HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-06-120294 94 REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 12, 1928. A requiar meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen s Office at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Uustance, Robertson and Chamberlain were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. The records were approved. Mr. Clifford Currier and '"r. John A. Longland of Forest Court came before the Board to see if the Board would install a 611 water main in Forest Court. Mr. Currier stated that in the court he had two two-family houses taking water off a 2t1 main which he laid in the street about twenty years ago, and at the present time they were not getting any pressure from the water. The Board informed Mr. Currier that inasmuch as the street was a dead and street they would consider the matter and decide whether or rapt they would install a main. They also informed him that he would have to pay a guarantee on the pipe if it was laid. It was finally decided to authorize the Supt. of Public Forks to proceed to install a 6" pipe in Forest Court provided he had sufficient funds to do so. Mr. William Viano came before the Board and presented a plan of marquise which he desired to erect in front of the theatre. He stated that most every theatre has a marquise of some kind, and he felt that it was a matter of advertising and display and that he should be given permission to erect the same. He stated that the marquise was ' fixed into the wall so that it would become a part of the building, and it wo_ild be perfectly safe. he also stated that he would be willing to file a bond covering any damage that might arise from the marquise being erected. The matter waslaid on the table for one week. The Board read the letter of Mr. Ballard who was unable to be present, giving his suggestion in regard to the location of an In- formation Booth on the Ball Field and suggesting that the Information Booth now located on the Ball Field be relocated on the Buckman Tavern property at the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Meriam Street, and that the Board of Trade could fix the building for use by repairing and painting the booth, and after the season is over, they could teturn it to the Park Dept. He also suggested that no con- cession of any kind be granted, and that nothing be sold other than matters of historical nature. The Board discussed the matter and finally decided to notify the Board of Trade that there seemed to be some difference of opinion among the members of the Board as to the proper location of an Infor- mation Booth, and it wqs decided to grant permission to the Board of Trade to locate the Booth on Depot Park, provided that they do not come;ercialize the booth by selling anything other than historical pamphlets and cards or matters of historical or descriptive nature. The Board discussed the plan presented by Prendergast Brothers ' showing the intended location of filling station at the corner of Fottler :.venue and Massachusetts Avenue. The Board viewed the plan and finally decided to notify Prendergast Brothers that they would not accept the Beacon Oil Company Plan #5848 dated 5-12-28. 1 1 2 9 R5 Application was received from Anselm Mullen, 53 Massachusetts Avenue, requesting permission to increase the capacity of his gas- oline tanks to 12,000 gallons. The Board decided that if any increase in capacity of the gasoline tanks was granted, that it would be increasing the business which is being conducted in a residential district, and they therefore decided to inform Mr. Mullen to this effect. Mr. Custance.reported in regard to the complaint of Mr; and Mrs. Calderwood Allen Street, against the Swenson Brothers pigs. Mr. Custance found that the Calderwoods were living in a camp in the rear of Swenson Brothers barn, and the water was running out of their sink unto the ground, and to his mind this was causing more of a nuisance than the pigs. He stated that this camp owned by them was assessed for $1,000., land $1200, total'assessment $2200. Swenson Brothers have a total assessment of $49,120, and he found that they kept their pigs in very clean condition, and there was no odor whatever from them. There is no swill fed to the pigs. He stated that they had not as yet whitewashed the premises, but he said they promised to do so right away. After some diseusadon, it Was therefore voted to give Swenson Brothers permission to keep 50 pigs on the premises on Allen Street. Letter was -received from Mr. Ballard giving information obtained by him from Metcalf & Eddy and Pay, Spofford, and Thorndike, engineering firms, asked by him to give estimate of the cost of a survey of our water system and sewerage system. The estimates received were as follows: Pay, Spofford, & Thorndike Metcalf & Eddy Cost of -complete survey of water system $2500 to $3500. Suggested additional surveyin re. to future needs at a cost of 2,000, or a total'on account of the water system of $5500. In reg tp tj*e sewerage system they es- timate a cost of a present survey to be $500 to $700 and a cost of a more compre- hensive eurvey,€3f future needs $30000 to 5,000 or a total for the above surveys of 111,200. Cost of complete survey of water system $1300. Ed.timate complete survey of sewerage system at $3,750. pro- vided a substantial amount ofwerk work is provided by the engineer. ing dept. and if not, an ad- ditional cost of $1200 to $1500 would have to be added, Mr. Ballard suggested that an appropriation be made at the next town meeting to be held June 28, 1928 for these surveys and also to hold a meeting on Thursday evening, June 21, 1928 at 8 P.M. to discuss matters with the engineers. Mr: flobertson also suggested that the following questions be asked of the engineers previous to that meeting, so that they will have an opportunity to find out just what the Board is desirous of obtaining from them. 1. Is it good policy to enter into an agreement to pay $7920. for the privilege of entering the sewer at some future time? 24, How much of a charge would there be to make a real study of that area considering it from the boint of view of establishing '29 '�3 a pumping station or gravity flow and if they make that survey, 7 could they get a report on it prior to the first day of December. 3. Is it your opinion that the water mains in Massachusetts Avenue between the Arlington line'and the High School are sufficient to give us fire protection, and*if not, would you consider ' running a main up Lowell Street, or any other parallel main? Letter was 'received from Mayor Malcolm Nichols of Boston, in which he informed the Board that the bill relating to the financing of the Metropolitan Mater System had been acted upon favorably by the Senate Ways and Means Committee, and that the bill was exactly the same as that adopted by'the-cities and towns at the conferences'held by them of the cities and -towns affected. by the new debt of $65,000,000. He urged `that "the attention of the Senator and Representative be'ealled to the'necessity-of favorable actiori-on this bill. Mr. George E. Briggs, Repredefitative, and "`r. Joseph R. Cotton, Senator, were requested to give this -matter their prompt attention. Late this afternoon Vr. Burnham reported that he had received word from the'Mayor"that this bill did not pass and requesting that he again get in touch with the Representative on the matter. He did get in touch with Representative George E. Briggs and Mr. Briggs stated that he felt there would be no charge to the town this year, and that if the matter was held over to another year there would not be any great hardship. Mr. Robertson stated that he felt Mr. Briggs was incorrect in regard to his information, inasmuch as there would be a levy against the town this year. Mr. Burnham reported that Mr. James Stuart Smith of the Trustees of the Cary Memorial Building, informed him that they would not take the responsibility of moving the statues from the Town Hall to the Office Building. He stated that they would pay the bill for the moving, but -they would not take any further responsibility. It'was suggested that the statues might be insured against damages. It was left with Mr. Custance and the Clerk to get in touch with Mr. C. Bowen of Boston, and get his figure on moving the statues anal find out what could be done about insuring the same. It was voted to grant Carl Hauck of Harbell Street permission to keep three goats on his premises. -The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works vas received as follows: Week ending June 9, 1928. Highway Department. Re-surfaoing Highland Avenue and Percy Road not completed. This work was delayed by wet weather. Massachusetts Avenue, Winthrop Road, Middle Street, Woburn Street and Spring Street were patched during the past week. Drainage work on the corner of Massachusetts ' Avenue and Cedar Street was started. Moth Department. The trees on the following streets have been sprayed during the past week: Allen Street, Concord Avenue, Grant Street, Lincoln Street, Lowell Street, Middle Street, Pleasant Street, Weston Street, Waltham Street, and on the Town Farm. Water Construction. Work was started on Cedar Street extension. 1251 of 6" ipe has been laid, and approximately 2001 of 8" has been laid in Kde- pendence Avenue. Water Maintenance. Two h®useFitservices laid and 2" service to the new Aldrich Block in Massachusetts Avenue from Waltham Street. Sewer Construction. 2001 of. 8" sewer ptpd laid in Independence Avenue and one manhole constructed and. 201 of sewer laid in Lincoln Street. Sewer Maintenance. One house service made.and one service to the new Aldrich Block from Massachusetts Avenue. Drainage. This, y feet -of 12" pipe has been laid in the Old Cart Road on the lower side of the reservoir. This was done to replace the old culvert which has -fallen in and which prevents water from passing through. ' Also the gates to drain the old reservoir h.aveF,beeml--eleapedi,eubnas r6gtLeeted by the committee of swimming ppols. Park Department. Besides the usual maintenance work, work of grading, with loam, and repairing and re -surfacing the sidwwalk on the Elm Avenue side of the Common has been carried on during the past week. Very truly yours, William S. Scamman Suptl of Public Works. Report was received from the Supt. of Public Works giving the estimate'of cost of widening Massachus-tts Avenue opposite Cedar Street, and Cedar Street, the total cost of which was $4035.70. Bids were presented by the Supt, of Public Works for water pipe as follows: Lexington Lumber Co $1384.01 E. G. Chisholm & Co. 1429:90 Waldo Bros. & Bond'Co. 1376:65 ' ­Paftar gial,,Pbedaots Co. 1264:28 Eastern Clay Goods Co. 1376:65 Lea. Coal Co. 1353.50 Mr. Robertson stated that he was not particularly satisfied with the product furnished by the Palmer Clay Products Co., and 298 that as he figured the bids, the Lexington Coal Co. was the next Uwbet+bid, and he felt that they should be given an opportunity to furnish the pipe provided the Supt. of Public Works found out what concern the pipe came from and the grade of pipe used, and that this matter meet with his approval. , The Board decided to leave the matter in the hands of Mr. Robertson and Mr. Scamman. Application was received from the Dept. of Public Works for permission to maintain the billboard of. the Lexington Lumber Co. located on the William P. Martin premises. It was decided to find out from the Dept. of Public Works why applications were not received for other billboards which exist in the town, before taking any action on this application. Report was received from the Town Counsel that the Court found for the defendant in the case of Shaler•vs. Lexington. This was a case of an automobile accident on Waltham Street. The Supt. of Public Works presented information in regard to request for sidewalk cons ruction and stating that the cost of the work for applications now on hand would exceed the appropriation of $2,000. It was decided to ask for'an additional appropriation for side- walks at the next Town Meeting. Letter was presented by theSupt. of Public Works whereby the Supt. of the Water and Sewer Dey t. stated that a rlications for extensions of water mains had been received from the following: Winifred Hilchie Lisbeth St. from Mass. Ave. ' 3001 $19000. J. A. Dickerson Private way north of Maple St. 600, 1 800. .'Snbino Gentile Bellflower St. from dead and on Hamblin street 4001 1',200. Jerry Cataldo Winn Avenue 1601 4800 L. M. Hannaford Middleby Road from Outlook Drive -.3501 1,000. '.Cr A. Gurrier Forest, Court 2001 600. The Supt. of Public Works felt that there was an additional amount of $5,000. on hand'in the Water Dept. which perhaps could be used for these extensions, and inasmuch as the cost of the installations so far have been running a little less than the estimate, he felt that most of this work could be done. If arrangements could be made therefore, it was decided to instruct the Supt, to proceed to install water mains in the follswing: Winifred Hilchie, Lisbith St. from Mass. Ave. 3001 $1,000 , Subino, Gentile, Bellflower St. from dead end on Hamblin St. 400, 1,200 Jerry Galtado, Winn Avenue 1601 480 299 C. A. Currier, Forest Court 2001 $600. In regard to the application of J. A. Niekerson, the Supt. informed the Board that Mr. Nickerson had been unable to make arrange- ments with 'fir. Rothchild to purchase some of his land. to build a road into the house which is being built in the rear. He therefore did not see how the water pipe could be extended to Mr. Nickerson's property unless he desires to extend'a 2" pipe in there himself. In regard to'the aprlication of L. M. Hannaford, it was decided to find out if "r. Hannaford would do the digging of the trench and the backfilling, inasmuch as it was thought that he would not be a responsible party for the guaranty. Application was received from residents of Chase Avenue asking for the acceptance of the street under the betterment act. It was decided to refer this matter to the'engineer and request him to get estimate of the cost of construction. The Board revised the Jury list for the year 1928. Notice -was received that'bids would be 6pened in Room 413 State House, Boston, Mass. at 1 P.M. June 19, 1928, on the construction of Mamsaehusetts Avenue from Oak Street to Marrett Road. Letters were received from the Town Counsel in regard to the drawing up of an article establishing a by-law for the Wire De- partment. • It was decided that inasmuch as the Town Counsel was not sure of the authority in drawing up the by-law that the matter could be ' delayed and not inserted in the warrant until such time as the information could be properly looked up. The Board approved the following articles for the warrant for a town meeting to be held June 28, 1928. Art. 2. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to enter into a contract to collect garbage in sections of the tom[ to be determined by them or to authorize town"collection of garbage in -sections to be designated by the Selectmen, appropriate money for the cost of such collection, or act in any manner relating thereto. Art. 3. To see if the town will vote to construct sewers in the following streets: Glen Road, from Upland Road to Oakland Street; Eliot Road, from"Massachuset:ts Avenue through"land of James P. Munroe and Sumner Robinson Trustees to Tavern Land thence in Tavern Land to Hastings Road from L1ncolntRoad StreetftomMassachusett to Warren Street; Hastings Massachusetts Avenue and Mass- achusetts Avenue from Hastings Road. to Audubon Road; Waltham Street, from the north branch of Vine Brook near Forest Street in a south- westerly direction approximately 950 feet, and appropriate money for said construction and issue bonds or notes therefore, or act in any manner relating thereto. Art. 4. To see if the town will notify the City of Waltham and ' theCommissioner of Mental Diseases on or before December first in the current year that it does not desire to avail itself of the opDortunity.of connecting the sewers of -that area of Lexington in the valley of Beaver Brook as described in See. 1 of Chapter 372 of the Acts of 1928 with the sewers provided for in the said chapter, or take any other action with respect to said statute or the provisions for the Town of Lexington therein contained. 300 Art. 5. To see if the Town will vote to accept York Street from Meriam Street a distance of approximately 700 feet as a public highway and for the purpose of constructing said street, money be appropriated by transfer from other accounts, by issue of bonds or notes or by direct appropriation. Art. 6. To see if the Town will vote to accept Simonds Road from Bedford. Street to Burlington Street as a public highway, and for the purpose of constructing said street, money be aprropriated by transfer from other accounts, by issue of bonds or notes or by direct appropriation. Art. 7. To see if the town will vote to accept aspect Hill Road from Marrett Road to Waehusett Drive as a public 41ghwsy and for the purpose of constructing said street, money be aprropriated by transfer from'other accounts, by issue of bonds or notes or by direct appropriation. 11 Art. 8. To see if the town will vote to appropriate the sum of $1500 to continue work on the Block Plan. Art: 9. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money for the following"accounts: Forest Fires, Law Department, Soldier's Relief, Sidewalks,"Unclassified, Moving Fire Alarm A pparatus, Rental Town Rall sheds, Proportionate taxes Town Hall property, Town Rall Account. 1 Art. 10. To see if the town will vote to instruct the Selectmen to increase the candle power of the street lights on Massachusetts Avenue from Woburn Street to Clarke Street and appropriate ad- ditional money for the street lighting account, to cover the cost ' of such increase, or act in any manner relating thereto. Art. 11. for the use of town warrant, partment. To see if the the Committee to investigate town will vote to appropriate money appointed under Article 4 of the annual the fire department and water de - Art. 12. To see of the town will vote to amend its zoning law to include as an R. 1 district, for single family- dwellings, such residential area as is noir zoned undre R. 2, for two-family dwellings, bounded by the Playground and its entrance ways, Massachusetts Avenue and Waltham Street. This'will'include the redidential areas upon both kidesrof Forest Street, F%"rest-Cburt, unaccepted part of Forest Street, Parker Street, Jackson Court, ClarkerStreet, Raymond. Street, Muzzgy Street and Waltham Street. Art. 13. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select- men to install street lights in Cary Avenue. Art. 14. To see if the Town will authorize tnd direct its Board of Selectmen to execute, acknowledge and deliver in its name and behalf, a deed running in favor of John F. Hossfield of said Lex- ington, releasing to him all its right, title and interest, if any, in a certain parcel of land being lot numbered 14 in Bloc numbered 18 fronting on Reed Street in said Town, shown on plan of lots of ' Mark C. Meagher, said plan recorded in the Southern District of Middlesex County Registry of Deeds -Book 77 and dated 1892, and being the lot described in"a deed of the Town of Lexington to said John E. Hossfield dated March 3 1925 recorded with said Deeds'Book 4819 Page 506 which lot said town acquired from its collector of taxes in 1908; or set in any other manner realting thereto. n 1 1 331 Art. 15. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen. Art. 16. To provide for survey of the water and sewer areas of the Town. It was decided to request the Supt. of Public Works to get information on the cost of garbage collection for the Board at their next meeting. Meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk*