HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-05-082039 i..a REGULAR MEETING, MAY 8, 1928. C7 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Office at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Burnham, Custa.nee, Robertson, and Chamberlain were present. The Supt. of Public Vlorks and the Clerk pro -tem were also present. The records were approved. Mr. Rockwell Tenney, 526 Mass. Avenue, came before the Board in regard to buying a piece of land from Belfry Hill which the Town now owns. The piece that he wishes to buy includes a rock which is usually very unsightly as people eat their lunch on this rock, and throw papers around. lir. Tenney thought that he could plant flowers over this rock thereby making this spot look attractive, and he presented sketch of his lot. The Board decided to take the matter under consideration when a blue print is received from ;,sir. Tenney giving exact dimensions of his property and the piece that he wishes to buy. Letter was received from H. E. Dudley in which he petitioned the Board for permission to maintain saddle horses for hire in the old car barns'of the Middlesex & Bosbn St. RWy. Co. at North Lex- ington. The building would be used for stabling four horses to start with, and also as a riding hall. After discussing the matter, the Board decided to lay the matter on the table for one week. The following licenses were signed: Jenney Mfg. Co. Marrett Rd. & WalAham St. Alcohol John J. Dale 431 Mass. Ave. Common Victuallers Helen M. McAllister 409 Mass. Ave. " Frank I. Pierson 188C Mass. Ave. Sunday Sales Banks F.Trumbull Waltham St. & Concord Ave. it " Mr. Bartholomew Connors, 656 Mass. Avenue, came before the Board in regard to getting permission of the Board to keep his pigs until November 1, 1928, as hehas no brood houses in Lincoln where he is going to move all his pigs. This.he is doing,gradually, and if he is allowed to keep the pigs here until that date, he will be able to build brood houses on his premises in Lincoln to take care of all the pigs now located in Lexington. The Board did not take any action on the matter. It was voted dot to grant firs. Elizabeth Butcher a permit to keep 12 pigs on her premises on Ridge Road. The following pig permits were laid on the table for one week: Ryders Stock Farm, Inc. 40 Maple St. 1000 swine T1 n n n Concord Ave. 500 " " n r► it 117 Waltham St. 1000 " Robert Cady 2 Greenwood St. 35 ^ 1 1 ,28 John M. Miskell Concord Ave. 400 Swine Frank P. Reynolds School St. & Mass. Ave. 100 " George J. Bailey Ea�5tr.Stlleet 50 " ' Swenson Brothers Allen Street 100 " Mrs. Edward P. Merriam and Mrs. Charles C. Holt together with Mr. Frederick L. Hmery came before the Board in regard to the question of collection of garbage in their section on Merriam Hill. It was stated that Thomas Forsythe has been collecting their garbage, but he has not been around for two weeks, and they felt that something must be done as all garbage cans and. pails were filled to overflowing. Mrs. Merriam stated that 'fir. Cady said that he would come on Saturday of this week to collect her garbage, but she is not sure off him all the time as he is very busy. She also stated that she wolald be willing to pay for having her garbage collected if the town would provide a team to do the work. She was informed that it might be possible to get permission from the Town to furnish a team to collect the garbage of such householders who want their garbage collected.. Mr. Emery stated that it was the duty of the Selectmen to insert an article in the Town !.'.1arrant for a meeting in June in regard to the collection of garbage in the town. The Board decided to have an article inserted in the warrant for the June Town Meeting in regard to same, and asking for an appropria- tion. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public '.forks about the matter, and the Board voted to instruct the Supt. of Public Works to obtain cost of collection of garbage in the town of Lexington and re- port his recommendations to the Board. Hearing was declared open at 8:30 P. M. upon the application of James V. Picariello, 9 Shirlly Street to erect a two car garage on his premises at said address. No persons appeared to object, and it was voted to grant him permission to erect a garage. Letter was received. from W. E. Jones in which ,he asked permission of the Board to string three sets of lights acrossthestreet at the Episcopal Church for one day, June 9, 1928. The Board voted to grant permission to do this. Letter was received from Geoffrey L. Pippette in which he stated that he is building a house on Shade Street, and Mr..Holmes,who owns the two lo#s adjoining his propertyis contemplating erecting a shed to be used as a storehouse in connection with his wholesale cider, vinlgar, and pickle business. He stated that Mr. Holmes, business would be carried. on from the shed, and he felt that it would be detrimen- t@tl to' -.his property. After discussing the matter, the.Board decided to notify Mr. Pippette that the matter has been turned over to the Building Inspector. Letter was received from the Fairways Construction Company asking permission to erect signs in the town directing people to the Paul Revere Golf Links on Cedar Street. The Board discussed the matter, and decided to grant permission ' to this company to erect a sign at Mass. Avenue and Cedar Street, also n one at Cedar Street and Hill Street, accor(ling to the design submitted, said signs are to be painted black and gold to conform to the standard sign erected in Lexington. Permission is given subject to revocation at any time by the Board without a hearing. 270 Letter was taken from the table from the Supt. of Public Works giving list of persons desiring sidewalks installed, total es- timate being $1417.00.. The Board voted that these applications be granted. The matter of curbing in East Lexington in front of block of Ahern and Pichette was brought up, and it was voted to author- ize the Supt, of Public 7 orks to install curbing in front of this block and on Independence Avenue on a line with the building. Letter was received from Frederick L. Emery relative to the matter of Vine Brook drainage, and enclosing letter from Metcalf and Eddy stating what it is proposed to furnish the town for $1500. in regard to the Vine Brook drainage, and owing to the .fact that Mr. Ballard was not present at the meeting, it was decided to lay the matter over for one week. Mr. Albert B. Tenney came before the Board representing the committee appointed on Fire Department matters, and stating that the committee desires to make a request to the New England Insurance Exchange asking them to make an inspection of the water supply•system and fire department facilities. Mr. Tenney presented forms to be filled out for this request, and the Board voted to authorize the Chairman to sign and send in the necessary fora to the New England Exchange. Letter was received from Elmer A. Lord & Company relative to insurance on New Town Office Building and the Cary Memorial Building, and after discussing the matter, the Board decided to have this company carry the insurance on the New Town Office Building until to take over the Cary Memorial Building, and as soon as we are through with the present Town Hall Building that we cancel in- surance on same. Leases were signed in connection with the rental of the sheds in the rear of the.Town Hall which the Town desires to rent fol° the storage of the fire alarm equipment. one release being for the.Town, and the copy for Rubin & Seligman for their files. Letter was received from the Girl Scouts Council asking permission to plant a Hornbeam tree on the Buckman Tavern grounds near the fence. The Board voted to grant permission provided the work is carried on under the supertision of the Supt. of Parks. Letter was received from Edwin B. Worthen relative to water pipe in Mass. Avenue, and stating that the present water main should be replaced by a larger main before Mass. Ave. is rebuilt. Letter was also received from the Supt. of Public Works giving the sizes of water pipe in Mass. Avenue. Letter was received from Converse Hill, Secretary of the April 19th committee, stating that the work of the committee has been completed and setting forth suggestions for the coming year. The letter was acknowledged and placed on file. Letter was received from Robert P. Clapp in reply to our letter to him relative to the Lecture Fund of the Cary Aiemorial Fund. The letter was acknowledged. 1 1 1 1 1 Application i,,ias received. from Frank H. Carter, 47 Boston St., Somerville, for a First Class Motor Vehicle License to do business at 119 Mass. Avenue, It was decided to lay the matter on the table until next week. Inasmuch as Mr. C. E. Dalrymple collects garbage in the town, the Board. decided to advise him that if he complies with the regu- lations, and recommendations as made by the Board through their Inspector, the Board= will have his premises re -inspected, and if the Inpepetorls report is favorable, the Board will entertain his application for k temporary permit to keep swine. The weekly report of the Supt. of Public Works is as follows: Highways. Sealing of Concord Avenue has been completed except on two hills which need to be scarified, graded, surfaced, and rolled which will be done later in the season. Pleasant Street was dressed, surfaced, sealed and rolled. Work completed between Concord Avenuerand Watertown Street. Work of grading and sealing Watertown Street has been started.. The holes on a number of streets have been patched. Water Construction 200 ft. of water pipe laid in Shade Street this week. ~"Vater Maintenance. Five new services installed and one old service renewed. Sewer Maintenance. Five sewer connections have been made and completed and one is underway. Sewer Construction. About 200 ft, of sewer in Lincoln Street finished this past week. This work has been sbowed up considerably on account of ledge in the bottom of the trench. Brooks. Work has been carried on cleaning out Vine Brook during the past week. Shade Tree One tree removed from the Lexington Green. Two have been transplanted. One tree has been transplanted on Mass. Avenue near the Green. Trees on Audubon Road, Lexington Green, and Winthrop Road have been trimmed. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 P. M. A true record, Attest: Very truly yours, 1,111. S. Scamman SuptJ.vr of Public Works.