company that they would be willing % to have them present on December 113, 1928 at 8:30 P.M. It was decided to notify Mr. T. A. Custance who left the meeting bef ori that matter was taken up, to have Mr. W. Roger Greeley hand in a written report in regard to the plans for this block, and present this report at the next meeting of the Board. Abatements were signed for the following sewer assessments: #736 Jeanne LeMay Ind. Ave. No benefit rec?ived $160.39. #751 Fred C. Earle Tower St. " rr I land too low �� 202.51 #768 Fred C. Earle Tower St. " " 177.47 Letter was received from Edwin B. Worthen in which he stated that there is on deposit in his bank under Trustees of PublicTrusts, Cembtery Trust Funds a total principal account of $17,735. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works recommending abatement of sewer frontage against that portion of property of J. Alexander Wilson through which Sickle Brook runs. He also recommended abatement of sewer frontage of $200.70 on the property of Ashburn C. Kilgour, Highland Avenue. It was voted to request fir. Scamman to prepare the abatements which he recom,-ended in his letter of December 4, 1928. The Supt. of Public Works presented a plan of property owned by Galen A. & Warren E. Russell at the corner of Mass. Avenue and Woburn Street upon which they requested that the sewer assessment be abated. The matter was discussed and the Hoard stated that they desire figures on Woburn Street and any other street constructed tris year. showing computation of sewer assessments. The Supt. of Public Works reported that the Lafayette Club of Lexington desire to use the Memorial building for a dance, the nroceeds of which will be used wholly for charity. The Board requested the Supt. of Public. Works to present a written application from the club asking for the use of the Cary Memorial Hall at the charity rate, and to present papers showing that they are a charity organization. Mr. Francis Chamberlaih asked the Supt. of Public Works why some work was done on Summit Road on Monday, November 26, 1928 as this street was private. Mr. Scamman explained that he was unaware until the next day that any work had been done on Summit Road., but Mr. White, Supt. of Streets, informed him that he had been working on Follen Ropd and as the scraper and men were down. 462 there, he did about two hourfs work cleaning brush. - The Board regtaested Yr. Scamman to secure from iAr. White a written report stating why he proceeded_wi.th.the work and under whose authority. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk, pro- in, 1 1 1