HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-08-28Hearing was declared open at 8:00 P.Tj% upon the apnlication of .,.r. James A. Nickerson for approval of Board of Survey layout of street over lan" of ',label Rothschild, _located on ?ass. A,re. near the corner of Maple Street. lYr, and Tlrs, Rothschild appeared att the bearing and- 111r. J. A. Nickerson. No other persons ap^eared. The Board. informed T,'r. Rothschild that they proceeded to ad- vertise a Board of Survey hearing for street over his land, inasmuch as the Planning Board has laid out the. street over -V'lr. Niclrerson's property leading from blasd ° Aver as+being the proper location of a street leading to this development. 1-1r. Rothschild was asked if he could arrange to sell his property to lrolr. Nickerson, but he stated that he had already sold the property, and had a payment on the s ane an -1 he was therefore in a position where he cool^' not sell the property. No definite agreement could therefore be reached between 1"1r. Nickerson and "lr. Rothschild. Mr. Ballard stated that he would. be willing to offer his ' services to do wh t he cold do straig-1,ten out the financial conditions, so t1,at arrangements might be made to lay out a street. It was therefore decided to no-trone any action on tl,is hearing to a future date. Hearing was declared open at 8:?0 p.+T, upon the application of tl-e heirs of Lewis Hunt for approval of street located on property at the junction of Mass. AsTe, and Slocum Rd. The Planning Board. were entirely in accord witl- the layo a.t of the Street in accordance with verbal information received from them, and. the Board voted to approve the plan. Mr. Everett Montague came before the Board to discuss,the future work on the Block Plan. The board discussed the advisability of having the blocks in chronological order instead of as started by him, so that reference could be obtained more easily.ir.'n"ontague, however, dial not advise this plan, inasmuch as a key map could. be had from which reference to the.maps could be made. Mr. Montague stated that he could start the plan tris fall, but the work would have to carry over into the new year, the same way he operated last year, inasmuch as he could not h-1ve sufficient time to finish the wor'-. Mr. Montague was asked to make some suggestions in regard. to ' the matter, of laying out the whole town rather than taking a piece at a time so th:�-t this could be used as a worl�ing key to mar out the whole town. This, Mr. Montague, agreed to do. Plan and Profile of Unle.ndRcq,a sewer was placed before the 7 T R SETJECI*7,;!,T r r V ;; mT_TG August 28, 1928 Regular meeting the Selectmen held- the Selectmen's ' of was at Room, Town Office Building "ugu.st 28, 192€3, Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Bnllard and Robe tson vuere present. The "upt. of Public `"orks and the Clerk were also present. The records of last meeting 1,aere approved. Hearing was declared open at 8:00 P.Tj% upon the apnlication of .,.r. James A. Nickerson for approval of Board of Survey layout of street over lan" of ',label Rothschild, _located on ?ass. A,re. near the corner of Maple Street. lYr, and Tlrs, Rothschild appeared att the bearing and- 111r. J. A. Nickerson. No other persons ap^eared. The Board. informed T,'r. Rothschild that they proceeded to ad- vertise a Board of Survey hearing for street over his land, inasmuch as the Planning Board has laid out the. street over -V'lr. Niclrerson's property leading from blasd ° Aver as+being the proper location of a street leading to this development. 1-1r. Rothschild was asked if he could arrange to sell his property to lrolr. Nickerson, but he stated that he had already sold the property, and had a payment on the s ane an -1 he was therefore in a position where he cool^' not sell the property. No definite agreement could therefore be reached between 1"1r. Nickerson and "lr. Rothschild. Mr. Ballard stated that he would. be willing to offer his ' services to do wh t he cold do straig-1,ten out the financial conditions, so t1,at arrangements might be made to lay out a street. It was therefore decided to no-trone any action on tl,is hearing to a future date. Hearing was declared open at 8:?0 p.+T, upon the application of tl-e heirs of Lewis Hunt for approval of street located on property at the junction of Mass. AsTe, and Slocum Rd. The Planning Board. were entirely in accord witl- the layo a.t of the Street in accordance with verbal information received from them, and. the Board voted to approve the plan. Mr. Everett Montague came before the Board to discuss,the future work on the Block Plan. The board discussed the advisability of having the blocks in chronological order instead of as started by him, so that reference could be obtained more easily.ir.'n"ontague, however, dial not advise this plan, inasmuch as a key map could. be had from which reference to the.maps could be made. Mr. Montague stated that he could start the plan tris fall, but the work would have to carry over into the new year, the same way he operated last year, inasmuch as he could not h-1ve sufficient time to finish the wor'-. Mr. Montague was asked to make some suggestions in regard. to ' the matter, of laying out the whole town rather than taking a piece at a time so th:�-t this could be used as a worl�ing key to mar out the whole town. This, Mr. Montague, agreed to do. Plan and Profile of Unle.ndRcq,a sewer was placed before the Board, the Town sngine­r being -resent explained the outlets and depths of the sevrer to the Board. It was decided before taking any action on placing the sewer in UP1and Road., to invite the property owners to appear before the Board at their rreetirg on Daesda yr evening; next to express their ideas in regard to the sewr�r being placed in the street. The Plan ani estimate of the Audubon Road drainage w^s Placed before the Boarrl by the Ou.nt, of Public ','!orks and the Frgineer, the estimated. cost being 1500. After viewing the plan, it was decided to request the "upt, of Public '."forks to make test holes on Lincoln Street ani' `iudl bon Road for the drainage and report to the Board at the next meeting. Permission was granted to "Till iam E. 'Neelrs to have an open air rally on august 31, 1923 at 2 P.W. at the Parker Field Play- ground. It was voted to gr-nt the use of Village Hall Monday evenings free of charge, to the Boy Scouts of East Lexington who are forming a new troop. Special Police Commission was signed for Howard.�'iske, 189 Mass. A1,7e., East Lexington, so that he could act as special police on the construction work on Mass. Avenue. Auctioneers License was granted to Leslie J. ':',rood of Webb Street for the year ending =pril 1, 1929. Let' -or was received from .Robert P. Clapp in which he stated that.,. the Tr,stees of the Isaac Barris Cary Memorial ✓foul probably be ready to turn o-�Ter to the Town the Cary memorial Bu.il.ding on October 18, 1928. The Boars informed i1ir. darn t` -at -s far as they were concerned this date eras ag building. reeable for the acceptance of the ',Ullian I. Brown of "Winthrop Road made request for a con- crete driveway entrance feeling that the sake could. be built while Mr. Blaclr is building a sidewalk adjacent to his property. . The Board informed 1"r . Drown tl- st in�_smuch as he would h— e to pay the entire amount for the driveway- that he cou.ld mare arrangements with fir. Blacir to have the "wvor' done and bill to him direct. No action was tal,,en on the street sign survey. Letter was received from Charles A. Gleason of the Edward. T. Harrington Co. in v% ich he requested the Tou✓n to purchase the water main in York Street, inasmuch as the street has now been accented by the Ton. T, Sketch of tire taking of t;he T,ocke lard on "raltham ,t, to widen e explainea that in 1915tiP715.42 was paid. to the Town fer'" a G" water main placed in York Letter %,;as received from "t., for a the Supt, of distance of about 450 ft. Public ",'orbs in which h-=, recommended the acceptance of tl-o rater main. It eras decided to insert an article in the "'arra.nt req,i.esting the To�rm to purchase tl"e s2 --e. Sketch of tire taking of t;he T,ocke lard on "raltham ,t, to widen 3 o"t tl�e Plan of thy r J ,_ _ dr �f t e s zae:,a?'.- alone; t', , Tn:ic- property a eras pre�entcd b> r the En.'-;i_.eer ar' tree Supt. of Public 'Norks. The membo s of the Board. expressed the:i_r views olative to t1-,_. hind- indof ofsidewalk they felt should_ be constructed_ alon- this property. The Engineer statod teat he felt that the sidewa'_k could easily be arranged. to rnee t t're grade of t'- e Parr whenever it was built. Custance brougr•t up the subject of laying out 7owland Ave. under the Roarrl of 'urvey pct. He stated. t", --,t :"ir. Teegan who has purchased the Fitci, prcnerty has t.�T'rer' •,iith hi -.regarding the layout of the street mir9 if t?;- street w—,—e laid out there, it would necessitate the moving of rr. Keegan's house. A layout of a street vTo--1d give several lots for b�_ti ldir_g purposes. The Hoard disclr.ssed. the feasibility of laying out the street and felt that it wns a pronosition for the interest of "Ir. Keegan and 1"1r. Yilliam Hunt inasmuch as both were owners of property and would benefit by the layout of the street, _=n th,t these owners should get together ;^ai tl others that wouV Le affected by the layout and endeavor to get tlelr cooperation. Phe Tcwn _Tngineer was re- queste 1 to mats a stud,;T of the development of this rrcperty. 7,hen the ne7v Town Office Bui ldirg was built no provision_ w,s made for the housi_rg of stray dogs. The 6upt. of Public ':'forks aras requested_ to bui_l.d a s-nall dog house with a •,vise enclosure on the back of the property so thrit they would. not be readily seen. Mr. John Ricci of ''Taltham St., made a relu>st that the time ' to dispose of his -:pigs, namely Sept. 1, 1928 be extended one month inasmuch as he had fifteen so;vs and 40 little pigs which he could rot sell owing to the lova mar'Ket. It was decided to request the health Inspector to report on coalitions at t}7,c Ricci premises, and in r^gard to the sale of the nigs. Letter was received from ";'ill_ard 0. Hill. of. Elmer A. Lord. & Co. wherein he suggested_ re-aprraisal of the `town 1'uildings ,,rhen the Town Office Building ar,-? the iMemorial t�uildinp: are placed upon the blanlzet schedule. The Board decided to request Hr. Hill to g;_vo an estimate of tl-e cost of arnraising the Town Buildings ani' also ci=e the names of one or more apnraisors and to exempt from the schedule the High School. Buil-'inc.,'-the Town Office Building and. the Vemorial 13uild.ing. In regar- to the inrl _calAon of 1°'r. ?J?clntoshpfor water rin4rhunny Field it w^,s decided to request him to resent a ere he desired to ha",Te •.°rater in his develonment. The "'upt . of Publ i_ c weekly report is as follows: For the weelr ending Aug. 25, 1928. Highways. Construction of Simonds Road is progressing. line earth banks of either side have been excavated. A large amount of rocs- has been blasted. and remove, and we are now placing,, coarse gravel for the roa:-7 foundation. 0 `The drain From Pclha,r tnear Percy Road in Aa s sa- chusetts Aa e,,ue has been corp-nleted. Independence Avenu.�, Locust avenue, and Tower �"treet have been regraded and oiled :PnPre tl,e seiner has been constructed. Catch basins have been cleaned and holes patched. in a number of streets. Curbing at ?Waltham Street and ",bass. Ave., in front of the new Aldrich block has been set. The continuation of Simonds Road and regular maintenance work will occupy the Department nextwee',. Park Der^.rtment. Regular maintenance worlr carried on, during the week.. Moth and Shade 'ire.- Denartment. Brush h -1s been burned on Lowell Street, East Street, Nass. Ave., School Street and at Five Forks. Brush has been cut on Lincoln Street and in the Town wood. The Denartment, is now cleanirF Bowman Park and next week will clean and burn bras'^, and. undergrowth in the Town woods. Sewer Construction. Apxroximately 250 ft. of 6" and 8" sewer pipe has been laid in Eliot road and Tavern Lane. Two manholes have been constructed in ?liot "oat!. Two manholes have been constructed on Smith -Robbins Development, and all that remains to be d.ore is the laying of 6 inverts. Sewer Maintenance. Five connections have been made 'on the `'mith-Robbins Develop- ment. One connection -_ade for of Eliot road. A manhole has been cons Eructed_ on the Massachusetts Avenue sewer where a new "treet will be cut through on the Moulton property. ''later 7,2aintenance. An 8" main is being laid in Mass. Ave., to the curb line where °r. Me -lton will cut throut-,h a new street on his property. 1'4ater services as follows: Green on Shade Street; two for Cavanaugh on Bedford St., and Summit one for Holman_ on Summit Avenue. Three men woriring on raising of gates on !,,'ass. A• enue, East. Lexington. 7,ra ins. Cne carload of 12" pipe wns received and unloaded-. ,ork contemplated for week ending Sept. 8, 1928. Continuation of Tavern Lane and Eliot I'o^d sewers. Con- tinuation of -water main extension in Lisbeth Street. Extension of annroximately 195 ft, of 2" main in Blossomcrest to supnly water to Yr. Jensen, and possibly work will be started on the extension of approximately 150 .ft. of 10" water pipe in Lincoln Stre=t. Engineering Department. Sewers. Line and grade for Tavern Lane. Line for Eliot Road. Levels for study of Engstrom sewer fixtures in re Eliot Rd. sewer. Measured pipe and located manholes and Yls on completed construction at Inderendence A-enue, Locu.-t Avenue, Tower St.. Robbins Road, Lincoln St., and Iludubon rRo^d. ';later. Measured pine and located gates on Inderondence 1-enuo, Robbins Roar?, Smfth avenue, Spring St., and Siade Street. Highways. ' Corinleted line and grade wort, for curb at iPlaltham SL. , and Mass. _�< enue . Staked out 1000 fe^t of Simonds Roar' preliminary to street grades. Completed field worl, for I;akinrs fro fercv Rd. and Tavern Lane at i'iras s . Ave. Drains. Completed line and grade worl� on PIiass. Ave. between Pelham Rd. and Percy Rd.. Sidewalks. Supervision of work on Ber•;Jiclz Road. Measured comp_'otdd_ construction at 633 'Mass. Ave, and. h"eriam at. and Edgewood Road. i'iscellaneous. Checked probable layouts with Mr. Byam of Metcalf & Eddy in re strengthening of .°,Tater works system. Tonograprical work adjacent to Star Realty Develoremtn ' Liberty Heigb.ts. Trip to Boston for bl•ae prints of I"Ien Road Seaver and. Trask nrorerty. Very truly yours, '<'J _ll iam ''. Scamman Supt. of Public Works.