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I EGUL,'! PuEETliIG <PRIL12, 1927.
1, regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at the
Selectments Office at 7:30 P.T=, Itiessrs. Custance, Burnham, Ballard, ,
Robertson, and Ch.mberlain were present. The Supt. of Public iYorks
and the C-Lerk were also present.
The records were approved with slight corrections.
Yr. Don C ark and fir. Edwin Doig,' representatives of the U. S.
Veteranx Bureau at Washington, J. C., came before the Board together
.ith the Selectr_-ien of Bedford and other officials of the town of
Bedford and representative George E. Briggx of Arlington and Lexington
District and representative Robbins of Chelmsford, Representative of
Bedf'oru District, and Senatr Joseph PL. Cotton.
The subject to be discussed was whether or not a petition to the
Legislature mould be signed by the B'07'rd of Selectmen of Lexington to
assist the U. S. Veterans Bureau to obtain a permanent supply of water
from the Metropolitan District Commission.
Mr. Don Clerk, Superintendent of Construction of. the U. S.
Veterans Bureau, explained to the parties present that the Government
had advertised for proposals for weals, the same to beopenedon
April 26, 1927. He stated th_:t he was informed only yesterday that
there may be a possibility o -F securing the Metropolitan v,ater,and
for this reason the bids on the wells will not be opened until after
April 26, 1927. He stated that he sent a telegram to ?='ashington in-
forming them of the meeting tonight, and asking them whether installatio.
charges will be paid by the Government. He received a reply'to his
telegram that the 8 inch water main, with a water consumption of
100,000 gallons, should be laid and installed by Lexington authorities
and paid for by the Government. Mr. Clark stated that while it is
said that 100,000 gallons consumption per day it is nearer 40,000
to 45,000 gallons per day. He stated th^t the contracts for the
hospital and buildings amount to ~';'1,480,600. In substance the object
of the meeting was to give an opportunity to the Government represen-
tatives to explain what is desired by the Government so that prompt
action can be taken.
Judge Loomis of Bedford suggested that the ;tate has spent
con._,iderable money building a fine highl�,,ay both in Lexington and
Bedford -nd he cid not feel that this'should be torn up for the in-
stallation of`.the w ter pipes. He suggested, therefor, that pipes
be Inid along the line of the railroad tracks.
Senator Cotton explained th,:tlxompt action was necessary in
order to have anything done on this m -=iter, and fie felt that the
meeting of this evening was to get the approval of the oficials of
the towns of Bedford and Lexington. He welt that the extension o:
this water pipe could do no harm to either town and perhaps would
do some good, and that a permissive act would be the solution of the
Mr. Briggs explained that the metropolitan District'Commission
were willing to supply water to the Veterans Hospital iian arrange-
ment of this sort could be made. Mr. Briggs gave an outline of what
had occurred since the matter was brought to him on the evening before
at 5 o'clock. He explained that Senator Pond,who, is chairman of the
Committee on public ,-rater supply, handed him a blank petition and
aked him to have it signed. He also handed him a copy of the proposed
bill ahich might be presented to the Legislature. Thi- proposed bill
was read to the meeting.
The question as to i,hethUr if 1� rgor mein v;€:s necess -ry to
extend the system into Bedford, the Government vou_d install 1-rger
pipe. i.sr. Clark stated that he had no authority to say other than
that the Government iprould stand the .=oen: e of the 8 inch main.
h1r. G',hite of Bedfor.i talked on the proposition as did also
:r. Kelly member of the board of Selectmen. Er. Kelly felt that if
the Town or Lexington Dere to sell crater to the Veterans Hospital
he dial not see why the Town of Bedford could nott do so. Mr. Briggs
e:_plained to him that this cool( not be done, inasmuch as Bedford
is not in the petro-olitan District. TMr. Briggs explained that he
had t=alked 7!ith kAr. Greenough of the State Dep Irtment of health and
he informed him that in all probability the state bo ra -Tould approve
the e:ctension of the water main to Bedford.
Judge Loomis felt that the Government had not given the Town of
Bedford anything as yet, and he felt they could be rather sceptical as
to uhat :night be done. Therefor, he E,'vised restrictin. action.
Senator Cotton felt thz.t the act could be so written that an
agreement could be terminated if all four pe.rties, the Government,
the Metropolitan 1%,ater Commission, the Tos�n of Bedford, and the Town
of Lexington were agreeable. Other remarks wore made by Representative
Robbins, Yr. Carson of Bedford and Mr. Sensabaugh, Chairman of the
Board. of Selectmen of Bedford. 1_t o,!nS finally agreed upon that it was
agreeable to both boards to sign a petition which would be signed by
the Board of Selectmen of Lexington -_king for water supply. The'
petition signed by the Board of Selectmen reads as. follows*
To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the
Commonwealth of Pdassachus^t .s in General Court assembled.
Whereas the United States Veteran Bureau is desirous of
obtaining a nermanent supply of ,l.ter from the %Ietropolitan District
Commission, the undersigned, citizens of Lexington respectfully
request Legislation authorizing the Town of Lexington to supply
water to the United States Veterans Bureau Hospital in the To.;n of
In regard to the organization it wa- decided to have Mr. Cham-
beilain in charge of the affiliations .-,ith the Planning Board.
The Board voted to appoint John T. Cosgrove Acting Town Engineer.
The Board voted to appoint the foiio,,inF Assistant Assessors:
Frederick J. Spencer, John 1doloy, 1.nd Gilford `oodard, and to allow
the pay of k4.EIO a day for P5 days to John Moloy and kilford "oodward.
In regard to the application of Lloyd H. Chase it was decided
to request the applicant to file a Plan of the ropoSed location
so that we could have our engineer mc-.rk the business district on the
In regard to the policy of increasing the pay of the members of
the Police Dep,l-rtLient, -.:ouli state that the Board voted as follows:
First si-N months of service „:4.75 ner day
Second 5.00 LL " 71
Second year 5,25
Third year and after " 5.50 " f''
n thi s connec .ion the. L)r ara v. tec to -rant h . _"ol---
James Lima frog? $5.00 per day to $5.25 per day from April 1, 1927.
orest Knapp t' 5.00 tr tt tr 5.2.5 r, n rt tr
Edixrard Lennon 4.75 r' tr ,r 5.00 rr
The Board also voted to grant the follos°;ing increases:
Vila.ter Dept., C'_erk, Eleanor Loge $16.00 per week from Jan. 11, 1927.
to Burch 31, 1927. $18.00 per week after.
Acting Town Engineer, John T. Cosgrove $2400. from Jan. 1, 1927 to
March :31, 1927. x;2600. per year from April 1, 1927.
Supt. Water & Server Depts, Albert A. Ross $2400. to '3x2600. per year
from April 11 1927.
Chief of Police, James J. Wullivan V;�400. per year to jp2600. per
'Year from april 1. 1y27.
Town Hall Janitor, Charles E. Moloy $125 i)er month to 5135 per month
from April 1, 1927.
Park Supt., John J. Garrity $1300. per year to $1400. per year from
April i, 1927.
Clerk, Selectmen, Alice B. Ferguson ;;,16.00 per week to ",18. 00 per
week from April 1, 1927.
AssIt. Assessor, Frederick J. S-encer, $2140 per year to $2300. per
year from April 13 1927. $200. for use of car.
Clerk, Assessors, Helen E. Ready $20.00 per week to 02�.00 per week
from April 1, 1927.
In regard to is-uin: securities of the Fater and Sewer Department
it was voted to issue=„s �, `0. for nine years and 1 14, 000. for fourteen
years for the Se:<er Dcrartment.
In regard to the arplication of Charle,- Van Buskirk of Arlington
for installation of a water main in Has -ell Street would state that
this matter was left to Mr. Robertson and Mr. Chamberlain to decide.
It wc-s voted to lift the quarantine on dogs as of April 12, 1927
same being the expiration date of the ninety day �;uarantine.
The Hoard signed the State Aid pay roll for the month of April
to the amount of $30.00
it was decided to hold a meeting on Friday evening, April 15, 1927
of the new to -,+n ofi:ice building committee. Itv ,l,a� also decided to
meet tomorrows morning at 8 A. M. to views the City Hall of V'altham -=nd .
the Town Hall of Arlington to get ideas rel.:tive to the Towyn Office
The following licenses were granted and signed by the Board:
Alcohol License.
Herbert M. Lawrence
Country Side, Inc.
G. ``.'. Cl_::fli n
Arthur ':Filson
Calvin 'i'. Childs
Common Victuallers License.
Mary A. Rowland Lloyd H. Chase
Louis Steinert Country Side, Inc.
Hattie E. A. Peckham Breck-Robinson Nursery Co.
Arthur L. Smith '.dillia.m A. Granfield
Innh,lders License
John E. Coyle
Hairdressing License
Mary PA. Heath
Sunday Sales License.
G. '` . Cl^flin
'.rrilliam Viano
James J. Corbett
Charles H. hiller
Arthur Rollins
Theatre License.
Pool Room License.
Undert0kers License.
James F. McCarthy Arthur A. Marshall
Liquor License.
Ernest C. M>-rtin
In regard to the construction of sewer in Mass. .Avenue from
Middle Street to the end cI Curve Street north, .-'.nd front Curve
Street south to the East Lexington Station, the Board voted to
construct the same and passed the follrnoving order:
(PLassachusetts Avenue to East Lexington Station).
WHEREAS, by Chapter 504 of the Acts of the year 1817, entitled
"An Act to authorize the To,:n of Lexington to construct a system of
sewerage," the same being hereinafter referred to as "said Act,"
said Tovm was. authcrized, =ong other thin_:;s, to lar out, construct,
maintain and operate a system o.' seizJerage, .with the Dowers and author-
ity set forth in aid .Let, includinlo,.full power to take
or otherwise any 1-nzs, rights of bray and easements in
necessary for the establishment therein of a system of
sewage disposal or for any of.the purposes mentioned in
said Act; and
17116 REAS said Town of Lexington duly accepted said Act in the
manner provided therein; and
WHEREAS the system hereinafter referred to as about to be con-
structed, and glans sh)o ing in detail the work to be done in construct-
ing the same, have been duly approved by the State Board of Health;
17i-`HERE,LS, by Chapter 277 of the Acts of the ve.�r 1909, which was
duly accepted by a majority of the voters of said town in the manner
provided in Section 5 thereof', the then Board'of Vater Commissioners
of said Town and the board of Server Commissioners elected under the
provisions of said Act (Chapter 504 of 1£397) were consolidated in one
board to be called the Board of Water and Sever Commissioners, with
the provision that all the powers and duties of said Board of Sewer
Commissioners should thereafter devolve u-aon said Board of 'r?rater and
Server Commissioners; and
WHEREAS,, by Chapter 1.of the Acts of the year 1922, which was
duly accepted by a majority of the voters of said tovTn in the manner
rrovided in Section 5 thereof, the powers and Duties of the Water and '
Sewer Commissioners ,,,,ere assigned to the Board of SAlectmen as a
Board of Public 11,'orks; and
4°HE'REAS, Theodore A. Custance, Albert H. Burnham, William H:
Ballard, James G. Robertson, nd Francis Chamber lain, citizens and
residents of said Town, have been duly qualified and are now the
duly elected, qualified and acting Board of Selectmen pursuant to
lav, and.the provisions of the Acts hereinbefore f:eferred to, and
WHEREAS said Town, by vote passed at a toren meeting held on the
fourteenth day of March, 1927, authorized and requested said Board
of 11:rater and Server Commissioners (hereinafter referred to simply. as
"the Boardfy) to proceed under the provisions of said Act as amended
by Chapter 322 of the Acts of the year 1913 and the acts referred to
in the first section thereof, to lay out, construct, maintain and
overate a sewerage system; and said Board has, con-formably to lay and
pursuant to said vote, laid out such system and is about to construct
the same; and
VIHEREAS the system, as so laid out, required the construction of
a<se„er in the location hereinafter described, the same to'be main-
tained and used as part o1 a system of sewage disposal for a part of
said Town; and
1`!HEREPS the loc .tion adopted for said sevrer is shown approxi- '
mately in the following described line, herein^fter called the "line
of location," viz:
Beginning at a point in the northerly exterior line of Massachu-
setts Avenue distant one hundred fifty-nine and. eighty-eight one-
by purchase
said Town
sewerage or
Section 1 of
17116 REAS said Town of Lexington duly accepted said Act in the
manner provided therein; and
WHEREAS the system hereinafter referred to as about to be con-
structed, and glans sh)o ing in detail the work to be done in construct-
ing the same, have been duly approved by the State Board of Health;
17i-`HERE,LS, by Chapter 277 of the Acts of the ve.�r 1909, which was
duly accepted by a majority of the voters of said town in the manner
provided in Section 5 thereof', the then Board'of Vater Commissioners
of said Town and the board of Server Commissioners elected under the
provisions of said Act (Chapter 504 of 1£397) were consolidated in one
board to be called the Board of Water and Sever Commissioners, with
the provision that all the powers and duties of said Board of Sewer
Commissioners should thereafter devolve u-aon said Board of 'r?rater and
Server Commissioners; and
WHEREAS,, by Chapter 1.of the Acts of the year 1922, which was
duly accepted by a majority of the voters of said tovTn in the manner
rrovided in Section 5 thereof, the powers and Duties of the Water and '
Sewer Commissioners ,,,,ere assigned to the Board of SAlectmen as a
Board of Public 11,'orks; and
4°HE'REAS, Theodore A. Custance, Albert H. Burnham, William H:
Ballard, James G. Robertson, nd Francis Chamber lain, citizens and
residents of said Town, have been duly qualified and are now the
duly elected, qualified and acting Board of Selectmen pursuant to
lav, and.the provisions of the Acts hereinbefore f:eferred to, and
WHEREAS said Town, by vote passed at a toren meeting held on the
fourteenth day of March, 1927, authorized and requested said Board
of 11:rater and Server Commissioners (hereinafter referred to simply. as
"the Boardfy) to proceed under the provisions of said Act as amended
by Chapter 322 of the Acts of the year 1913 and the acts referred to
in the first section thereof, to lay out, construct, maintain and
overate a sewerage system; and said Board has, con-formably to lay and
pursuant to said vote, laid out such system and is about to construct
the same; and
VIHEREAS the system, as so laid out, required the construction of
a<se„er in the location hereinafter described, the same to'be main-
tained and used as part o1 a system of sewage disposal for a part of
said Town; and
1`!HEREPS the loc .tion adopted for said sevrer is shown approxi- '
mately in the following described line, herein^fter called the "line
of location," viz:
Beginning at a point in the northerly exterior line of Massachu-
setts Avenue distant one hundred fifty-nine and. eighty-eight one-
hundredths (150.88) feet easterly of a point s.t the easterly end of
a curve ,kith radius of four hundred f-_fty-five and thirty-three one -
hundredths (455.33) feet and running North F_'.0 .311 12" East distant
one hundred ninety-one and t,o --ne-hundredths feet to m^nhole
number thirty-five (35) in the m. -:.in Brun, se'�er, said course plsssing
through 1.,nd now cr formerly of Boston ,cc Lo'.;e11 Eailro2d Corn^nation.
For futther description of the line of` loc,atlion see 'plan by Acting
To,;n Engineer dated April 7, 1027, hereinafter mentioned and referred
And -,vhereas the eight of ray and easement hereinafterdescribed
and taken are necessary for the estabi3shment of said system of
sewerage :2nd sewage dispoaal and for the purpose of providing better
drainage as _authorized by said Act;
Now then, said Board, acting for and in behalf of said Town,
hereby takes under the authority of said Act (Chapter 504 of the Acts
of 1897) the following right of rav Gnu easement, v_z:
A right of way and casement, in and through the land through
which the line of location runs from 1dassachusetts Avenue to the end
of said location, for a seri*er, inc i_udin�-,, m.�riholes and appurtenances,
aa.id sewer to be 1_id and m_-7.int«ined in the ground in substantial
accordance with said line of location. The eaa ement covered by this
taking includes the right on the part of the Selectmen of said Town,
or other duly authorized agents of the gown, to enter upon, dig up,
open and use the land embraced r-ithin said way or may be reasonably
necessary for the purpo^e of laying the sewer, manholes and appur-
tenances initially and maintaining, operating, inspecting and re-
pairing the same from time to time thereafter; s&id Town being
always bound to see that the ground directly after the completion
of the work in each case is cleared of all surplus material, and
surface left in as smooth and good condition as at the time of
Betterments will be assessed for this improvement in accordance
with the provisions of Chapter r',121 of the Acts of 1026.
A plan made by John T. Cosgrove, Acting Town Engineer, dated
March 1927, and entitled "Plan and Profile of Proposed Sewer in
Rassachusetts Avenue, Lexington." Scale 1 inch 40 feet, vert. 1 inch
4 feetis hereby referred to and made a part of the present description
of taking, which plan is to be recorded herewith in the Registry of
Deeds for the Southern District of the County of Middlesex.
The area ;which it is expected ',rill receive benefit or advantage
other than the general C-dvantage to the community, from such
improvement is described as follows:
The same being l;_nds of Boston & Lowell railroad Corporation
and shown on a plan sho•sing Server _Right of `;!ay, dated March 1927,
above referred to.
The said area comprises the several lots Shown upon the plan
hereinbefore referred to, which are designated in the schedule
hereto annexed and made a part hereof.
W14 estimate the betterments that will be assessed upon
each p_rcel of land to be as shown in the schedule which is hereto
annexed and made a part hereof.
We determine thet no damages have been sutained and none are ,
To Have Gnd to Hold Isaid right of way and easement to the Town
of Lexington, its successors and assigns, to its and their o= use
and behoof forever, agreeably to the provisions of said Chapter 504
of the Acts of the year 1897, and any and all pertinent acts in
amendment thereof or supplementcl thereto.
IPJ V!ITNESr !'`HEREOF the said Theodore A. Custance, Albert H.
Burnham, James G. Robertson, William H. Ballard, and Francis Cham-
berlain, a majority of the Board of Selectmen aforesaid, have here-
unto subscribed their names this twelfth day of April, A. D. 1927.
_.+TamPs _P.nb.er_tzLX)__
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Middlesex, ss.
Selectmen of
the Toixni
Lexington, Mass.
April 12, 1927.
Then personally appeared the above named, Th-odore A. Custance,
Albert H. Burnham, James G. Robertson, William H. Ballard, and Francis
Chamberlain, and severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument
and statement by them subscribed to be their free act and deed and the
free act and deed of the Board of Water Cnd Sewer Commissioners of the
Town of Lexington; before me,
William S. Seaan
Justice of the Peace.
Schedule of Estimated Betterments
Referred to in the -foregoing order.
Massachusetts Avenue.
Number Ozrner as of April 1, 1927 Assessment. '
107 Harry L. Coolidge Lot B. $58.42
Lot C. -101.8'
Boston & Lowell Railroad Corporation 158.98.
Commonwealth of uassa.chusetts
' Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington.
VHEREAS the Town. of Lexington at a town meeting duly called
and held on March 14, 1927 duly adopted under article 2t3 of the
Warrant the following vote:
Voted that the sum of X4,000. be appropriated and
assessed for the construction of a sewer in Massachu-
setts Avenue from Middle Street to the end of Curve
Street north, and from Curve Street south to the East
Lexington Station.
Voted that the sum of $9,000. be appropriated for the
construction of a sewer in Massachusetts Avenue from
Middle Street to the end of Curve Street north, and from
Curve Street soi& to the East Lexington Station, and
that for the purpose of raising the money so appropriated
the Town Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell, under
the direction and with the approval of the Selectmen, bonds
or notes of the town bearing interest at a. rate not to
exceed 5% per an um, issued and payable in accordance with
the Town of Lexington Serer Loan Act of 1915, and
Voted that the sum of $14,000. be appropriated for the con-
struction of a sewer in Massachusetts. Avenue from diddle
Street to the end of Curve Street north, and from Curve
Street south to the East Lexington Station, and that for
the purpose of raising the money so appropriated the Town
Treasurer be and hereby is authorized to sell, under the
direction and with the approval of the Selectraen, bonds
or notes of the to;,rn be€ring interest at a rate not to ex-
ceed 5% per annum, issued and payable in accordance withlaw.
And further voted that any unexpended balance after con-
struction of the seiner in Massachusetts Avenue be applied
to other sewer construction.
VOTED by the Selectmen, acting as a Board of Suter and Sewer
Commissioners under the authority conferred by Statute 1897, Ch. 504
and acts in mendment thereof and in addition thereto, and of votes
of the Town of Lexington pursuant thereto, that a se,,:,er be con-
structed in Liassachusetts Avenue from Middle Street to the end of
Curve Str^et north, and from Curve Street south to the East Lex-
ington btation substantially in accordance with a plan made by
John T. Cosgrove, Acting TosFn Engineer, dated March 1927 and en-
titled, 'Plan and Profile of Proposed Sewer in I,iassachusetts Avenue,
Lexington, Scaie 1 inch - 40 feel. Vert. 1 inch - r feet. John T.
Cosgrove, Acting Town Engineer.1
Betterments will be assessed for this improvement in accordance
with the provisic;ns of Chapter of the Acts of 1928.
The area which it is expected will receive benefit or advantage
other than the general .dvanta:ge to the community from such improve-
X54 bb"
ment is described as follows:
That portion of those properties on each side of
Massachusetts Avenue extending from -the cast Lexington '
Station to Curve Street southerly, and from Independence
Avenue to :fiddle Street for a depth of not exceeding 125
The said area comprises the several lots shown upon the
plan hereinbefore referred to which are design,Ited in the schedule
hereto annexed and made a part hereof.
We estimate the betterments that will be assessed upon each
parcel of land to be as shown in the schedule which.is hereto
annexed and made a part hereof.
4'uitness our hands at Lexington aforesaid this lf2th day of
April, 1j7.
Theodore A. Custance
Albert H. Burnham
of the
William H. Ballard
Town of
James G. Robertson
Francis Chamberlain
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
M4ddlesex, ss. Lexington, Mass.
April 12, 1927.
Then personally appeared the above named, Theodore A. Custance,
Albert n. Burnham, '.'illiam H. Ballard, James G. Robertson, and
Francis Chamberlain, and severally acknowledged the foregoing
instrument and statement by them subscribed to be their free act
and deed and the free act and deed of the Board of Water and Sewer
'Commissioners of the Totem of Lexington: before me,
William S. Scamman.
Justice of the Peace.
A true copy of the records, A$test:
John H. Kane
Town Clerk.
Schedule of Estimated Betterments
Referred to in the Foregoing Order.
Massachusetts Avenue.
Harry L. Coolidge
115 & 117
Owner as oiApril 1, 19 '7
Harry L. Coolidge
..Tiles L.F. L:: Fredericka K. Jones
11 n
V,'alter S. Beatty
Theresa B. Cummings
Owner as oiApril 1, 19 '7
Harry L. Coolidge
Tot A.
Del phina E. Cooke
..Tiles L.F. L:: Fredericka K. Jones
" 58
11 n
n 59
V,'alter S. Beatty
" 56
Theresa B. Cummings
Mabelle S. Peavey
Donald Shea,
Frank R. Hadley
Charlotte E. Hadley
Donald Shea
George D. L-;xner-ieg. Land Cert.
No. 18499
Gertrude E. ;tiitchell, Et Y1
Helen J. Perkins
Mildred Davin -Reg. Land Cert. Ito.
Carlotta H. Brander
Della V. Curran-r,eg. Land. Cert.
io. 21146
Katherine J:.cobs
James Alexander Wiison (At SiCklE
Henry P. & Eleanor VvI Clark
Ellen H. DeGrinney
Charles R. Joy
James Alexander ?Tiison (Bet. :,136
& #146)
Ellen A. Stone, Tr.
James Alexander Viilson-Reg. Land
Cert. No. 5481
Joseph B. LoTi:ell
Edgar Ve. Harrod
ToT,Tn of 1jexington (Library & New A
ams School)
Leona Truesdell
Frank D. Peirce
Foden Church
Town of Lexington (Old Adams Scho
Mary E. Barnes
Lary E. Barnes
Lyman C."& Christine A. Stewart
Standard Oil Company of`rdev; York
Michael Interante
John Chishoim
EdT:rard ; . Baker
Charles H. Lore
John M. & Bridget M. Cotter-Reg.L
Esther B. Lee
Aleah E. Canessa
Gertrude Tierce, Et Al
Concetta Tedesco
Mary McAvin
Arthur D. Gossom•
Margaret M. Kempton
Anna L. 01Hearn
George Sweetland
Johanna Kennedy
William N. Robbins & James R. Smi
Edward F. Buttrick
1r 9.93
102 . 27
CharlM r Spaulding 224.77
2�4 Tovm of Lexington 106.28
226 zf38 f4eison u'. Jenny 18 .93
2;-,7 Joso h Trani `%51.32
��.9 Frena D. Peirce
230 Louis J. & Clara Reynolds 99.25
231 Roland E;-. & Edna Baldrey 87.65
232 Iinnie A. Tillson 141.09
234 Daniel R. & Jane P. Knight 210.82
235 James & Martha Holt 78.95
238 Ethel I. Glidden 329.31
240 Louise Edgar 99.70
241 James L. & Flora ll. Doyle -Reg. Land Cert. #16199 143.88
242: James Truran 107,51
Mabel A. Rothschils-P,eg. Land Cert. No. 19630 176.79
45 Lydia. E. Vvheaton 2J0.79
248 Otis H. Perry P74.97
249 Ed7,,vard G. & Vira G. Wheaton 96.24
Ieeting adjourned at 11:50 P. -M.
A true record, Attest: nn