HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-01-24192 ..� C? REGULAR MEETING, JANUARY 24, 1928. � R A regular meeting -of the Board.of.-Selectmen was held at the ' Selectmen's Office at .7.Ao P.M. Messrs. Custance, Ballard, Burnham, Robertson, and Chamberlain were present.__ The Clerk and the Supt, Of Public Works were also present. Mr. Willard C. Hill came before the Board to explain further about the arrangements for the presentation exercises on board the U. S. Lexl4bon, and to extend to the Board the invitation of Captain Marshall to have tea with him immediately after the pre- sentation exercises on January 28, 1928. Invitation was received by.the Board of Selectmen to act as hosts at the reception to -the -,Officers of the. Airplane Carrier exington from the. General_.Committee.. The invitation was acknow- ledged with 'thanks. _.James P.:.Munroe. came_ before- the_ Board and presented plans of Tavern Road .which.. is_.a..part. of the. Munrod Estate running from Percy Road to Eliot -Road in the rear of the Munroe Tavern.. Mr.. Munroe was informed that- _the plan would be presented itcrthe Plan- ning Board at an early date. Mr. Isadore J. Michelson came before the Board to endeavor to persuade the Board to grant him a permit to erect a sign in frit of his shoe store over the sidewalk. The.Board informed himiat they would take the matter 'under advisement, and they instructed ' the Clerk to find out how -many permits of this kind had been granted for which bonds are filed. Letter was received from Edward L. Fenn asking for the esti- mate of the cost of extending -water to Wood Street and up Wood St, to the home of Sailie.A. Serer. ` Estimatewas presented by. th#.Supt. •of_ Public Works ftasm- mending that a ten ineh._main be..laid from the Standpipe through private lands to Mass. Avenue, and in Mass..Avenue to Wood Street a distance of 3890 feet, and that an eight inch main be laid in Wood Street to_the_Syer property a distance of 4485 feet. The esti- mated cost oflaying a ten inch main fromtheStandpipe to Wood Street is $17 500. and the eight inch main in Wood Street $16,�$$,"�g , making a tots _of 33683.75. If the petitioners were called upon - to pay 6% of the cost of the_.6" main from the present dead end on Mass..Avenue to the Syer property,, the cost would be approximately $22,000. for 6,628 feet .of_ 6 main. The Supt, of Public Works was requested to send a letter t9 . Mr. Fenn advising him of the estimate. ` Application was received.frmm Calvin W. Childs of 6 Chandler Street for a sewer tobe placed in Upland Road and to run to his property_o44 ChaU ar Street. Mr_. Robertson was requested to find ou residents of Upland Road desire to have this street. The Supt, of the. Sewer Dept, estimated the -sewer in Glen Road.from Meriam Street to of 255 feet and in Upland Road from Glen Roa at $3.,750, t whether ell of the ' sewer placed in that the cost of extending Upland Road a distance d a distance of 245 feet 1 The Supt, of the Sewer Dept, presented an estimated cost of sewer extension in Robbins & Smith property in thefollowing streets: Tower- Street. fr_om... ] Qo.o st .Avenua - to..Independence. Avenue; Independence Avenue from Tower_Street_.t.o,.Locust_.Avon-me; Locust Avenue from Independence Avenue. to Robbins Road; Robbins Road 300 feet; Smith Avenue from Indppendence Avenue 280 feet, making a total of 2260 feet at $13,560. No dbcision was made..as.to whether the Board would recommend extension of these sewers. Letter was received fram► Representative George E. Briggs in- forming of a conference to beheld at the State House, on January 25, 1928 at 2.30 P.M, for the purpose of dim mssing the proposed sewerage system to be constructed to the Hospitalfor Mental Diseases which Is to be located partly in Waltham, Belmont and Lexon. The Chairman and Mr, Robertson decided to attend, together with the Town Engineer,and the Supt. of the Sewer Department. .Mr. Ballard felt that the Board should perhaps consider obtaining the services of Metcalf and Eddy or some other engineering concern in connection with the proposed sewerage system, Thomas Kelley of Bedford &treet came before the Board and in- formed them that neither he nor Mr. Brady, the owner of the property on Bedford and North Hancock Streets from whom land was taken in the layout of the County Commissioners f or.the widening of North Hancock Street, were willing to sign a.release for the amount of damages offered to be paid._for._the_ land.' Letter.was.received from.Mrs. R. B. Sherburne in which she complained -of the arrangement of having a fireman stationed at Clarke Street,.inasmuch_.as when the fire alarm rang in there was no protection.for the_ children and the men had to go to the fire station. Mrs. Sherburne was informed that the Board intedd6a tusking for an appropriation covering the cost of two additional police officers for 1928, and if that appropriation is made, sufficient protection will be afforded the children. Notice of a hearing on a bill to establish betterments on water extensions was received by.Mr. Robertson, hearing on same to be held at the State House, on Wednesday,.January 25, 1928 at 10.30 A. N. The Board discussed the merits of such a bill and decided that it was a good thing because it eliminated the guaranty, which is a source of income hard to collect., inasmuch as it is not a loin upon the property. On the other hand it was deemed that it would 'be a hardship on the owner of a large tract of land bordering on a street if the land was not intended for residential purposes. If this ;phase of the situation could be adjusted, it was deemed that the act may effective, Figures were received from the Town engineer on the cost of construction of...Prospect.Hill_Road, estimate being $5500. It was decided to send to each-abuttor the definite amount of estimate necessary to be paid_-bythem to -have this street accepted by the Town. Estimated -cost was.also received from the Supt. of Public works for the building of Simonds Road, The Clerk.was requested to notify the abutting owners as to their share.of_the_cost of construction. 194 License was signed for F. H. Robinaan-& Sen,for Pasteuri- zation of Milk, the Milk Inspector having informed the Board that a permit should be granted. _Owing.to the fact that -the weather is so open it was de- cided to construct a.6" water main in Wachusett Drive a distance of approximately 150 feet. -H The Board also authorized the extension of a 6 water main in Franklin Avenue a distance of 575 feet. This extension, however, is not to be made until next spring, The Supt, of Public Works was requested to check up to find out if an the _sewer connections have been made on Mass, Avenue between Middle and Oak Street inasmuch as it is intended that the Avenue will be rebuilt in 1928. He was also requested to have all the water mains and connections checked up to see if the services were in proper shape for resurfacing. The_Supt. of.Public Works was requested to find out from the Boston & Maine. H. just what they would be willing to do if the Town should widen the approach.at.Bow.Street at the railroad tracks, and the cost of changing ovef the tracks. The meeting adjo-urned at 12 P.M. and it was deeMed to meet on Friday evening to go over the estimates for the 1928 appro- priation. A true.record Attests Cler 1 u