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�= RECUT.^n P._,r 1,iZ:G, TOVs' "�:'7 1928.
A regular meeting of the Boarc' of Selectmen was held. at the
Selectmen's Room,. at 7:30 P.M. 1?essrs. Burnham, Custance, Ballard
Robertson and. Chamberlain_ were present. The Supt. of Public Works
and the Clerk pro -tem were also present.
Joint pole location was granted to the E. E. I. Co. and the
AT. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. for 48 roles or. Waltham Street.
Conduit locati-)n was granted to the N. E. Tel. & T.I. Co. at
Waltham Street and Marrett Rond_.
Letter was received from Mrs. Fletcher 7% Taft in which she
protested against the kind of movies shown in the Lexington Theatre
and in which she also asked. that curfew be rung at an early hour
next Halloween.
This matter w9s discussed at length, and it wa.s left with the
Chairman to settle the matter with 11,1rs. Taft.
Report was received from the health Inspector stating that
ll the rigs owned b-- 1,'=r. John Ricci have been disrosed of. Mr.
icci had until Nov. 1, 1928 to get rid of rigs wl-ich he has done.
Mr. Prentiss, Health Insnectnr, also reported on the condition
of Mr. Bartholomew Connort premises. 1"r. Connors asked the Board
for an extension of time to d.is^ose of his pigs until May 1, 1929,
and as t' e Health Inspector recom-ends an extension of time, the
Board granted same to April, 1929.
' Mr. '.7illiam A. Granfield of Spring Street presented plan of
his land. at Spring Street and Marrett Road showing location of
tanks and pumps which he proposes to install.
The mqtter wns laid on the table until next week.
Commitment was signed for sid.ewalk construction in the
amount of $1430.51
The Report of the Sunt. of Public ''forks on sidewalks was laid
upon the table until next wee'_.
Return of Constable on dog licenses wqs received..
Permission was granted to the American Legion to use Estabrook
Hall on the evening of Nov. 19, 1928 with a charge of 2.00.
In regard to the request of the American Legion/the use of t -e
small hall in the Cary Memorial Building for its monthly meetings,
and the request to have the use of one of the Conference Rooms in
which to keep their records antl office equipment, anal keep as a
permanent headquarters, the Roard decided to ask 19r. ?aures H.
Russell to be present at the next meeting of the Boar,9 to discuss
these matters.
' The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Worl$s is as follows:
For week ending 11ovember 3, 1928.
Ilighti.vay Department.
Surface patches were made on: "Massachusetts Avenue,
Concord A,e„ue Bedford Street, Pleasant Street, and water -
town Street. the shoulders on -,,la
ltham Street and :'Woburn Street
were scraped. At the corner of Percy Road and 114assac1lusetts
Avenue, work of clearing away the bank done, in order to con-
form with the taking.
In front of the new building; which is being constructed
on the old Town Hall site, it wns decided to build the side-
walk on new lines. The Department set new edgestones at this
point, and. will remove the old edgestones and. sidewalk.
Nothing but the regular maintenance work has been planned
for next week.
Moth and. Shade Tree Department.
The Department burned brush in the Town woods and cleaned
moth nests with creosote on Mass. A^e., Hill Street, and. Middle
Parl, Department.
Regular maintenance work was carried on.
Water IfLai ntenance.
Thefollowixig services have been installed: Barrow,
Bernard Strut; ibbetts, Vine Brook Road; Jenks, Mi,ldle St.,
Robbins & Smith, Smith Avenue; renewals for Buttrick, Locust
Avenue; 1,7iggins, Bow Street. On Saturday, November 3, 1928
work was started on checking un on gates on our system. These
gates will be opened and. cleaned and tested for leaks.
Sewer Maintenance.
The following sewer connections have been made; Mine,
Glen xoad; Buttrick, Locust Avenue; Started service for ren-
�ergast, Mass. Ave* Robbins & Smith, Smith AvenueEarle,
ower Street, ':York _was started on a service for • �. N. Childs
6 Chandler Street, Howe, Chandler Strest. ,
Sewer Construction..
The laying of sewer pipe in Upland Road has been completed
and. approximately 2751 of 8' pipe have been laid.
The work contemplated for the week ending November 17, 1928
is as follows: laying of 8” water main in the Hunt development;
water and sewer services, etc.
Engineering Department
Figured individual assessment bills for all 1928 sewer
construction work and turned. them over to 117r. Ross on October 30,128.
Figyed length of possible sewer construction in the
Libe ty ei5ts district of 911 streets not including Bowyer
Street and illside avenue.
Compiled plan showing underground fixtures in 7assachusetts
Avenue from 'Kaltbam Street to Bedford. Street an" in Bedford
Street from Mass. Avenue to Elm Avenue.
Comrileea plan shalaing existing and proposed. sidewal!rs
on Mass. Avenue from rant Street to Depot Park.
Started. renumbering Massaehusetts Avenue on plans.
Completed toro°survey between mass. Ave., Marrett Road,
and School Street.
Lines and grades for Pdassachusetts Avenue curbing on
new line opposite '1altham Street.
Very truly yours,
iilliam S. Scam -an
Supt. of Public Tdorks.
Bill was vpproved for the Doten-Dunton pesk Co. in the
amount of 0265.40 for tre New Town Office Building account.
rygr. Albert g. Ross was rresent at tl,e meeting and
presented schedules of receipts and exrendituree of tlhe '"19.ter
Department for 1927 and 1928.
Letter was received fro- Justin Shea for permission to
use the premises at 115 Mass. A- enue, East Lexington for the
purpose of conducting a dry cleaning establishmmnt.
The Board decided to invite ''r. David J..M aloney, attorney
for Justin Shea, to the meetinf; of the Board of Selectmen
next Tuesday evening.
The time of the next town meeting wns changed. to November
262 1928 instead of November 22, 1928.
7r. Frederick L. Emery came.before the Board to discuss
an article which he desires inserted in tre next warrant relative
to amending the Zoning By -Law of the Town.
':'r. Emery presented the amendments in typewritten form,
and it was thought best to send a cony of the amendments out
wits the warrants to the citizens, tris 7r. Emery agreed to do.
' The following names were drawn for jurors in the Civil and
Criminal Sessions: Rockwell C. Tenney and Donald. Demeron.
The Boar' signed the layout of Summit Rosa % follows:
CCr 07 ", T,'T ' CF '" ;S, CT E T T 5 ,
Middlesex, ss. Lexington, °ass., No -ember 6,
Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room. '
At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of
Lexington, after Navin` given written notice of the intention of
said Board, as required by law, to lay out as a town way Summit
Road, from its intersection ;with Follen Ro-d tc Pinewood ,street,
all as hereinafter more fully apneas , and after public hearing
thereon held on the fifty day of No,.,ember 1928 and no objections
having been made;
Now upon consideration of the matt -r, it is
ORDERED: teat the Board of Selectmen is of the o-oinion that
public necessity and convenience r:quli,c that said. Summit Road be
laid out and established as a public town way and the same hereby
is laid out and established as a public town wavy respectively as
folIovrs :
The easterly line of Summit Road begins at a stone bound
in 'the -southerly line of Follen Roar, said stone bound marking
the westerly end. of a curve of 156.33 feet radius, thence bearing
to the leftwith a curve of 18.86 feet radius distant 18.90 feet
to a point of tanF.ency, thence south 160 47' 30" east distant
286.50 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the"-fIght
.with a curve of 189.80 feet radius distant 108.46 feet to a
point of tangency, thence south 160 971 wast distant 355:11 '
feet to a point cf curvature, thence bearing to the left with a
curve of 204.67 feet radius distant 96.57 feet.
The .westerly line of Summit Road begins at a point in the
southerly line of Follen Road distant 94.36 feet westerly of a
stone bound marking the west?rly end of a curve of 156.33 feet
radius, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 20.00 feet
radius distant 42.79 feet to a point of tangency, thence south
160 47' 30" east distant 234.70 feet to a point of curvature,
thence bearing to the right with a curve of 149.80 feet radius
distant 85,60 feet to a point of tangency, thence south 150 57,
arrest distant 355.11 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing
to the left with a curve of 244.67 feet radius distant 115.44 feet.
The above described lines are parallel with and dittatt
40.00 feet fro -n each other wit'- t' -e excenti en of the cii.rved
intersections at Follen Road.
The above description is interred to conform to the plan
of said street entitled "PI.ln of Summit Road, Lexington, Mas-
sachusetts, Scale 1 inch - 40 feet, October 25, 1928. John T
Cosgrove, Town 'Engineer." w'r,ich plan is on file in the Town clerk is
Office in said Lexington and a cony of which will be recorded
with Middlesex South District Leeds with a copy of this order.
Hnd said Board having considered the question of damages '
systained by the owners of lands across and th.rougr which said
ways ha�e been laid_ out and established as aforesaid., '_nereby
determines that no damages are sustained and no damages are
awarded, and said Board hereby- declares that all acts done
herein are done under the provisions of law authorizing the
assessment of betterments.
Albert h. Burnham Selectmen
jheod_ore A. Custance of
James G. Robertson Lexington.
The Board signed the layout of Pinewood Street as follows:
(101,1''"CF`_1EALTF' 07 M, 8-ICHIISETTS
Middlesex, ss. Lexington, Mass., November 6, 1928.
Town of Lexington, Selectments Room.
At a meeting of the Board. of Selectmen of the Town of Lex-
ington, after having gi--en written notice o`' tl-e intention bf
said_ Boar-'. as req,,ired by law. to layoout as a town way Pinewood
Street a distance of 500.00 feet, all as herein^.fter more fully
appears, and after public hearing thereon held on the fifti- day
of November 1928 and no objections having been -made;
Now upon consideration of the matter, it is
CRDE',3ED: that the Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that
public necessity and convenience require that said Pinewood Street
be laid out and established. as a public town way, and the same
hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respectively
as follows:
The easterly line of Pinewood. Street begins at a point in the
southerly line of Pollen Road, said point being distant 2.37
feet westerly of a stone bound marking the easterly end of a curve
of 735.33 feet radius, Chence bear.iTiZ We l�w' h a curve f
i� ss
34.60 feet radius distant 36, fee o a oin o curvature, thence. t�
bearing to the left with a curve of 9.30 feet radius distant �
124.05 feet to a Point in the %resterly line of Summit Road. 73,7,1',la
The viesterly line of Pinewcod Street begins at a point in the
southerly line of Pollen Roq_-' thence bearing to the right with. a
curve of 15.46 feet radius distant 28.31 feet to a point of tangency
thence south 190 53, east distant 357.81 feet to a point of curvature,
thence bearing to the left with a curve of 106.13 feet radius distant
59.12 feet to a point or tangency, thence south 510 481 east
distant 48.19 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the
right with a curve of 113.09 feet radius distant 80.43 feet to a
point in the westerly line of Summit Road.
The above described lines are parallel with and distant 40.00
feet from eacr other with the exception of the curved intersections at
Pollen Road. and --t Summit Road.
The above description is intended to conform to hhe plan of
said street entitled "Plan of Pinewood Street, Lexington, Mass.
tale 1 inch _ 40 feet, October 25, 19289 Joln T, Cosgrove,
Town EnRinePr, " wh:l ch Mar is on file in the `i'Clerk's
Office in said. Lexington and a copy of which rill be recorded
with Mi �lesex South District Deeds with a cony of tris order.
And. said Board having considered the question of damages
sustained by the owners of lands across and through which said
ways have been laid out and established as aforesaid., hereby
determines that no damages have-been-dWtralned dnd•-no^damages
are avrarded, and. said Board hereb-, declares that all acts done
herein ;re done under the provisions of law authorizing the
assessment of betterments.
Albert H. Burnham Board
Theodore A. Custance of
Francis Chamberlain Selectmen
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 D.M.
A true record., Attest:
Clerk pr em.