HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-06-14REGULAR MEETING, June 14, 1927. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen s Office at 8:00 P.M. Messrs: Custance, Burnham, Robertson and Chamberlain were present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Gler� were also present. The records were approved. Common victuallers License was granted to George E. Tessier to do business at 185 A Mass. Avenue. Permission was granted to the Edison Electric Ill. Co. for a joint locatim for poles already existing on Sherman Street for attachment 66 eight poles. The Board signed warrant for a town meeting to be held on June 30, 1927. Form of order for the lay out of Waltham Street, from Middle Street to Allen Street was received from the County. This order Allowed the payment of one-third of the cost of the construction of this street by the County, the sum not to exceed $8,000. Notice of a hearing to be held at the Court House, haat Cambridge on July 190 1927 at 10 o'clock A. M. was received. This hearing is in regard to alteration and specific repairs to Concord Avenue, Letter was received from Gaston, Snow, Saltonstall & Hunt in regard to the damages to the property of George A. goods on Bloomfield Street informing the Board that they, were to file a petition in the &aperior Court for the determination of denialges. They also called attention to the condition that the property was left in after the sewer was built, namely, that lumps of cement was laying about and the land was not covered with loam and grass as it was originally. The Board informed the attorneys that they were waiting for the land to settle before the loam and grass were put"in and that they would clean the place up in the very near future. Contract for work on Concord Avenue was signed by the Board in duplicate, one copy to be returned to the Board by the Department of Public Works when signed by them. Application for a license for entertainment at tea room was re- ceived from Lillian J. Pratt, Middle Street, The Board considered the matter, and decided not to grant the license. Letter was received from Richard Engstrom, 6 Eliot Road, in which he called attention to the danger at the corner of Pelham Road and Mass. Avenue. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to place a danger sign In a conspicuous place to assist in avoiding accidents at this point. 1 1 1 �i `j'h.e State Aid pay roll for the month of June was signed by the Board to the amount of $32.00. Letter was reeeived from the Town Counsel informing the Board that thepetition for damages by Caroline A Harrington called for a formal hearing. The Board therefor decided to write the Town Counsel and Counsel for Mrs. Harrington that a hearing would be held at the Selectmen's Office on June 230 1927 at 8:30 P.M. Letter was received from William D. Wiggin, Attorney, in which he stated that the damages awarded for the taking of land of John J. Brady on Bedford Street was entirely inadequate, and unless some attempt was made to compensate him for the damage, he would file a petition for assessment of damages. The Board decided to acknowledge receipt of the letter, and Inform him that the matter is being given consideration. ``Letter was received from Daniel C. Linseott, Attorney, of 24'Milk Street,- Boston, in regard to damages claimed by Mary A. Fitch occassioned by the laying of a sewer through her property abutting en Mass. Avenue. The Supt, of Public Works reported that he had talked with the Attorney and informed him that the Town had already agreed to pay a bill for electric service which was damaged. The attorney in- formed him that Miss Fitch claimed loss of flowers and shock to her nerves as a result of the blasting in Rowland Avenue. Nothing definite was done about the matter. In regard to the letter to Eugene G. Kraetzer in which he was requested to put in writing his former bid on the Town Hall property he appeared and explained that he did not wish tp put the bid in writing. He did, however, state confidentiAlly to the Board that his client was still interested in the property, and would prbbably give as much for the property as was previously offered, if not more. The Supt. of Public Works presented an estimate of $10,000. for doing the culvert work near the property of Dr. Barnes; This estimate prepared by the Town Engineer called for 72" pipe. The Board requested bids be received from contvvetors for doing this work with cement. The Supt. of Public Works was requested to secure the figures. Edward W. Taylor, Chief of the Fire Department, came before the Board to express his views regarding the appointment of the third fire engineer to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Edward L. Fenn. He stated that he felt that harmony and respect of the superiors brought better results in the department, xe also stated that he felt that Leander Wood who is an experienced man on the Fire Department should be appointed by the Board as he was a man who is always available in town, inasmuch as he was employed here and he could handle the fires in the absence of the Chief. Charles M. Blake was present with Mr. Taylor and handed in a petition signed by several of the residents of the Town requesting the appointment of Leander Wood. Mr. Chamberlain reported that he felt the town should take steps to accept as a public highway the extension of Smith Avenue over land of George F. Harrington to connect with Follen Road.. .7y The Board therefor ordered the hearing advertised on the � lay out of this street. Hearing on the same is to be held on p June 23, 1927 at 8 P.M. Letter was received from Mr. Ballard in regard to establish- ' Ing building lines on Mass. Avenue and having the Board of`Si 6y lay out a street not less than 60 feet wide parallel with Mass. Avenue from the Boston & Maine'Railroad Station at East Lexington to a point near Munroe Station. The Board decided not to take any action on this matter until they could discuss it further with Mr. Ballard. The Clerk reported that Miss Applin at the Registry of Deeds, who was running down the title of the Robbins Cemetery, reported that it wuilTd be an endless search to find anything in regard to the ownership of this cemetery, if ever it could be found. The only reference she had was a deed in 1839 Book 380, page 382 which referred to a parcel of land bounded by the burialground. This land was located between the burial ground and the Lexington hotel. The Clerk was instructed to inform Miss Applin that no further -search be made. The Board voted that assessment of':betterments be made upon the property of @aribliae A. Harrington to the amount of $719.00 and that said amount be committed to the Colector of Taxes for collection. The meeting adjourned at 1Ot30 P.M. A true record, Attest: ' Clerk.