HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-04-14-REC-min`O VS MOg op 1775 �c �- oW A 3 z a0 APRIL 19 � Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Richard Thuma, Vice Chairman Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Howard Vogel RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING April 14, 2009 Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Town Office Building — Room 111 Tel: (781) 862 - 0500 x262 Fax: (781) 861 -2747 Members Present: Rick DeAngelis, Dick Thuma, Wendy Rudner, and Sandra Shaw Staff Present: Karen Simmons and Sheila Butts Others Present: Hank Manz, Board of Selectmen Liaison Bob McConnell, President, Lexington Little League AGENDA 1. Citizens and Other Boards — none present. 2. Meeting Minutes from February 11, 2009 and March 11, 2009 Dick Thuma moved acceptance of the Recreation Committee Minutes of February 11 and March 11, 2009 as presented. Rick DeAngelis seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 4 — 0 to approve the Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2009 and March 11, 2009 as written and presented 3. Little League — Bob McConnell Bob McConnell distributed the Lexington Little League Proposal for the improvement of the Garfield Baseball Field (attached). The Little League Proposal includes: • Replacement of the chain link fabric, upper and lower rails, and addition of ten feet of fencing off each foul pole. Little League will cover all associated costs. • Renovation and reconstruction of the infield, including removing sod and infield mix, grading and replacing with new loam, sod and infield mix. Lexington Little League will pay for the cost of loam, sod and mix materials. According to Bob McConnell, Dave Pinsonneault agreed to provide the labor. Rick DeAngelis moved to approve the fencing replacement and infield renovation proposals at the Garfield Baseball Field as presented to the Recreation Committee. Dick Thuma seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 4 — 0 to approve, as 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 presented, Lexington Little League's proposal for renovation, replacement and reconstruction of the Garfield Baseball infield and fencing. • Lexington Little League further proposes removing the existing back stop and replacing it with black fabric and pipes, subject to obtaining pricing and approval of the Little League Board and the Recreation Committee, and Recreation Department and Parks Department approval of final design and materials. If approved, Lexington Little League would cover all associated costs. Rick DeAngelis asked if the backstop proposal would include the addition of safety wings in front of the dugouts. Bob McConnell said yes. Little League is interested in complying with all current safety standards, and the "safety wings" would run 20 to 30 feet off of the proposed backstop. Rick DeAngelis made a motion to give conceptual approval to the backstop renovation and replacement proposal, including the addition of safety wings in front of the dugouts at the Garfield Baseball Field. Little League will work with and obtain final approval from the Recreation Director and Superintendent of Public Grounds for the design and materials to be used. Dick Thuma seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 4 — 0 to give conceptual approval to Lexington Little League for backstop renovation and replacement and safety wings. Lexington Little League is required to obtain final project approval for design and materials from the Recreation Director and the Superintendent of Public Grounds, prior to any work on the Garfield backstop. Bob McConnell told the Recreation Committee that Little League is also interested in constructing roofs on the dugouts at the Center 4 — Fitzgerald Field. Little League is aware that they must comply with all Town Department rules and regulations. Little League will pay all associated costs of this project, and will work with the Recreation Director, Superintendent of Public Grounds, Engineering Department and Building Department to obtaining necessary permits, materials and design approval and inspections. Rick DeAngelis made a motion to conceptually approve the proposed construction of the Center 4 dugout roofs, with the understanding that Little League will work with the Recreation Director, Public Grounds Superintendent and all necessary Town Departments to obtain final approval. Dick Thuma seconded the motion. By a vote of 4 — 0 the Recreation Committee voted conceptual approval of the Center 4 dugout roof project, pending final approval of the design and materials by the Recreation Director, Superintendent of Public Grounds and all other required Town Boards and Departments. Bob McConnell also requested that the Recreation Department and Parks Department make the necessary arrangements to reconfigure the Center 2 (Softball) field bullpen areas. This would include correcting the distance between the bullpen pitching rubber and home plate. Currently the distance is 40 feet. The new MIAA distance is 43 feet. Mr. McConnell's request also includes the addition of 6 by 6 foot fencing behind the pitcher and catcher in the bullpen areas. Karen Simmons told Mr. McConnell and the Recreation Committee that she was aware of the distance discrepancy, and that Peter Coleman had already spoken with Dave Pinsonneault about making the appropriate corrections. 2 Lexington Little League's Pre -Ball Program, facilitated by Warren Wilson, Hank Manz, Bill Popkin and other volunteers, has used the Rindge Field for the five -week program since its inception over two decades ago. Parking at the Rindge Field is always problematic and Little League inquired as to the availability of the Center # 3 outfield /LHS football field for the program this year. Neither the Recreation Committee nor the Recreation Department is opposed to this move, as it will centralize the program location, provide a larger area in which to facilitate the program, and allow participants to be more a part of the total Little League experience. Little League will confirm the location of the program, which begins on May 9. Karen Simmons thanked Bob McConnell and the entire Lexington Little League organization for their continued commitment to and investment in the improvement of Town playing fields. Rick DeAngelis said that he shares that sentiment, as do the other members of the Recreation Committee. 4. Recreation Enterprise Dick Thuma explained to the Recreation Committee that he had asked for this item to be placed on the agenda to open up discussions within the Committee about the Recreation Enterprise Fund. He added that the recent Town Meeting presentations under Article 2 and Article 11 had afforded the Recreation Committee the opportunity to provide information to supporters of the Recreation Department as well as those who are less well informed. He further suggested that the Recreation Committee should continue to use this information and forum to promote the Department and the Enterprise Fund. He posed the question: "Where do we go from here ?" Hank Manz noted that it would be important to educate the public about what facilities and programs the Recreation Enterprise fund supports that are not fee - based. This must be emphasized going forward so that all residents understand. Rick DeAngelis suggested that now would be an appropriate time to reconvene with Rob Addelson to get a better understanding of the Enterprise Fund and the indirect transfers. He said that it is very important that the Recreation Committee understand the finances prior to meeting with the Town Financial committees. The other members of the Recreation Committee agreed in concept with this. Dick Thuma told the Committee that we are rapidly approaching preliminary discussions of the FY 'I I Capital Budget. The Committee needs to sit down with the Finance Department to gain a clear understanding of the Enterprise Fund and chart a path for where we want to be financially prior to the 2010 Town Meeting. Karen Simmons told the Committee that some of the groundwork has been done, through meetings she has had with Dick Thuma and Rob Addelson. She recommends that representatives from the financial committees be involved early in the process. It is important to have key players at the table from the beginning. Rick DeAngelis said that the Recreation Committee must set their priorities first, before going to the Financial Committees. Dick Thuma agreed in part, but added that while we 3 do have a five -year Capital plan we also have a lot of projects that are now listed in year six. It is important to strategically understand and plan going out as much as ten to fifteen years. He reminded the Committee that Rob Addelson had listed out four components to consider when planning for the future of the Enterprise Fund: Revenue Reserves, Emergency Funds, Capital Reserves and Working Capital. He further suggested that it is important for the Recreation Committee to begin working and planning for these items now, rather than wait until the 2010 Town Meeting. Rick DeAngelis stated that the Recreation Committee needs a better understanding of the way in which the Finance Department assesses Indirect Charges. Rick DeAngelis suggested to the Committee that Karen Simmons speak with the Town Manager on behalf of the Recreation Committee regarding the formation of a sub- committee to work with the Financial Committees to plot a course for the future. Wendy Rudner agreed, but recommended that information should be obtained from the Town Manager and Finance Director before meeting with representatives of Appropriation and Capital Expenditures. Karen Simmons told the Recreation Committee members that she would meet with Carl Valente to get his recommendation after Town Meeting. 5. Capital Articles Rick DeAngelis complimented and thanked Dick Thuma, Sandra Shaw and Karen Simmons for the hours of work involved, and excellent job with the Town Meeting presentations on Article 2 and Article 11 (CPA). Hank Manz also added his kudos for a job well done, noting that the Recreation Department and Recreation Committee always provide all necessary information and materials to Town Committees, Town Meeting and the Board of Selectmen. Sandra Shaw and Dick Thuma also expressed their appreciation to Rob Addelson, Assistant Town Manager for Finance, for his time and efforts to assist with the presentations to Town Meeting. 6. Recreation Report Karen Simmons reported that she had recently spoken with a representative of the Bicycle Advisory Committee, who inquired as to the Recreation Department's future needs for additional bike racks. The Department did an inventory of bike racks at schools and Recreation facilities in 2006, at the request of the Bicycle Advisory Committee. The Department will do another inventory this spring. The Recreation Department received an exceptional number of new summer job applications this year. Because of the high number of returning staff, reducing new job availability, the Department had to stop accepting applications in March. Staff contacted all applicants and requested that they schedule interviews. These interviews were completed by late March, and letters and employment packets have gone out to returning staff and the few new staff we were able to hire. Additionally, letters have been mailed to those applicants whom we were not able to hire. Sandra Shaw noted that the Department budgets approximately $300,000 to hire Lexington students as summer staff Dick Thuma suggested that this information would be appropriate to include in the Annual Report. Karen Simmons told the Committee that she had spoken with Board of Selectmen Chairman Norm Cohen regarding the renaming of the Town Pool in honor of Irving H. Mabee. Mr. Cohen contacted Bob Kent, who spearheaded the renaming effort. Mr. Kent met with Karen Simmons on Monday regarding the appropriate signage and dedication ceremony for the pool complex. She also requested that Mr. Kent provide a brief summary of the renaming that could be included in the Department's Summer Brochure. A draft of the 2009 Open Space and Recreation Plan is available on both the Recreation Department and Conservation Commission web sites. The community is welcome to read and comment on the draft document. Karen Simmons asked the Committee to review the document. She is in the process of reviewing the draft for content and has numerous edits to submit. The draft document on line does not include the extensive ADA appendix. 7. Parks Report Dave Pinsonneault was not able to attend the Recreation Committee meeting. He will present his report at the May meeting. Karen Simmons reported to the Committee that the large tire structure at the Adams Playground, which had been onsite since the 1970's, is being removed due to safety concerns. Rick DeAngelis expressed his appreciation and compliments to Peter Coleman, Recreation Supervisor, for the outstanding job he continues to do with field permitting. Rick noted that Peter is exceptionally organized and always maintains a calm, open, honest, yet firm manner when communicating to residents, leagues and other organizations about field permitting and field usage. Rick DeAngelis also would like to express his appreciation to Sheila Butts as the Assistant Director, in charge of programs. 8. New Business The next meeting of the Recreation Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, May 20 2009, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 111 of the Town Office Building. The Recreation Committee Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.