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nEGUL!_� HELTIPIG.9 :.f!Y 10, 1927.
:`- re--ulur ._eeting of the Board of Selectreen �2.s held at
the Sel.ec t,�en' e Office at 7 30 P 1�1 :.e` -rs. Cust nce, Burnham,
B .11urU, Robertson, -na Chw,n,berlin Y. _ re ;resent. The a?t. of
°ublic i,'orks LnA the Clerk eTere also present.
The recokds viere approved.
Russell I. Prentiss, Health Inspector, came before the Board
to =dvise then relative to sii- applications.
The Board voted to grant the following ,gig permits:
George J. Bailey iatt Street
J .ries F.i:irb._11 Concord avenue
It 171-S voted not to sr^nt the follo-:-ing ?:ig permit..
J� meC Creche
Frank C&nisius
John Ricci
Garfield Street
Gc-rfield Street
;salth^.m Strcet
' It -Fx voted to lay the ;_pplication of P. J. Kin_neen of
Burlington Street on the table.
In reg�.rdl to the application of Joseph Bsllou of Concord
i ---venue and Amos t olman of Hill :'_venue End VAlliam J. Eailey of
21iddle Street the Board voted to refer these to the Town Counsel
inasmuch as these p rties kept pig: 1,:,,.st yeµx without a, permit,
and this yer.r applied for E. permit.
%1r. Charles n. Schofield cc,.me before the board a.nd submitted
proposition for rezoning z pert of the Stevenson lot at
wG VLealtham ,Street so thE.t the entire lot v,-ould become a business
district for the accommodation of an apartment house# The lot is
zoned for business ?_OC ft. on 1altha.�r_ Street but the Tot runs for
a deDth of 195.49 feet. on one side and 199.70 on the other side.
The Board decided to refer the natter to the Planning Board
with the request th t they tcake i:_mediate action on the proposition,
and so notifie- sr. Schofield.
i_liLa m R. 1E. Eaton c, -,me before the Board -. ith a proposition
for the rezoning of the : ection bet: -seen Cl& e and _?.uzzey Street
taking in the lot_ o�.-ned b,r the follo,ing:
George Ei. J� ck.-on, heirs
115, 537,
jury L. !`o (,
E. enham
� e-llington lot
Cary lot
It is proposed to erect s -ix three story ^partment houses
on this tract of lanCi, and in order to do so, the zoning lay �V:ould
have to be changed.
i'he BoGici decided to refer the ..ttei to the 1,^;ening Boa d
with +..he requeLt that they tLn,.r e i.-.1 edlate -.-.tion, 1n.t informed
:r. Ec_ton to this effect.
r. En' rd l emick, i:1ir. .. Ii. Granfieldi,ir. J. C. �. Gramstorff
:.nd s. J. L. '-he
Eerrick c_;,me before Boa -,,e relE. Live to their
letter � d-dres:,ed to the Board on '.pril '-, 1927 :;hereby they lie -
quested the Board to give cons iderrtion in the granting of a. permit
to the Lovell Sus Line, Inc. to stop on the t-te Foa.c: to tae on
end ler-ve passengers. They -stated that they had no service bett,:een
the hours of 10 L.. LT,. E-nd 1 P I. on ::eek days, and no ;-�ervice after
10 .ir. and no service at all on EundLyt v,.hereaE: the Lovell Bus Line,
Inc., runs busses hourly the 7,7hole day ,-nd also on Sunda'. They
stated. tiza:'t they had an org,;nizati_�n r ith about one hundrec hien and
they felt th,_t the territory is fast grog,°ing c:.nd .kill gro.- more
rabidly . ith the gaper tra.-ns,00rtation facilities.. Ther sty t^d. that
parties interested in purchasing land C.s a'aout the trrnsportCation
first of all. They stated that they had no -.:)reference who gave the
service, if it could oniy be provided for them.
._fter the departure of the gentlemen 1;ne 3o,rc discussed the
mF_tter .._nd decided to advise the iiiddlesex a Boston :"'t. Co.
that they L.re about to gr,�nt the i ovell Bus Line, Inca permis ,ion
to sto_� in Liaxington on the State Road to receive -nd deliver pass-
enger:, but before doing so they could be interest -ed to knoe if the
i iuu'1e=ex & Boston : ould like to enl arge their ire:�!ent State road
:ervlce to the (_,l -tent of running P. Belt Line service on the lr7tate
Ro_.d, ive Forks and `,inco'_n Street to Le. -,A lgton, ,snd through to
_rlington aeights.,the Busses to be run in each direction once an
hour -even days c reeek.
The Bo, r � E-1so decided to notify the Grane Vine _ : �ociates th .t
they �: vm �a.thize ::lth ther_i in the e<_istin" con.�itir..n- : nd inform thera
that they .re studying the muter.
--.t 8: "I r. , , he -ring declared open a )on tha r.n_nlication of
ua.ivin Childs for riai , i 31 to install t., -;o ga oline tanks in the
Cc.pwcity of "0,0:0 gallons at tris ;,remises, 09 Avenue.
Jo persons a.ppe .red to object, and t'__e 3oarci votei to gx<<nt
permission to install the tanks underground.
i,Cniel J. O'Connell, Attorney for Lienry 'i. 1icC-.ffr-1y, tog�:ther
ith y_ , cCaflr y c,m. e before the Board.
:air. O'Connell endeavored to induce the Board to ryak_e ,. settlement
of the :.tcCc,ffrey cae hich has been pending for five,ear:'. Fiestated
that he believed tlyt it hs:ti cost the town Ebout x`8,000 to d<^,te and
that it 1;:i11 cost '
a . much Lore before the cr=_se is settled and nothing
,aill be gr.Ined.
Its. O'Connell reviewed the case bi°iefly for the benefit of the
member-. of the Board .::ho -vere not familiar -.-,-ith same.
He stated that he had the signature of ,r. Ryder, owner of what
was formerly the 2-1 drich property,,':hereby he ;0131(1 not claim da mages
for the ;�,ater drained through his ,pronerty, but he h�;r not secured
the signature of Edl.:on H. Bo.°,n:ian, o: -,:finer of property abutting on the
He . ked if the Board ,-ould rec:uest the To,,,n Counsel to lay 'she
c, �e over until the Bo -.rd haO, at chance to vie,,: the premises and
decide if they would tt,'.� e some action tov�:ard ettlement of the case.
_Ir. i:`-cCaffre -ta.ted th<_t he .-ould grr:.nt dermis.=.ion to �:he town
to ut in a covered ;)i -_-)e. smggestion to lay the pipe C.long the
r:all �.:a, made. ir. icCaffrey said this :°could be agreeable to him
as itcould not interfere with L_ny building that blight be put there.
' Inasmuch as only one :lembar of the 3oaru <ras f Liliar with the
case it .;c. decided to Mr. C?rightington to furnish the Board �,::ith
a. brief statement of 1. hat hU, t� . cn DD ce on the c, se [Ind Specifically
recommend Es to ::;hat should be done for the best interests of the
It zt,,as decided to appoint ter. Ballard to represent the Board
at the meetings of the ;4etropolitan iegional Council of Boston.
In regard to the letter of the Torn Counsel relative to
releases in eight in land formerly of the Burns property deed for
t7,hich the Tol n holds iIor use o_" l--.nd for standpipe in East Le„ington,
the deed read to the effect that :hen the Town abandoned the use
of the )ro.)erty for standlpi-e >i�` thr-t it 1:;ould revert
to the oric-inal o';,.RherS. i.1r. ,.rl i:tin ton : t .ted that if t' -to Town
no longer used the pro )erty for ':rater purposes• that they release the
same so thc:,t a- clear title could be had by the Burns Estate.
The Board, however, felt that they should not reler-e their
rights, and voted to recommend that they take no action on releasing
the right of the Burns ro-oe--ty for the .purpose for �•chich it vies
originally intended, anci requested :rr. iiobert :on to tare the matter
UP .:,:ith the Town Counsel.
The 1. .ollo�-!ing licenser: •:were .granted:
' Common Victuallers
Clementina Mitchell B.-dford Street
Rufus .;. Bl�.ke -�6 ?:ass. t_venue
Paul Revere C^.rage :riddle Street
Eugene Viano 458 Hass, avenue
Eugene Vie:no Bedford Street
=plicr:tion received fro ,, -i Patrick s4cLaughlin for per-
mission to erect a stable .^a 11 Fletcher ;'venue. Inc..smuch as
this is a rtLther Blick? y settled comraunity r nd the erection of a
str=.ble may im-oair the neighborhoo,i, it as ,1ecided to request the
iieaith Inspector to vie,.- the Premi res and advise 7 Nether he feels the
st2ble should be erected �, that location.
The Board decided to sen'd to the t'lc'nning Board the plan of
the Leary pro; erty loo ted �t the end of Cottage Street off '.7oburn
Street, �.-cith the request that thet
y study the terxzory ,:'ith vier;
t0 1CC':ting a street 0ossibly o:-Ie-ag a oriva.te ',-,-Ey no``: cY.isting,
t0 o_)en up the property in the rear. it Bridget Leary now intends
building a house -:,hick i ould be located in the rodd-,::ay of an c-xten-
cionof this street. The 'Tanning Boar(: have been requeste, to t�;'-e
' this matter up i�,lmediately, Ln:a v. Board of Survey notice ?r : sent to
the Lexington Times by the Cleri. for a meeting to be held day n5, A,'711
at S -J.7-17.
d,.te a_ Cements to the amount of ;61.07, also se7-er abe.tements
to the amount of .89 ::ere signed by the 3o, -.rd
63 r.a
.. ae—er ;commsitmont signed by the Board to the amount
I„ vote:'. to ,.y=:point Peter ii. teven-- -- 'ub'_ic treighbr.
The Board signed an agpeeme:nt, duplice.te of the original copy,
entered into by the Trustees of the Isaac riurris Cary and the
Selectmen of the To .n to accept the Isaac Harris Cary Lemori-„1
Building. This document is to be used by the Trustees to insert
in the box )1 ced under the corner sto_ie of the memorial building
to be located on ia«s=.achusetts r'_venue on ; h;;t oras formerly the
Blake ::nd I'lumer lots.
Location order :, signed by the Board for the Edison Electric
Ill. Co. for -�erraission to erect and laintain six ,-)o-es an r ighland
Avenue, one at Bloomfi -11 Street, three southerl7r Bloomfield
Stre_t, and tvo near W,.shington :street.
Order for joint pole location .. ss granted by the Board to
the LaisIn Electric Ill. .Co. f nd the ' B. 'i el. Lc -el. Co. for
)ermis, ion to erect four ?oles on Flighlend !•,venue, southerly from
;iii nthrop oaul
The ChairiAan reported thLt Ur. Robert P. Cll-inn had called his
attention to the damages claimed by Charles 11. 111 rri.:gton, Grant
S+reet, ?hen Grant Street ;vas Iain out. It appears that the street
grade is higher than the lar;zl of said Darrington, ;nd the tater '
flov�s in forming a locket Figures !°:ere obtained from ti^:o local
contractors as folio,. -Ts:
i,Lvi d. Hennessy
mthon, Rost: :1 Son.
The Board considered the advisability of entering upon
Iur. iIa.rringtonts land s.n. doing this worn, and r,,-,.ther felt that
an offer of settlement of a definite mount should be made by the
Chairman to -A7 Ir. Clapp.,
The meeting adjourned at '1:70 P.=.
true record, Attest: