HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-09-11L 1 R^C:TTf`.p ',V7TTTTTTU" - i Pr'F''B^F 11 1928. f A regular meeting of the Bosom' of Selectmen was held at the Sele^tmenis 'oom, at 7:30 P."'. A4essrs. Bulnh,aT, Custance, Ballard, itcbertson. and Clhamberlain were presort. The Supt, of Public '"�orl.-s and the Cleriz pro -ter vre-e also present. T he records ,�rere approved., The application of Fdward L. Kelley for adwittance to the Cambri.r'ge 11�zbereulosis Hospital was signed by the Board-. Contraet`in duplicate was signed by the Board for repairs to Concord Avenue. The followin were drawn as jurors: Clarence H. Cutler, Civil Session Clifford P,luzzey, Criminal Session. :":rs. Mary G. ".'ellen and Clary A. ''elsh of 53 Pass. Avenue, came before the Board. of Selectmen at 8 P.M. in accordance with hearing advertised, for perm ssicr to it-rease the capacity of a filling station owned and operated by t'r_eTr. a1ey requested an increase ,in tl,air gasoline tanks from 1500 gallons which they have at the present ti -e to 12,000.gallons. Tl-�ey desire to increase the capacity to eliminate a gasoline truc17 d.eliaering gasoline every- day. Yr. Charles A. Cummings, and 1"Ir. Goorge F. Mellick carob before the Boar,' to inquire in rega»d to the nurrose of the hearing, but they had no objections to offer. After disci sing the matter, the Bear,' voted to grant a license to Yary G. ?,4ullen and Mciry A. 7elsh to increase the capacity of t',leir tanks. Bids on Sewer Construction Loan werc received from the following: stabrool, &, Comran« 100.42 Old Colony Corporation 100.512 l`he bid of the Old Colony Cbrporati_on was accepted. i;Ir. George 7!hi ting came bef of damage t- his house, which he vicinity. Yr. Villiting stated th used in the blasting and. nieces He also stated that at times the said that his houss is on the sa blasting in. Fie claits X200, fo JJr. Patrick F. Dacey ^Pas pr in tl e ceilints of `-r. "hiting's as mortar crac'.zs happen almost i did not see any place in the hou It was finally decided to 1 as this would give any member of the house. )rc the Boar' in regard to settlement claims vi -s done by blasting in the it there was not sufficient covering if tl-e ledge flexr over his house. blasting shook the house, as he -o ledge that the ':later Dept. vrere dajna.ge done to ceilings in his house. :sent and be s tated that the cracl�s house vrere not caused by blasting ievitably. He also stated_ that he ;e where the ceilings were loose. .y the matter over until next week the Board an opportunity to visit The Town sngineer presented plans of Rowland A,%enue showing layout of proposed street in two locations. :After discussion upon the same it was decided to request the Town Engineer to have a plan at the next meeting of the Board showing layout of street with a dead end at the back line of 1u1r, "Thomas S. Grindle 's property. Yr. Frederick J. Spencer, Assistant Assessor, made a verbal request to the Board for clerical assistance for one greet, while the regular clerk is away on her vacation. Me matter was left with the Chairman. Letter was received from 1v1r, 7"illiam R. Greeley in which he asked that the Board let interested citi-ens know the plan for solving trraffic problem in the business centre, before the Board executes any single item in that plan. It was decided to ask fv1r. Greeley to attend the next meeting of the Board. Sept. 18, 1928 at 8:30 P.N. to discuss tlfe matter. Notice was received from the County Commissioners of a meeting , of the Dept. of Public "Torks, Sept. 15, 1928 at 10 A.ri, at their office with reference to matters pertaining to highways. The Clerk pro -tem was instructed to inform the Commissioners that at least one member of the Board would be present. Application was received from L'ugene J. Viano for a First Class T+;otor Vehicle License to sell DeSoto cars at 34 Bedford- Street, and license was granted. Letl,er was received from hir. Robert J. Fawcett of T,Iarrett Road complaining about disagreeable odor which comes from the premises formerly owned. by Frank Hannaford, but now owned by C. W. Ryder. This odor comes from a pile of garbage, about 100 tong, pig manure, and other refuse, and, he states, is very detrimental to the c ommun i t:> . Letter was received from the Chief of Police giving a renort on the condition and he found the premises in the same cond.it1on that ivr. Fawcett reported. Thr. Robertson and.lvr. Chamberlain also visited the premises just bef6re the meeting and. they stated that they were in a very dirty condition. It was decided to notify Fra -k Hannaford, Ryder Stock Farm, Charles ';T. Ryder, and Robert L. Hyder, to abate the nuisance that is being maintained on land adjacent to the Lexington Reservoir and Pfarrett Roar, and to forward. same to Sydney R. `.'1'rightington, ' Town Counsel, and request him to take such action as is necessary to bring about i -mediate compliance of this order. Letter wrs received from 7!illiam I. Brown, 21 "`inthrop Rd., in regard- to'grade of sidewalk built in front of wiessrs. Rowse and ?nferlatio -,..s _ro_�_ �tca f ��. receivede 1 " Eddy in regard to their recommendations for new cross connections. The Board voted to itstruct Yr. Scamman and 1'ir. Ross to pro- � ceed with laying cross connection at Niarrett Hca,-'. The recom- mendation of V1_tcalf & Eddy being as follows: 9t Marrett Road we recommend a 6 in. crosa connection from ' the 8 in. pipe in rlarrett Road to the 6 in, pipe in Massa- chusetts Avenue near the scutherIv side lo of the Awemi.e. The Town sngineer presented plans of Rowland A,%enue showing layout of proposed street in two locations. :After discussion upon the same it was decided to request the Town Engineer to have a plan at the next meeting of the Board showing layout of street with a dead end at the back line of 1u1r, "Thomas S. Grindle 's property. Yr. Frederick J. Spencer, Assistant Assessor, made a verbal request to the Board for clerical assistance for one greet, while the regular clerk is away on her vacation. Me matter was left with the Chairman. Letter was received from 1v1r, 7"illiam R. Greeley in which he asked that the Board let interested citi-ens know the plan for solving trraffic problem in the business centre, before the Board executes any single item in that plan. It was decided to ask fv1r. Greeley to attend the next meeting of the Board. Sept. 18, 1928 at 8:30 P.N. to discuss tlfe matter. Notice was received from the County Commissioners of a meeting , of the Dept. of Public "Torks, Sept. 15, 1928 at 10 A.ri, at their office with reference to matters pertaining to highways. The Clerk pro -tem was instructed to inform the Commissioners that at least one member of the Board would be present. Application was received from L'ugene J. Viano for a First Class T+;otor Vehicle License to sell DeSoto cars at 34 Bedford- Street, and license was granted. Letl,er was received from hir. Robert J. Fawcett of T,Iarrett Road complaining about disagreeable odor which comes from the premises formerly owned. by Frank Hannaford, but now owned by C. W. Ryder. This odor comes from a pile of garbage, about 100 tong, pig manure, and other refuse, and, he states, is very detrimental to the c ommun i t:> . Letter was received from the Chief of Police giving a renort on the condition and he found the premises in the same cond.it1on that ivr. Fawcett reported. Thr. Robertson and.lvr. Chamberlain also visited the premises just bef6re the meeting and. they stated that they were in a very dirty condition. It was decided to notify Fra -k Hannaford, Ryder Stock Farm, Charles ';T. Ryder, and Robert L. Hyder, to abate the nuisance that is being maintained on land adjacent to the Lexington Reservoir and Pfarrett Roar, and to forward. same to Sydney R. `.'1'rightington, ' Town Counsel, and request him to take such action as is necessary to bring about i -mediate compliance of this order. Letter wrs received from 7!illiam I. Brown, 21 "`inthrop Rd., in regard- to'grade of sidewalk built in front of wiessrs. Rowse and S Maddison premises and which is ^djacent to his property. The new grade is several inches higher tl�an tl�e old and this leaves J`r. Brown's sldewallr lower v;Rai-ch might result in an accident. The matter r; -s lair over until the next meeting of the Board, Letter was received fror '�'illiam H. Kearns of 13 tia ett Drive in which he comnlair�d about the Water being dravrnoff sthe Lexington -Reservoir, therebtr leaving it in an unsightly condition. It was decided to ask tre C'rairman. of the Swimming Pool Committee why the Reservoir c�innot be filled again. -Mr. '° illiam S. c cam ian, Surt. of Public `,''forks, was requested to see if the water pipes around tl---e Reservoir are shos,!n on the map of the N. E. Insurance Exchange. Map of the whole town was received from Everett N. Montague showing how the town could be blocked off in blocks of 400 feet. 0 x 6000 Photostat copy of index plan of Swampscott was to be mailed to the Boar , and it was decided not to tall -e any action on this index plan until same was received from, )-,!m. lir. iobertson broight up the matter of lack of sanitary ac- commodations at the Mass. A -Venue construction, and the matter was left with the Supt, of Public Forks and 1"r. Robertson. The Supt, of Public 7orks eras requested to see that the en&rances to Locust Avenue, Independence AveiTie and Plainfield Street on the ' new Mass. Avenue construction vre:-e nit all closed at the same time, but t} -,at one entrance be left oven for traffic, It was decided to request the chief of Police cross straps for traffic offto purchase white on duty, and also to have them wear vr=ite gloves so ti ;t they might be seen more distinctly at night. Permission was granted to the Granp,e to use the Center Playground or: October -12, 1928 for a fair. The a-r_t, of Public lira rks ;^r^s requested to have Audubon Road oiled. Action on installation of drain in Audubon Road ^J .s postponed until the Sunt, of Public .".forks gives a report to the Board. in regard to the Highway a,nnropriation next week.. Mr. Custance presented esti,ate of work on P,4ass, Ave., and Bedford street in regard to ;;iden-ing Sarre, and it was decided. to get a complete / detail estimate from the Supt, of-Vublic 7ork.s before any work was started. It was also decided to i_n 3 out vl,,at the disposition of the State is in f'egar,l to sante. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public ;lor'-s relative to collection of garbage wrich is as follow'-: The Department sent out 1548 return information ac to the number. of houses desoirinl cards in order to obtain �, garbage collection. To Sept. 7, we, had received 693 replies, 550 indicating that they wanted t},e service. 390 ,�Tuesd_ay, Sept. 4, the collection of garbage was started. � using a turd truck and two men. Q That part of the Town where collections are made has been divi:d.ed. into three sections, and we shall try to make two collections weekly frim each house. ' Requests were made by several persons outside the Town of Lexington to buy the garbage. Tl�ey were aslred_ to offer a price per cord foot. The following wero tge oruces @ffered;.- Cornelius Shea :1.15 per cd. ft. Elmer Bean 1.10 n it n Breezy Hill Farm 1.00 " if t' Farrington Mem. .75 " " if The garbage has been delivered to Cornelius Shea, Bedford Rd. Lincoln. The first four days there were 92 cd, ft. sold. Yours very truly, "Jilliam 0. S camman Supt. of rublic ':Yorks. Request was made by Mr. Francis Toye of the Lexington Civic Association that 14r. Theodore A. �ustance speak to th t society the first Monday in C^tober about sewers, wl-ich Ir. Custance agreed ' to do. The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Vdorks is as follows: Highway Department. The construction of Simonds Road is progressing satisfactorily. The base course of gravel has been arnlied_ and well rolled. The drainage is comnlated and the street is ready for the crushed gravel, and the f irst coat of ligit oil. Next week this street will be completed. In regular maintenance several gravel roads were scraped and smoothed, street surfaces were patched, catch basins cleaned and brush cut. P,"oth and Shade Tree Depts. The men in this department ha•c been cutting out brush from Bowman Par'.-, and at the corner of ',Tate -town Street and. Bowman Street. They have also cut brush in the Town 11;ood.s. Text week the Denartment will work on Pleasant Street, Lincoln Street, Sh^de Street and will remove the tree in front of the Locke property on Vlaltham Street. Park Denartment. Park Department has attended to the regular maintenance work. 391 Sets;er Cons tru c Li on Approximately 6001 of 8" sowor pipe has been laid in Eliot; Road, and the laying of pipe on tTis job is complete. Three manholes have been built. Sewer 1,"air_tenance. The followin£; services have been completed.: IQiC -erson, Concord Hill; work was started Friday on the connecting of the Engstrom property on Eliot 1zosd .�!ith the sourer in Eliot load. ''ater Construction. The extension of the 6" main in Lisbeth Street has been completed.. Approximately 3001 of 611 pipe was laid., and one hydrant installed. This main ryas connected. with the 10" main in 7ass. A -e., "Tork was starter? Friday on the extension of the 10" main in Lincoln Ltreet. "later Ila intenance . The followinE services have been installed; Hilchie, Lisbetr Street; 1�Ti.c'rerson. Concord. Hill. Five services have been transferred to tre 6" main in. Lisbeth street. All gates on Simonds Road have been raised to the proper grade. On Thursday night at 1.0:00 P.T%! repairs were made to a joint teat had blown out on the 8" main near the reservoir. The work ivas completed at 2:00 1.". ' The work contemplated for next week is as follows: con- tinuation of the Lincoln Street mater main job; ''Joburn Street sewer; water and sewer services, Engineering Derartment. Sewers. Grades for constriiction at ^liot toad.. Curb connection ties at Mass. Ave., between P"_arrett Road and Oak Street. Grades fore xtension on Tavern Lane. Staged out '";'oburn Street Sewer. TTighways . Road. Completed. 3000 ft. of line and grade stakes at Simonds Part layout of York Street. Sidewalks. Line and grade for grar_olithic at Eliot Road and. Woburn "treet. Road. measured completed granolithic at Berwick Road and ainthrop 57iscellaneous. Stationed. Lincoln Street from Mass. Ave, to :',eston Street for street numbers. Pude plan for street nusbers along Pedford Street at "Sunny field".