HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-07-241 1 REGULIiR SELECTL EN IS 2 FETING JULY 24, 1928. Regular meeting of the Board of Set ectmen was held at the Selectmen's Room at the Tovn Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham Custance, Robertson, Ballard and Chamberlain were present. 1he Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. The records of last meeting were approved. Hearing was declared open upon application of the New England Tel. & Tel. Co. of Massachusetts and the Edison Co. of Boston for permission to maintain five poles jointly on Marrett Street, from Lexington and Lincoln line easterly. 110 persons appeared to object, and it was voted to grant the petition. Permission was granted to the Edison Ill Co, to relocate Mass. Avenue northerly. the New England Tel. & Tel. and two poles on Cedar Street from The Building Inspector, John F. Tibbetts, came before the Board and presented a written report of his investigation of several complaints which were made about the violation of the Building and Zoning Laws in East Lexington. His report contained a violation of the Building Laws and Zoning yaws by Pasquale Moretti for maintaining a tw,_: apartment house after he had been ordered, some time ago, by the Building Inspector, to remove the sink and tray in the second tenement. The Board, after considering the matter, decided to instruct the Building Inspector to notify Mr. iaoretti, with the adtirce of the Down Counsel, to cease using this house for occupancy for more than one family, and to remove the plumbing which he has installed in order to rent the house as a two family house. eublic Carriage License was granted t Edson A. Pero, 353 Plass. Ave., Lexington, he having filed the necessary bond required. Letter was received from the County Commissioners stating that they will have a hearing on the relocation of Mass. Avenue, from Lincoln Street to Marrett Road on September 7, 1928 at 10:00 A.M. ,t the same time the hearing will be given on Waltham Street reloca- tion. Letter was received from the New England Trust Co. in which they stated that they would release to the town 200 feet of land on the corner of Percy Road and Mass. Avenue without damages. The Board agreed to have a plan drawn up for release of the land, and extended our thanks to the New England Trust Co. for their action. Letter was received from the Planning Board in regard to the petition of Prendergast Brothers for a gasoline filling station at the corner of Fottler Avenue and Mass. Avenue, giving the opinion that they were in favor of placing stores at this location rather than the filling station. The Board felt that sufficient information was, -not given to 6 3 340 the Planning Board and their opinion was based, perhaps, upon the negative advice given them in a letter, and it was decided to inform them that the opinion of the Board was that the filling station might be less objectionable than stores on the line of the street, inasmuch as no building line existed at the present time in that section of Moss. Avenue. It wa.s also decided to invite the Planning Board to come before the Selectmen at their next meeting and discuss same. The Board signed contract with the State Department of Public Works for the construction of Mass. Avenue, from about opposite Oak Street to Marrett Road. Opinion was received from the Town Counsel stating that the records of the Selectmen were public records, but that the individual votes of the members of the Board are not required to be given out to the public. The following is the weekly report of �— - For week ending July 24j, Highways. the Supt. of Public Works. 1928. The department has been occupied placing edgestones at the corners of entering streets on Massachusetts Avenue. Waltham Street has been cleaned and prepared for sealing. Independence Avenue has been smoothed and graded and sealed. Bow Street and Cliff Avenue have been patched and stones on the outside boundary of Bow Street, over the culvert, have been re -set and the roadway repaired. Maintenance.work and patching on various streets. Two Departments will be occupied with the cnnstruction of Simonds Road along Lith the regular maintenance work during the next four weeks. Shade Tree and Moth Department. A large willow tree on Concord Avenue has been removed because of the danger of its falling and possible causing a bad accident. Dead limbs on trees on Lincoln Street near the Lincoln Line have been removed. Trees trimmed on Massachusetts Avenue. This work will be contlAvue4 , during the following week. Water Construction. The installation of 200 feet of water main in Winn Avenue has been completed. 300 feet of 8" water main has been laid and one hydrant constructed in Smith Avenue. Water Maintenance. Three serviees completed. Sewer Construction. The sewer in Lincoln Street has been completed to a point which will take care of the Simonds Property. Approximately 300 feet of 81' sewer pipe laid in Independence Avenue and Smith Avenue, Three manholes have been built in Independence Avenue and one manhole in Smith Avenue. tfork of excavating in the sewer trench in Locust Avenue 1 1 1 has been started. 50% of the section between Independence venue and Robbins Road is ledge. Sewer Maintenance. Three sewer connections made from sewer to curb only. Five sewer connections completed. A 12"}Alftnn pipe drain across the old Cart Road at the lowers side of the dam at the reservoir has been put in this week and a manhole completed, so that nearly all the water in the reservoir can be drained away. The reservoir is not as low as possible, and we will endeavor to get the Engineering Date which has been asked for by the Committee on S*imming Pools. Park Department. Regular maintenance work only. Engineering Department Sewers. Grades for construction at Independence Avenue and Locust Avenue. Highways. Completed line and grade work for curb on Massachusetts Avenue. Elevated study at Old T:;wn Hall site to furnish grades for neer building. ' lirains. Levels and grade stakes for Simonds Road drain. Levels and grade stakes for drain through Whittemore:property.. Miscellaneous. Attended July 17th hearing in re Star Realty Trust development. This property borders Massachusetts Avenue opposite Bow Street. Vie have started to prepare a general plan of this section together with the topography. Yours very truly, William S. Scamman Supt. of Public Works. The Board discussed the letters of the Supt. of Public Works which were held -ver from last week. In regard to the settlement of claim of Thomas G. Whiting c!lleged to be caused by blasting on Wachusett Drive by the Town, the board authorized Mr. Custance to settle with Mr. Whiting for a sum not exceeding $40.00 providing he would agree that the damage was not entirely caused by the blasting, and that the condition of the ceiling was not perfect before this occurred. In regard to the ckim of George Whiting, it was decided to notify 4' 2 him that the 'Town does not feel that they are liable, inasmuch as Fvlr. Dacey reported that the cracks were caused by settling � and shrinkage of the building. It was decided to notify the Committee on permanent Memorial for Veterans to come before the Board at their next meeting to ' decide what should be done about the VeteranAl Memorial which is still on the Town Hall Lot. 4r. Errol Locke, President of the Field & Garden Blub, came before the Board stating that inasmuch as he understood from A+r. Randall Houghton th-t. the Boerdrwanted to look after the grass borders of the To#Vioisiiithe`fut-hre; he requested that the grass borders on the following streets be taken care of by the Town. Massachusetts Avenue, from Arlington line through to Concord bill. Bedford Street to Revere Street. Hancock Street to,A,dams Street. Winthrop Road. Waltham Street to Mulliken's house, and all the streets around the center of the Town. It was decided to request the Supt. of Public Works to do this work, inasmuch as he had ordered a power lawn mower. In connection with the cleaning of grass borders, it was also suggested that the street cleaning might be done more extensively to include the lower end of Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. W. C. Bartels, 42 Cliff Avenue and Mr. Louis C. Campbell, Cliff Avenue, came before the Board again to see if any report had been made in regard to the colored people who are living in East Lexington and were, what they term, violating the Health Laws. ' The Board informed them that they had not yet received a report from the Health Officer. The Supt. :)f Public Works was requested to keep Mass. Avenue in repair in the section which is to be rebuilt, owing to the danger which might occur from holes in the read. In regard to the report of the Cupt. of Public Works in regerence to cleaning the water mains, he was requested to get further information from the City of Ne,r,ton in regard to same. The Supt. of Public Works reported the putchase of a Compressor machine at a price of $1920.60. After discussing the matter, it wqs voted to authorize the Edison Co. to install 600 c. v. lights as ordered by vote of the Town at the Town Meeting on June 28, 1928, to be installed from Woburn Street to Clarke Street not earlier than Sept. 15, 1928. JAr. Ballard voted in the negative on this matter. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to get further information in regard to the Tower property, and find out if the sidewalk would have to be raised to the present grade of the park. The matter of g�irbage collection was discussed, and it wets voted that no fee be charged for the collection of garbage. ' 0 1 i It was also voted to adopt the plan presented by the Supt. of Public ''forks for collection district, and send out the postal cards which was suggested by him, to the owners of property on the streets where garbage is proposed to be collected. The Supt. of Public Works was also requested to obtain in. formation in regard to the cost of a Ford or Chevrolet truck ind the time of delivery of same, and report to the Board on Tuesday evening next. Mr. Custance offered to take control of the garbage collection and put it into operation in one week, provided the Board decided to have him take it over. Supt. of Public Works was authorized to install 6" water mains in Mass. Avenue, Swmnit Avenue and Hill Avenue, total distance of 640 feet, estimated cost, $2200. The meeting adjourned at 12:00 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk.