HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-10-094.4v� REGULAR MEETING October 9, 1928. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P. M. Messrs, Burn- ham, Ballard, Chamberlain, and Robertson were present. The Supt. of Public Works was also present. Mr. J. Alexander Wilson, 27 Pleasant Street, came before the Board to protest against the Sewer Assessment made on that part of his land bordering Massachusetts Avenue through which Sickle Brook flows. Mr. *ilson claims that owing to the fact that the land is so low that it is impossible, at this time, to place any buildings on it, that he receives no benefit whatever from the sewer. The Board instructed the Supt. of Public Works to have the Engineering Department draw up a plan showing this land in order that the Board have the actual layout before them. Mr. Harris A. Reynolds, Secretary of the Massachusetts Forestry Association, came before to explain matters connected with the work planned by his association. He suggested that there are areas in every town that could be set aside for the purpose which his association is endeavoring to establish throughout the state, which is the planting of trees for Town Forests. He spoke particularly of that part of the Town in which Tophet Swamp is situated. He suggested that the Board might appoint a special committee to look into this matter, and report on the advisability of establishing a Town Forest. 'He also spoke of the menace of forst fires citing numberous towns where a patrol system has been installed. It was suggested that Mr. Chamberlain bring in a list of suitable names for a committee. A garage hearing was called on the petition of Cornelia P. Ead to erect a garage at 159 Reed Street. The permit was granted. The Building Inspector appeared before the Board presenting a letter from the Town Counsel regarding certain conditions existing on the premises of Ellis Lee, Ward Street, The Board advised that the matter be taken up with the Health Inspector, r. Prentiss, and report made later. A letter was received from C. W. Childs regarding the installation of the sewer in Upland Road, end after some discussion, it was decided to instruct the Supt. of Public Works to proceed frith the construction 'of a sewer in Upland Road, previous to which, he was to notify Mr, Fletcher W. Taft and Mr. Fred D. Cloyes that this construction was going through. Mr. Louis C. Campbell, 59 Cliff Avenue, and 'Ir. William C. Bartels, 42 Cliff Avenue came before the Board in regard to certain matters of which they complained. One was the construction, now going on, of a tool house being built, and which they thought the man intended to live in after it 'was finished. They were informed that this could not be done without an occupancy permit. Also, they complained of certain work going on on the house occupied by Louis C. Marrietee, Hillcrest Avenue, which the thought was not being carried on according to the Building Laws of the own. The Board decided to have a report from the Building Inspector in re- gard to both of these matters. I 1 r .^i L l Mr. Elwyn G. Preston telephoned that he had just been informed that the Central Block is to be remodelled, and that he felt that now was J the time for the Board to proceed to order the building set back according to the proposed building line on Massachusetts Avenue. , The Board decided that latter should be written Mr. Preston acknowledging his suggestion and thanking him. Also to ask him for any constructive suggestion as to how the Board could proceed to have this alteration and relocation made. Mr. Spencer of the Board of Assessors came tetbre the Board in re- gard to 8ewer.ka aeasments on a small parcel of land on Cottage Street, Pollen Chir ch, and a street betterment assessment against the Town of Arlington. The Board decided to have the Supt, of Public Works and Mr. Spencer look into this matter and report to the Board at a later meeting. Mr. John Donovan of Moreland Avenue came before the Board in regard to the placing of a building on a lot of land which_benewas--on Moreland Avenue'an�for which the Building Inspector has not as let granted a permit. ere is a question as to whether this lot can be divided so that two buildings may be on this lot of land --it having only 92 feet of frontage. This matter is to be investigated further by the Building Inspector. Mr. Donovan also spoke of a petition presented several months ago for the acceptance of Moreland Avenue. a was promised that this matter would be looked after. A request from the Auxiliary of Stanley Hill Post #38, American Legion for the free use of the hall in the Memorial Buidling to be grantede it for the purpose of holding a fair November 9th. This request has bben acknowledged. Auestion of lights for.the parking space in therear of the Town Office Muilding and emorial Building was brought up, and it was decided that lights should be provided befiire October 18 in order that there may be the opportunity for safe parking. The Supt. was instructed to be sure that lights should be provided the night of October 18, even if only temporary. The matter of rates to be charged for the use of the new Memorial Hall was discussed and a tentative schedule agreed upon, of 'khieh a copy will be filed with this report. Leiter was received from Mr. Thomas 0. D. Urquhart, Chief of Police, Arlington relative to safety methods. The Board decided to request the Traffice dommittee to act as a Safety Committee in conjunction with Mr. Urquhart, and the correspondence was to be turned over to Mr. Worthen as Chairman of the Committee. The Board approved the employment of Philip W. Leaf -as second Janitor at a salarg of $1440.00. The matter of filling the small part of the reservoir was brought up, and the Board decided not be do anything in regard to the fitting of the reservoir as a swimming pool. The Board requested the Supt. of Public Works to estimate the cost of constructing a proper cover for the gate house in order that it might bO included in the Park Department Budget for 1929. The Supt. of Public Works was authorized to place three street lights on Blossom Street. The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works is as follows: Highway Department Construction of York Street has been completed and construction of Prospect Hill Road is under way. On maintenance, the department cleaied catch basins, patched the surface of Sherman Street, Lowell Street, and Follen Road, and out brush at several bad corners and on some of the back roads. Next week the department will continue the construction of Pros- pect Hill Road and regular maintenance. Moth and Shade Tree Dept. Bork of treating Gypsy Moth nests with creosote below the snow line is now being done by this department. Park Department Carrying on the regular maintenance work occupied the department this week. Water Mainbenance ' The following services have been installed:- Robbins.& Smith., Smith Avanue; J. F. Brown, Crescent Bill Avenue; snow, Fallen Road; Connor, arrett Road; started work on the thirteen services to be installed In the Nickerson development. The gate house at the reservoir has been repaired. Water Construction Approximately five hundred feet (5001) of 6 " water pipe has been IMd in the Nickerson jAevelopment, and it is expected that this work will be complete this week. Sewer Maintenance Sewer service has been installed for Daniel J. QtConnell on Woburn Street, Sewer Construction The vlen Road sewer has progressed very satisfactorily, and we have laid approximately 4001 of 8" pipe. The work contemplated for the week ending October 20, is as follows: Continuation of the Glen Road sewer; extension of the 8" water main in the Runnyfield development; water and sewer services, etc. Engineeering Department Sewers Lines and grades for Glen Road construct'on. ES Highways Staked out relocation of Massachusetts Avenue from Oak Street to beyond Sickle Brook. Part of this work was for a masonry wall. Made profiles of Massaohusetts Avenue frok-�.Oak Street to Middle Street to compare elevations of new street with existing sidewalk elevations. Completed layout of North Street over limits of Ryder property. Completed layout of takings at junction of ftzvy Road and Massa- chusetts Avenue and at junetiOn of Percy Road with Tavern Lane and Massachusetts Avenue. Started work on acceptance plans for Butler, Baker, Bennett and Chase Avenues, Summitt Road and Pinewood Street. Miscellaneous Completed topo work and started location survey of buildings and property lines within district bounded by Marrett Road, Massachusetts Avenue and School Street. Listed street numbers for new Aldrich Block. Copy of Kilgour sewer plan for Town Counsel. Miscellaneous katters A request for a permit to transfer garbage through the streets was received last.week, and was then turned over to me to get in to h with the Health Inspector and recommend a form of permit to be granted. I talked with r. Prentiss about this matter and he suggested that if the Board will wait until the meeting October 23, he will have more information as he is to attend a convention of health officials in the meantime, and will look up the methods employed in other cities and towns, r" 1 1 In regard to the sewer assessment of Mr. Ashburn C. Kilgour of High- land Avenue, find that part of his land below the sewer level has a frontage of 93 Peet. The balance of his land cannot be considered too low to use the sewer. At the present time, this amounts to 171 front feet. I recommend an abatement of the assessment on that part of his land below the sewer level amounting to $144.03 or at the average rate per front foot Of $1.54,7/8. Mr. Clopes of Upland Road, has suggested that the sewer in Upland Road need not be constructed at the depth planned if the houses of A. B. Howe, R. W. Taft, and his house should be connected with the sewer in Glen Road through the land in the rear of the different properties. To do this, would mean the constraatiqu of a private sewer and the public Newer also. If the sewer to be constructed in Upland Road is not built at the depth planned, of course the property on the north sides could not be assessed as it would receive no benefit from the sewer. , Unless a previous arrangement is made, it might be impossible to constructAthe private sewer through the three properties, particularly if one of the properties show be sold. 417 The amount of excavation on the two sewers would not be a great deal less than it would be for the one now planned to be constructed in the street , although the cost to the town would be .less. If this private sewer should be constructed in this particular ease, it might formea precedent that would be hard to overcome. I believe it will be,more satisfactory if the public sewer is con- structed as planned and both sides of the street assessed according to the usual methods. The matter of filling the so-called deep hole at the reservoir was called to the attention of the Board last weeks and it was suggested by Dr. Shannon that the part of the aeaervoir'..at the rear of Mr. Fawcett's property could be made fit for swimming at an expense of about $400.00, and that if this should be done, he though that the finance committee would transfer suffickent money from the reserve fund to the Park appropriation to cover it. In the construction of Prospect Hill Road, it has been necessary to excavate considerable material in order to rea h ariproper depth, and I have had this material taken to the reservoir to fill this hole. This has not added any extra cost as the distance was not far and the material had to dumped somewhere. This can be leveled, the large rocks can be lowered, and the whole covered with fine sane as requested by Dr. Shannon at an estimated expense Of $250.00. ' James F. Prendergast who has been granted a permit for a filling station at the corner of lass. Ave. and Yottler Ave. desires to enter the sewer at the rear of the lot. There is no sewer in front of his lot in Mass. Ave. If he connects with the sewer in the rear, it is a question whether he can be assessed at a later date. I think the best way to do this is to charge him the snount now, that his assessment would be if the sewer were cons#rueted in Mass. Ave., which would be about $125.00, in addition to the cost of the connection. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P. M. A true record.. Attest 1 Very truly yours, William S. Scamran. Supt. of Public Works. c2i7�r�yyt �_ Supt. of Public Works 418 The following is a tentative schedule of ;prices to be i charged for the use of the Cary kemorJil halls. Adopted Tuesday, October 9, 1928. Theatricals $50.00 Rehearsals 10.00 Concerts & Lectures 25.00 Picture show 50.00 Reduce above prices 20% for afternoons. Dance --until midnight $40.00 Plus $10.00 per hour thereafter Checkers in coat room 3.00 each Lower Hall Afternoons $8.00 Evening 10.00 , Add $5.00 for use of picture machine. 1