HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-10-2342 REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 23, 1928. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Ballard,. and Custance were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk pro -tem were also present. The State Air, Pay roll was signed in the amount of $32.00. Commitments were signed for the Vater Charges in the amount of $1700.37, and Sewer Charges for $2537.64. Letter was received From Town Counsel. Sydney R. Wrightington, in which he stated that the vote passed at a Town Meeting held In Dec. 9. 1921 Which gave the Stanldy Hill Post the free use of the Town Hall, does not apply to the new Cary Memorial Building, and that a new vote must be taken by the Town if the Town desires to give the Stanley Hill Post the free use of the hall. Letter was received from the Town Counsel relative to bill of Johnson, Clapp, Ives and Knight, for $100. for services in the McCaffrey Case. It was decided to insert an article in the warrant for the next town meeting to reimburse the former members of the Board of Selectmen, namely: Messrs, Albert B. Tenney, Albert H. Burnham, -Toseph R. Cotton, William S. Scamman, and Hallie C. Blake the amount of the bill. This is in accordance with the advice of the Town Counsel, and in accordance with the ' procedure adopted previously when the amount of the bill was $250. Permission was granted to the Girl Scout Council for use of Estabrook Hall from 10;00 A.M to 11:30 A.M. on November 5, 14, 210, 28, and December 5, and 121 1928 and a charge of $2.00 would be made for each date. this being the minimum charge for the hall. It was voted to grant permission to the Americas Legion Auxilliary the use of Estabrook Hall for the evening of Nov. 15/28 together with the corridor, and make a charge of $2.00 for same. At 8:00 P.M Mr. Leo DhLttoli and. son appeared before the Board in regard to garage which they are about to build. They applied for a permit to build a two car garage, but they now desire to build a three car garage as they have bought a truck. The Building Inspector also appeared, and after some discussion on the matter, it w�s'voted to grant Mr. '''eo Dattoli permission to erect a three car garage. Permission was granted to the MiNdlesex County Extension Service to use the small room on the left hand side of the main entrance in the C-ry Memorial Building on October 30, 1928 and the fourth Thursday in each month thereafter. ' The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works is as follows: For week ending Oct. 20, 1928. Highway Department. The Department was occupied with the construction of 421 w Prospect Hill Road which will be completed next week. Mai n tenance . Cleaned up at the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and ' 'Naltham Street. Patched surface of Waltham Street, Adams Street, Concord Avenue, and Massachusetts Avenue. Park Department. The Department was occupied during the week with negular maintenance work. Moth and Shade Tree Department. The Department spent the week treating gypsy moth nests on various streets in the Town. Nater Maintenance. The following renewals of services have been made; Glen, Forest St., Hamblin, Parker Street; Fox, Bloomfield Street; ; services have been installed for:. Dunsforfij Bloomfield Street; Keefe, Marrett Road; Judkins, Forest Street; DeVeau, Somerset Ro�,.d. Sunday mortLing at 3:30 A.M. I received a call that the hydrant ©n Bedford Street in front of the ''cCarthy property had been run into by Mr. Harry Saunders of Dee Road. I went out and shut off the water. Mr. Saunders came in this morning,and paid $58.50 for the damaged hydrant, which we will , replace with a new one just as soon as the new ones arrive. Fater Construction. Approximately 1751 of 8" pipe have been laid in Bernard Street in McIntosh's Sunnyfield development. Seter Maintenance. The following services have been instilled in Glen Road, Ballard, Stratton, White, Miles; services installed as follows: Fraser, 173 Mass. Ave. (this connection was made with the sewer in Curve Street); Dunsford, Bloomfield Street. Sewer Construction. The sewer in Glen Road has been cpmpleted in 5721 of 8" pine have been laid. Work was started on the extension in Upland Road on Tuesday, October 16, 1928. The work contemplated for the week ending november 3 is as follows: continuation of Bernard & Ivan Street water main extensions; continuation of the Upland Road sewer; water and sewer services, etc. Engineering Department. ' Sewers. Profile of Upland Road for sewer. 1 L 1 Lines and grades for construction at Upland Road. Grades for house connections on Glen Road, Bloomfield Street, Woburn Street and Massachusetts Avenue, opposite Waltham Street. Drains. Wrote descriptions for easement for drains through McIntosh property on M-riam Street and Whittemore property on Massachusetts Avenue at Cedar Street Water. Tied in water gates at Nickerson development. Highways. Set stakes for and inspected setting of four stone bounds on Massachusetts Avenue opposite Cedar Street. Completed plans and wrote descriptions for acceptance of Baker, Bennett, Butler and Chase Avenues. Very truly yours, Williams& Scamman Supt. of Public Works The following bills for the Town Office Building were signed: Ideal Ventilator Company $25,50 The General Fireproofing Corp. 30.50 Doten-Dunton Desk Co. 91.80 Doten-Dunton Desk Co. 82.80 The Gereral Fireproofing Corp. 901.49 J. P. Eustis Mfg. Co. 76.88 Application was received from Mary D. and'Anstiss L. Hunt in which they requested that a 6" water main be instilled in Huns Road from Massachusetts Avenue for a distance of approximately 550 feet. The Board voted to approve the application provided the necessary guarantees are received. Correspondence was received from Metcalf & Eddy, Engineers, relative to whether the Town of Lexi^gton may have to pay the City of Waltham any part of the cost of operation and maintenance of the Waltham Sewers including the proposed new sewer. The Town Counsel gave the following opinion: "While I am in some doubt, I am of the opinion that the Town of Lexington cannot be held liable to the City of Waltham in contract for the use of its sewers since Waltham is not doing anytiang at the request of Lexington, but Lexington is accepting a privilege conferred upon it -by the state which has full power to i7pose such regulations upon its junicibalities. 71his conclusion seems the more reasonable because of the careful provision for various other payments made in the statute, including a payment for operation and maintenance by the Commonwealth itself." F Letter w -s received from the Town Counsel relative to Tower Parer wh-ch kiss Ellen M. Tower is about to present to the Town, and enclosed form of article and vote to be rresented at the Town Meeting. Air. William H. Ballard, who has looked over the deed thoroughly, stated that it meets with his aprroval except the last give lines on the second page relating to the premises, -that it be used for a memorial to the Minute Men of Lexington ("Granj;tng to said Town ble_right to erect on the southerly end of said park a memorial to the Minute Men of Lexington; provided, however, that any such memorial shall be approved by three of the leading architects of the country at the time of its erection.".). Letter wns written to the Town Counsel informing him that the Board preferred to have this phrase omitted from the deed. Mr. John F. Tjbbetts stated that he was informed by Mr. Prentiss, the health Inspector, that nothing could be done about the hen houses owned by Mr. Lee on Ward Street, until he makes a nuisance of his business. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to get some recommendations on permanent lighting in the rear of the Town Office Building. The 1�u.pt. of Public Works was also requested to get plans and suggestions in regard to possible parking in the rear of the Town Office Building. Letter was received from Elmer A. Lord & Co. stating that they have placed sprinkler insurance on the Cary Memorial Building and. the Town Office Building. The time for opening the polls on November 6, 1928 was set as 6:00 o'clock A.M. and for closing them at 6.:30 P.M. The Supt. of Public Forks asked what the opinion of the Board was in regard to assessment of the property of Prendergast at corner of Fottler and Mass. Avenues for the use of the sewer. He stated that the sewer does not run in front of the Prendergast property, but goes thru the back of his land and he could sonnet there. The question was whether the Prendergast property could be assessed at about U.23 a lin. ft., under the new Sewer Act, or whether the property could only be charged the 50� per foot rate. It was decided that the new rate could be charged, and the property is to be assessed accordingly. This is in accordance with the former opinion of the Board that assessments are to be made in this manner in cases of this kind. 1 1 In regard to the Proclamation received from the Governor, Alvan T. Fuller, relative to safety period from October 15, to November 301 1928, it was decided to secure something on safety signs from the Town of Arlington to be posted about I the town. The suggestion was made that sand be placed on cross roads on wet, slippery days. 1 I 1 It -n,as vote' to decide at the next meeting of the Board whether they will have an extra meeting on Nover,ber S. 9, or 10; 1928 to discuss the report of the water system, the report of appraisal of town property, and the report on drainage. The Board signed order of intention to day. out the following streets: Butler Avenue from Car,%ille Avenue to Ba',-er Avenue. Sumrrdt Road. and Pinewood. Street. Baker Avenue from Oak Street to near Butler Avenue. Bennett Avenue frog Baker Avenue to Tarbell Avenue. Chase Avenue from ucker Avenue to near Bennett Avenue, It was decided to request the Town Engineer to present plan showing water ripe connections on alt side streets to 12" WtLter main in mass. Avenue from 'Naltham Street to Elm Avenue, on next Tuesday evening. The Supt. of Public 71orks was requested to have complete in- formation on cost of doing this work by next meeting of the Board. Mr. Custance reporte(' that )Yr. Harry G. Frost complained to him that there are chic'�len feathers in the dump on Lincoln Street, and there are a great many rats in the dump. The Supt. of Public ''iorlrs was requested to see about this matter, together with the Chief of Police. It was decided to request A7, 7(-Donough Company to move tree stumps from the center of t! e dump over to the swamp in back. These stumps were dumped there when Fuss. Avenue was being constructed. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.A.. A true .relcorr, Attest: Clerk pr em. 2