HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-05-1368 �resent -dor .-Iter FL. Letz, Lon ED. C, ar e, Theodore j.. Cust"nce, ':�c.aldmian,, John T. Co -grove, -Ibert i -Los anc' Gearge E. Briggs,, Representative. I 7 Yajor I.etz expres (I t -ho desire to be able to tl,,ke b,,-ck to �.'Ca,,Lhin,gion .--,omme definite -,ro,,o.sition or I=position: ^o that, lie might diF.cuSS. Si -lie the Co.­Iiptroiler. ire Ctc­.ted that he .1id not believe the co,,i,ptroller ..oul_.-_! --:,,-rove of -any -Dropocition %khereby the tol;.,n --ould cl�m, the :.Tat --r D -doe --:- there is 51 Law to the effect that the government cannot exp-_,na any 'money for I,nything .-hich is not o­.-ned by them. He 24- tated th!c,' lula e-Xplen;,e of ­Irilving the wei.12 -,-,-ould be cbout 35 37D,') or _r. Custsnce informed .-,jor th,-,,t he certc,,in the I.- -,,-n not enter'brin the ;A,ro_po,-Ition of standing .,n7r -T)Prt of the ex-riense of 1.Ylng ice froim the .-r-L-Lngton line to the Becfor;_� line to furnish ,-.ter to the 3e( -for - unless the government paid --t least LL II toP.-ard the cost of the ,'!ork ?-,Thich is e2tir!'c,.,t&', -.-,iil cost approximat-ely -.D' 'A2 to be paid for t he privilege of getting ,rater. IVICjor Betz w:�-s rzesented with pian showing the proposed location of the ,,,Utes -,)ilje, shouting the -LS?! _144 and 1'r-11 )i -,-)e,, the AStc,.-nce of 18-1,7-- ing the -.,.A-pe from the Arlington -Lexington line to the Be,. --ford line, being a,3 ­V ro-,ima'el1r 5.89 taile- and ili`� rom " e B2 f or ex, ng'on ne to 1 i _� �, .1 Lai_ f the hosA tai. het the government do ll a nother suggestion to _1,-_;ijor zAletz t , the 1::or.'-�: of laying the 81, pipe from the Arlin. -ton -lin -e to the Bedford hospital they &Lso,to 10 the engineering 1:,Tork, -nd the t -o,, -,n to :,ell i - L__L IL the ­,-�ter to ,her:. , r i.Injor II-Letz suggested that the to -,,,,n extend _JTt_-- present 6,,� mil -lin on reet 41 LI Bedfor.-I t o -he Bed -' forLine and then let the government make ��.n S+ extent ion from there to the this to be government ov,,ned -pi.)e. "Ir. Briggm th! felt 41 -1, that -�� atter should be taken un 7:.rith the _'Ketro-oolitan � District af� he did not believe the SuDply of %-..-ter obtained at _r)re.=ent by the to-..-.n-U --�i C 4 ent. I- I.L i U Lir. Cu tance infori:,a,_L r e t z that h e did not be Iieve' the Board give ;Any con,ider-tion '.,.hlatever to thi,= ,)ropo!7it1011. Lnjor __.'IctZ offerer: mother siggestion th,`, the to -"M build tht LSI' froi-i the Arlington -lineL - to the corner of East and �,o�,. el t r .- e t,_2 nu_ the LA -11 fro_r there to the corner of -i,,-Incock -,nd Burlington I.treet.,- <.nd f.-oL,.,. t'n,_*Tt jjjs4-,rd 0, ""it mEin thegoverment - _� 11 - I - - be u 0 u n 1i 'n to be contro_­Le,I by the:;,-oleiy. 0'. �A 0' 1 - t L V j;' j0' eta to t�,ke U-, these er-, -.--*th -he off ici, Is t U I- - U - .1 1- ,.7--cningt..on :anti ,ndritten 0_4 .-,rolaI t.1 -on to time of celectmon. true rccor:i, Ai to t° ' C -!- elk .