HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-09-13129 s REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1927. �y A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Office at 8.00 P.M. Messrs. Oustance, Burnham, Robertson, ' and Chamberlain were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. The records were approved. The Edison Electric 111. Co. was granted permission to set and remove one pole on North Hancock Street. The State Aid pay roll for the month of September was signed. The application of Mrs. Elizabeth M. Burton of Francis Street for permission to board two infants was approved by the Board. The Board discussed the settlement of damages relative to the relocation of mass. Avenue at Pleasant Street and decided to award Mrs. Davin the sum of $5.00, Della V. Curran $582.003, and Ellen R. DeGrinney $15.00, and to notify the County Commissioners of this decision. The Board discussed the proposal presented by Everett N. Montague for work on the block plan in the town, and after some discussion as to the size of the plans, it was decided to have the Chairman consult . with Mr. Montague and make arrangements for him to complete the work on the area outlined in red on'the map presented with his specifications. It was decided to insert, however, in the specifications that Mr. Monta- gue was to provide the necessary equipment for field work. It was sug- gested that Mr. Montague make a model plan as soon as he could do so, so that the Board could get an idea of what they were to expect, and to give them a chance to make any suggestions.which they feel should be done. The Chairman was to talk vwith Mr. Montague and make arrangements for him to do the work and a signed agreement was to be made between` the Town and Mr. Montague. Mr. William Bryanton of Lowell Street came before the Board heading a delegation from that territory and presented the Board with a peti- tion asking for bus service. The Board acknowledged receipt oft he petition and informed the parties that they would take the matter up with the Middlesex & Boston St. Rwy. Co., and requested the Middlesex & Boston St. Rwy. Co. to report their investigation as to whether bus service can be given in that territory or not. The Board signed the commitment for betterments for the cost of construction of Highland Avenue to the amount of $2601.30. Letter was received from the Chief of Police in regard to the traffic situation and informing the Board that if the schools are properly taken care of as far as the traffic situation is concerned, there should be two additional police officers added to the permanent force. ' Letter was also received from Edward W. Taylor, North Hancock Street, in which he complained that the Parker School in North Lex- ington was not taken care of properly at the time the children are going to and from school and that he felt that additional police protection was needed. 123 The Chairman read a letter which he had written in reply to Mr. Taylor's letter informing him that he had taken up the matter of school traffic with jar. Grindle, and ter. Grindle agreed to have the janitors at the Parker and Munroe Schools take care of the situation. He_ also informed Mr. Taylor of the letter from the Chief of Police advising th appointment of two additional officers. No action was to en relative to the appointment of the police officers. Notice of a hear ng to be held at the Court House, East Cambridge on September 22, 1927 at 10 A. M. at which time the subject of public roads will be discuss d, was received from the Dept. of Public Works. Application was eceived from John C. Phelps for permission to put an addition on thz. Minute Man Garage on Bedford Street. The Board referred him to the Building Inspector inasmuch as they felt that no additional li ense was required for this addition except a permit from the Bui ding inspector. Application was teceived from Sheldon A. Robinson for a culvert to be placed near his property at 19 Meriam Stbeet. This matter was left to the Supt. of public Works and the Chairman to see to, Figures were rec ived from the Engineers office which showed what might be done in negotiations between Mr. henry Morgan and Robbins & Smith. Th Chairman of the Board was to endeavor to bring about negotiations be ween these parties so that the Robbins & Smith lay out may be comple ed. ' Figures were pre c the `ost of construct of construction of th retaining wall will h Union property, and t of the entire street that the older part o construction of that as a separate project Pichette and Ahern an division of the cost. ented by the Engineering Department showing on of Fletcher Avenue, and dividing the cost street in two sections. It appears that a ve to be constructed alongside of the Jefferson Is will bring the total cost of construction uite high. However, the suggestion was made the street might be done at the cost bf ortion and the farther end could be constructed The Clerk was instructed to get in touch with inform them of the figures and the possible The Board discus ed the claim of John J. Brady of Bedford Street, and it was voted to a cept the reco#mendation of the Chairman that Mr. Brady be awarded amages in, the amount of $500. for the trees and $156 for the land taken. Letter was received from the Planning Board in regard to the petition of miss Clar 'Hadleigh of 601 Mass. Avenue in which they stated that they were of the opinion that to grant permission to change this one family dwelling into a two family dwelling might be detrimental to the character of the development of the large tract of land in the vicinity now undeveloped. The Board decided not to take any action on the matter until such time as Mr. ball4Lrd.was present to express his views. The Board signed the following commitments; Sewer Department $476.47, and Water Department $1167.21, 124 . o Letter was received from the Supt. of Public Works in regard to removal of the tree in front of the Boutelle Block. The Chairman reported that he would have a consultation with Mr. Ularence A. ' Warren, owner of the building, to see if he could enter into gego- tiatiorB with him in regard to the sidewalk construction and removal of the tree. The Board discussed the votes prepared for the Town Meeting September 22, 1927. The meeting adjourned at 11:05 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. 1