October 28, 1981
The Muzzey Junior High School Conversion Committee held a public hearing
on October 28, 1981 at 8 00 P M. in Estabrook Hall Chairman Alfred S Busa,
George Harris, Nason Whitney, Donald R. Giller, Mary E Shunney, Otis S Brown,
Jr , William T Spencer and Leo P McCabe were present
Mr Busa opened the hearing and read the charge to the Committee in its
entirety He explained that the purpose of the hearing was to give the people
in the neighborhood a chance to air their views and to present suggestions to
the Committee, is so desired
Mr & Mrs William J Bickford, 1505 Massachusetts Avenue, Russell Square
Unit 16, requested consideration be given to a Lexington congregate community
for senior citizens They also suggested that space should be available for
the Council on Aging with a key service to be included such as a health care
center for minor medical problems and emergency care It was proposed that
this be funded by the private sector
Mr Brown asked if the tax base on this type of housing would be a normal
tax base or somewhat subsidized by the community
Mr Bickford replied that he felt that it was basically a business tax
Mr Geller asked if congregate housing developments are often related to
what we consider nursing homes and if ownership is implied
Mr Bickford stated that he didn't think that Muzzey Junior High School
was large enough to be considered the nursing home type What they had in
mind was more of a small living quarters type with a central dining room and
recreation etc areas
Mrs Shunney questioned the Bickfords as to the need in Lexington for
this type of housing and whether it was affordable to purchase
Mrs Bickford replied that the City of Cambridge has sent out a question-
naire to its citizens over 60 and it was determined that there was a need there
Mr Busa explained to Mrs Jerri Frick, of Precinct 4 upon her question-
ing that the Council on Aging and the Housing Authority had submitted pro-
posals which would include low and moderate income housing and part for the
elderly including congregate meals and an elderly center
David Williams stated that he felt that it was premature for the neigh-
bors to reach any conclusions until they had been presented with a proposal
from the Committee. He asked the Committee if they, knowing the size of the
building is large in comparison to the 4 9 acre site, would be adverse to
recommending to the developer that they take off a portion of the building
Muzzey Junior High School October 28, 1981
Public Hearing
Mr Rooney of the Lexington Housing Authority and Council on Aging pointed
out that funds are available under Section 8 that cannot be used because the
rental properties, Morrow Crossing and Potter Pond, do not meet the guidelines
set up by HUD He stated that the Town should make a decision quickly so that
available funds would not be forfeited and could be used for new construction
or rehabilitation
He explained that as Chairman of the Council on Aging in 1978, he was
part of a committee appointed by the Selectmen, that made a survey of 16 com-
munities looking at senior sites He stated that, to his knowledge, the re-
1 port of that committee had never been received or accepted by the Town He
presented copies to the Committee
Mr Brown informed the Committee that he had taken a pool among the
residents of Russell Square asking for suggestions and comments relative to
the future use of Muzzey The pool indicated that there were three areas
of a great deal of interest, selling for condominiums, apartments or leasing
the property for office type use All returns indicated that some facilities
should be made available for senior citizens for a drop-in-center, Council
on Aging, if possible, on the first floor All responses indicated that the
residents of Russell Square were interested in acquiring a narrow strip of
land to create a buffer between Muzzey and Russell Square, or when the Town
does make its decision that a covenant be in the agreement that whoever uses
it require that a buffer strip beween Muzzey and Russell Square to screen
the residents from whatever goes in there
Mrs Judy Uhrig, member of the Recreation Committee, requested that con-
sideration be given to the Committee for use of the gym, auditorium and the
cafeteria for recreation purposes
Mr Robert Pressman, 22 Locust Avenue, referred the Committee to the
Fair Housing Resolution passed, by Town Meeting in 1979 and requested that
consideration be given to family housing
Mr William Spencer explained that the problem the Housing Authority has
been having with funding agencies is that they require the Housing Authority
to own or at least control the property before they will consider funding;
Town Meeting insists on seeing:what they are going to get before they will
allow the transfer of property He stated that he would be speaking in favor
of a conditional transfer to the Housing Authority for a time certain, so
that the Housing Authority can control the property and seek funding
Muzzey Junior High School October 28, 1981
Public Hearing
Mr Harris referred the Committee and audience to the Elderly Needs
{ Assessment report of 1980 and stated that copies would be available for
anyone who wishes to have one
The Chairmgn closed the hearing at 8 00 P M.
Respectfully submitted,
deallz-e-c-/Z5770 ,
{ Beatrice M Casey
{ Acting Secretary J