HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-09-18392 Sta',�ed out Bedford Street line for nropert;T ownf=r. �= Vert truly yours, ''Vill_iam� N. Scam -an Supt, of Public 5vorks. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.rs A true record, Attest Clerk,. �o-.tem. I -T Lt?R MEETTNG, SEPTEMBER 18, 1928. A regular meeting of the Boar' of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.v. Messrs. 3u.rnham, Custance,`C}ianiberlai.n, Ballard and Robertson were present. The Clerk and the "upt. of Public 'forks were also present. The Town Counsel, Sydney R. "rightington, was present during one pa-L7t of the meeting. Ashburn C. Board in regard- Kilgour of highland. Avenue, cane before the to ' 1'1r. abatement of sewer tax which he took up with Scam -an some Idr. Mr. time ago. He stated that when he talked with Scamnan, Scamman suggested an abatement of one-half the amount. "r. Kilgour felt that a sewer connection col_ild not be made to the lot adjacent to hi.s house owAng to the depth of t7,e sewer. The Boar' therefore requested. the Supt, of Public '71orlrs to bring in before them on Tuesday evening next a profile showing the location of the sewer near the Kilgour property so that they could. determine definitely whether connection could be made or not. In regard to the complaint frim ':r. Robert J. Fawcett of Ntarrett Roa', received by the toard at their meeting one week ago, the Board decided to make a personal investigation of the condition of the premises of syr. Ryder and Louise M. Hannaford on 71Tednesday, evening next Sept. 19, 1928 at 6:15 P.M., at which time the Health Officer,Dr. ';lilliam L. Barnes, and Town Counsel, Sydney R. d'Jrightington,were requested to be present. Officer Edward J; Lennon, who visited the premises at an earlier date with Chief of Police, was also requested to be present. Town Counsel, Sydney R. =tirightington, presented a form of order wriich he felt the Boar- shou)_d serve upon the owner or occupant of the -remises where the nuisance is maintained. The following is a copy of the order presented by the ' To :,m Counsel ORDER OF _M] BO,�,2P, OF HEI�LTH The Board of Selectmen of Lexington, acting as a Board. of Health, under Section 182 and 123 of Chapter 111 of the General Laws, and of any other power them thereto enabling, hereby order you as owner or occupant of the premises adjacent to the Lex- ington Reservoir and Marrett Road, Lexington, Massachusetts, %t your Own expense, to remove the nuisance, source of filth': or cause of sickness consisting of a pile or piles of refute found thereon within one week from date of service of this notice. By Order of the Board of Health, Albert H. Burnham, Chairman. (The above is subject to revision by the Town Counsel) The Board discussed with the Town Counsel the advisability of having a Board of Survey Act which would apply to the Town of Lexington alone similar to the Arlington Board of Survey Act. The Board also discussed with Mr. Wrightington the matter of laying out a street over the land of Rothschild to give entrance to the Hickerson property in the rear from Mass. Avenue. The Board decided to request the Town Engineer to have a Board of Survey plan prepared for them so that they may approve the layout of the Hickerson property. The situation regarding laying out a street over property of ' T. S. Keegan and over Rowland Avenue, was also explained to ar. Wrightington. Mr. Wrightington agreed to look up the Board of Survey laws and give the Board an opinion as to what step they maK take. In regard to the proper layout of street called owland AvenBb the Town Engineer presented a plan which appeared to be satisfactory to the Board. It was decided to send copy of this plan to each of the owners of property abutting on Rowland Avenue and also to owners of property through to Highland Avenue, so that they would have an opportunity to view the plan, and to set a hearing on October 120 1928 at 8 P.M. at which time the Board will be ready to hear the abuttors. The Board havingfound that the deed to the Town of the school house lot on School treet, formerly known as the West District School House lot reverted by deed to the heirs of John Marrett, as as far as it can be ascertained has never, since ceased being used for school house purposes, been assessed to anyone, decided to request the Board of Assessors to place this parcel of land on the omitted assessment for 1928. It was also decided to request the Board of Assessors for a list of unassessed parcels of.land similar to this parcel. ' Mr. William Roger Greeley came before the Board with a plan of the widening along Buckman Tavern and the.layout of the street along the Common, whop. was made up by the Town Engineer. Mr. Greeley stated that the plan was entirely satisfactory to him. He thought it would be a very good plan for the Board to adopt. He stated that his main objection to the widening M� 391 along Buckman Tavern has been that he did not.feel.that,the Board had any definite plan to work by. It was voted to approve the bill of Arthur A. Marshall & Son for $67.07 covering blanket insurance in the amount of $5,000. It was also voted to approve the bill of Elmer A. Lord & Co. for $304.00 covering blanket insurance of $20,000. In connection with blanket insurance, it was voted that no more insurance be placed on existing renewals, specific or other- wise, by the Board of Selectmen until they have an opportunity to wonsider the question of re -adjusting insurance schedule. Mr. Albert H. Burnham received a request from Mr. James F4 Prendergast that he be given permission to erect either a steel or cement block filling station in place of the former brick building which he agreed to erect at the corner of Mass. Avenue and Fottler Avenue. The Board was of the opinion that Mr. Prendergast agreed to put in a good looking brick building, and that he had no right to a permit for any other kind of a building. It was therefore de- cided to request the Building Inspector not to issue any permit to Mr. James F. Prendergast until such time as the Board had an opportunity to view the plans of the building. It was decided to have Mr. Prendergast sign another release on the building line inasmuchas he turas not owner of the property of record at the time which he signed the same. The 6upt..of Public Works' report is as follows: For week ending September 15, 1928. Highway Department The Department is still employed on the construction of Simonds Road, and work on York Street construction was started during this week. On regular maintenance work, the surfaces of several streets were patched. Audubon Road was graded, rolled, and treated and brush removed from Hill Street. Next week, in addition to maintenance work, the department will construct York Street. Moth & Shade Tree Depts. The cutting out and cleaning up brush from Bowman Park and Pleasant street and Watertown Street has been completed. Brush was also removed from Shade Street, Lincoln Street and the Town 'foods. The Department will start the work of creosoting the gypsy moth nests next week. Park Department. Regular maintenance work carried on during week. 1 1 1 Sewer Construction. The Eliot Road and Tavern Lane sewer has been completed and 1570 ft. of pipe have been laid and twelve manholes con- structed. fork was started.on the Woburn Street sewer. Sewer Maintenance. The following services have been installed Vaughan, Woburn Street; started service for Engstrom on Eliot "oad; started service for Kettell on Eliot Road. On Mass. Ave. just below Curve Street we have laid an 8" main on the westerly side to the curb line to provide for a sewer that may be laid at some future time through a private way leading to Pollen Road. Water Construction. About 380 ft. of 10" water pipe has been laid in Lincoln Street to supply water to 14cDonald. A 10" gate was installed on this line and the work is complete. Water Maintenance. The follow g renewals have been l s,talled.& Vaughan.. Woburn Street; ompeeng, Waltham Street; Vater Service was Installed for Dodge in private way off Percy Rd; service installed for Malcolm, Coolidge Avenue; service for Gagnon., Marrett Road; service for Carr, Outlook Drive. At Marrett Road work was started on laying a 6" main across Mass. Ave. following out 'sr. 0herman's recommendation that the 6" main be connected with the 8" main in Marrett Road. On the easterly side of Mass. Ave., just below the Wheaton property, we have a 6" water main to the curb line. This is to supply the Nickerson development. The 12" main was tapped in this case. The gates were raised to conform with the finished grade on Simonds Road. On Thursday, Sept. 13, at 10:00 P.M., all hydrants were flushed and the water turned on in the Robbins & Smith Development. The work contemplated for the week ending September 29/28 is as follows: Woburn Street sewer; continuation of the Kettell and Engstrom',sewer connections; water and sewer services, etc. Engineering Department Sewers. Lines and grades for construction at Woburn Street. Grades for Engstrom connection at Eliot Road. Location of Y's at Eliot Road. Highways. Completed layout of York St., for 700 ft. and marked grade stakes. ' Lined out 1000 ft. of Prospect Hill Road. Staked out proposed line at Buckman.Tavern property. Line for new house at 92 Bedford Street. Sidewalks. Measured completed granolithic at Bedford Street. Figured yardage of completed granolithic work at 7 locations for contractor, Walter Black. Grade for eonerete walk for owner at 92° Bedford Street, Mideellaneous. Tied �n survey lines and #booked bench marks of Star Realty topo with 1927 topo which was completed for the Perkins development between Pleasant Street and Oak Street. Very truly yours, William S. Scamman Supt. of Public Works. Commitments were signed for the following: Sewer Water $976.87 1730.64 Application was received from Howel T. Evans and William B. Stevenson for permission to operate a cement block plant on the Doran property on East Street. It was decided to notify the gentlemen that the Board would consider an application from the owner of the property for use of this property for a cement block plant, after which a public hearing upon the application will be held. It was voted to decline the second application of Gaetano Coscia for permission to erect a barber pole at 458 Mass. Avenue. The following pole locations were granted. Lincoln Street from Audubon Street southwesterly - approx- imately 22301 One pole, Eliot Ro-d at Tavern Lane, Set one pole and remove one pole, ftltham Street, At Middle Street - one pole, Massachusetts Avenue from Cedar Street westerly, five poles. The application of the Edison Electric Ill. Co. for permission o locate pole on Percy Road and Tavern Lane was referred to stance. The attention of the Supt. of Public Works was called to the fact that the Frees about town have numbrous advertisements on same, and he was requested to have them removed. The attention of the Supt. of Public Works was also called to a tree that is dying on Percy Road. Application was received from Walter Pease of 23 Blossom Street for street lights. It was decided to refer the :natter to the Supt. of Public Works to investigate. Letter was received from Elmer A. Lord & Co., Willard C. Hill, in regard to insurance appraisal of town property. He presented schedule showing form of appraisal made for the Town of Milton by the Industrial Appraisal Company. He also gave 1 1 1 estimate of the cost of appraisal of the Town of Lexington to be $450. The form of apppraisal seemed to be something which the Board deemed to Yee very necessary to have in their possession, especially in the case of afire, and recommended that they proceed to get the appraisal from the Industrial Appraisal ompany, and requested r. ('ustance to make arrange- ments for same. Mr. Custance stated that he might also be able to arrange for the appraisal of the High School building, Cary memorial Building and Town Office Building also for this sm. In this connection the Clerk was requested to get figures as to the cost of the insurance to be placed, and find out whether or not the Town has sufficient amount in the insurance account to take care of this expenditure. Mr. Burnham stated that Mr. Frederick L. Emery called him in regard to getting the plans and report of Metcalf & Eddy printed. No action was taken on the matter. The meeting adjourned at 12:00 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. D 1