HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-06-21M REGULAR MEETING, June 21, 1927. ' A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectments Office at 7:30 P.M. Messrs.'Custance, Burnham Robertson and Chamberlain were present. The Supt. of Public Forks and the Clerk were also present. The records were approved. Hearing was declared open at S P.M. upon the application of the Edison Electric Ill. Go. to erect and maintain four poles on Oakmount Circle, easterly from Meriam Street. It was voted to grant the petition. Permission was also granted to the Edison Electric Ill:, -Go. for joint location of poles already existing on Fern Stbeet. The Board signed the deed cnnveying the Rindge property to -the Church of Our Redeemer. The Board signed a Sunday Sales license for Mrs. Ida H. B. Capper, and Public Carriage licenses for Arthur A. Marshall & Son, James F. McCarthy, and James T. McGann. It having been the custom of the Sewer Department to install pipe of sewer aimneetions into the cellar of the house, it was ' decided to autbmvize the Supt, of $he Water and Sewer Department to discontinue this practice and to lay the pipe to within ten feet of the building in accordance with the plumbing law. He is also to place a stop on the end of the pipe, put a stake in the ground at the end of the pipe, and notify the owner of the property that they will be responsible for connection to the pipe. Letter was received from Mr. W. D. Regan in regard to settle- ment of damages on property of John J. Brady on Bedford Street. Mr. Custance explained that hettalked with Mr. Brady, and he agreed to talk with his attorney and make an offer of settlement. the offer made in the letter was $1500. although he stated he might settle for $1200. The matter was discussed and laid on the table. Letter was received from Harriet W. Smith of Bedford Street stating that she felt that although she had already'signed for payment of damages at the rate of five cents a foot, she felt that it was not just to pay ten cents a foot to other properties on Bedford Street, and not pay the same rate to'`her. The Board laid the matter on the table for further consideration. Notice was received from the Department of Public Works relative to two applications for signs to be located by the Lexington Lumber Company, one on land of William P. Martin, and ' the other on land near the East Lexington Inn. The Board decided to refer this matter to the Planning Board and ask them for their advice on approving of a permit being granted for these signs. Letter was received.from Mrs. Carl Damon of Grant Street in which she stated that she felt that the attorney to whom Mr. Ballard 910 referred the complaint'of Mrs. Damon, found that the action of Mr. Stack was unlawful, and because of such unlawful action the unhealthful condition caused was a menace, and requested the Board of health to aid her. The Board directed the Clerk to draft a letter informing Mrs. Damon that the information furnished her has been only., through the courtesy and personal interest of Mr. Ballard, and the Boardfelt that the matter was entirely beyond their juris- diction. The Supt. of Public Works reported on settlement of''damages In East Lexington on the line of the proposed widening from Pleasant Street to Oak Street. He reported that it was very difficult to get a definite statement from any of the parties. The Board viewed the plans of the proposed widening again and inasmuch as it would involve a tremendous expense to widen in acgordance with the plan, they considered the advisabilttg of widening on only one side"from the Davin property to -.near the end of the DeGrinney property. The Board revised the jury list by adding the following names: Alfred A. Adler 82 Bedford Street Howard B. Austin 59 Bedford Street George S. Barton 1 Eustis St. Charles M. Blake 50 Meriam St. Herbert C. Bourne 41 Bedford St. Jerauld Buck 25 Bloomfield'St. eon C. Burt 25 Harding Rd. Roger S. Clapp 27 Meriam St. Edward L. Crown 26 Curve St. James A. Guthrie 24 Taft Ave. Charles E. Hadley, Sr. 116 Mass. Ave. Arthur A. Knights 25 Winthrop Rd. Harold B. Lamont 20 Winthrop nd. Harold B. Needham H. 32 Fern St Path Thomas Rogers Bridle gearge V. Ross. 45 hancock St. Ed.garD. Schiebe Lincoln St. Robert M. Stone 18 Hayes Avenue Charles S. Beaudry 5 Raymond 5t. Benjamin S. Stoney 3 Curve St. Letter was received from the Division of Metropolitan PlaLnning asking that the Board cooperate by having the Police Departmene keep counts of traffic at the following junctions: Lowell St., north of North St. Bedford St., North of Summer St. Bass. Ave., west of Marret St. Concord Ave., west of Mt. Tabor Rd. Waltham St., south of Concord Ave. Concord Avenue, east of Pleasant St, Watertown St., south of Bowman St. Mass. Ave.; east of Sylvia St. Lowell St., east of Reed St. 1 1 1 The Board felt that the statistics obtained were very valuable, but did not feel that they had police officers enough to designate them to work of this kind. The Supt. of Public Works made the suggestion that Bliss. Jones be hired for this purpose owing to the fact that he was a college boy and'that he has worked for the town during the summer time in the past. The Board adopted the suggestion, and also directed that a copy of the statistics be filed in the Selectmen's Office. The Supt, of Public works was insstrneted to take the watch- man off the job of Sewer construction on Sews. Avenue, East Lex- ington to -save the expense of his services, and to have two signs printed calling attention t© construction to be placed on each end of the constf'uction work. The meeting adjourned at 10s30 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. 1 1