HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-07-05REGULAR MEETING, JULY 5, 1927 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Office at 8 P. M. Messrs. Custance, Burnham, Ballard, and Chamberlain were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. The records were approved except for the record in regard to the widening of Mass. Avenue and instructions to the engineer to secure figures on the cost of this widening. The plans of the proposed widening were presented and the Board discussed the possibility of widening along the Buckman Tavern property and taking down some of the trees. The width of the sidewalk was also considered as was the removal of the triangle at the junction of Mass. Avenue and Woburn Street snd placing the same on the end of the Russell House proerty. It.was found that the sidewalk in frcmt of the Town all was 9 ft..2'iu. and 8 ft. 9 in. in front of the Hunt block. The suggestion was made that a 12 ft. sidewalk each side of the street could come within. the limits of a 90 ft, taking for highway purposes. This would be ample parking space and space for travel. It was finally decided that the town engineer would draw up some plans embodying these suggestions to see what arrangement could be best worked out. Location order was granted to the Edison Electric Ill. Co., ' to maintain three poles on Forest Street, At 8 P. 74. hearing was declared open upon the petition of the N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. for permission to erect and maintain twelve poles on Wood Street. The Board.decided to grant per- mission. Hearing was also declared open upon the petition of the N,. E,11,Tel. & Tel. Co. for joint pale locations of three poles on Grove Street. The Board decided to grant permission. Public Carriage license was granted to John W. Leary, 23 Waltham Street. Permission was granted to Carl Hauck to keep five goats on his premises at harbell Street. j'he Board signed the petition directed to the Middlesex County Commissioners for the relocation of Mass. Avenue. This is in anticipation of the work to be done in 1928. The Chairman reported that he felt quite satisfied from his interview with the Mate Dept. of Public Works that he would secure $4500.00 toward the construction of Bedford Street from Meriam Street to Elm Avenue, and if the State assumeA this amount ' of the expense, that the County would do likewise. He also stated that he was going to endeavor to get the County to cooperate on rebuilding Mass. Avenue from Meriam Street to Waltham Street. Mr. Custance informed the Board that he had been to Framing- ham where Mt. Kitson, the well known sculptor, is now living and saw the model that Mr. Kitson made as a memorial to veterans of all wars. This model it was contemplated would be placed on Depot Park but nothing definite was done in regard to the matter at this time. The Chairman reported that he had endeavored to get in touch with Mr. Stone, who was instrumental in straightening out the affairs of this fund, but as yet was unable to obtain any definite informa- tion. In regard to the claim of Mary A. 1''itch, it was decided to write to her attorney, Daniel Linscott; to secure a statement from him as to just what damages she feels she is entitled to. Letter was received from Frank W. Dodge of 125 Bedford Street in which he stated that he was not willing to accept the award of $5.00 for his land taken on Bedford Street. Ao action was taken on the matter. Letter was received from the Middlesex & Boston St. Rwy. Co in which they stated that they would agree to the Lovell Bus Line, Inc., making stops on the State Road to take on and deliver pass- engers between Mass. Ave. and the Lincoln line. They, however, were to take off their service from the Five Forks as soon as the Lovell Bus Line, Inc. receive their permit. The Board decided to notify the Lovell Bus Line, Inc. that they would grant them a permit to make stops on the tate Road. Letter was received from John C. Taylor of 7 Sunnyknoal Avenue asking that a street light be placed on the street. It having been found that the Town had voted to install street lights in Sunny knoll Avenue and the Supt. of Public °"orks had installed one street light believing that to be all that was necessary, discussion arose as to the advisability of installing street lights wherever requested. It had been intimated that the Board of Assessors increased the valuation of property in all cases when street lights were put in a street. It was decided to request the Assessors to inform the Board as to their policy of increasing values and to inform them if the values have been increased in all cases. Supt. of Public Works reported that the Water Department roadster had been ruined in an accident this morning at the corner of Cottage and Woburn Streets and that he could only secure $55.00 for the car in its condition and that all he could secure for use at the present was a 1926 touring car. It was left with the Chairman and the Supt. to decide what they would do for a car for the Water Dept. Mr. Rallard'suggested that trees on Waltham Streetfrom the Everett Locke property to Mass. Avenue be posted and removed at the same time the trees are removed on Mass.- Avenue on the Ruekman Tavern property. Mr. Ballard called the attention of the Supt. of Public Works to the -fact that the sidewalk along the playground on Lincoln Street near hastings park need some filling, and also to the condition of the street coming from the Cambridge Reservoir toward the Kelsey ' farm. The Supt, of Public Works informed the Board that the Edison Electric Ill. Co. had eliminated all 60 c. p. lights and were now to give 80 c. p. light for the same amount of money that the 60 c.p. originally cost. They did not give any notification of their intention to make this change and the Board therefor decided to write to the company expressing the opinion that they felt they should have been notified before this change was made, inasmuch as they might desire to have the 60 c. p. lights instead of the 80 O' P . Meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. n