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Minutes of the Meeting of August 31, 1982 {�
Present Al Busa, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen
Howard Reynolds, Human Services Committee
Joe Rooney, Lexington Housing Authority
Jacquelyn Smith, Planning Board
Margaret Rawles , Town Meeting Members Association
Lillian MacArthur, Housing Authority
Molly Nye, Arts/Lexington
Gail Colwell , Housing sub-committee of Planning Board
Susan Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager
Bea Phear, Human Services Coordinator
Bob Hutchinson, Town Manager
Mr Busa told the group they had been convened to come up with guidelines.
on how to procede with the Muzzey School They should recommend
criteria for the Selectmen, with guidelines on what the bidders must
adhere to, and draft an advertizement for late September The Selectmen
will discuss this on September 13 Mr Busa said that he felt that most
of the ideas that had been received from the committees could be fit in,
with the exception of Arts/Lexington, since it is commercial
Mr Rooney spoke of the Town' s role in addressing housing problems, since
there are federal and state funding constraints Also, if the town provides
the housing, we don' t have to follow all the guidelines, such as not giving
priority to former Lexington residents He added that it does take time
to develop housing
Mrs Smith pointed out that the Planning Board would waive the 20% low
income requirement if the use were "affordable" housing ($71 , 000) Although
this type of housing might realize less on the sale of the building, they
would be tax generating units , whereas subsidized does not produce taxes
Mrs Rawles agreed that the Planning Board report on kinds of housing
was appropriate to tell developers Mr Reynolds said that the Human
Services committee had felt that market rate could balance non-market,
since there are some market rate uses , such as elderly congregate, that
are now needed but unmet in Lexington
Mrs Rawles said that at Carleton Village you pay $75 , 000 down plus $700
per month, and there is a waiting list Mrs MacArthur said that the
congregate proposal for Adams was approximately $900 per month per unit,
with some supportive services
There was strong agreement to Mr Busa ' s comment that we didn' t want to
structure the transfer to allow for windfalls to the initial purchaser,
as at Hancock Mrs Colwell thought that could be avoided, and she
mentioned a town-based non-profit organization, limited equity condos ,
cooperative associations , and a variety of mechanisms for rental housing
funded under MHPA, which would include 25% subsidized She is working
with the advisory group to the Planning Board to get some models and an
idea of construction costs and financing schemes
Mrs Smith said, in regards to types of housing, that the Planning Board
felt there was not enough outdoor area for families , which is why they
limited parking to 1 5 spaces per unit and 1 space per unit for elderly
or congregate
Mr Hutchinson thought maybe we can ' t do family, with state and federal
money as it is , but the ranges that were referenced are the incomes of
town employees ,
Mrs Nye said that Arts/Lexington was not commercial It is tax
deductable, and artists would pay rent of about $3 per foot, which would
cover expenses She said it would be a cultural benefit to the town
There are other models , such as Wayland, and people in the area (such
as one from Newton that she had spoken to today) have already expressed
Mr Busa felt that the twon should not subsidize artists from Newton Mrs
Rawles pointed out that Town Meeting had said non-residential space would
be for the benefit of Lexington residents Mrs Smith felt that the
arts idea might not fit in Muzzey, but she thinks it is an idea that has
merit , and they should keep looking for space
Senior Center
There was much discussion on mixing senior center use with housing Mrs
Rawles thought it would make it harder for a developer and would reduce
his price , even beyond the cost of the center itself
Mrs Smith said the Human Services proposal was appealing, and would
suit a senior center while not precluding starter units for young people
Her concern is with developers being required to submit two sets of plans
This should be decided prior to Town Meeting , which would be helpful in
bringing in the kind of developers we need
Mrs Rawles felt it wasn ' t too hard to require alternatives , as the
senior center plans were already done The developers would only have to
come up with an alternative for that 8 , 000 square feet
Mr Busa felt the center shoudl be required as an option in proposals , and
if not provided in Muzzey it should be elsewhere He said he fully
supports a center , but his gut feeling is that it won ' t mix with housing
The. CoA won ' t suffer over the long term as other spaces will be available
later, such as the Barnes property, even if it cost $600 , 000
Mr. Rooney , Mrs Rawles , and Mrs Smith all agreed that if it weren ' t in
the Muzzey plan, there would have to be an alternate plan with a concrete
deadline for a senior center
Mr Busa said that everyone thinks a senior center is needed, and this is
a commitment that the Town has made
It was suggested to poll the Town Meeting members on the question of mixing
a senior center with housing , which Mrs Rawles will do at their Sept 9
executive meeting They can then go and schedule precinct meetings
Mrs Smith thought it was important to actively involve the CoA in any
presentations that were made
The Manager ' s Office will start drafting some options
Site Considerations
Mr Busa said there had been one developer who wanted to raze the building,
and the charge gave them the opportunity Was there a problem with this?
Mrs Rawles felt it should be up to the developer, but Mrs Smith said
that if she were the developer, she would want to know if it could fly,
Mr Busa said precinct 4 was in favor of razing, and Mrs Nye said
that one person on the Historic Districts CoMmission felt it was okay to
raze it It was felt that this question, too , should be asked of the
Town Meeting members
Mrs Rawles asked if the Selectmen were going to decided ahead of time
regarding sale or lease Mr Busa said it would be part of the
discussion , but it was hard to put money into a lease situation
There was general consensus that alternative housing would be the major
goal for use of the building
Mrs Rawles will bring the questions to Town Meeting members regarding
Tazing the building and the senior center The Town Manager' s Office
will start drafting same options for a charge, and will distribute
these to the ad hoc committee for comments before the Selectmen' s
meeting of September 13
Respectfully submitted,
Beatrice Phear