HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-04-26REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 26, 1927. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the Selectmen's Office, at 7:31) P.M. Messrs. Custanee, Burnham, Robertson, and Chamber Lain v -..--re present. The Supt. of Public Works and the Clerk were also present. The records of last meeting were approved. Russell I. Prentiss, Health Inspector, came before the Board and also several of the persons applying for pig permits, namely, lr. Bartholomew Connors, Ernest K. Ballard, Frank Reynolds, John Sullivan, William G. Foster, Mr. Welsh of the H. L. Wellington Farm, and Mr. IN. E. McDonald representing J. F.Kimball of Concord Avenue. Mr. Russell I. Prentiss reported that he recommended permits be granted to all of the men present. He stated that there was a decided change in the conditions of all premises -,,,ahere he visited, and that the men were cooperating more than ever in an endeavor to live up to the regulations. He recommended that the following permits he granted: Frank P. Reynolds John Shea C. E. Dalrymple William G. Potter Robert Cady John Sullivan Herbert L. Wellington dhester A. Fogg James Moran Miss Rose Wilson Ernest K. Ballard Bartholomew Connors Mass. Avenue 180 s d; ine Wa-lnut Street 100 n Mass. Avenue Store Grocery System of Denver, Colorado, asking for permission Walnut Street 900 +� Greenwood Street 40 " 671 Mass. Avenue 100 n Dias s . Avenue 100 n Woburn Street 200 t1 Pleasant Street 100 11 84 Ward Street 5 11 17 ood Street 125 +1 656 Mass. Avenue 140 11 The applications of Daniel Shea, John Ricci, Fr nk Canisius, James 0. Credle, Poter J. Kinneen were laid on the table, aTaaiting further report from the Inspector. Application of Carl Hauck for permission to keep five goats was also laid on the table. 1 1 The Board of Survey turned over to the Planning Board the F application of Warren S. Griswold for the approval of plans of 4 Sullivan Street and Cushing Street for their recommendation. Application was received from the Roly Poly, Iqc., the Motor Store Grocery System of Denver, Colorado, asking for permission to operate a grocery store on a truck in the town. The Board replied that they did not desire to grant a licence of this kind. Joseph R. Walker came before the Board v:ith a request that the ' Board sign a statement which would assist him in getting his son into the country. Inasmuch as his son was afflicted with spinal trouble, the authorities would not let him into the country. Mr. ;"alkcr has lived in the town approximately 20 years, 'orking about at different estates. At present he is working for Hallie C. Blake. The Boar::`, believing t'h t lir. i'.7lker is capable of caring for his son, signed the statement. Attachment of the Edison Electric Ill. Co. of Boston to wires and poles of the N. E. Tel. tel. Co. on Waltham Street near the State Road pole #108/77 was granted. James J. `iralsh sent in a complaint against Dr. W. L. Barnes. He stated that Dr. Barnes visited one of his patients, Barbara Wennberg, 12 Bow Street, and critized his treatment of the patient. He .stated £hat this wa.7 entirely contrary to medical ethics, and inasmuch as the situation has been existing for a long while, he felt thcat some action should be taken to save the doctors in the town the embarrass- ment to which Dr. Barnes has put them. He stated that he felt that our Health Officer should follo,T closely the duties laid down by the State Board of Health to their Health Inspectors in placing and removing quarantine, and that %-;herever it is neves.-ary that a patient be examined that; it be d:-Lne only v;ith the consent and in the presence of the attending physician, a-nd :.hatever treatment is administered by the attending physician it :oust not be changed, criticised Pr amended by the Health Officer. If any correction or mistake by the practicing physician is made, the attention to same should be called by the Board of Health rather th-.n by the Hen Officer. The Board discussed the mattcr, and it vias rather felt that the matter of medical ethics vas something they had no jurisdiction over. In regard to the reporting of contagious cases, it was felt that the telephone call from the doctors of the najor contagious- cases should come to the office of the Board of Health, �_nd then be reported to the ' Healh Officer rather than to be telephoned first to the Health Officer. The Clerk :a -as therefor instructed to send letters to the doctors to this effect. A letter was received froin the Edison Electric Ill. Co. stating that they had )I, ced a 600 ,-att trial lcrzp in front of the toy -.n hall j7ithout expense to the Town so that they might decid whether or not they mould adopt this larger type of lamp. The following lies tprere granted: Hairdressing &- iiassage Wilma 1't. Brown Bridle Path Common Victuallers John J. ;ale 431 Mase. Avenue Sunday tales Rufus W. Blake 446 ilass. Avenue Albert i. Priest 459 idass. Avenue Anna A. Hannaford Lincoln Street Alcohol Standard Oil Co. of N.Y. 169 Mass. Avenue n V 5 n It " if Yc: nor Crescent, Bedford St. 58 Sly .u�;hter Amos Holman Gustave Bunzel Hilal. Avenue East Street Application for a connection to the sewer if extended up Highland ?venue to T"ashington Street, c.ras received from George Butters, 78 Highland Avenue. No action t -;as taken upon the appli- cation. Letter was received from the Supt. of Public 4orks in T,^rhich he enclosed two estimates for the connection of the se-:rer to the Bornstein single house on Hibbert Street. The cost of extending the sewer connecting z,ith the sewer of the double house wos esti- mated at -833.00. The cost of connecting the house .-rith the Mass. Avenue line ;Tas X1359.50. It was voted to leave this matter with 'Mr.' Robertson to take up with the Supt. of Public Vorks and decide. Application %ras received from the Massachusetts ','omen's Christian Temperance Union asking for permission to hol,'I a service at 2 o'clock Ilay 4, 1927 on the Lexington Green in memory of the minute lien, as they are called the Minute ??omen of the United States. Permission vias granted to the society to have their meeting at the stated time. It was decided to request the Iiddlesex & Boston St. Rviy. Co. to give information as to the number of foot passengers boarding busses at Grape Vine corner bound in the direction of L--xingt;n Centre fot the period of seven days. The name of George i!. Davis of Woodland Road i%ras suggested for the Board of Registrars of Voters. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 A true record, Attest: Clerk. 7