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1 _'GU!, R ',-METING, d 1 v, 19"7.
regula :__ceting of the BoFra of Selectmen as held a.t the
"electmenle Office ,.t 7 J '... iae _rs. Cutance, Burnham, B«llard,
and Robert -:on 1,:ere present. The Supt. of Public '.works and the Clerk
,:.-ere 1, o present.
The recori -:'er2 ' —2.31"Oveck.
The follorAng -_i cen.,c�• . ere grIntea:
Corroon Victuallers
hiey 4 E.rt�'i :';ge Cor. _ _th m _' idcile °treets
B. Berm.n 6 .venue
Helen ..c111,_ister 9 i.. <_venue
Teary G. .:sullen Avenue, Fest Inn.
i.rs. 'i'alter Allen 479 u<< . .venue
Jacob Bornstein 4 Sylvia. Street
Jenner r fg. Co. Cor. Itham w :diddle Streets
James Alonzo Hannigan 15 Vine Brook Foad
Claude "elton F83 Bedford Street.
The foilo•AnG ,gig --rmit, ere urantecl,
_ . Young
Daniel Shea
iydeit Stock Farm, Inc.
L, coni, Street
17:r.lnut Street
117 f-ltham _.treet
'laughter license1_ :ere g C', ted to the following aersons:
Adios iiolman
Gustave Bunt el
i.-11 Avenue
The Board voted_ to point Rupert Stevens a- r, Public ': eighbr
for the year ending i -,arch 1, 19 ;8.
It • a, voted to , -point George i,-. `:avis 1. o. r egistr r of Voters
for the term of three yel-r- <�nuing 3srch 31, 1930.
. O.-,ing to the mecting pith the Plenning BoarU i r. Burnham con-
ducted the g :?L.ge herring r:hich a— celled at 8:30 °.? upon the
-application of Ernest C. Ta .rtii. for permission to erect G private
garage on his : remi . s Ft Fo::land -venue. Pair. i'�;rtin appeared on
behalf of his plication end no one appe red g_.in t. Upon he^ring
Lr. Burnh-:.mt s re port the Board voted to g -r: nt the permit to i r. Ecr•tin.
HeLring ,,'us declared open on application of Perley C. Tibbetts '
for permission to erect z, garage at 1Jorth n..ncock Street in the rear
of new house built b. hip. !do persons _,)pe,,red to object, and the
Board voted, on the report f Yvr. Burnham., to grant the )_rmit.
The rir_.tter of n -.__ring a change in the charge for slaughter license
fees r s slightly diecusseii, and it left .lith h1r. Burnham to go
over =me and mf•r.e his recommendation to the Boar , on Tue-du evening
Letter -�a ~ received from Arthur ':':'. Free_an, member of the Planning
Board, in 4.hich he offered his resignation es a mer�ber of th;-t Board
ov;ing to the fact that his business took him out of to -::n so much that
he coul.dxzot regularly attend the meetings of the rls.nning Board.
The Board decided to suite to the Tanning Board asking thea .;hat
they felt should be done relative to this letter of resignation.
In regard to the license issued to L.-hley ':'. P�-_rtridge, corner
:altham and '1id`1e ctreetw, the Chairmcan :arequested to ,°:rite
ir. PLirtridge a -king hi ---i to clean u, ^n,1 _peep his premie: clean in
the future.
iia. B-11ard reported that he ha' discu>sed lith Hale and Door, his
G.ttorneys, the :n•atter of guaranty bonds C. he found th-t 3Ir.Ha_le
interested in toi,.n matters- and had. �.orked out scheme •:;hick, might '
be vxxked out in _Texington on guaranty bond,-. The suggestion waZ that
when it .:as not convenient to give satisfactory sureties tliat the
follo.-;ing could be inserted, in the bond "the prer,,,ises o� ned by the
undersigned, to :hich a -ter isto be supplied, being the premises
described in (here insert description) are hereby conveyed in mortgage
to the said To ,n to secure the performance of this obligation for breech
whereof the said To,,, -,n shSll have the statutory power of sale." This
instrument vould then be recorded and be a. lien upon the prop,..,rty.
Mr. Ballard stated that he s,•,,ould be glad to t�' e the matter up with
the To;,,n Counsel rand explain to him what was being done as he felt that
if this matter could be carried out, it ;,ould greatly simplify a
situ:tion ,:hick has been difficult in the pa t.
Leeting � ith P_l Arming Bay:. u.
:'resent Cha,.ir=_:.n, Frederick L. Emery, Y . D. 11ilne,, Secretary,
J. Henry Duffy, and C. Ed�l.-z a' Glynn.
-r. Eaymonr of the firm of _'-etcnlf U' Eddy, Engineers, ,:gas also
Sr. Finery expla_ineci that Lr. Raymond ha(. done all 'he !:pork of
preliminary study on the draina;e area:. in the Tonn. Fie planned to
lower Tine Broom about nine feet under the railroa:.c'_ ._,nd seven feet under
a s shunts Avenue, arC1 six feet �:bove that point. This drop ::ill ,
t�`_e care of the )rincl )�.'_ drainage. To lower the i':<:ter' Sheri to dreain
a 1 or the drain �e areE. : oulw cost k:ore than °:rat it i s 4°;oath.
-L-,...on" .h�,r conductec aoun.AingS in the rear of the Pla:yoround, and
found soft muc1: at a deoth of from t ;o to three feet without any
bottom. He found that is cheaper to run_a de -Sp open brook for
much longer distance than to build a closed brook through the Playground
to Vine Brook inasmuch a. the soil of such nature �!nd s=:as without
a bottom that it would cost considerable to lay the pipe properly. It
;eras therefor felt that it i=.ould be better to go around this land -.,.,here
they could secure hard bottom and have n open brook.
In regard to the lay out of roads 1.7r. Emery ex,P,lc.ined that the
Planning.Board had made a study, in connection with the development of
property, and laid out seven streets tentatively on a. plan made by
r. Shurtleff. The streets extended over-propert77 bounded by Spring
Ctrect,lsickle Street, :_nd School Street. -lso over the section bounded
by School Street, Biddle Street and 11_ying out as pa!r<.11el street to the
line of the brook which extends in a curve from Fair 0�.ks property to
idelle Street, also ::everal streets in the territory bounded br the
proposed brook, Clair• e Street, nd the Playground drive end Highland
°, fiery _xpla_ir_ed that this ? len s submitted _after a study
s=ide during the ,:inter, and it ;:a therefor submitted to the Board for
their consideration. He StatCC that inasmuch as a. great part of the
-;ro_Derty ..here the lazy out o . treets is 1aJe i.: oi',`ned by Lr. Nyder
that they therefor consulted -zith him as to the 1^_y out. They found
thc..t :'r. Ry-er a_ :ailing to cooperate giving 1�-.nd in sone insta.nees
and approved of the general scheme. .air. Raymond stated that an ex--�endi-
ture of 15,000 •:-soul(.drain all of the land on Lincoln "street thereby
throwing ,it open for develo_)ment. This Vould include the cost of the
:main drain not the laterals. %r. Raymond esti^rated the cost of putting
in the pipe andculvert under ,s.chuset' Avenue to be ,,-50,0,70 for
just that section, that is exclusive of lec{ge r. Emery explained
that hair. Raymond had not gone into the deta:iis of securing e:7—UE, t_,;-
on the lay out of this sy 7tem inasmuch as it felt that the a -P iroval
of the Board of Selectmen should be had on the general lay out before
expense is incurred for detail plans. He felt also that the entire
cost of the drainage install -.tion �-could be bourne by sssessing_better-
ments upon the property and a -n increased valu^tion to the town.
'iir. C. Edt:Tard Gl;rnn suggested that the entire -proposition of
draining the area be done at once so th-t a real benefit might be
derived. he felt that if the project ?°.s carried on over a period of
years it iould not be near Ps beneficial.
The subject of installation of sev-ers in the streets proposed was
discussed as was also the possibility of the present seg;-er cr_.ring for
the needs of the to:°;n in the future. t'rhen the present se�Jrer system
Y aF laid out by- LcClintock & V;oodfa:ll it °:as intended to take care of
t�=:enty to t.entyrfive thousand inhabitants. But in taking a. toet of
the flowage of the se -:-e_- near the Arlington 'Line, it r.:as found nearly
half full, and the number of se,ser connections is approximately three
thousand. It may mean, however, that the outlet is too small or that
the se,,.er is too stiail. The Lexington e^rer omptie:; into a ;'011 pipe
but flows into o. 1511 pipe at the Y rlington line. :air. Ear2ond as of
the o.)inion that 'hi right cause the «ifficulty, but a. careful investi-
gation should be made to got the facts.
1r. Duffy felt that before the installation of any further
' ses:erage is made a careful study of the present system and the future
contemplated Systems should be mu -de other ise the Town may find them-
�elves in a very ewbarra_- -ing position. `r . fuf fy stted that ,%hen the
serer ,,as laid out in Lexington that -ter. Frederic:•(. P. Stearns, one of
the most eminent engineers in that 1 ine, c:a..-' in accord frith our se,s:er
pian. _r. Emery stated that he had no conf'idence in the present serer
system, and felt that a careful study should be ml-.Ce before any O
construction ::ori :: contemplated.
r. 3allard suggested that the Board of Zelectmen be given A
-.:-ritten report -roll Lr. Rays and stating the e n inations that have
been Trade by 'etccll and Eddy, a statement of tho ,ork they had
"one, how far they har' Zone. with the _croposition, and their con-
clusions in the matter. Mr. Ballard felt that the Selectmen c_nnot
study the proposition discreetly until they have some such report
before then#. Hill. 'rL'.,ymond egreed to send in this report as soon as
possible, and the :selectmen agreed to study the plan and give a reply
to the Planning Board 7t,71 thin a reasonable time.
The meeting adjourned.,st 10:30 P._.,
true recor�< fittest:
Cl irk.