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A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen Eras held at
the Selectmen's Office at 8:00 P.M. lessrs. Custance, Burnham, ,
Robertson, and Chamberlain were present. The Supt. of Public
Works and the Clerk sere also present.
The records were approved.
Hearing was held at 8:30 P.M. on the application of Arthur
Smith of Bedford Street for permission to have entertainment in
connection with his Common Victuallers license. Mr. Smith came
before the Board appearing for his petition. Mr. Warren A. Davis
and his attorney, Daniel J. O'Connell, came before the Board in
opposition to the application.
Mr. O'Connell stated that as owner of the property in the
uicinity of the roadside stand Mr. Davis wished to enter objection
to the radio entertainment given by Mr. Smith. Mr. Davis is the
owner of property for a distance of about 2400 feet, and he makes
his home within a distance of 100 feet of this roadside stand.
The place where the radio is located is less than 100 feet from
his house. Mr. Davis objected to the noise at thisstand for some
time and has found since this place has been in operation that he
cannot sell his farm for any reasonable price when parties find that it
is located opposite. 'Ur. Davis also owns 10 acres of land on the
same side of the street that Mr. Smith is located upon., Mr. O'Connell
stated that when this stand was first started it was started in a
rr ,
very modest ay. Now it has grown and it is quite a spectacular
feature. He felt that as soon as 'kir. Smith obtained this license,
he might then request a permit for a dance hall and so introduce
into the town a feature which the townspeople have been fighting
against for years. He also felt that the class of people which
visited the roadside stand and remained there until a late hour
of the night listeningto the radio, were not of the caliber de-
sired in thetown. He stated that Mr. Davis has paid a great deal
more in taxes for a:number of years past than Mr. Smith has ever
paid as the value of the buildings that he has on his premises
do not amount to a great deal. He asked the Board if they did not
believe this statement that this was a source of annoyance to visit
the Davis property and listen to the entertainment which exists
daily every week. He felt if they were in the same position, they
could not help but being annoyed. Mr. O'Connell felt that if
Mr. Ballard were present at the meeting he could perhaps inform
the Board in regard to similar cases where business has become a
nuisance and parties have been enjoined. He felt that Mr. Davis
might be compelled to resort to placing an injunction on Ir. Smith's
property. He cited the case of the Rosen Talking 14chine Company
in Boston as an example of tia:hgt is done in cases of this kind.
Lsr. Smith stated that he operated this radio last year on
Sundays and week days as he did not know that a. license was re-
quired for this purpose,,,,,hen he Was informed of this license, he
then applied. He stated that when he was a.,,,ay from the stand this '
evening and at all other times when he was assay he had one of the
local police officers present at his premises. Vihen asked why he
needed e s:etvices of the police officer, he replied that he had
bad some trouble from the boys in North Lexington running about his
place. He stated that he usually has all the automobiles away
from his premises at 12 otciock midnight, but occassionally on hot
nights he keeps open after 12 o'clock.
The Board discussed the matter of granting this license to
Mr. Smith, and decided to refuse the permit.
Application was received from Lloyd H. Chase for permission
to have radio entertainment at his roadside stand on Middle Street.
It was decided to refuse this permit also.
Letter was received from the Trustees of the Isaac Harris Cary
Educational Fund inviting the Board of Selectmen to attend the ser-
vices of laying the corner stone to the Memorial Building on Thursday,
June 9, 1927 at 4:30 P.Y.
Notice of claim of damages of Ella Louise Lawrence for lend
taken on Waltham Street under the County lay out and to appear in
Court on the first Monday in August, 1927. It was decided to refer
this matter to the 1`odm Counsel for his attention.
Resignation as a member of the Fire Engineers was received from
Edward Loren Fenn.
The Board accepted the resignation to t:eke effect at once.
Certifleate of insurance held by rinthony Ross & Son,Contractors,
was furnizbBd by the Employers Liability Assurance Company showing
public compensation and liability insurance carried, the same ex-
piring June 19, 1927.
Order for joint location for poles already existing was granted
to the Ediaon Electric Ill. Co. for three poles on Forest Street, be-
tween Clarke and Muzzey Street.
In regard to the estimates of Piss Mitchell and Mrs. Davin
for damages on account of the proposed ,widening on Mass. Avenue
near Pleasant Street, it was decided to request the Supt. of Public
Works to consult Lith all parties affected with the proposed widen-
ing and secure their recommendation in writing as to damages expected.
The Supt. of Public Works is also to give his estimate of.the d mages
and report to the Board in two weeks.
Joseph Parks, acting for his father, Alexander Parks, made a
statement of damages expected on account of the widening of North
Hancock and Bedford Streets.
The Board decided to lay this matter on the table until a fully
attended meeting.
It was decided to request Mr. $allard to have something prepared
on water guaranty bonds at the next meeting which he attends.
The Supt. of Public Works was requested to figure the cost o'f a
new sidewalk from Elm Avenue to Depot Square as it might be possible
to secure an additional appropriation at town meeting to do this work.
In regard to the letter received from Mr. Ballardrelative to
highway work, Mr. Custance reported that he Was working along similar
lines and that he is now waiting for another conference with the
Commissioners of Public Works of the State relative to building Bed-
ford Street, from Hayes Fountain to Elm Avenue, He hopes to get
some cooperation on this piece of road even if he could not get action
on Massachusetts Avenue through the centre of the town. He stated
that he has talked with them in regard to the town doing the work on
Waltham Street, but they stated that the amount of money involved was
too great to award without contract.
In regard to the posting of the trees along the Buckman Tavern
property, it was decided not to make any move toward this at present.
Letter was received from the Town Counsel in regard to the appli-
cation of William I. Brown for a permit to alter his garage. The
Counsel informed the Board that they could not grant the permit in
the location desired unless the building was of first class con-
struction. A copy of the Town Counsel's letter was sent to Mr. Brown.
Letter was received from Frederick L. Emery asking that action
had been taken on the establishment of a building line in East Lex-
The Board decided to lay the matter on the table until a fully
attended meeting.
Abatements for the Water Department to the amount of $95.89
and for the Sewer Department to the amount of $119.29 were signed,
as were also committmen.ts for aewer charges amounting to $198.03
and for water charges $1,402.37.
Petition was received from Caroline A. Harrington of 393 Massa-
chusetts Avenue, through her attorney, Joseph Vliggin, asking damages
to her property caused by the establishment of a building line. The
matter was referred to the Town Counsel.
The Supt. of PublicV?orks was requested to get an estimate on
the cost of doing the work of drainage near the property of Dr. W. L.
Letter was received from the Middlesex & Boston St. Rwy. Co.
in which they stated that they had taken up the matter of making
stops to receive and deliver passengers on the State Road by the
Lovell Bus Line, Inc., and find that their company would not object
to the Lovell Bus Line, Inc., performing this service and making
stops on the State Road as it would not interfere with their ser-
'The Board decided to write to the Middlesex & Boston St, Rwy.
Company and the Lovell Bus Line, Inc., asking them to get together
and give the Board in writing a statement of proposed service on the
State Road which will be agreeable to both companies, and that the
statement be signed by the Middlesex & Boston St. Rwy. Co. as
approving same.
In regard to the charge for garage licenses, after reading the'
information obtained from Belmont, 7inchester, Arlington, it was de-
cided to handle the matter similar to the Town of Arlington, that
' is, make a charge of $3.00 when each garage application is made, this
amount to cover the cost of sending registered notices to the abuttors
and advertising in the local newspaper, and a charge of x$1.00 for the
garage license.
The Board signed an order for the lay out of the sewer in Highland
Avenue which order reads as follows:
Middlesex, ss.
WHEREAS the Town of Lexington at a
and held on March 14, 1927 duly adopted
Warrant the following vote:
Town of Lexington.
toes meeting duly called
under article 23 of the
Voted that the sum of $4,000. be appropriated and
assessed for the construction of a sewer in Massachu-
setts Avenue from Mid.7le Street to the end of Curve
Street north, and from Curve Street south to the East
Lexington Station.
' Voted that the sum of X9,000. be appropriated for the
construction of a sewer in Massachusetts Avenue from
Middle Street to the end of Curve Street north, and
from Curve Street south to the East Lexington station,
and that for the purpose of raising the money so
appropriated the Town Treasurer be and hereby is author-
ized to sell, under the direction and with the approval
of the Selectmen, bonds or notes of the town bearing
interest at a rate not to exceed 5% per annum, issued
and payable in accordance with the Town of Lexington,
Sewer Loan Act of 1913, and
Voted that the sum of $14,000. be appropriated for the
construction of a sewer in Massachusetts Avenue from
:'diddle Street to the end of Curve Street north, and
from Curve Street south to the East Lexington Station,
and that for the purpose of raising the money so appro-
priated the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized
to sell, under the direction and with the approval of
the Selectmen, bonds or notes of the town bearing inter-
est at a rate not to exceed 5 per annum, issued and
payable in accordr.nce with law.
And further voted that any unexpended balance after con-
struction of the sewer in Massachusetts Avenue be applied
to other sewer construction.
VOTED by the Selectmen, acting as a Board ofTri ater'and Sewer
Commissioners under the authority conferred by Statute 1897, Ch. 504
and acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto., and of
votes of the Town of Lexington pursuant thereto, that a sewer be
constructed in Highland Avenue from Bloomfield Street to Washing-
ton Street, and Percy Road from Highland Avenue to about 200 feet
easterly substantially in accordance with a plan made by John T.
Cosgrove, Acting Town Engineer, dated June 7, 1927 and entitled,
►'Plan and profile of Proposed Sewer in Highland Avenue and Percy
Road, Lexington, Scale Horizontal i inch - 40 feet, Vertical 1 inch -
4 feet. John T. Cosgrove, Acting Town Engineer."
Betterments ;Frill be assessed for this improvement in accord-
ance with the provisions of Chapter 221 of the Acts of 1926.
The area which it is expected zArill receive benefit or advantage
other than the general advantage to the community from such im-
provement is described as follows:
That portion of those properties on each side of Highland
Avenue and Percy Road. On Highland Avenue from Bloomfield
Street to Washington Street, and on -Percy Road from Highland
hvenue to about 200 feet easterly.
The said area comprises the several lots shown upon the
plan hereinbefore referred to which are designated in the schedule
hereto annexed and made a part hereof.
We estimate the betterments that will be assessed upon each '
parcel of land to be as shown in the schedule which is hereto
annexed and -made a part hereof.
1927. Witness our hands at Lexington aforesaid this 7th day of June,
Theodore A. Custance Selectmen
Albert H. Burnham of the
James G. Robertson Ton*n of
Francis Chamberlain Lexington
Commonti4:ealth of Massachusetts
Middlesex, ss. Lexington, Mass.
June 7, 1927.
Then personally appeared the above named, Theodore A. Custance,
Albert H. Burnham, James G. Robertson, and Francis Chamberlain, and
severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument and statement by
them subscribed to be their free act and deed and the free act and
deed of the Board of !'Fater and Sewer Commissioners of the Toffn of
Lexington; before me,
William S. Scamman
Notary Public '
A true copy of the records, Attest:
Helen C. Gallagher
O'v�mer as of April 1. 1927 Assessments
Abbie E. Stevens
Ashburn C. Kilgour
Marion Brown
George L. & Daisy Deed. MacAlpine
George L. & Daisy De';V. MacAlpine
Cora R. Norris
Helen C. & Della M. Gad
Mary H. Stone
Nina F. McLellan
Harry C. Fallis
Harry C. Fallis
Harry C. Fallis
George N., & Lucy A. Butters
The meeting adjourned at 10:25 P.M.
A true record, Attest:
I .,- -, nI