September 7, 1976 Room G-15, Lexington Town Office Building
MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman R Langdon Wales , Lincoln Representative
Arthur Barnes , Norumbega Association
Representative Genevra R Counihan, 40th Middlesex District
Frederick L Hafer, Bedford Representative
Maurice J Nolan, Raytheon, A I .M
Evan Y Semerjian, Citizen' s Aviation Policy Association
Jacquie Smith , League of Women Voters
David E Stephens , Concord Representative
ABSENT Representative Carol C Amick, 37th Middlesex District
Senator Chester G Atkins , Middlesex and Worcester Districts
Senator John W Bullock, 4th Middlesex District
Thomas P Callaghan, Massport Director of Community Affairs
Michael W Christian, Massport Authority Board
Representative Lincoln P Cole, Jr , 35th Middlesex District
Representative Edward M Dickson, 38th Middlesex District
Mike Goulian, Mass Aviation Trades Association
Allan F Kenney, Lexington Representative
Senator Ronald C MacKenzie, 5th Middlesex District
Major Donald G Rhoads , USAF Electronic Systems Division
Representative Robert A Vigneau , 34th Middlesex District
MASSPORT Albert V Brett, Jr , Chief, Research and Analysis
Tim Campbell , Staff assistant
Frank Hidinger, Hanscom Airport Manager -
STAFF Rita K Gilbert
OTHERS PRESENT Manfred P Friedman, CAPA, Lexington Planning Board
Mora C Rawlings , Concord
Vincent A Scarano, FAA
David Emerson , Mass Aviation Education Council
Peter P Gallinaro, Burlington Representative
Bard Crawford, Merriam Hill Association
CORRECTION Chairman R Langdon Wales opened the meeting at 7 45 p m
OF MINUTES Formal approval of minutes would not be sought at each meeting
but any corrections required should be offered by members at
any meeting Arthur Barnes questioned the exact meaning of
Richard Mooney's statement in the minutes of the August 10
meeting , to the effect that "Hanscom was pretty close to its
physical limit now for based aircraft" Albert Bratt said he
thought it was hangar space that was being referred to, and
agreed to get clarification
CURRENT TASK Wales said that the Task Force was dealing simultaneously with
FORCE THEMES a number of themes enumerating some current ones as 1) the
progress of the Master Plan , 2) the steps toward an economic
evaluation of the impact of Hanscom Field on the surrounding
area, 3) joint military/civil use of Fort Devens airport,
4) the approach to publicity and communication with the public
and 5) the Noise legislation
NOISE BILL Fred Hafer, chairman of the Airport Noise Study Subcommittee,
distributed copies of 2 items he had received from Lucie
Searle a bill authorizing the adoption of airport noise
standards and noise abatement plans to be filed , and House
5260, a Resolve submitted by Governor Dukakis on 8/11/76 This
resolve would create a special commission to study the problems
of noise and land use at and near airports in the Commonwealth
other than Logan and then make recommendations to the legisla-
I ture It has been referred to the Joint Committee on Trans-
portation , and a hearing will be held on Tuesday, September 21
at 11 a.m in Room 443 of the State House The commission
would consist of 3 members of the Senate appointed by the Senate
President, 5 members of the House of Representatives appointed
by the Speaker of the House, and 5 persons appointed by the
Governor, 1 of whom shall be an airport manager, 1 of whom
shall be a resident of a community adjacent to an airport , 1 of
whom shall be an official of a city or town in which an airport
is located, the secretary of transportation and construction,
who shall serve as chairman, and the secretary of environmental
affairs The commission is to review the work of the Massa-
chusetts Airport Noise Study Advisory Group (MANSAG) Evan
Semerjian felt that the commission was being given very little
time in which to study a very complex problem and although in
support of such a commission, expressed concern about both the
complexity and just what their specific task would be, other
than to collect material He felt that the commission should have
the benefit of the Task Force 's knowledge which should be com-
municated to the commission when it is formed Wales agreed,
and asked that the Noise subcommittee summarize the experience,
information and positions developed by the Task Force on noise
control at Hanscom Jacquie Smith pointed out that it can' t be
assumed the bill will go through , a great amount of study is
needed to be done by the commission and urged that the Task Force
lend its support It was agreed that the Task Force goes along
with the concept of some noise control being needed at airports ,
and also with the idea of such a commission Wales asked about
the time schedule, and Smith said the bill will be filed on
Wednesday , September 8 and that hearings would start in February
and run through April Semerjian MOVED that the Task Force
support by its own resolution House Resolution #5260 with the
proviso that the final report date be extended to a more reason-
able time The resolution was unanimously adopted
FORT DEVENS Barnes spoke about his proposed plan for joint military/civil
AIRPORT use of the Ft Devens airport With a map he showed that there
is almost no room for expansion of the present airport, and also
very easy access to it from route 2A The facilities include 1
long runway, 1 short runway , parking facilities and hangar space
Barnes sees its potential as part of an airport system, serving
regional , not town needs , relieving pressure as it may develop at
Hanscom, and indirectly siphoning off excess activity from Beverly
and Norwood if the need develops Another point that he feels
makes Devens a logical place to look for future expansion is its
excess runway time together with a small amount of base facility
It was brought out that based aircraft are revenue producers ,
while touch and go's are not Frank Hidinger pointed out that
pilots can be refused runway use for touch and go's during peak
periods at Hanscom, but can' t be forced to then go to any partic-
ular place Members differed on whether availability of such a
releiver would create attractive conditions at Hanscom Field for
increased traffic of larger aircraft
Barnes has scheduled a "Citizen 's Advisory Committee on Aviation"
to take place on Thursday morning, September 9 in the FAA offices
in Burlington , where he hopes to further explore Devens ' place in
the airway system around Boston He pointed out that Devens is
a very little used good facility which, as airway traffic in-
creases , could help to prevent expansion of existing facilities
or new construction Vince Scarano said that if Devens became
a regional airport, the FAA would probably staff the existing
tower there if the level of activity warranted; it is now staffed
by the Army Semerjian felt that action now was premature if not
unnecessary, and asked why take action now, why not wait until
actual pressure exists He was further concerned about how these
plans for Devens would affect the local towns - would they benefit
in any way? Dave Stephens sees potential pressure as a long way
off, with the military not yet decided about its future at Devens
Wales saw the Task Force mission as being concerned primarily
with Hanscom , and what is desirable for it; that at present events
at Devens would have no bearing on Hanscom, so that whatever
action the Task Force took now would merely be setting in motion
steps for the ultimate civil use of the airport and recommended
Task Force support
Hafer saw the importance of Devens as a resource in being that he
would hate to see lost, and also sees its potential for joint
use, but is concerned about the revenue-generating demand
Stephens sees the proposal as diversionary and feels the Task
Force should be addressing itself to Hanscom Maurice Nolan
agrees that a regional airport is the right answer and wishes
Barnes success in his endeavors in that direction , but feels it
unwarranted to spend time now on the issue The chief concerns
of the Task Force were the possibility of creating a vacuum at
Hanscom, and the risk of the Devens facility being lost
REGISTRATION/ Al Brett distributed a chart for the period 1955 through 1975
OPERATIONS showing the three-way plotting of 1) Total' registrations of
CHART general aviation aircraft in the U S , 2) Total general aviation
operations at Hanscom Field, and 3) Military operations General
aviation operations at Hanscom rose faster than registrations in
the U S as a whole This information fulfills a Massport com-
mitment made at an earlier meeting (in Estabrook Hall)
MASTER PLAN A letter from Dr Carl Robart of Speas Associates containing a
SCHEDULE schedule for completing the Master Plan study was distributed
The consultants predict delivery of a draft final report on
October 1 They will respond to Massport and Task Force comments
two weeks after receipt and deliver printed copies two weeks
after that
AGENDA FOR Wales said he anticipated the next meeting would be concerned with
NEXT TASK three areas of discussion, 1) Task Force review of the draft
FORCE MEETING final report, 2) how the Task Force and Massport deal with the
public in the review of the draft report, and 3) the exploration
of the business and economic impact of Hanscom on the region
ECONOMIC DATA While members were generally agreed on the need for having good
economic data before making policy recommendations on Hanscom
Field's future, some members were strongly opposed to any approach
based on the collection of subjective judgments of the effects on
any particular business The proposal to invite to the next
meeting a consultant who could discuss realistically the tech-
nique and resources available for economic evaluation of Hanscom
Field was acceptable provided he is supplied with existing back-
ground material on Hanscom Field The Chairman is to attempt to
secure such a speaker for the next meeting
RELEASE ON The draft release on the Master Plan alternatives was generally
ALTERNATIVES acceptable but it was felt important to make clear that the
restrictions are being looked at as alternatives for study pur-
poses and not as positive courses of action A new written draft
will be mailed to all members , and they will then send their
comments and/or suggestions to Task Force staff so that the
release will not be delayed until the next meeting It will then
be sent to the newspapers and a wide mailing list so as to elicit
public interest It will include reference to the final report
and the public hearing on it this fall Bratt said he sees the
October 1 deadline from Speas as a date for an internal working
paper for Massport and the Task Force to hash through
The next meeting will be 9/28, and Wales asked the members to
reserve 10/12 for the meeting after that The meeting was
adjourned at 10 10 p.m
Enclosures Chart 8/20/76 of Registrations/Operations 1955-1975
Resolve House #5260 (TF only)
Act 8/4/76 Airport Noise Standards and Noise Abatement Plans (TF only)
Note Staff has available for loan a report "New England Aviation System
Ten-Year Plan Fiscal 1976-1986" July 1976 from the FAA
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