HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-08-14284 REGULAR SELECTYRN I S MEETING C7 AUGUST 14, 1928 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room, `-'own Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custance, Ballard and Robertson were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. The records of last meeting were approved. Hearing was declared open upon application of Fuelite Natural Gas Corp. of 705 Main St., Waltham, Mass. for permission to erect a storage plant for liquified petroleum gas at the O'Riorden Sand Pit, off Westview Street. Mr. Frank H. Pope, Treasurer of the Corporation, appeared before the Board to answer questions which might arise in regard to their application. He stated that they have quite a few users of the Fuelite Gas in this part of the country, and at the present time all of these tanks, which are placed in houses have to be freighted to Pennsylvania and then returned. to Massachusetts. He felt that it would facilitate matters greatly if they could have the permit to have these tanks near the siding of the B. & M. R. R. at the Sand rit. This would assist them greatly in giving service to their customers. In regard to the tanks being above the ground, he stated that they would much prefer to have the tanks above ground al- ' though they could be buried. He felt there would be no danger from brush fires in that section as the tanks would be located in the sand pit where there is nothing but sand and very little gas escapes from the tanks to be inflammable. All the Abutters in the vicinity were notified by registered return receipt mail of the hearing, and no persons appeared to object, It was therefore voted to grant the luelite Natural Gas Corporation a permit to install a 10,000 gallon gas tank, and in connection with the steel building for Fuelite Gas services, the same is to be located in the Sand Pit. . The application of Edward I. Berman for a license to peldle meats and provisions was signed by the Board, he h^ving placed on file a letter of recommendation in regard to his character. The following election officers were appointed by the Board in accordance with Chapter 149 of the Acts of 1928: ELECTION OFFICERS APPOINTED AUGUST 43, 1928 � 'R. Clesson Schofield Precinct 1. Warden D Mrs. Mary A. Rowland Deputy Warden D Charles J. Dailey Clerk R Katherine A. Russell Deputy Clerk Precinct ll. R ..A Election Officers, continued Warden R Ezra F. Breed Precinct 1. D Patrick F. Dacey Clerk Mary Dailey Murphy Inspector ; Deptxty':GIeJ?k R Edward L. Crown Inspector D D John S. Fanning Deputy Inspector Katherine A. Kiernan R Elizabeth C. Wilkinson Deputy Inspector Deputy Inspector D Martin M. Grady Teller R Charles E. Hadley " James F. Mcparthy R Carl I. Drew " " D Harry W. Cobb " ' D James M. ,Ahearn Charles E. Wheeler Constable Precinct ll. R Jay 0. Richards Warden R Ezra F. Breed Deputy Warden D Patrick F. Dacey Clerk D David F. Murphy ; Deptxty':GIeJ?k R Ralph H. Marshall Inspector D John J. Garrity'. Inspector D Katherine A. Kiernan Deputy Inspector R Marion W. JAckson Deputy Inspector R Samuel B. Bigelow Teller Charles Vaughan " D James F. Mcparthy rr R Irving B. Pierce " James T. McGann " ' D James M. ,Ahearn " R Wallace Miller " R Fred Butters " Charles E. Moloy Constable. Letter was received from the State Dept. of Public Works informing the Boar(-? that they had authorized $1000 for maintenance work on Concord Avenue. Letter was also received from the County Commissioners that they too had allotted $1000 for maintenance work on Concord Avenue. The Board wrote a letter of thanks to both the County Commissioners and the State for their contribution. It was voted bin the Selectmen, acting as a Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners under the authority conferred by Statute 1897, Ch. 504 and acts in amendment thereof and in addition_ thereto, and of votes of the Town of Lexington pursuant thereto that a sewer be cnnstructed in Glen Road, from Uplend Road to Oakland Street, in accordance with plan entitled "Pl?n of Proposed Sewer in Glen Roady Lexington July 10, 1928, Scale 1 inch - 40 feet, John T. Cosgrove. Town Engineer. The following order was adopted b7 the Board for installation of a sewer in Glen Road. 1 o c� COMMONWEALTH OP MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington. , WHEREAS the Town of Lexington at a town meeting duly called and held on June 28, 1928 duly adopted under Article 3 of the Warrant the following vote: "Voted that the Board of Selectmen be authorized to construct a sewer in Glen Road from Upland Road to Oakland Street, a dis- tance of approximately 320 feet." VOTED by the Selectmen, acting as a Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners under the authority conferred by Statute 1897, k�h. 504 and acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto, and of votes of the Town of Lexington pursuant thereto, that a sewer be constructed in Glen Road from Upland Road to Oaklsad Street, a distance of approximately 320 feet, substantially in ac- cordance with a plan made by John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, dated July 10, 1928 and entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewer in G1enr9Road, Lexington, Seale one inch equals forty feet, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer." Betterments will be assessed for this improvement in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 221 of the Acts of 1926. The area which it is expected will receive benefit or , advantage other than the general advantage to the community from such improvement is described as follows: That portion of these properties on each side of Glen Road, from. Upland Road for a depth not exceeding 125 feet, ,to Dagladd Street, except that land which was previously assessed on Glen Road at Upland Road. The said area comprises the several lots shown upon the plan hereinbefore referred to which are designated in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We estimate the betterments that will be.assessed upon each parcel of land to be as shown in the schedule which is hereto annexed and made a pa'tt hereof. Witness our hands•at Lexingtdn aforesaid this 14th day of August, 1928. Albert h. Burnham ) Selectmen James G. Robertson ) of the William H. Ballard_) Town of Theodore A. Custanci Lexington. ' 1 1 I COPV2ri0T,rJ';RALTH OF XASSACDiUSETTS Lexington, Mass. Middlesex, ss. August 14, 1928. Then personally appeared the above named, Albert H. Burnham, James G. Robertson, William H. Ballard, and Theodore A. Custance and severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument and statement by them subscribed to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Board of Selectmen, acting as a Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners of the Town of Lexington, before me., A true copy, Attest: William Be §cA4 Helen C. Whittemore. Asst.Z,lerk. SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED BETTERMENTS REFERRED TO I THE FOREGOING ORDER. GLEN ROAD Owner as of April 1, 1928. W. D. Milne Sarah P. Greene Alice M. Ballard Clifford A. White Mabel A. Beach 0 ASSESSMENTS $120.00 245.00 120.00 145.00 200.00 367 Michael McDonnell of Woburn Street came before the Board in re- gard to setting his garage back. The Building Inspector informed him that he could not locate the garage within 20 feet of the street, and as there seemed to be considerable ledge in the location where he intended placing his garage, he wondered if the Board would waive the 201 set -back. Mr. Custance and 1r. Burnham had visited the premises and informed him that they did not see how the Board could waive ' this set -back. Mr. Custance informed him that he did not believe there was more than 14 yards of ledge to be removed, and he could get this done at a cost of $70.00. Application was received from Getano A. Costia for permission to erect a barber pole on the sidewalk in front of Viano+s block at 458 Mass. Ave. In connection with this application, the Board discussed the fact that Eugene J. Viano moved his free air line to another location without a permit and also moved his overhanging sign withol;t a permit. The Board also discussed other over hanging signs over the sidewalk and decided to request the Engineering Department to give a complete survey of all signs located in the center of the Town from Woburn Street to Clarke Street that are overhanging the side- walk. The Supt. of Public Works reported that on Hill Street, Board of Survey Hearing was held, but he could not find any Board of Survey plan that had ever been adopted in reference to Hill St., although bounds were set there. The Board discussed the Matter of widening Hill St., its entire length and continuing the widening on Ced^r Street so ' that a definite out -let could be made for traffic around the center of the Town. in regard to the application of Franklin H. Pike for a (Board dewalk aleng Hill St., it was decided to inform him that the are looking into the matter of ;widening Hill Street it, The Board decided to look into the matter to find out it these streets were County roads or not. y- Mr. Frederick L. Emery, Chairman of the Planning Board came before the Board together with Mrs. Anselm C. Mullen of the Rest Inn. Mrs. Mullen, some time ago, applied to the Board to secure an increase in her gasoline tanks, and was ' referred to the Planning Board. to have the business zone es- tablished over her property. The Planning Board referred firs. Mullen to the Board, inasmuch as they felt that the Selectmen could act under Chapter 16 of the Zondng Law and grant a hearing on Mrs. Mullen's request for increase in business. In connection with Mrs. Mullen►s request, the Board felt that inasmuch as a building line is to be established on Mass. Avenue, that Mrs. Mullen should sign a release of 30 feet of land along Mass. Avenue for building line set back. This Tars. Mullen agreed to do, and she stated that she felt that her sister-in-lawMrs. Welch, would also sign the release. , The Board therefore agreed to give her a hearing under the Zoning Law to see if there were any objections to Mrs. Mullen increasing her gasoline business when she presented the s,.gned release. Michael McDonnell of Woburn Street came before the Board in re- gard to setting his garage back. The Building Inspector informed him that he could not locate the garage within 20 feet of the street, and as there seemed to be considerable ledge in the location where he intended placing his garage, he wondered if the Board would waive the 201 set -back. Mr. Custance and 1r. Burnham had visited the premises and informed him that they did not see how the Board could waive ' this set -back. Mr. Custance informed him that he did not believe there was more than 14 yards of ledge to be removed, and he could get this done at a cost of $70.00. Application was received from Getano A. Costia for permission to erect a barber pole on the sidewalk in front of Viano+s block at 458 Mass. Ave. In connection with this application, the Board discussed the fact that Eugene J. Viano moved his free air line to another location without a permit and also moved his overhanging sign withol;t a permit. The Board also discussed other over hanging signs over the sidewalk and decided to request the Engineering Department to give a complete survey of all signs located in the center of the Town from Woburn Street to Clarke Street that are overhanging the side- walk. The Supt. of Public Works reported that on Hill Street, Board of Survey Hearing was held, but he could not find any Board of Survey plan that had ever been adopted in reference to Hill St., although bounds were set there. The Board discussed the Matter of widening Hill St., its entire length and continuing the widening on Ced^r Street so ' that a definite out -let could be made for traffic around the center of the Town. in regard to the application of Franklin H. Pike for a (Board dewalk aleng Hill St., it was decided to inform him that the are looking into the matter of ;widening Hill Street it, The Board decided to look into the matter to find out it these streets were County roads or not. 369 entire length. The report of the Supt. of Public Works is as follows: For week ending August 11, 1928. Highway Department. During the week, a portion of Bedford Street, near the Lexington Lumber Compan,T, was sealed with Bermudez Asphalt, covered with pea sone and rolled; and the same treatment was applied to a portion of Woburn Street, from Utica Street, a distance of about 1700 feet. Catch basins and gutters were cleaned and a number of streets patched. Construction work is being carried on on Simonds Road. Next week the Department will be occupied with construction work on Simonds Road and the regular maintenance. Mr. Walter G. Black, to whom the contract for construction of granolithic sidewalks was awarded, is attending to that work. Drains: A drain is being constructed from Pelham Road to the old culvert passing under Kassachusetts Avenue and through the Monroe land to the brook crossing -the Boston & Maine tracks. This will divert the surface water which has been going over ' the Park, being constructed by Miss Ellen Tower, and carry it into a proper channel. This drain is being constructed by the Sewer Department. Park Department. Regular maintenance work was carried on and will occupy the Department next week. Moth and Shade Trees Department::. Trees were trimmed on Pleasant, Stetson, Watertown and School Streets. Brush cut on North Street and Liheo3n Street:x. Sewer Construction. The Tavern Lane and Eliokd sewer has been started. Approximately 300 feet of 8"/pipe has been laid from Massa- chusetts Avenue through an easement in private land to Tavern Lane ; One manhole is being built'i,n Massachusetts Avenye to take care of this extension. 140 feet of 8" sewer pipe has been laid in Locust Avenue. Water Maintenance. Seven services have been renewed and connected with the new main in Crescent Hill and b'ranklin Avenues. Nine services have been connected with the new main in Ward Street. 370 A two-inch service has been laid across Bedford. Street opposite Sunn-,l'ield development to supply four houses which 0 are being built fronting on Bedford Street. Water- Construction. ' Approximately „300 feet of 6" pipe has been laid in Franklin Avenue. jhis completes this extension of about 800 feet of 6" pipe, and one hydrant has been set. About 585 feet of pipe was laid in Ward Street and one hydrant has been set. About 1000 feet of 6" pipe has been laid in Robbins -Smith development making a total to date of about 3000 feet. Next week the Department will be occupied with construction of sewer in Tavern Lane and Eliot Road and on the Smith -Robbins development and construction of water main in Smith -Robbins develop- ment and probably in Lisbeth Street and Clelland Road. Mr. McIntosh has applied for an extension of the water main into his new development called -Sunny Field, from Bedford Street, a distance of approximately 300 feet. The estimated cost for a 6" main ' is $900. The condition in regard to the supply of water for this new development is a serious one because there is nothing larger than a 6" main supplying Bedford Street. This main leads from the 8" main in Massachusetts Avenue at the corner of Elm Avenue, through Elm Ave., to Bedford Street, and in Bedford Street to near Westview Street, where it is cut down to a 4" main to the Bedford Town tine. This 6" main supplies all houses on Bedford Street and also ' all business property as well as a number of side streets. It is tied in with the main in hancock Street through Revere Street and North Hancock Street. There are about 300 servi.q,es drawing from this main including a number of business houses: he Middlesex and Boston Zt. Rwy,>:Co. which has five hydrants and a sprinkler system on their property. The Golf Club, and two establishments thug have a number of greenhouses and also the Westview Cemetery. Mr. Sherman of the firm of Metcalf and Eddy has been shown the situation and without time to make a study of this particular location, recommends that eight -inch pipe should be laid in several streets in this (Sunny Field) development. Engineering Department. Sewers. Lines and grades for construction at Tavern Lane, and thru private property from Massachusetts Avenue to Tavern Lane. Descriptions of above mentioned sewers, and also of Eliot Road Sewer. Filed same at Registry and Land Cpurt, August 12/28. ' Highways. Staked out Massachusetts Avenue exterior lines for culvert extremities between Pleasant and Oak Streets. M Drains. Profile for drain in Massachusetts Avenue from Pelham Road to near i'ercy Rbad. Grades at Simonds hoad. Sidewalks Line and grade for granolithic at #15 and #19 Winthrop Rd. Plater Works. Reviewed and cheeked entire water works system with Mr. Byam of Metcalf & Eddy. Furnished him with elevations on the controlling streets throughout,the entire town. Miscellaneous Interviewed Mr. Frank Viano at Cambridge in re wilding line over his property at Massachusetts Avenue extending from Bow Street to near the Arlington Line. He promised to sign a release when it is submitted in proper form. Profile of street (Star Road) in development by Star Realty Trust not approved because of Steepness of grade. Attended meeting of Planning Board August 7th. Completed building line plans from Arlington Line to Robbins Cemetery and dated same August 10th. Very truly yours, William S. Scamman `5u.pt . of Public Works. The Supt. of Public Works was instructed to carry out the following orders of the Board: Request Mr. Everett Montague, Civil Engineer, to come before the Board at their meeting on the 28th instant at which time he must be prepared to present an a)proximate key plan divided into blocks which he proposes to use, and a definite statement of the work which he can do for the sum of 61500 and what section he recommends to do first and why. To place the curbing at the corner of Waltham Street and Masse Ave. adjoining the Aldrich property as soon as possible. To call attention of the Contractor removing the filling at the old Town Hall Lot to the dirty condition of the sidewalk, also the damage to the sidewalk and curbing which has been caused ' by removing the filling at that point and carrying it down Grant St. Report in regard to letter of May 16, 1926 of the Board relative to carrying out details of the traffic committee report as requested by the Board. 79 Mr. Custance brought up the matter of securing filling for the Park Dept. from the old.Town Hall Lot now being excavated. It was found, however, that the Park Dept. would. not have sufficient funds to make any purchase and furthermore, Mr. Ballard felt that without any definite plan in view, it would be useless to purchase filling fpr the lower part of the Playground. Mr. Custance presented to the.Board, plans of hubin & Seligman showing the layout of stores on the old Town Hall Lot, and also plans of a theatre to be located in the rear of the stores -with a Foyer coming up to the sidewalk next to the office now being used by the Edison Co. It was stated to Rubin & Seligman, some time ago, that the Board would be willing to grant a permit for a moving picture theatre provided the plan of same was presented to them. jhe Board appeared to see no objection to the plans presented. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. A true record., Attest: d_,�, (S. Clerk. 1 To see how many applications have been made for sewer in. Upland Road, have plan and profile of Buckman sewer prepared and show d whether residents along the line of sewer can be entered. Have the tree in front of the late Everett Locke property at 12 Waltham St. which is in the H!ghwa7, removed and present a detailed ' plan of what he intends to do before entering upon the land of the Locke property. To move the trees in front of the Pollen Church, in front of Harrod's Store, and in front of Joseph Road on Mass. Avenue before the Highway Construction work is done on Mass. Ave. to that point. To have the grade of the sidewalk along the Tower property, and to see if the grade coincides with the park now being laid out. To have plan of streets of the McIntosh development of Sunny- k'ield, and to see whether Mr. McIntosh is considering the advisability of finishing the surface of some of the main streets to the development. To have information on the Audubon Road drainage for next weeks meeting. To request the Engineering Dept. to make a complete survey of signs over -hanging the sidewalk in the center of the Town from Woburn $t. to Clarke St. Mr. Custance brought up the matter of securing filling for the Park Dept. from the old.Town Hall Lot now being excavated. It was found, however, that the Park Dept. would. not have sufficient funds to make any purchase and furthermore, Mr. Ballard felt that without any definite plan in view, it would be useless to purchase filling fpr the lower part of the Playground. Mr. Custance presented to the.Board, plans of hubin & Seligman showing the layout of stores on the old Town Hall Lot, and also plans of a theatre to be located in the rear of the stores -with a Foyer coming up to the sidewalk next to the office now being used by the Edison Co. It was stated to Rubin & Seligman, some time ago, that the Board would be willing to grant a permit for a moving picture theatre provided the plan of same was presented to them. jhe Board appeared to see no objection to the plans presented. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. A true record., Attest: d_,�, (S. Clerk. 1